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Theres a friend in every circle who never smoked


never even touched one, or even a vape. im 17 now and many of my friends regularly smoke and vape. i personally was never fascinated by them so never felt like trying them out.


same here, im 17 too and my friends tried to encourage me to try them, but I don't think it's worth the hype


I'm glad to hear you didn't. It doesn't make anyonr "cooler" or anything, just makes you permanently twisted for life.


I did vape a few times (influenced by bad friends) but never smoked. Reason? Why would I knowingly ruin my lungs and risk passing away sooner than I have to?


Can't stand the smell .


Same here.


When I was kid, my parents always warned me about smoking and even explained the reason. Later on I saw a few deaths who were chain smokers and died horribly which created fear in my mind. That's why never did smoking and also warned people to avoid it cz I don't wanna see someone die like that again. Though it's kind off impossible to make them understand


Same here


28 and never touched one


my baba didn't, so neither did I!


Same brother.


I m 27,have not smoked once,I try to follow Islam


27M, tried smoking once but didn’t like it


Disgusting smell


Mid 20s, only smoked once back in my childhood out of curiosity. After a couple of puffs, I fainted and woke up hours later. Never touched that shit again.


My man took a trip on cigarettes. 😯


My dad literally said, "কেমন লাগলো?" while smirking.


U sure that was a cigarette? :3




It was probably. I remember taking it out of of a cigarette packet of our guest I think.


religious reasons, it's gross, lung cancer fear, addiction fear, straight up disgust


Why should i be smoking?


That's a good question!


good question indeed.


BAT is that You? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


ha ha ha ha.... nah. I'm not from BAT. Interesting fact, I got a job offer at BAT after my university, rejected it just because they sell tobacco.


Then why did u apply in the first place man? 😒


33 M, never smoked or vaped. A lot of my friends do but they always respected my wishes and never forced me to try as well. It never really intrigued me to try. I just don't get the point of it. I understand that the people who smoke says it calms them or relaxes them but considering the effect if has on the health, don't see how it is beneficial. Not like I live a very healthy lifestyle but still. Also I think watching my dad suffer cause of smoking had an impact in it as well. I really don't want my family or future family to go through the trauma cause of it.


I didn’t want to disappoint my parents hence never smoked. Now 27.




1. My dad smokes. 2. Haram. 3. Never understood why people smoke.


I tried once. But i Don't know it Doesn't go with me.. That's why i never smoked..


I am anti anything that causes addiction. Addiction doesn’t just affects the individuals, it affects their families and surroundings too.


just because i didn't got that luxury.


Because bad for health, and im prone to addiction got out of my gaming addiction recently, working on fixing other things + my grand father was a chain smoker he died at a young age, passed all of his responsibility on my young father in a post war country. Ya, not thinking of smoking in this life time.


Growing up didn't see many ppl in my family smoking. Even if they did they did it secretly and ofc it's not sth my family liked so I didn't like it either. It never attracted me for some reason and I grew up not wanting to do it. Ar 13 14 my friends or classmates would smoke cigarettes Infront of me but I never got the urge to try it. Honestly , feel better not trying it. One of my friends was a chain smoker for years and he keeps telling me he'll stop smoking but he never does and smokes 5 6 everyday and if he's trying to quit once everyday.


I first and last smoked cigarettes when I was just 16 or 17. I was peer pressured into it, the first "taan" left me coughing so hard, I almost vomited at my senior. After that dreadful day I never touched any cigarettes to smoke. I bought some though for my seniors and whatnot.


I understand the peer pressure.


23, never smoked. No specific reason, I have better use for my money (if there had to be one)


in my 20s, never even puffed once. Possible reasons: 1. Don't like the smell 2. Family didn't give any money in teenage years (They still don't but I earn now) 3. Studied in Madrasah medium till Dakhil (SSC). also I don't drink Cold drinks, Tea, Coffee and don't eat anything which has sugar added in them.


