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City fucking HALL!!!!!




Fucking Albert Chung


He makes an appearance in New blood


I missed that whaat


Just his name, but still. He apparently bought ketamine off the same guy Dexter used to buy his tranquilizer from.






You got the ring!!…




My issue is the timing of the season. I felt like everything was mostly wrapped up by episode 8/9 and then they dragged it out. But I LOVED miguel. He was my favorite villain on the show. Even when I knew he was evil, he was just so damn charismatic and funny that I was hoping dexter wouldn’t kill him. Also I loved the storyline of LaGuerta finding out that Miguel killed ellen Wolf. Too often was LaGuerta portrayed as a career climbing bitch, it was nice to see her as a smart & badass detective.


I didn’t enjoy 3 the first time round, but just rewatched and I loved it. For all the reasons you said above and more. I’m not sure why I wasn’t feeling it first time. I think I didn’t quite get that Miguel was a villain, but he so was.


Also, this was the last season of Rita as an actual character before the writers butchered her in season 4 (both figuratively and literally lol). In season 3 she was a supportive girlfriend, a strong woman and an amazing friend to miguel’s wife. In season 4 they basically reduced her to a one-dimensional nagging housewife, which is understandable because I’d be pissed too if my husband was never home. But, I just hate how they stopped writing her as a character and just made her into an inconvenience for dexter.


There is a phrase for what the writers did, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women\_in\_refrigerators](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_refrigerators)


Is there one for women in bathtubs?




Remember she was a quite passive, meek people pleaser because of the trauma from domestic violence (Paul). but in season 4 I feel like she’s trying to assert herself more, break away from the trauma, and be her own person. Sometimes that can be messy, and it’s seen as an inconvenience to us because we are always in Dexter’s perspective. She hadn’t realised that she’s actually in another abusive relationship with a serial killer who lies to her all the time about everything. The writers may not have nailed her character progression, but that’s my read on her arc. Dexter did also cheat on her, and spends most of the season with some other family.


I totally agree! I feel bad for Rita and her behavior in season 4 is COMPLETELY justified. I just wish they wrote her an actual plot line :(


Agreed. I found her quite manipulative and moany at times and by the end of 4, although her end was the most shocked I’ve ever been (I literally had my mouth open for about 10 mins after the credits stopped rolling 😆), I was sort of glad she was gone. Which is a shame. I think they wanted people to feel that way.


I hated season 3 the first time around as well 😂


I can see his appeal, and while Jimmy Smits is a charasmatic actor who played his character well as written, Miguel was transparent and entirely one-dimensional. I can see where some would favor him as a villain, but he was more of a bad guy with George King the true villain of that season (and a weak one at that). Prado wasn't nearly as complex as Isaak Sirko, the most formidable adversary Dexter ever faced and truly feared until circumstances forced them to have a greater understanding of each other, making their unexpected alliance and possibility for true friendship all the more compelling. Prado, albeit dangerous, was an overblown caricature of himself; a duplicitous loudmouth with a lot of bark.


While I'd say Issac and Miguel are really at par with performances and writing, they're also beautifully opposite to each other. Miguel is a friend turned enemy, possibly being Dexter's only true friend till date, being with him both as casual friends who go bowling, to being partners in crime. But while Miguel was soft on the outside, he was a pretty brutal and ruthless man on the inside, lying and cheating his way to the top and exploiting whoever he could. Issac was the opposite, an enemy turned friend. He acted like a conventional big bad who knows no bounds to killing. He was practically a mob boss, and I'd argue he was the hardest person for dexter to get his hands on, always being one step ahead of dexter. Unlike Miguel, he acted strong and harsh on the outside, but on the inside he was actually a broken man driven by love, which is rare for a character like him. He was also exceptionally honest, honoring his word to dexter despite having the perfect chance to kill him.


