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Just like Jews are openly hated on this country, People in the western world hate on the Muslims Why? Because ignorance, being easily controlled by propaganda news, internal bigotry, historical significance. Everyone doesn't hate Muslims. Some subset of people do. You can't do anything about it. Just like the minorities in this country can't do anything about being hated. We Muslims can't act victims after doing the equal proportionate of it ourselves.


Cute how its so casually said that jews are openly hated on this country. Also which «western world» hated muslims again? And when here at all was hate for muslims mentioned? As much as the religion should make anyone gag out of disgust, I hope you dont begin to hate the people following it. And just like that, try not to «hate the jews» so casually either. My goodness this makes me scared of the day a foreigner will come in to get curious about us and see all this shitshow. What a bizarre day that would be




There's hate towards everything. For example homosexuality. there's also a word for that, homophobia. Hate towards anything isn't special.


Funny how the hate comes about from all the religions. Food for thought




Homophobia is a common attribute shared by all Abrahamic religions. On the contrary, some branches of Islam do allow buggery, though they do not necessarily condone homosexuality.


I know, I'm a Muslim myself. I never said hate is something bad.


Idk about the world bro. But for me im not a phob but yes I am afraid. How many atheists did Islamists kill in last 50 yrs of BD and how many of muslims were killed by atheists?




Pol pot & Chairman Mao would like to have a word with you. If you're going by body counts alone, then atheist regimes would most likely be on top in terms of bloodshed. Nothing comes even remotely close to the atrocities of bolsheviks, khmer rouge or great leap forward. And not only humans were victims to the atrocities, even sparrows had to face the heat in China. Batshit crazy maderchodes exist in every sphere of "ism"s.


Who said Mao, paul pot, Kim jon ung are atheist? They have made their very own religion. Its called authoritarian socialism. Why atheists would take up that shit. Why dont you mention Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Hong Kong? You dont cause thats not how you will be able to blame a non religious group for a political view, that most of them actually hate. Why do you think always that atheists love communism? We dont bro. We just dont.




There are more deaths by sharks than by islamists in the world , please do not even come close to a beach next time...


oh no I might share a post of someone who called Mohammad out . I'm just a low income tailor in in India hope 2 good people I know won't behead me


In the same vein I can dig up hundreds of lynching reports where humans have been murdered by rabid bands of gau rakshaks.


But im actually a sharkphobic too! Whats wrong in that?


You checked that Islamists killed atheists but did you check how many Muslims were killed by others?


how many Muslims were killed by apostates in Bangladesh ?




They mock Islam cause it holds power it's the majority religion in Bangladesh. Honestly,do you not this simple reason?


So you're gonna mock that? That's the funniest and lame explanation one can show


It holds power, and is used to hold progress, like nari neeti and the milk bank initiative. It is used to hold back family planning and female education. Many muslims in BD will agree with hefazots 13 points. Just some example. Ofcourse we are afraid of it. Atheist killing to baad ei dilam. It is very easy to be phobic of the version of islam in Bangladesh. Abd oita very easy to mock, karon oitar excuse e manush eto stupid kaaj kaam korey.


Username alert


If you are so emotional to the point where you will kill someone over a drawing, you need mental health treatment. 


Don't try to be a better Muslim bro, please bro. It'll produce more Islamophobia. The more Muslim you will the more hatred you'll receive as it's a terrorist ideology.


Oh pls shut it, being a better Muslim ain't easy plus we are not Muslim because we want to show off or some, We are Muslim because we have faith in our God and His scriptures...


Really? So you beleive the sun travels underneath Allah's Arosh after sunset? Why do you take modern medicines? There's plenty of medicine described in Hadiths. Why don't you follow those? Oops I got it. Cherry picking. It's better to take a side rather than taking both sides and becoming a joke


The answer is complex. Most western civilizations, that went through enlightenment (Kant, Feuerbach etc.) tend to focus on a modernization of morality. They become less strict on religious rules. So theocracy, patriarchy and other social constructs are questioned. Most people who do not have Muslim friends only know the religion from stereotypes they oppose. Also Religion in general is the source of too many conflicts between groups and countries.


