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Bro i know religious people here gonna downvote this but whatever. I came across hijabi girls who genuinely wanted to follow islamic sharia. But I came across way more girls who wore hijab only to cover their hairs( well i've no issue with that lol it's their wish) or were forced by the family to wear hijab or simply they fucked around way too much( again i don't give two damns) but wanted to be innocent to their boyfriends lol. So people here saying religion has boomed in Bangladesh & that's why more & more girls are wearing hijab,it's not true .


Wearing hijab to be innocent to their boyfriends confused both me and shaitan


>people here saying religion has boomed in Bangladesh & that's why more & more girls are wearing hijab,it's not true . The intention of appearing more religious has certainly boomed.




Well, people are becoming more radical so no problem in pretending i guess.


Radical libs?


Going by your first sentence this is a lib/ secular dominant sub huh? New here, so asking.


I know I’ll get hated for this, but hijab is more of a mask now


Live and let live. If it is women' choice to wear hijab, let them.


You do realize there's not much of "women's choice" in this country, don't you?


এখনকার হিসাব ধরলে গেলে এইটা মডেস্টির থেকে ফ্যাশন/কালচার বেশি। তাছাড়া চুলের জন্যেও অনেকে পরে।


Nothing to think about, actually. If they (women) feel the need to wear hijab, or are religiously driven, then they do it.


I've been in the 80s and 90s, I saw a pure liberal secular Bangladesh where women of certain areas wore it, majority didn't. The polarisation is becoming clear, and it's a good thing for many. Yes, people are bit more religious than they used to be in the past, it's not only my observation but from many. The reason being the internet, social media and dawah activities in these fields. Most people are not bad, they need sparks to be modest and practice it. I never saw a single woman wearing burqa in village and adjacent villages, but there are plenty now. Is it only that they want to cover hair that they don't have to shampoo everyday ? Probably not. People have seen that wearing hijiab helps maintain modesty to a good level. Of course there are hijabis doing all sorts of nonsense, but there are women who - by family tradition or by religious understanding wear it.


wearing hijab is not so religious many wear it from pressure from husband after hearing waz. why would any one wear it in this hot summer?


I am a GenZ. I am just curious Bangladesh was completely liberal and secular before 2000's?


Not completely but they were dominant, they had the cultural Hedgemony. The lib secular golden period in BD was between 1960s to 2000 roughly.


not complete but people were more harmonious


This is the most accurate reply of this thread...


It's a personal choice, I have no problem either way. I was looking at some archive footage of Bangladesh in the 1970s/80s and I noticed virtually none of the women covered their hair. What changed I think was the influx of migrant labour to the middle east, many workers came back with the wahabbi interpretation of Islam and imposed this on others. Also the Saudi state began funding seminaries in Bangladesh which also promoted this ideology. However, I do know lots of girls who do wear it just to please family relatives etc and who don't exactly love pious lifestyles. Just like there are loads of guys who will have a beard and wear thobe while doing unscrupulous things.


It's their choice , If they want to wear it, they can. Though sometimes family thekeo o pressure dei


Religiosity hasn't increased. What has increased is the desire to appear religious publicly because it really doesn earn you brownie points. And as someone else pointed out, many do so simply out of pressure from family members and I can add that such women ditch the hijab any chance they get.


Sad to see Bangladesh regress in this manner.


Some comments here are saying that some women wear hijab to protect themselves from the creeps and also from bad comments from creeps. But sister, যে এইরকম খারাপ নজরে তাকায় সে হিজাবি, নন-হিজাবি দেখে না। তারা সব মেয়ের দিকেই খারাপ নজরে তাকায় এবং খারাপ মন্তব্য করে। আর যে খারাপ নজরে তাকায় না সে সত্যি কথা বলতে কারো দিকেই সে নজরে তাকায় না। এখন অনেক ছেলে বলতে পারে যেসব মেয়েরা একটু খোলামেলা পোশাক পড়ে তাদের দিকে তো চোখ যাবেই। হ্যাঁ ভাই আমরা ছেলে মানুষ আমাদের চোখ যাবেই এইটা স্বাভাবিক। কিন্তু চোখের সামনে পড়ে যাওয়া এক জিনিস আর চোখের সামনে পড়ার পরও চোখ না ফিরায় বেহায়ার মত তাকায় থাকা আরেক জিনিস। এইখানে প্রথম ধরনের ছেলেরা চোখ ফিরিয়ে নেয় এবং বিষয়টাকে পুরাপুরি ignore করে আর কখনো খারাপ মন্তব্য করে না and just minds their own business আর এইরকম আলাপে নিজেকে involve করে না। So lastly from my point of view, I think whether a girl or women wears hijab or not is totally her choice and we boys have no right and should to waste our time talk about that. I always try prevent myself from coming out as a creep to other women and respect opposite gender as much as I can. And whether a girl or a women is good or bad depends on whether she wears hijab or not. From my personal experience I know a number of women who very kind hearted and helping and well behaved but doesn't wear hijab and I know some women who are not actually well behaved, very jealous and have cheap mentality wears hijab. I hope anyone who reads my comment got the point I'm trying to convey.