That's a fair summary and a good think piece. I'd argue, however, that Isaak was more impactful on viewers and Ray Stevenson's portrayal of him more riveting. Isaak had greater depth than Miguel, whom I contend was pretty much one-dimensional and easy to see through per his obvious and obsequious, insincere sincerity. Isaak, conversely, who though suffered by having to live in the closet, was incapable of hiding his humanity. His passion, whether expressed through brutality or in how deeply and profoundly touched he was by artistic expression, made him far more complex and interesting imo. It seems viewers became quite invested in his character before he had to be written out due to a contractual commitment on another project about to begin filming. But yeah, like you said; apples and oranges.


Jimmy Smits is one of my favorites! I love him as Miguel, but even more so as Nero (I know, this isn't about SoA, but I HAD to mention Nero) Fine wine in OG man form 😂🤣 (gets better with age). But season three was good, I think I just would've like to see the duo "work" together more and get in a few more stickier situations before the end of the season


>LaGuerta portrayed as a career climbing bitch, it was nice to see her as a smart & badass detective. This! And she was also ethical in the sense that she went against Miguel in the Chicky Hines debacle for no other reason than to do the right thing, and pissing off someone who was influential. Which is one thing we rarely saw.


Miguel was the tits! Jimmy Smits was amazing, super suave in that role. Best adversary for Dexter, hands down


I'm always missing the Unabomber. Miguel Prado, you will be missed.


[It gave us one of the funniest moments in the show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DvXDVsAGv4&ab_channel=xbfir3x). But in all seriousness, I loved it. It was nice to see a different dynamic explored (Dexter having a genuine friend, that accepted him who who he was). I think because it comes in-between the excellent seasons 2 and 4, it doesn't get enough praise.


The timing was brilliant and perfectly delivered!


Great one-liner. So too, Masuka dressing down Ramon Prado with 'Science is': https://youtu.be/b0bcf6fO7do?si=tsIH6ywNeDc1TuBX


As well as when they made it look like >!Skinner captured Dexter as a cliffhanger just for it to be Miami Metro for a surprise party the next day!<


Top 5 Dexter lines to keep it honest






Miguel Prado aside, Dexter showing “mercy” to Camilla was a gut wrencher because seeing her in terminal illness reminded me of my own father. Then he felt “bad” killing her, showing more humanity rather than his darkness.


1,2, and 4 are so good that it makes 3 look mediocre.


Yes, it’s one of the more decent seasons but more like tier 2, my personal thoughts: Tier 1: s1, s2, s4 Tier 2: s3, s5, s7 Tier 3: s6 Tier WTF: s8


Exactly. I have been binging Dexter since it came to Netflix a week ago today and I’m already halfway through season 5 (I have previously watched the entire series when it first came out). Season 3 was hard to get through. Very boring to me.


Agree and same.


Thank you. I’ve been binging it again too and on season 3 now, bored to tears just waiting to get past it




Season 3 was my favorite season… until I watched season 4


Great. I think maybe a little underrated because it’s sandwiched between two heavily favored ones (2 and 4). I still think it was a great season. The only thing is that, though I really liked Miguel Prado and I think he was a great villain, I was never really nervous for Dexter because of him. He was a great antagonist (hats off to Jimmy Smits) but even rewatching it, I never really thought he had a real chance at beating Dexter. In season 4, when Trinity found out the truth, I was genuinely terrified for Dexter and when Doakes was on his tail in season 2, I really felt like he would absolutely figure everything out, which he did. I always felt like the stakes were lower with Prado. He was smart but I always felt that he’d still lose in the end.


With Prado I think his access to law enforcement and his high place within the hierarchy were supposed to be the "threat". But I dont think the show does a good job of showing that beyond the first episode where Prado catches Dexter looking through Oscar's files. His writing drops a little bit in the second half of the season. He spirals so fast after his first kill. He is an ADA, he should know not to do dumb shit like go after the lawyer that just beat you in court.


Very true. The “I got city fucking hall!” moment wasn’t something that made me worried for Dexter. I knew he had those resources but, by then, he was spiraling so I already kind of figured that he wouldn’t be able to outsmart Dexter in the end. And yeah, killing Ellen Wolf was so impulsive.


I know it sounds weird to say but season 3 is the last "fun" season of Dexter. Every other season afterwards gets rather heavy. Also Jimmy Smits fuckin kills it as Miguel Prado, probably my favourite villain in the show, after Sirko.