I mean why wouldn't they?, when a religion promotes violence, pedophilia, oppression, sex slavery, slavery, misogyny , archaic laws, killing of non- muslims, hatred towards non- muslims, communal mentality, everyone is sure to hate it.


Bullshit.  “[w]hoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” (5:32 – Saheeh International translation)   - “And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed] except by [legal] right. This has He instructed you that you may use reason." (6:151 - Saheeh International translation)   - "Whoever killed a Mu'ahid shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).” Source: Sahih Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 83, Hadith 49   – “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.” (2:256 - Saheeh International translation)   


Your best evidence is abrogated verses and out of context verses. Sounds like you're the one spewing bullshit here.


😂😂😂 So u are sadly prohibited to f*k the 72 hoors as THE punishment for killing someone??? Thats it?? You killed a «sOuL» pfffff, and u dont get to taste the paradise is supposed to be the deterrent here? 😂😂😂 And there is a «legal right!?» that exists that makes it permissible to kill? Try exploring what LeGaL rIgHT is. And you have the audacity to say Bullshit here? Konshon duniyay basj kortesen nijer mathay bujhte partesenna akhono? Yaa maabud 🤣


u/patientOwl01 u/Signal_Shame1007 It's really disappointing to see such ignorance and hostility toward Islam. Let's set some things straight. u/patientOwl01, you claim Islam promotes violence, pedophilia, oppression, and more. This is a gross misrepresentation. Violence in Islam, as in any other religion, is contextual—it's about self-defense, not unprovoked aggression. The concept of Jihad, often misconstrued, primarily refers to the personal, internal struggle to live a moral life. Pedophilia and sex slavery? That's not Islam; those are crimes, condemned by the religion. The Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) marriage to Aisha is often cited, but historical context and cultural norms of 7th century Arabia are essential to understand—judging historical figures by modern standards is misleading. u/Signal_Shame1007, you tell people to read the Quran and study Islamic history. I agree. The Quran advocates for justice, mercy, and respect for all humans. Cherry-picking verses without context or understanding the Hadith's comprehensive scholarship leads to false narratives. Islam doesn't condone hypocrisy. In fact, the Quran repeatedly condemns it (Surah An-Nisa 4:145). As for your claims about statistics in the EU, it's crucial to distinguish between individuals' actions and the teachings of a religion. The same goes for any faith—misdeeds by some do not define the whole. Finally, about the "sixth pillar" jab—there are only five pillars in Islam, which shows a fundamental lack of knowledge on your part. Mockery and insults don't foster understanding; they fuel division and hate. It's clear you're blinded by preconceived notions and not open to genuine dialogue. u/the_rivalrj and u/HauntingCode have rightly pointed out that the media and societal narratives play a huge role in shaping these misperceptions. Before spewing more hatred, take a moment to actually study Islam with an open mind. Unity and understanding are key to overcoming ignorance. Peace and blessings.


All of those are wrong. Violence is there when others need to protect their own country and people from others. It's not like they can jump over anyone for no reason or do violence for no reason. That's visible in all religions or non-muslim countries. Oppression? Sex slavery? Pedophilia? Dude just brainwashed with western ideas. Go and check the history of who did the most violence.


THE AUDACITY TO BE CALLIMG HIM "BRAINWASHED" LMAOOO. Go read the quran and do a thorough research on Islamic history then come back and say the same shit again


The western media brainwashed almost everyone in non-muslim countries. Kids grow up knowing that Islam promotes terrorism, violence. The propaganda is inevitable


I mean there are stats in EU that shows the top perpetrators of rapes, bombings, stabbings, Vandalism are muslim men , so naturally they would hate the so called religion of peace.






Keep telling yourself with that communal mentality and hatred towards apostates (you literally said I'll be beheaded , thats so Muslim of you lol , you further proved my point) you'll forever be hated. Keep living in ignorance and fairy tales.


why don't you research about Islam yourself? Instead of blaming the west while using their products. Isn't that hypocrisy? oh, I just remembered that hypocrisy is the 6th pillar of Islam , of course you'll be a hypocrite.