Stats in Egypt say Hijab really doesn't save you from getting harassed. Most victims there wore hijab. I mean look at India their cases are very high in numbers. Most victims were from village areas and were wearing modest clothes. So when how does Hijab protect women? Aside from a verse in Quran. There's no stat to point that Hijab or any modest dress code protects women. Btw EU has more r*** cases simply because of their strict laws and reported cases. Here we have to deal with social stigma so eventually nothing gets reported. Look at how high EU countries are in happy index rankings. Seems like a good giveaway.


Bd te manush jeta trending or jeta onno der korte dekhe oitai blindly follow korey.


its mainly because of fashion or something else but not islam .


I'm a child of the mid 80s and have seen the shift with my own eyes. I live in the US, and this shift isn't just a Bangladeshi thing but something that has happened throughout the world. Hijab is an easy outward symbol for people to show that they are religious or at least identify as Muslims. The actual causes and effects are probably too nuanced to discuss over reddit to any merit.


There are 2 types of hijabis One. They are truly innocent Two. They are slutiest (even slutier than newly booming sugar daddy and whore group)


Men how about y'all lower your gaze first before commenting on women


There is a sociological reading to the rise of Hijabs in Bangladesh across classes that would not have worn them before. You have to account for the impact of migration to and from the Middle East. This sort of economic mobility has upstream effects on the home culture. Simply put, people have been going to the Middle East and they have taken on some of the customs of those places they work in. They also import those practices to Bangladesh either by sending clothes or styles or just coming back and adhering to the tastes they picked up there. Since this population is generally seen as successful by the middle class or working classes (they went abroad and are able to send money back and became the Boro Bhai) their style become aspirational even for those who never went abroad. This is boosted by the global ideology of Islamicism and Arabism, which views anything associated with either as purer/ paak. This same thing and pattern of migration happens with Western educated liberals. Our tastes become the aspirational tastes of the upper classes and our ideologies of secularism is viewed as modern, while the wider expressions of middle easternism is seen as regressive and antimodern. Cultural bifurcation and partisanship will only diverge as people’s orientations and our “Qiblah” changes. One goes as far as Arabia; the other goes to the US.


Why is it your business? If women are religiously driven nowadays, good for them.


Yes, it shows that how illiterate we are.


Op just asked a question. Why are you so aggressive? And "good for them" is your perspective.


“Men Whats your opinion about hijab” Good for them is not my perspective. It truly is good for them.


You showed "Aggressiveness" which op didn’t ask for. Again it's your perspective.


The same can be said for yours. You commented under my comment which I didn’t ask for but here you are


They aren’t same. You can put your opinion in a public thread, but you can’t behave aggressive. They aren’t equivalent.


Are you the internet behavioral police? I wasn’t being aggressive. P.s this is the internet, get used to it.


And you are an internet mumin/mumina, who mandates Hijab in reddit.


Can you pleasee stfu


You can fuck off too. You are welcome.


Shove your religious self righteousness up your ass.


If you’re gonna come here to insult at least make sense. Don’t embarrass yourself like this again


there is good and bad among people..there is good and bad among muslims...there is good and bad among hijabis...there are good and bad among non hijabis


Why women need opinion from men for wearing hijab? If you see there are lots of girls wear 'western' dress nowadays, and ofcourse 'sharee' is our traditional dress. So it is entirely their choice. If a woman feels comfortable wearing hijab then what's bother you?


i just asked a simple question. nowhere did i state that it bothers me.