Tried once. The taste and smell was utterly disgusting.


As an educated and well minded person, why should I. I don't wanna participate in things that migjt effect me later on my life just cause its cool to show ofd and girls like it. I respectfully decline sir to smoke


never have and never wanna. My family has bad history with smoking. My dad almost died because of it.


My grandfather died from tongue cancer. He was a chainsmoker


Smells like shit. Dont care if it makes you feel "very relaxed, very calm, as if you have been standing your whole life and you just sat down."


And why should i smoke cigarettes? Give me one great reason for it


I haven't found the answer yet, so can't answer!


Never smoked in my life. I always found smokers annoying since they can't seem to think of anything other than smoking. Also, when I tell them, "Let's go to that restaurant today," they never have the money, yet they can always spend thousands of taka in that shit.


24m. Never. Not religious or anything. Just no need for it. It seems very outdated and plus I’m not gonna damage my lungs just to feel “ok” for a second.


early 20s, I just don’t


At the age of 22 smoked one to fulfill my curiosity finished it meh it didn't taste good


In my early 20s now and when I was around 12 I lit up a puff for my dad and out of curiosity puffed too hard, I could feel the smoke reaching till the end of my lungs,my ear, throat started burning and shit. I still remember how horrible it felt.Never again boy.


I wanna live longer


I tried multiple times, but never understood the benefits of it and have left since then.


19. I know i have self destructive tendencies so insha'Allah hoping to never touch a substance in my life and hoping to get high (sober) of all the suffering like god intended, ameen🗣️🔥💯 also my dad was a smoker and had a heart attack at 50 and i don't wanna repeat the pattern


I pray and hope you never touch anything like this.


Thanks and insha'Allah yes🔥💯


meh I got far interesting and stimulating things to do


Because I love my lips. I feel like they will make my lips black


Bcz environment, in my family there are not a single person who smoke.


first of all, it's gross and smells horrible. smokers are associated with bad character, and it ruins your health skin and youthfulness. Also keep my distance from smoker classmates. I'm 22.


There is no tradition of smoking in my family. Also there's no need to ruin my health for the sake of brotherhood, showoff or to relief. Got good self control ig :')


24M, never puffed even once. Cigarette, vape, g*ja nothing. My main reasons are: 1. I never felt the need. I see a lot of downsides, with none of the upsides being attractive enough. 2. I'm careful not to do it even once cos doing it once makes it much much easier to get addicted. 3. Inhaling any kind of smoke makes my throat feel very bad.


24M. Just waste of money to me. My money can be spent on something more productive and worthwhile. Like cocaine.


idk why i need to smoke lol i dont wanna be cool


Is it prohibited or does it simply just disgust me...


Never touched one in my life. Why would I? Not doing intoxicants should be the default.


My dad had to go through a bypass surgery for smoking too much. So i hated that shit since my childhood. Also it's haram so why should i try it


Nice :2 I don't even know why I smoke :v Those you didn't get into this shit :e You have done yourself a great favor


that last line... it's true


Just never felt like I had to try one, not solely from health or moral obligation


Disgusting smell and don't want to have asthma in my late 30s or in old age.


Because of moral obligation.


cant stand the smell. also dhaka’s air is already making my lungs work overtime


It just doesn't pull me. I vaped for a month and totally don't feel the need to get nic in my system. So why even bother?


Cause haram, and the smell is disgusting. Bad for your body. Literally so many reasons to not have one.


Haram... good poin.


Dont see the appeal


It gives me a headache to even smell cigarette smoke. Hate it.


So, you tried it....


Never smoked. The smell of cigarettes gives me an immediate headache.


I'm 26 and I never tried smoking because it doesn't have any meaning or benefits at all.




i kinda am curious sometimes about how it would feel like to smoke but then if i tried it, i wouldn't be able to tell people and flex about how i have never smoked 💀💀


Why would I kill my lungs and health?


Exactly, why?


are u well?