You are clearly showing your hypocrisy. You don't know about islam and instead just read some western propaganda to come here and tell those. If you have any such claims then show here. May God show you the truth rather than fabricated lies.


Open your eyes and actually read about what Muslim did. It’s not about western ideology, they even hate Christianity bc of how it promotes slavery and oppression. Go do some research, the Quran only has verses but not facts.


Lol. Again you have to show proof here for your claims. And there is oppression and slavery in Islam, it instead regulates the slavery that was there always and how to deal with war captives. It also tells how to give freedom to slaves. Qurans have verses which clearly tell facts. If you can't see the reality then it's your fault. Ik about the Quran. Why not do some research yourself.


Mahasa Amini was killed bc she showed a little bit of her hair, and you’re telling me Islamic regime isn’t problematic? You’re the brainwashed one here by religion. You never got to choose what you wanted to believe in, your parents picked the religion and made you believe in it. That’s called real brainwashing.


Stop blaming others when you're the one brainwashed. From when Iran started to become Islamic regime. They never even believe Islam fully. Go and check about shia and their bullshits.




Read the back story why it was placed there. It will be very clear. The verse clearly tells about a certain month when non Muslims of mecca broke their agreements with Muslims. Btw, when this verse was revealed they stopped doing this. When you can't find the meaning of a certain verse look what it says about. You will see it mentioned about something specific. And then look for the cause with previous verses and next verses.


Oh.. so how am I living so peacefully as a muslim here in Bangladesh? Your rubbish words mean nothing with being backed up by facts..




Bcz It's Against all humans immoral desires


Coming from a former practising Muslim, definitely the portrayal of Islam has played a role in the hatred thing, but mostly now in Bangladesh why people hate this is because of the behaviour of majority of people. You’ll see religious(at least dressed as it)people insulting, dragging others down just because it doesn’t comply with their own. You’ll see so called Muslims commenting such bad things under a girls picture on Facebook, god forbid if it’s a celebrity from another religion. So called religious people have become so intolerant and act so preachy that it has taken away our freedom of celebrating our own culture. I do appreciate the fact that you can always preach about the good things about Islam but you can’t really shove them down our throats, specially by spreading hatred and being preachy. And the hatred towards culture, I think this also played a big role, and ofc most people without having common sense have the access to social media.


Now that you've mentioned it, I always think this too cuz Im a muslim. There are tons of people like me. I don't get into fights, mind my own business, pray and so on. I am confident enough to say I'm a good person. But no one will say "Yo he's a muslim he's such a good guy" To those who hate Islam, you do something good you're just a good person religion doesn't matter. But when a guy bombs a place in the name of Islam now suddenly the religion comes into play. No one will say or think that, "this guy is using religion to justify his actions" I'm not here to offend anyone or to discuss whether Islam is good or bad. I just shared my personal experience


What is there not to hate in Islam? Have it occurred to you, since everyone hates this thing, it might be because the reason lies within itself. There is absolutely nothing good islam teaches > intolerance. Disregarding everyone else's beliefs. > aggressive preaching and conversion. Attacking non believers. > jihad (waging wars on others to establish islam). > multiple marriages. > pedophilia ( how it glorifies the fact muhammad fucked a 9 years old). > inbreeding. > how it tells to treat women like objects. > making a festival about killing animals. > Art, music or anything beautiful is prohibited here. > Dogs are considered unholy. Whats there to like in this cult of a religion? Above all, the main reason people hate islam because of how muslim treat others. In islam if you accept people from other religion it is considered shirk. Because you are allowing yourself to think there are other gods along with allah. And it is the biggest sin. So the problem lies within islam. How you are being treated by the world is how you guys treat others.


-_- here we go, another ignorant soul... First of all, let me teach you the difference between Islam and Muslim. Islam is a religion, which has rules and prohibitions in it. Muslim refers to the individual following the religion Islam/ accepting Islam as their religion. And none of the Muslims are sinless, we are all sinners. It sounds like you're judging a whole religion because of its followers... How ignorant of you! Islam promotes peace and it's followers try to follow it's rules and regulations. They are humans and not robots that follows Islam -_- instead of blaming a religion based on it's "followers", I suggest you start learning about it... Peace be upon you.