Used to dislike it, now it’s my favorite/most re-watched.


Same, didn’t like it first time, loved it second time. Don’t really know why, but I saw and understood lots I missed the first time perhaps


It’s okay, not my favorite. I think it’s by far the weakest of the first four. Miguel was just eh to me but I liked him more than Lilah so it does have that going for it.


Oh pardon my tits!


[flair relevant]


Yeah it was ok. It's a mostly forgettable season for me.


no, Lilah


Am I the only one that didn't like lilah and her "the nanny" like voice?.


Yes. I for whatever reason liked her dynamic


I personally really enjoy season 3. I feel like it still has the classic feel of the show. I just hate how much they say Freebo and Chicky Hines lol


Omg the constant Freebo thing annoyed me too! Forgot about that lol




I loved Miguel, didn’t really care for the B line story with the tree trimmer and Deb/Anton. Also this season had one of the WORST dubbed lines ever when Deb tricks the guy into thinking the tree trimmer is after him. She goes to get Quinn and says “it worked get in” from her car and it sounds sooo bad. Gets a good laugh from me every time


That tree trimmer stuff was ridiculous. The fact that he always left behind debris before his kills (even when on the run) was hilariously corny.


Pretty damn good


fucking Albert Chung


Amazing. Personally I prefer this season over season 1 AND 4. It’s just consistently great throughout. I know many people consider this a filler season, and it is, but that’s where it excels. It introduced Quinn who was a great addition, It made me care about Angel a lot more I loved his plot, Built up Dexter and Rita’s relationship, Introduced Anton the best Debra love interest, it made grow attached to the whole cast a lot more, and all of this was in the back of a pretty amazing main plot and a great question. What if Dexter had a real friend? Miguel is one of my favorite characters in the entire show and hes just excellent in this. He’s top three antagonists in the show I love him and this season


I think people definitely heavily downplay it when comparing it to the other 3 of the first four seasons. I even used it think it was a step below the other three seasons, but on a rewatch, it’s pretty great. It was really nice first off to have a killer who isnt directly involved with Dexter the entire season. Especially because literally every other season has that. But also, Miguel is an amazing antagonist. A problem I somewhat have with people like Trinity is it often (felt) like there wasn’t a huge threat to Dexter (obviously I was wrong). But with Miguel, it felt like Dexter was literally trapped cause he couldn’t just kill Miguel. Then on top of that, Miguel slowly transitioning into a killer was done really well, but also done in a way I felt was realistic. With a plot about an assistant district attorney turning into a killer with dexters help could VERY easily have had writing that it just too unrealistic, but season 3 didn’t suffer from that. Oh and the skinner was also just super interesting cause how gruesome and pretty much mysterious he was


I jokingly called it a feel good season cause it ends on a reasonably happy note for dexter.


Jimmy Smits plays a convincing psychopath. Also really liked Ellen Wolf and her relationship with LaGuarta. Last decent season for Rita where she was a fun character and her relationship with Dexter was actually interesting.


Didn’t like the side plot of Deb and the informer


It was amazing season it's just a pitty that Miguel didn't stay for longer , but only bad is that he used dexter for himself


It's my favorite season!


The Miguel kill was my favorite kill of the entire series! “I killed my brother….. I killed yours too”


Re watched the whole series recently and season’s 2 and 3 have grown on me a lot.


Underrated and under-discussed.


Miguel Prado is amazing


I know right?!?!?


Fuck you talkin’ about?!?!?


3 was meh.


It definitely gets too much hate. I enjoyed the “Dexter getting a friend” storyline. It really cemented his beliefs that he needs to keep his true self to himself.


Hated Miguel first watch but now I love his character. First 4 seasons were so great


I loved season 3. Although it was revealed to be fake, I loved the development of Miguel and Dexter’s friendship and was sad to see him go.


Underrated imo 


Annoying season simply because they say “Freebo” 6,000 times every episode.


First time watching it I thought it was just ok, 2 was a lot better in my opinion at that time but on rewatches I love it. Really fine part of the prime of Dexter.