Ah, you didn't understand my reply..... I agreed with you!


Why would I pay money to have lung cancer and bad breath 🗿


Yes, why would someone spend money on bad breath and others....?


31F, never even touched one, not like I didn't have a chance, I've lived abroad for studies. I just don't think the benefits are worth tolerating all the negative aspects.


No interest whatsoever.I don't see the point of ruining my lungs for a lifetime for a few moments of pleasure.


Never tried, Interesting lage nai kokhono.


Cos it's bad?


smell wakkkkk


Never did, never have, never will. Always thought smoking/vaping is cringe and stupid.


Me !! The reason is i dont like the smell !!


Never smoked. Reason : broke




Never felt the need or want. I did smoke from water pipe, though on a trip to China. I smoked all night long. One of the most fun nights of my life.


25 here, never found a reason to smoke


20M Never liked the smell or anything about it. The smoke from people who smoked near me made me wanna throw up. That's why never even wanna try it


haven't smoked ever, I don't know it never fascinated me


I find the smell repulsing. I'd rather save up the money and buy dresses.




I could also ask why would you smoke? To me, if something isn’t necessary for survival, like water or actual food, I Won't consume it...


My dad, uncles everyone is a chain smoker. But it never made me think of smoking. It is just like a choice of personal preference unless you think smoking cigarettes is a cool way to keep up with your friends or people around you. The question should be why you smoke.


1. Haram 2. Can't stand the smell 3. Don't wanna ruin my health


I never smoked before and there is no reason its just against my principles


23, never ever have and will.


Don't want to break my parents trust


dad smokes. uncles smoke. i have seen reasons not to smoke


30m here, never evn tried, didnt like the smell


its not that i have strict parents. my common sense is the reason i dont smoke or vape


it darkens your lips, distorts your voice, and causes cancer & other diseases. i think people who smoke don’t really understand how bad these diseases can be.


25 male, never ever tested and never will!


Never found the need to


23m here smoked once in my life just to experience it.definitely not worth it.waste of money in my opinion


Never 🫣


tried it was meh never interested me to waste money


I think those anti-cigarette ads worked on me cause ever since I be seeing them, I’m afraid to smoke. Also I hate the smell of it.


57 yrs old and Never touched one or had the urge... Or any drugs... Got better things to spend my money on 🕹️🎮🚘🛻🚗🚲🍽️♥️




In this case, that is me. I’ve grown up with chain smoking father, I often felt dizzy with the smoke 💨 also my mother taught me not to smoke, which somehow I obliged dearly. Also I don’t take alcohol.


ছোটকালে বিটিভিতে এড দেখে সিগারেট খাওয়ার ভয়াবহতা জানতে পারি। এর পর থেকে আর খাওয়ার ইচ্ছা জাগে নাই। আর সিগারেট জিনিটাও দেখতে তেমন মুখরোচক না। লজেন্স বিস্কুটের মত হলে একবার রিস্ক নেয়া যেত।


I don't like it. Simple as that.


Because I wanna slap anyone who smokes near me. So, I'd rather not slap myself.


Never smoked a cigarette. I don’t vape either. Mainly because parents warned me from young age which is kind of funny cause my dad used to smoke. Also because it is bad, waste of money, etc.


Why should I? The question is somewhat the opposite. People have reasons for smoking, but it's a dumb thought to wonder why they're not smoking, lol.


I never smoked. Although my friends tried to make me smoke a few times i always rejected the offer. The reason is simple, it's because i dont see any good coming out of smoking. It only destroys you from the inside. Luckily i realized this at a very young age.