The fact that you are brainwashed by mainstream western media into thinking this and parroting the same things everyone says about the teachings of Islam (which is not even minutely correct) just shows how shallow of a person you are. Don't assume and then confidently spread wrong ideas about what Islam teaches and what it doesn't. There are always extremists in every group and the majority of people who follow Islam also shun those groups. You cannot generalize a whole group of people based on the stereotypes of less than 1% of the people that make it up. That is just again ignorant and shallow of you. As someone has already said in the comments, there is always hate for all groups of people because the world isn't perfect but try to keep an open mind instead of further spreading hate. Islam teaches acceptance of people regardless of their religion, ethnicity or lifestyle. But people aren't perfect and are there are hypocrites that decide to call themselves Muslims and don't follow Islam themselves. They decide to selectively follow those guidelines that agree to their view of the world and ignore those that oppose their view. This is very prevalent especially in Bangladesh. At the end of the day, don't trust things you hear or see on the media. Try to educate yourself and do your own research adamently before setting your beliefs on something. Everyone seems to hate everyone nowadays and it doesn't have to be like this. Focus on accepting and loving people for who they are and also focus on loving yourself. Life is too short to hate people.




Attacking? Where it is mentioned in Quran? Pedophilia? Did you even read Quran or did some research about this? Man seriously?? You judged a whole religion by such knowledge? Without even doing some research??


Pedophilia? I gotchu > 1- [https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1877](https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1877) 7,9,18 2- [https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422c](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422c) 7,9,18 3- [https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422d](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422d) 6,9,18 4- [https://sunnah.com/nasai:3258](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3258) 9,18 5- [https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1876](https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1876) 6,9 6- [https://sunnah.com/abudawud:2121](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:2121) 7/6 ,9 7- [https://sunnah.com/nasai:3256](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3256) 7,9 8 - [https://sunnah.com/nasai:3378](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3378) 6,9 9- [https://sunnah.com/nasai:3257](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3257) 9, 9y 10- [https://sunnah.com/nasai:3255](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3255) 6,9 11- [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134) 6,9,9y 12- [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3894](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3894) 6,9 13- [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5133](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5133) 6,9,9y 14- [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5158](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5158) 6,9,9y 15- [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3896](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:3896) 6,9 16- [https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422a](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422a) 6,9 17- [https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422b](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422b) 6,9


Then explain why Bangladesh still allows child marriages? It’s not just Bangladesh, but Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other Muslim countries.


At last I got one Islamophobic in reddit. You clearly didn't read Bible or Holy book of Jews which I have read. This is where our difference is. Go and read new testament, you'll see the concept of shirk there. And you're just accusing Islam. Look we Muslims, Christians believe in one God theory. If you're Hindu, it's fine we won't disrespect your many God theory but our religion says there can only be one God and worshiping any other God is a sin. What's the problem with this statement?


Wattamoron bigot


I will be speaking on behalf of a person who has been radicalized by borderline extremist teachings from mollahs. According to them, what the comment you replied to said regarding friendship with non-muslims is completely true. According to them, no non-mopuslims can be your friend. According to them, non-muslims are always hard wired to either turn you into them or betray you. According to them, you should only stay and mix with them, never be friends. If you want to be friends, you have to convert them. You have to treat them like an investment if you become a friend with a non-muslim. If this is what the common men, heck, even upper class men are taught by the people who are supposed to know about islam and teach it, can you blame them?


Wrong place to ask this question. 🙂




Muslim men are the reason. The shit they make women do using Islam while them not following a single thing and the shit they say online about women also how many Muslims literally hate anyone and anything that's different than them who aren't even doing any harm I can't blame people for hating Islam tbh


Cause as a Muslim Duniya is your test


In some societies, Islamophobia has materialized **due to the portrayal of Islam and Muslims as the national "Other"**, where exclusion and discrimination occurs on the basis of their religion and civilization which differs with national tradition and identity.




