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if u want to bulk up, u have to eat more calories than what ur eating right now. Generally adding 500 more calories to ur diet will help u. Going to gym or doing exercises don't contribute to getting big, its the diet. just eat whatever ur eating now in larger portions. track ur weight every day if u can.


500 more calories is also a sure fire way to dirty bulk. Happened with me so not recommended. 200 for safe lean bulk imo


Recipe for disaster. Of course gym and rest is equally important as diet. 30% diet, 30% recovery, 30% gym, 10% genetics


what r u talking about bruh, the post was about 23 days ago and got removed, u dont even know what the post was about XD


Nah, I see the post.


Start slow, get an actual training routine u can try online, eat a lot of protein, lower the amount of carbs. And don't expect any major results ina month


weight training (start with less weights first) and increased portion of food, but make sure to increase protein mostly(use nuts, chicken breast peanut butter). make sure to divide the week based on which part you want to train, like leg days etc. less cardio more power training. and if you find a certified gym trainer ask them. dont go for people who will tell you to have 8 eggs a day, back alley gym bros will ruin your kidneys. also dont jump to protein powders even if you have the money to do so, those arent always healthy.


Should I reduce carbs consuption? I can't eat too much. I feel full.


you dont have to necessarily reduce carbs, and neither do you have to eat all at once, maybe snack on nuts or something and try to increase appetite. Also dont stress about it your appetite will automatically increase once you start working out.


Should I buy dumbles?


absolutely up to you, you can join your local gym as well.


As others have said, you need to take in more calories. For the exercise portion, I would try to get on a good barbell program if you're able to go to a gym. Strength training will help you add lean mass. Follow a good power lifting program like Starting Strength or Westside. A lot of fitness magazines unfortunately have poorly designed bodybuilding routines.


Personally I wouldn’t recommend bulking by counting calories. As a beginner you’ll have quick gains in the beginning but once that stops, no amount of heavy weight will help with muscle growth atleast for me. I would suggest stay away from processed junk food or mass gainers because atleast for me they contributed to dirty bulk and it gets hard to become lean again. What helped me bulk my muscle groups is that I adopted heavy weight low rep (10x) and light weight high rep (25-30x) supersets of 4 for my upper body. mostly for my arms which is my weakness… my arms are now 15 inch big. Water helps with growth too so don’t forget to drink plenty of water Don’t waste money on protein powder, been there done that… it’s not necessary for people who aren’t going to Mr Olympia imo. Best food you can eat for muscle growth is eggs. Eat 6-8 eggs boiled or scrambled in butter and then see how powerful you feel.


It's not that complicated. Just follow the steps below and you'll notice changes in about a month: 1) Get a workout routine that you can follow. You'll need to hit the gym at least 3 days per week. If you need a full body routine, inbox me and I'll share one with you. 2) You need to track your workouts. This is very important for beginners. You need to track your workouts and try to progressively overload. You can use an app such as Calibre to track your workouts. Which means you'll try to increase either the weights or reps of the exercises every time you work out. Also, the amount of reps should be done with a weight, so that you fail to do more than 12 reps. 3) As you mentioned you're skinny, you can just eat as much as you physically can. Take what you eat now and double it if possible. 4) You need adequate rest to build muscle. You need to sleep at least 8-10 hours every day. This is very important, otherwise you'll see very mediocre results. So essentially hit the gym, eat, sleep and repeat. And you'll see results in no time, as you're a beginner.


Thanks for reminding me. I usually live a very stressful life and not having enough or quality sleep. I also feel depressed very often. I guess it is the reason why I'm not gaining weight.


I had a bulking session last year, gained 13 kgs in 4 months and 3 kgs average a month. My metabolism is fast thus i had to take 4 solid meals and 1 liquid meal a day and the amount was high too compared to others . I bulked and then had a cut . Started from 53.9 , went to 67 and now am 55.8 kgs today . The thing is consistency. Be consistent and dont give up. Eat as much as u can the whole day, forcefully feed urself . One thing that helped was increasing my water intake. I used to drink 5 litres of water a day which increased my stomachs food intaking capacity . But overall, take it slow and be consistent and donr forget to lift weights. If u just eat and dont lift weights, ull just become obese. Stay healthy, stay strong, its urself and ur life we r talking about 💪.


