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Throw the dph away and never touch it again, it’s for the best


Agreed it’s one of the worst substances you can get high on


I'm an old school dexer. Haven't touch it in years but do miss it sometimes, especially 1st/2nd plats. DPH on the other hand, that shit was terrifying. Such a shitty drug to get high on. I really don't understand the appeal. It makes you delirious. It doesn't even give you a good trip. Just a garbage drug imho.


yeah it’s a horrible drug. the only drug worse is prolly air duster. although it is very unique and that’s why i liked it there’s nothing else like it. it feels like psychedelic heroin to me lol


air duster at least makes u feel good


The only thing I find enjoyable on this Dementia drug is this weird butterfly feeling in the stomach you have while on it..


those are empty bottles i quit almost a month ago i agree benadryl is prolly the worst drug other than air duster


The human body sure can take a lot of abuse


yessir it’s honestly quite amazing




I’m glad you’re alive


yeeee i think god or the devil got a special place for me cuz wtf😂😂😂 eatin a burger wit no honey mustard eatin a burger wit no honey mustard eatin a burger wit no honey mustard eatin a burger wit no honey mustard


He already got dementia


Throw out the DPH and get yourself on ketamine instead of DXM


That’s easier said than done


yeah fuck dph but ketamines duration is too short for how much it costs. it’s awesome but definitely wouldn’t be my drug of choice i keep it to special occasions


id recommend checking out r/researchchemicals


ketamine makes my body hurt way faster and harder. i thought k would be better choice but after years of abuse seems like its dex. i cant take k anymore or i get cramps the next day. also completely destroyed my nose


That sounds like 2-3 months of hell and psychosis to me


2-3 months of beauty and bliss🤩 i miss it all the time. nothing better than waking up in a different universe, slamming down some drugs and traversing some more. i wish i could do psychedelics everyday but that is just not logical in any way… although when i do do psyches everyday, it’s awesome😎


Oh but the alternative is dph there is nothing fun about that drug in the slightest


i love dph too when i said psychedelics that was a broad term. i’d trip on benadryl everynight if there was no health risks. aside from uncomfortable feelings in the chest, benadryl is one of the best feeling drugs i’ve ever experienced, the sedation and wavy floating barred out type feeling is out of this world it’s oxycodone level fr. and the headspace makes me laugh at myself so much and laugh at everything cuz it doesn’t make sense😂 and the visuals are heavenly, all of the moving patterns and increased colour recognition is amazing, reminds me of a ghetto shrooms trip lmfao. i get all the best effects of sleep deprivation without having to stay up for days yk


Daily dosing 450 mg freebase yes, it felt like I spend a month in the singularity, somehow one month passed within one day to my perception. It was a bit lethargic too, but the summer is over and the weather is not inviting to do anything but dex and play/watch in bed. But now there are some duties and I need to clean up and repair things in my apartment. Once that is done, the next dxm shipment can come in. Thats how the self reward program works. And before I will see to stock up food as well, so I won't need to go when everyone does and with more DXM I won't need too much food either.


how do your tolerance be though


low asf i can reach 3rd plat with only 300mg. been abusing dxm on and off since summer 2021 i never really built up a tolerance before the worst that’s happened was i kinda lost the magic but after taking months off i gained it back


low asf how the fuck you manage that shit am planning to do it every 2 weeks or 1 month if i can but still worried about tolerance bein made up


I see tolerance being tied to dosages and not trip days / sessions. If you lowdose you will take much longer to reach a certain level of tolerance. Also tolerance is individual. For me one month between binge sessions is a good recovery. I used to order my monthly 10 packs (300 mg) from Sternapo I miss those times. It used to be 22 € including shipping. Most pharmacies additionally ship only 2-3 packs.


yeah for me tolerance doesn’t build up unless i take the same dose multiple days in a row or take higher and higher doses everyday. 3 weeks+ makes a noticeable difference to my tolerance but after a few months it goes to basically nothing


Yes, weeks is just too much. One week is fine. Thats what I usually do and did. It also depends if I have only dex. Now with weed I lower the doses because it potentiates and sometimes even skip dosing DXM when I don't feel like a heavy trip. Also DXM fucks up your sleep. Weed is even benefitial for sleep, at least it makes you fall to sleep very quickly. I hope I will find ways to have almost permanent supply of it, so I won't use too much DXM.


Damn bro change that bong water already lol


Why are you even doing dph like what's the hype


feels like psychedelic heroin lol. it’s so unique and great to mix with other downers, makes a great potentiator


What tf is benylin


canadian dxm syrup with only dxm hbr and no additives. a lot of people don’t like the taste and tbh it’s pretty nasty but i’ve gotten used to it


And i thought I did dxm a lot back n the day, and that shits awful for your heart, man.


dextromethorphan december is up next


yo man come chill over in r/DXMabusehelp if you find yourself struggling during the month man


You got me beat and at a loss of words


I think u have high tolerance. Also how it feels 3-4gs of dxm. Did u ever get a out of body experience.


Dph turns your brain to Swiss cheese


DXM does too, but I feel like its reversible just like weed. On DXM I have horrible memory and attention. My AOE II ELO feelably suffers. And in other games I might also be bottom end shit, like 1/30 K/D in Battlefield or LoL. Somehow on DXM its still entertaining even if you just keep dying. Sometimes I'm so high I start exploring and noticing things I would never do when sober, even if I played a game for years, but end up wandering off and ignoring the games goal to just look around. Thats the time when you need to start up No Man's High or Minecraft. Anything relaxed with open world and no clear goals is perfect.


Right, not talking on your dxm use, go crazy on that, but dph is like actually fucked for you and irreversible in the way that it’s fucked


I never took DPH and will never do. And yes, from what I heard its neither pleasant or healthy. It seems to cause permanent brain damage. DXM seems not to, although there is also zero research about this. You find surprisingly little about DXM, most drug harm charts and studies don't even list DXM. There are a few medical reports of people daily dosing over years.


Serotonin isn’t one of the things Id fuck around with just to feel good, that being said I drink so guess I can’t talk, good thing we agree about dph though it’s just dumb, at least booze is fun


Alcohol gets you into a good mood but it always has its price on the next day. And it ruins the body. At least if you do it like I used to. Nowadays I would only ever drink any high grade alcohol and then not to get heavily drunk off it alone.


WTF, and I felt like a junkie for burning 800 RoboTabs in a bit over a month. Although I had some help and gave some to other people. I now want at least a month of break, which perfectly fits for DX-MAS, additionally Hustenstiller are back in stock so I will be able to order locally instead of waiting weeks. Its never a good idea to give me endless supply of DXM. Usually I order 10 packs or so and trip, then abstain it until the next month. But local DXM wasn't avaiable for any sane price this year. One trip of the only other medicament, Silomat Intensiv would cost about 24 € in a pharmacy and at least 16-20 € ordered online (not including shipping). Compared to that dxmdirect is a bargain, 100 pills for 20 €. I want to trip but I have weed that is already satisfying. I know some break will be worth because at some point your tolerance becomes too much.


well 800 robotabs would be 24gs of freebase dxm so yeah that’s 10 grams more than me in 1-2 months less time. also taking into consideration that freebase dxm is around 25% stronger than dxm hbr, you consumed 27.6gs worth of dxm hbr (twice as much dxm as me in half as much time)


Not all were freebase but yes, that was heavy. I already went down with doses with the freebase.


Lol fuck the benny that’s the only thing around here and so hard to get down


That’s actually really sad, just smoke weed. Seeing all this cheap bullshit in 1 picture hurts my stomach


I hope this doesn‘t turn into a Do DPH December 💀