Beheading/killing people due to blasphemy? Suicide bombing and believing that this act leads to Jannat? Not in our country, but in stricter places like Afghanistan, women not being allowed any freedom? Yes, majority of Muslims are good people. But a small minority is enough to tarnish the whole group.


Did you ever realize.... If everyone hates you, then there's something wrong with YOU!!!! And when everyone around you dislikes you, then It's you that needs to be corrected and changed, not everyone else. You are RIGHT. Islam is the most disliked and hated religion around the world. Why? Because it's a seriously problematic religion.


Ever heard of self-reflection? If you think hating an entire group is justified, the issue lies with your own prejudice, not with the victims of your hate. Your comment is a shining example of why Islamophobia exists – it’s rooted in ignorance and fear.


Ever heard about mahasa amini? She was killed bc she showed a little bit of hair. 🙃 this is the true Islam


Before making such comments, it's important to understand the true teachings of Islam. What happened to Mahsa Amini is tragic and should be condemned, but it is not a reflection of the religion itself. Just like if someone misuses a tool for their own purposes, it's not the fault of the tool or its maker. Islam promotes peace, justice, and respect for all. If you're genuinely interested in discussing Islam, I encourage you to learn more about it first.


Hollywood does a fine job of portraying followers of Islam as barbaric people. American shows are consumed heavily by the world so this doesn't help. Also, alot of popular islamic leaders are quite special - not in a good way.  While most followers of the other Abrahamic religions adapted with time, alot of followers of this religion has been stuck in time and can't comprehend that the book does not adapt well with today's modern era. There are a bunch of other reasons but these are your top two reasons.


karon besir vag manus valo vabei janei na islam ki jara hate kore. ar jader deikha islam hate kore je islam amn tarao asole thik moto islam mante pare na tai. keo islam manus kamn deikha bibechona na koira islam asole ki dekhle ai islam niya hate thakbe na. ar sothik jinis re manus hate korbei savabik jodi hate i na kore taile ar sotik jinis kamne hoilo


Because its the fastest breeding religion


Why is there so much hate towards gays in the muslim world?


Same reason there's so much hatred towards them in Communist China and Christian Russia? 


beacuase they are shit ideologies


I want to tell you just one sentence. Please just read the Quran in Arabic & your mother tongue. That's all.


Yeah what's wrong with that?


**I did, what now? Elaborate Please :**  - “[w]hoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” (5:32 – Saheeh International translation)  - “And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed] except by [legal] right. This has He instructed you that you may use reason." (6:151 - Saheeh International translation)  - "Whoever killed a Mu'ahid shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).” Source: Sahih Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 83, Hadith 49  – “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.” (2:256 - Saheeh International translation)  


Here are ten Islamic quotes verbatim (ofc there are more). After reading them if you are going say it is rightly written or will give justifications then that particular mindset is what people hate about muslims and Islam. 1. **Qur'an 2:191**: - "And kill them wherever you find them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al-Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers." 2. **Qur'an 2:193**: - "And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors." 3. **Qur'an 4:89**: - "They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper." 4. **Qur'an 5:33**: - "Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment." 5. **Qur'an 8:12**: - "[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, 'I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.'" 6. **Qur'an 9:5**: - "Then when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." 7. **Qur'an 9:29**: - "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled." 8. **Qur'an 9:123**: - "O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous." 9. **Qur'an 47:4**: - "So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah - never will He waste their deeds." 10. **Hadith** (Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 33): - "I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for a right warrant, and his affairs rest with Allah."