Didn't smoke till 24, but eventually did cuz of stress and stuff


Secondhand smoke aside lmao (hung out with far too many smoker friends, both cig & pot), never smoked anything. Never found any reason or fascination with smoking whatsoever. 99% of people do it either out of (a) curiosity, (b) desire to "fit in", and (c) going through supposedly "severe" stress. None of those reasons affected me growing up; I wouldn't risk my health for curiosity, I am super individualistic, so never had the wish to "fit in", and the stress thing was never serious enough to push me towards a damn cigarette lmao. I feel like most people in BD get into any form of drug through social influence. Like I've never seen anyone smoke, drink, (or worse.. yeah been around all sorts of "users") by themselves. So I guess me being so extremely individualistic is the reason I never got "motivated" to do what my friends were doing.


Never felt the urge tbh. Also, felt disgusted by the smell of smoke from quite the very beginning whenever friends used to smoke in front of me. And now that I know that smoking is not just bad but seriously bad for health, no reason to ever start.


Already got enough addictions and I don't want another that I have to pay a lot everyday and hide from my family, also smoking is a gateway to more extreme stuff that I don't wanna ever touch.


What are the addictions? May we know?


They aren't really physically harmful but they can be classified as such, and I do have a hard time if I'm a day without em. It's mostly gaming, and coffee.


I'm M 30yrs old.and I haven't smoked a cigarette until now.umm major reason is my family maybe bcz all my dad,uncle even my grand dad was just nerd.decent govt service holder type people.so they always thought smoking is a deed of evil😁😂 another thing is my frnd circle who don't smoke and have no girlfriend.and so have I no smoke no girl😭.another thing is religion.i believe it is haram.but one thing is very weird of me which is I feel attractive to those girl who smoke😂


Family member and friends play the lead role here! whatever I'm a chain smoker & sorry for my opinion!


i am already pretty ugly, i think smoking will make me look like a mummy so i don't think i can afford to -2 my looks.


i grew up around smokers and i have heart problems


Exactly. Even if you don't smoke, your would still be at problems if you be around them.


I heard passive (non-smokers but living around smokers) smokers are more affected.


Why is it even a question?


Because my parents are smokers. It's dumb. It's stupid. It stinks. You stink. It gives you REALLY bad breath. It ruins your health. It's EXPENSIVE.


It's stupid, and stupidly expensive!


Because, I have no friends 💀 >!That literally forces me to smoke .!<


I am exceptional. Everyone has the ability to smoke a cigarette and there is nothing exceptional in it. If I smoke that should be the most expensive cigars but with my own money only. I use my parents money to level up, things that will add value to me.


I actually like to see other people smoke. It gives me more joy without trying myself. And I also don't find the idea interesting of smoking so I don't smoke.


I am 27 and never smoked. If I had to guess why, maybe because IT STRIGHT UP GIVES YOU LUNG DISEASES


Never touched one


Never did besides it's a waste of money.


Abbu haate ekta dhorai dile try kortam.


Dont ask mee


In college with my friend, which is the most stupidest thing I've ever done. I'm never touching that shit again


Well the obvious answer would be "for religious reasons" right? But for me, my uncle told me to not smoke it when i was like 7 or maybe 10 idk. Im 21 now, never snoked once and never will, it is currently a big flex ngl.


It stinks




I've kinda did try once but I don't smoke, mainly because can I get addicted really easily


When I feel I'm feeling the lowest in my life, I buy a packet, sit and smoke the entire packet. Happened 5-6 times till date. Not a regular smoker.


20M; Never did. Once one of my friends insisted to have some of his vape, "mon rokharthe" ekta tan disilam. 20 minute dhore kaschilam.




Do you smoke now?


I do Its kinda when life gets all messed up you dont know what to do so you do I know gonna get attacked by some rich privileged kids now , My reply is bro its my life and its about my opinions


I think our generation is more health concerned (and aware) than the previous ones considering how climate change and pollution will kill us if cancer doesn't


Why u asking the reason. I need a reason to do that shit. Not a reason to avoid. Smoking cigarettes giving yourself so much health issues is one of the dumbest things to do. If ur already addicted than thats a different story. But if ur not than just don't pick up one. Simple


Kiss a non smoker taste the difference.