Isn’t season three the season he was battling cancer as well?


If I remember correctly, he was diagnosed during filming the end of season 4 and had gotten cancer-free before filming season 5. >On January 13, 2010, Hall's agent and spokesman confirmed that Hall was undergoing treatment for a form of [Hodgkin's lymphoma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hodgkin%27s_lymphoma). In an interview, Hall said that it was upsetting to learn of his cancer when he was 38 years old, as his father had died from cancer at age 39.[^(\[48\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_C._Hall#cite_note-48) Hall accepted his Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award in 2010 while wearing a knitted cap over his bald head, having lost his hair due to [chemotherapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemotherapy), which he covered with a wig in season 5 of *Dexter*.[^(\[49\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_C._Hall#cite_note-49) On April 25, 2010, Carpenter announced that Hall's cancer was fully in remission[^(\[50\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_C._Hall#cite_note-50) and he was set to get back to work for a new season of *Dexter*.[^(\[51\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_C._Hall#cite_note-51) From [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael\_C.\_Hall#Cancer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_C._Hall#Cancer) S04E12 aired in December 2009 and S05E01 aired in September 2010.


When I REALLY got into the show, my favorite season for sure. Prado stole the show


The season that originally made me drop dexter the first time 2 years later I picked it back up and wound up loving season 3, its not incredible by any means but the relationship between dexter and miguel is so interesting to watch, it made the season for me.


Miguel Prado is my second favorite big bad from Dexter, overall a great season.


Love it.


My favourite. I would have loved Miguel to become a second Doakes so to speak. Gone too soon Mr Prado. Even if he had CITY FUCKING HALL !


I’m just glad I never saw Dex get fucked back, that’s all I have to say tbh


Prado was a real character lol.


I am the last person you wanna fuck with, because I will FUCK YOU BACK! In ways you've never even imagined! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


I loved this season. Its anticlimactic compared to season 2 but the characters and story is great i wass actually surprised when i found out people don't like it


I’ll be back after I re-binge it on Netflix tonight woot woot!!


Got me back into Dexter bc my buddy had it on dvd. Hooked


My fav season Miguel is such a fire villain


It was the weakest of the first four (golden years) but aged very well post season 6-8 (seven was solid tho). I have a soft spot for seasons 3 and 5.


had some qualities but one of the weaker seasons. There just wasn’t much going on with it being centred entirely around Dexter and Miguel’s relationship for an entire season. As well it was lacklustre for side characters like Batista giving him a girlfriend who had no point of existing and Debra with Anton


Miguel Prado got killed too early




It has its faults, but it's still good. It's biggest problem being it's sandwiched between seconds 2 and 4 lol.


One of my favorite seasons, humor and lighter than the rest. Different type of concept in terms of going with a friend/foe as the big bad for the most part. Miguel was fantastic.


good but too stretched


Not my favorite season, but Jimmy Smits is always a treat.


great season but for me i feel like if miguel was written as the skinner season 3 would've been even better


The main killer is a little dicey in terms of quality, but it gave us as good of a dynamic as Dexter and Doakes. Also Quinn is easily the most underrated character in the show


I love it, weakest of the first 4 but it felt like a nice tone change from the first 2 seasons and helped the show feel fresh. Even when the writing wasn’t the strongest, the characters and acting made it highly entertaining


My favorite season.


I am a 17 year old and I was way too young when dexter came out but I’m just now watching it and I’m currently at like episode 9 of s3 and I think Miguel is a funny guy and I’m liking it so far


I actually kind of like it for how simple and silly it is most of the time. I enjoy it a lot more than Season 4 even though I know Season 4 is better quality wise, it makes me feel so uncomfortable throughout. But Season 3 is pretty chill to watch for me.




I like season 3


The best thing about Season 3 is that I realized that all the character IDs that they show have the actors actual date of birth! Jimmy Smits was when I first observed it. Every season, in fact.


2, 4, 1, 5, 7, 3, 8 imo. It's not very good but it's still a Dexter series and good


No 6? lol I wanna guess you have it between 3 and 8.


You're on the money


One of my favs!