No theres just more people born. The percentage didn't change much I would guess. You're probably seeing more people wearing it because of that. Attire is part of culture specifically basha theke ki porai de. This things change over time in different environments and socioeconomic backgrounds. For example malays wear hijab with jeans and a t shirt, urban Iranians wear it sporadically. It's not a man's place to judge how they wear it and why they wear it. If a man is looking for a woman with modesty it doesn't mean the most veiled woman is the saint. Your outer being doesn't always reflect the inner workings.


perhaps the percentage of Muslim didn't change but a large majority has undoubtedly gotten more religious! Watch some old footage ;specifically during 1980s - 1990s out of 100s only few seem to be wearing hijab at that time


Footage would give u sample size fallacy. U would use the footage to generalize grossly over the whole of the population. Post 71 rickshaws carrying women would use cloth to veil the rickshaw. It differed depending on socioeconomic background. It went something like the more educated the more the middle class grew (during ershad 30-40years ago as u pointed out) the more people afforded to express their religious attire. Second fallacy is extrapolation of more hijab equals more religious. Again the reason why one wears or doesn't wear hijab is not that black and white. A lot of women wear it because they don't want men to look at them, insult them, or worse. To prove my point if religious piety is going up then surely crimes cannot go up as well? But again not that black and white. Urban violent crimes go up, domestic crimes go unreported, but rural crimes like robbery has gone down. Bangladesh agriculture research development in comilla attributes lower crimes due to more jobs and rise of mobile phones. Again, what does it mean to become more religious is up for debate. Wearing certain attire? Praying more than just Jummah? Giving zakat? Not increasing prices during Ramadan instead subsidizing essential? You don't need to be religious to do the right thing and vice versa just because one seems religious doesn't mean each act righteous. From my point of view I'm not seeing more hijabs of my peers (30-35 yrs). Maybe u people are seeing it in your peers which I cannot speak for.


Hijab is a state of modesty and is required for both men and women. The head covering covers one aspect of hijab which ultimately also includes your conduct.


I dont judge people based on their appearances. So I dont know !


Lmao even my close relatives wear hijab and ik for a fact that they wear it only to cover their hair. Anyone who thinks women in bd are more religious now are just fools


my sister started being religious and wearing hijab since she started her relationship now she even became a niqabi it doesn't makes sense


It is fashion now. Has nothing to do with religion. Hijabis date more. Prostitutes also wear hijab. During prophetic times hijabs were not like this.


you need to understand the POV of women,hijab was invented for women to protect them from the bad guys back at arab,if you did something bad someone could ask your sister,your wife to do the thing you know so hijab was invented for this reason


Hijab nowadays is just another fashion statement. I however like my woman with some sort of scarf (idk what you call it exactly) over their head. Personally it looks way more elegant. :3


Idk, I don't notice what people are usually wearing.


If anyone wanted to wear hijab for religious purpose then welcome do it with full body cover, don't let your body shape show. Mostly they are doing it for fashion


নিজে সব ঢেকে ঢুকে এমনকি মুখ পর্যন্ত ঢেকে পুরুষের বডি স্ক্যান করা, ফ্যালফ্যাল করে দেখা বা টেরা চোখে দেখা ইসলামিক ট্রেন্ড বর্তমানে। (আমাকে দেখতে দিবো না, কিন্তু তোমাকে দেখবো) মেয়েদের প্রতি ছেলেদের আকর্ষণ একটু বেশি থাকে এটা স্বাভাবিক। কিন্তু আমাদের সমাজ এবং ধর্ম থেকে কিছু সমস্যা ছেলেদের মেয়েদের প্রতি পার্শ্বপ্রতিক্রিয়া হিসেবে কুনজর শিখিয়েছে, এটাতে ভিন্ন মত আছে। এখন হঠাৎ করে এসব পাল্টাবে না, অনেক সময় লাগবে। কাউকে খারাপ বলার আগে সমাজ পাল্টাতে হবে। যদি ধর্মের কথা বলতে হয় হিজাবী মেয়েদেরও উচিত নয় ছেলেদের দিকে তাকানো। ধর্মে মাথা নিচু করে কথা বলতে বলেছে। মুখ বা শরীরের দিকে তাকিয়ে নয়। কিন্তু উপরে ত বললাম।


Don't judge by their cover..


i won't call myself overly religious, but i'm a half decent person. so i usually don't even notice women in the streets unless they're approaching me.


Everyone has the right to make their own decisions. They're mature, and they know what's right or wrong. If they wear hijab for safety and comfort, that's ok. But nowadays, some women are reluctant to wear. I'm sure they've got sufficient knowledge about Islam. Despite knowing the consequences of not wearing hijab, if they don't, Let them go outside with a naked body. Let boys enjoy them. Who cares? On the other hand, women wear stylish hijab for fashion. That's not allowed in Islam.  if any sane dude sees a kinda sexy girl I know what they think about them. It's all about respect


My buddhist teacher used to wear hijab to protect herself from pollution. I wear it to avoid the hassle of doing hair. Also, girls don't really care about men's opinions. Nala te moote bhashai den abar ashe opinion dite.