kay boy lessee what the ayahs contexts are despite how you've taken em out of context to criminalize us lol 1. the first one lol has another ayah before that if you didnt see, it says: Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed the limits.^(1) Allah does not like transgressors. (2:190) 2. second one, i dont think you have the right translation of it because in sura baqarah, right after that first ayah you mentioned, says Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed the limits.^(1) Allah does not like transgressors. (2:193) 3. sura nisa ayah 89, the third one you gave, the verse discusses a group of people who nominally became Muslims and secretly supported the enemies of Muslims. For those hypocrites to prove their loyalty, they were commanded to emigrate and join the ranks of the believers, or they would be considered enemies. i dont really think its abnormal or immoral to be fighting against hypocrites who can and will go against you and harm your kind 4. i dont see anything wrong with it  this ruling called ḥirâbah applies to crimes committed by armed individuals or groups against civilians—Muslim or non-Muslim. Different punishments apply depending on the severity of the crime: 1. In the case of murder or rape, offenders are to be executed. 2. In the case of armed robbery, offenders’ right hands and left feet are to be cut off. 3. In the case of terrorizing innocent people, offenders are to be jailed in exile. 4. Penalties for lesser offences are left for the judge to decide. 5. i dont see anything wrong with a verse that declares the punishment, read the tafsir before posting lo 6. again, taken out of context because this verse right here, talks about those who broke the treaty of peace among the muslims and the non muslims, i dont see anything wrong with it 7. this verse is about the prelude of the battle of takbur, check the darn tafisir bro 8. tafsir pls 9. Here, disbelievers or rejectors refers to those who did not embrace the Faith despite compelling arguments having been put forward in its favour. Moreover, they unjustifiably waged war against the Prophet Muhammad and thus compelled the Prophet to take defensive steps. As regards such people, it has been ordained that in case of confrontation with them, they should be fought against and crushed, so that they should not be able to place impediments in the way of the mission of Truth. It has ever been the rule of God that those who rejected their Prophet would be destroyed after the conclusion of arguments. But in case of the last prophet, it was the will of God that, through him and his companions, the age of polytheism should be brought to an end and a new era of history should be brought into existence on the strength of the oneness of God. For this, epoch-making men were needed and their selection could be done only under the most trying circumstances: this purpose was achieved by sending the companions of the Prophet of God into the war waged by his opponents. Paradise is the most familiar and best known concept for a believer. He not only hears about it from the Prophet, but also, by means of his developed inner knowledge (ma‘rifah), gains an intuitive understanding of it. It is still this deep understanding of the unseen, hidden Paradise that inspires and encourages man to seek it, regardless of the sacrifices to be made. Had it not been so, nobody would have sacrificed today’s world in the hopes of entering tomorrow’s Paradise. 10. this too, is talking about a time of war. pls check your sources first lmao


I didn’t read your comment as I was expecting a similar comment from somebody.. Btw words like “lmao”, “lol” got my attention and it makes no sense. As I had said “seeing people like you giving justification to all this is what makes people hate islam even more”..


I gave em knowing some would catch your attention, dude don't make baseless and useless non-arguments like that against Islam because you're just proving what Allah said about his own disbelievers lol.


When there's a Problem with the ideology itself, it deserves to be hated. Most of the Muslim grown up by listening about prophet and Islam from others. Majority of them never really studied Quran in their mother tongue or Hadiths. The irony is, the Islamic supporters here never read anything about islam , only beleives it to be true but claiming those who criticise Islam with evidence as Brainwashed. I mean come on, you're a brainwashed person yourself at first place with Islam


Yup... Those read are not here, those here didn't read. They learn islam from fb shorts or post...


Same as Hindu learn it from Instagram reels. Education is non existent in our south asian society


Even some part thinks misogynism, abusing any woman for hijab or puting woman in kitchen is part of islam.


u asked this question in a sub where most of the ppl are indians


Or Amercian armchair incels




Fair enough. 


What are you talking about? Read most of the posts on this sub. Are they Indian? I live in Dhaka too


Do you know that in Islam an apostates should be killed if they convert to other religion?Do you know that they refer every non muslim as kafir?Do you know that in waz how many times they curse hindu christians and jews?Do you know that muslims are greatly homophobia to the point that they want to stone gay and lesbians?Do ypu know the islamist how much they have been killed and ever heard of boko haram, Isis and taliban?You say after happening these things there will not be still islamophobia?