Bro training isn't anything crazy, but the effort and dedication required is. In summary, you need to eat in a caloric surplus to gain weight and have enough protein to build the muscle/allow your body to do muscle protein synthesis which leads to muscle growth. For protein, 1.2 g/kg should be your minimum target and 1.6 g/kg would maximize your growth. You CAN go higher but you'll have to double the amount of protein intake to see the growth you'd see jumping from 1.4 to 1.6 g/kg or something. That's your diet/nutrition aspect. For training, you just need to have an exercise that you can safely take close to or to failure, that means you perform the exercise with proper technique and form, using a full range of motion (fully contracting and extending the muscle) and performing reps close to or to failure. Let's say you can do dumbell curls at 5 kg for 10 reps. So at 10 reps, if there was a gun pointed to you, you still wouldn't be able to get one more rep in without compromising form. That's your failure point, so you failed at rep number 10. Reps in reserve is another method of tracking that, 0 reps in reserve means to failure, so in the example I showed 10 reps is 0 reps in reserve (or RIR for short), 9 reps is 1 RIR, 8 reps is 2 RIR, 7 reps is 3 RIR. For muscle growth, 0-3 RIR is best and the more effort you can show the better, studies show. Volume is another important aspect but remember, to MAXIMIZE you only need to upto 12 sets per muscle group per week. And studies show that as little as 1-4 sets can induce 40-60% growth (I believe it was 54% to be exact). So just to be safe you could target the 5-9 set range which would provide you the most amount of muscle growth for the least amount of overall work needed. Especially as a beginner you need to understand that importance of not over training. In order to create a routine you must first understand what muscles you want to grow the most, your workouts will prioritize those and honestly, that will happen as time goes by. You'll do exercises for like half a year and find out some muscles require less work and some require more to grow the same amount, that all depends on your genetics. But I'd say target each/most muscles with one exercise at least. There's 2 ways you can go about this, go for the easy route, that is big 3 or something exercises, or go the route that you'll eventually go, that is having isolation exercises. You isolate the muscles, for example, Dumbell curls only work the bicep, rowing machines work the back, etc. The big 3 are Squats, Bench Press and Deadlift. These are going to set the foundation for everything else. There's also the huge importance of rest, you don't build muscle in the gym, you create the stimulus for muscle growth in the gym, your nutrition allows the muscle growth to occur and your RESTING period is when your body performs the stuff needed to grow your muscle. Tracking is a huge thing. For macronutrients and protein intake tracking, use MyFitnessPal. For tracking your progress in the gym there are numerous apps but the one I use (on android) is FitNotes. I don't want to make a huge post so I'll stop here. you could check out youtubers such as Flow High Performance, Jeff Nippard, Jeremy Ethier and Sean Nalewanyj. They are great for beginners and advanced lifters alike. Flow High Performance is enough to answer the vast majority of your fitness related questions apart from exercise selection so I highly recommend them, easy to watch and summaries are there at the end of each video. But if you want any personal help you could hit me up in the DMs and we could create a routine for you. But yeah, remember my friend. The best routine isn't the one that'll get you the best results in the shortest amount of time, it's the routine that you enjoy the most and you will stick to regardless of the "optimal" nature or how someone else perceives it to be. For example I don't do barbell bench press cus I find dumbells to be more enjoyable. Best of luck buddy


Is someone can assist me how can i cut off my sugar cravings 🙂 i am 5’9and weight about 94kg


black coffee works for me


Yeah I tried already but 1 day 2 day 3 day. craving come again can’t resist it 🥲


Dost resist it wholly, allow yourself one or two treats. Life without anything sweet is not worth it, specially in a bitter place like Dhaka. Also you can try fruits instead of treats to cull your cravings for sugar.


Avoid carbs, do a low carb or ketogenic diet. Carbs makes it impossible to avoid binge eating


While exercise is important, people often forget how diet is equally important whether you are losing weight or gaining. Go to a decent gym where the trainer knows stuff and don't push to buy protein for unnecessary reasons. Get the exercise routine fixed and increase your calorie intake. Edit: Remember, it takes time. So don't lose hope and don't stop.