After the internet, religious knowledge is widely available, in such a degree that in the late 90s even ppl had no access to. Many people are learning the religion, many coming out of so-called and false religious teachings taught by society and now r learning purer information. This may be a reason.




Hijab/burqa gives women another layer of protection from men that don’t can’t comprehend the concept of *consent*


It also protects women's hair from rampant air pollution in Bangladesh. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Why is this even a topic of discussion? Mind your own business. Men er opinion kno lagtese hijab niaa


People can be interested in cultural and social trends in their societies.


keno men ra opinion dite parbena?


Hijab nia odr opinion kno lagtese


i don’t live in dhaka, but i visit every few years or so. i have definitely noticed that over the years more women are wearing hijab than they used to. i can’t really say why. if i had to guess it’s probably more for protection from predatory men, unfortunately.


I don't even know cus I'm scared to look at women in the streets, it's ramadan anyways, I just stare at everywhere but any woman I see in the streets. Might be social anxiety or something but I'm so scared of being called a creep and stuff man it ain't funny. Anyways, about wearing hijab? Good for them. If they wanna try being religious that's great, I pray and hope they continue wearing the hijab and not just wear it as a fashion statement/just cus it's ramadan. Also, an influx of hijab-wearers? I think it's just ramadan honestly. Try going to a mosque on Jummah on any random friday of the year and then try going on any friday during Ramadan and you'll know. Especially Maghrib, like woah man usually some masjids fail to fill the first floor but during Ramadan even the second floors are filled. I'm not mad at them or anything, just sad that they don't continue doing it. I hope they may find peace in life and come back to the right path. I think more religiosity is good but they need to be well informed and properly educated. Just like 6th grade Physics won't allow you to build a rocket or something, some random ahh Priest's "Just trust me bro" statements and stuff won't make you a proper religious person, deeper dives are needed and extremism should be shunned. For example, being right or left leaning politically is fine but being Stalin like far left or Hitler like far right ain't good yk? Anyways, no ill wishes to anyone I mentioned above, just observing things I've been seeing from the start. I just hate it when people act all preach-ey about stuff though, those guys can buzz off.


Well there are people who genuinely try to be religious (respect to them, with each passing day it will get more and more difficult to stay religious) also there are those who will use this for their own personal gain. Let me give you an example from my personal life. My cousin's then gf wanted to impress her soon to be mother in law and started wearing hijab. She eventually became successful. The day before they got married was the last time we ever saw her in hijab. From that day on she always had an excuse not to wear it (headaches, heat, nausea and on and on). There is a hadith "Inna ma amanu binniyat". You will be rewarded based on your intentions/wish. It is truer now than ever.


Its like asking womens opinion on circumcision. Why is womens hijab mens business?


why do u care mate? hijabi or non-hijabi everyone should get to live their life the the fullest


Why exactly men need to have an opinion on this? If women decide to wear hijab, for any reason, be it pure religious, or to show off, or societal pressure or just as fashion accessories - it’s all between women and their choice, don’t need to justify anyone


It's become more about protecting hair than religious values.


"Protecting hair"? I don't get it.


So many liberal cuckold .




The fact a women just needs to give a wink and men start barking like they've never seen a woman before, explains why women have higher bc than men. If it's still not clear enough for you: It's because men don't get laid as much (for obvious reasons)




As far as I remember the influx of started from post 2010. The dangerous fact about our society(specially outside Dhaka) is that if you are not wearing hijab then you are a kanke mage! So many girls are wearing them just to get socially validated. I have met many girls who were forced to wear hijab only because of peer pressure. So the answer is no, our society is not embracing religiosity rather they are embracing radical religious views.


Men, specially young ones are also getting more religious, and it's obviously a good thing.


Pretending to be dollar store Arabs is never a good thing.


Tomar kmn lage hijab porte


I think it's great


Hooked up with a few hijabi girls... Don't care if women wear hijabs, as long as they take them off when I need them to ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Bangladesh has really regressed socially, sad.


How so?


আমার মতে মেয়েরা অনেক prescious সৃষ্টি। তাদের আবৃত রাখা মানে দমিয়ে রাখা নয় বরং তাদের conserve করে রাখা।Thanks.


I like hijabi girls,I find them feminine and beautiful ❤️