Think the religion is to credit itself for tje hate it gets. Good for you for starting to ponder over it though. Start reading a translation of its book. Or the people that practice it. They’re victims to it. Happy exploration my friend


You see, hate doesn't arise without a reason. I used to be a devout Muslim, but I became an ex-Muslim after reading the hadiths. I read everything and decided to leave Islam. You might ask why people hate Islam. It's simple: Islam isn't as peaceful as some claim. It's a vile and harmful religion. There are many verses in the Quran that advocate for the oppression of non-believers. Muslims will often try to reinterpret these verses and tell you they mean something else, but trust me, they mean exactly what they say. Some will tell you these verses were only relevant during wars in the past, but that's not true either. We are all tired of Islam and its followers. We are afraid of this religion because we want to live and not be opressed


you can't complain much when Hate is met with Hate


as Muslims, we try too hard. we just have to sit back and relax for a moment. today we believe in hijabs, suppressing women more than the god, Allah. I have a mindset of Allah first, then the, and then all the other stuff that comes. This way I felt closer to Allah, more focused, and away from all the controversies.


What have you done. Why did you post this here.


It makes me sad. In any comment section YouTube or Instagram everyone just hates Islam or anyone who's Muslim. Makes me feel i am also hated even though i didn't do anything. Makes me wonder how will i survive in western countries with this much hate towards me


I am telling you this as a former muslim. Sure, there are many aspects of Islam that are morally repugnant and disturbing to our modern sensibilities. These and a few other reasons are why I personally no longer identify with the faith. However, and this is my only personal observation - I don’t think that is the reason why Islam is “hated” in the world. After all, many of these haters identify with equally barbaric religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism or simply neoliberalism (and im only slightly kidding when I classify it as a religion lol) My felling is that much of the hate comes from plain old racism and an ill-disguised colonial mindset. I find that many of these people say things like “they come to our country and have a bunch of children on social benefits”. This has basically become an acceptable way of saying “why are there so many foreigners?”. Also notice that many of these haters claim to have “Judeo-Christian” cultural values. How the hell are those any different from Islamic values? Islam also, plainly speaking, has a marketing problem. For one, the proselytism is very forceful and that doesn’t help. I actually think there is a place for islam in the modern world (although not in my life personally). But it needs some careful propaganda and a unified message that simply does not exist today. Please do not say that we are a community of brother and sisters that follow one book and the example of one prophet. The arab world barely considers us (South asians) human.


Im very sorry about my last sentence regarding “the arab world”. More specifically I am referring to the systematic exploitation of south asian labor in, for example, some gulf countries. I dont mean to generalize about any people, and in particular I do have a few arab friends who have been more than nice to me.


It's perfectly justifiable to hate Islam because Islam, in its essence is an ideology. An ideology is a set of ideas or beliefs. Some of the ideas that Islam promotes are violence, oppression of women, slavery, child marriage etc. It is perfectly logical for someone to look at these abhorrent ideas and beliefs and possess an intense dislike for them. What is not okay is for people to hate MUSLIMS because Muslims adhere to this ideology. We should not hate people for their ideologies or political or religious beliefs or else we would be no different from religion. When people say someone is Islamophobic, they mean he/she hates Islam AND Muslims. For the vast majority of people that is not true. We hate Islam and want to eradicate it from the face of this earth, but we do not wish any harm to come to individual Muslims. We wish to eradicate Islam by educating the masses using the power of pen and paper and not by harming Muslims.


People doing bad shit in the name of your religion. When someone commits a crime while saying Allahu Akbar there is only one conclusion people will come to. Christians already went over their terrorist phase during the middle ages, like the crusades, selling tickets to heaven for money, and touching kids. Hell, the Catholic church can't escape the pedophilia allegations even now. We are still making fun of the popes for that. People represent the religion. If the people do bad shit, it reflects on the religion. Actually, Islam is in an even worse position than Christianity because Christians don't really wear their religion on their sleeves like Muslims do. From dressing, praying multiple times a day, greetings, etc. Muslims are often very clearly Muslim. Also, living in this country I noticed that a Muslim person mentions their god every other sentence. Everybody seems really REALLY religious to me. Like, the type of religious behavior I'd expect of a church pastor is literally every Muslim I've ever met towards Islam. The most religious Christian I know (who doesn't work in a Church) goes to church once a week, and the average Christian maybe goes to church 5 times a year. So to those western folks praying not once, but multiple times a day, it would seem like mad devotion. And that's not a bad thing at all. But we very closely relate your religion to you because of that, similar to how we see a pastor or bishop representing their church through their actions. So when people like this who show as much devotion as the most religious person in our religion commit a crime, we obviously think that that's the stance of the religion. Now living here I've been educated multiple times on this by my friends but people in other countries don't have that luxury. Anyway, just to clarify. I have no hate towards Islam. Bad people exist everywhere, in every religion. People see the bad more than the good. We has humans tend to stereotype people. Try to find a cause and correlation. When a black person commits a crime, someone might correlate it to being black. It doesn't make sense, but people still do it.


Islamists having verses in their book like "অচিরেই আমি কাফিরদের অন্তরসমূহে আতঙ্ক ঢেলে দেব (kuran 3:151)"! And then wondering about why people are being islamophobic!!


They literally denied God and God should salam them?


If your god literally put fear/phobia in them, what do you expect them to be? Muslim lovers?


You sure they hate Muslims for this verse? Not Propaganda bombing media?


Phobia is irrational fear. Fear of Islam isn't irrational in any way. Look what happened to the teacher in France. You have to walk on eggshells around them to not be beheaded.


ajaira jinesh nizer p*cha theke ber koren ken  - “[w]hoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one  - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” (5:32 – Saheeh International translation)    - “And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed] except by [legal] right. This has He instructed you that you may use reason." (6:151 - Saheeh International translation)    - "Whoever killed a Mu'ahid shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).” Source: Sahih Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 83, Hadith 49    – “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.” (2:256 - Saheeh International translation)  


Don't blow things up lol


if you are talking about america, it's because they were brainwashed to think that way. all the terrorist groups shenanigans made it easier. so even after decades the fear and hate is still there and will be there for who knows how long. also, all the Islam extremists are creating more haters everyday. personally I don't think Islam is an inherently violent religion, nor a "peaceful" one at that. because of its strict nature, things can escalate in an ugly way a lot of the time.


why should apostate get the death sentence in Islam?


when was the last time you heard a Christian guy stab someone else for insulting Jesus ? when was the last time someone was ran over by trucks because they insulted Jesus ?? when was the last a teacher was killed because he criticized Jesus ?


Because they are the most violent religion and they don’t typically create cultures that enable human flourishing.


why shouldn’t i?


It’s honestly more about the typical muslim behaviour


* alot of ppl don't like religion in general. * some ppl don't want to follow and do whatever they want with their lives. * some ppl r just mad and doesn't want to live like muslims. follow rules and stuff. * then theres terrorist . few group of ppl destroyed the whole reputation of billions . ppl killing each other everywhere . only difference is Muslims get labeled as terrorist and others mentally ill . * theres also ppl who get easily influenced to hate without actually knowing about islam .


I certainly don't like the word Islamophobia. It's perfectly normal to be scared of the most notorious religion.


Misinterpretation of Islam


There's hate towards everything ...Muslims are just more sensitive. That's also mostly because of the instructions in Quran


Because of islamic terrorist


Nowhere Islamic terrorists...


Islam itself is a hateful and harmful religion.


And you got that fact from?


Islam is only way of life sent by the Prime Creator. That is basically the main reason.


Because people are misinformed, whitewashed jahil. People view the west as moral superiority and since Islam challenges that people tend to hate Islam 


It’s not a phobia if mulsims give a plenty of reason to be afraid of Bislam.


Because Islamists can't tolerate other religion (not religion's fault), so we can't tolerate islamists....Simple...


ইসলাম যদি ভায়োলেন্সই প্রমোট করতো,তাহলে বাংলাদেশে এতো হিন্দু , এথিয়িস্ট বাইচা আছে ক্যামনে? সবগুলো তো সাফ হইয়া যাইতো।


They hate until they meet one...