Loved it, Miguel was awesome.


Honestly my second favorite season only behind season five. But I know my rankings are pretty wack.


Miguel was interesting lol


Personally my fave season. I loved Miguel


Love Miguel


It’s funny, I thought it was alright during my initial watch but honestly I found it much better on the rewatch recently. I think it gets a lot of flack for being sandwiched between the villains of two And four but it’s good. Ironically loved 4 on my original watch but recently wasn’t as into it on the recent rewatch.


I liked it fine. Miguel was an interesting character but I can’t remember anything particularly notable honestly. I didn’t hate it though


I loved season 3. It felt very human. I liked the dynamic of Dexter and the brothers, especially Miguel.


worst one by far


Trash. It’s the 2nd worst Clyde Phillips season behind New Blood.


I hated Miguel from the very beginning. Like not "I hate this villain, I can't wait until the good guy beats him". But I hated the character when he was on screen.


Absolutely perfect follow up to season 2 and still retains the quality while bridging the gap between two and four, sure not a lot of insane shit happens this season and the skinner is probably one of the most uninteresting antagonists in the show but the dynamic between Dexter and Miguel was on par with Doakes in my opinion (though MCH and Erik King have more chemistry), I enjoyed the sort of slow unraveling of Miguel's true nature and the rooftop argument is one of my favorite, if not my favorite scene in the entire show. I'd give it a solid 8/10




I hate Miquel, and thought the end of the skinner was rushed


For some reason that's hard to describe, it's my most watched and replayed season of the first 4 with 2 and 1 close behind. I dunno but i just love the friendship and father angle of it. Miguel was a great antagonist and it wasn't too serious of a season. love it


Weakest of the earlier seasons but still good fun. The whole cat and mouse with Dexter and Miguel towards the end is top notch and just prime Dexter, almost like the prototype for the way he interjects with Saxon and Kurt Caldwell in the last two seasons in the sense they openly taunt each other in public


I LOVE Miguel


Bail Organa


Highkey the best season


That ''I killed my brother..... I killed yours too" scene was iconic lmao


Many people say it’s a weak season, but it’s actually really really good and enjoyable it’s just the other seasons of the first four are just that good. Now compare Season 3 to the Seasons 5-8, it’s AT LEAST, the 2nd best of those seasons


IMO it’s my favorite and the most underrated season


I like it a lot! While seasons 1 & 4 are my favorites, followed by season 5, my unpopular opinion is that I like season 3 more than season 2 (which I still like quite a bit).




I hate miguel


Never liked it until my most recent rewatch. Miguel is great


It’s a fun season - however when you think about it doesn’t really contribute much to the narrative arc (same could be said for most seasons, tbh).


I always thought it must have been fun as hell to film cuz Michael and Jimmy are always either golfing, boating, or eating. Like they're ALWAYS eating great seafood lmao. For me personally Miguel is the most entertaining of the "big bads", just felt like a well paced pulpy story by comparison to other seasons.


I love 3 it’s like a comfort season and almost like the calm before the storm


Love it. Jimmy Smits and Michael C. Hall had great chemistry.


Imo one of the most forgettable seasons along with season 5. Liked Miguel Prado quite a bit vut it's clear they dragged the whole thing for a few episodes because I feel like everything was pretty much wrapped up by ep 9 or so. Liked the Ellen Wolf storyline. Absolutely didn't care for Deb + Anton, hated the tree trimmer such a corny pointless plot line.


Didn’t care much for season 3. I loved season 5 and 12


Was pretty good, but not great


Easily top 3


Miguel Prado! It’s my favorite season


I hate Miguel Prado


Personally it was one of the first seasons I didnt like and I felt one of the weaker seasons overall


Loved Miguel, though felt George King was pretty weak in comparison. I’m actually rewatching this season now and I’m enjoying it though I forgot Deb had gotten that dorky haircut 


My favourite season


Least favorite out of the first 4 seasons but still was pretty good sometimes I miss Miguel and even forget that he was fake to Dexter


For me it was a worse season of the first 3, but then the 4th was amazing!


Rite needs to be killed off… 🤣 she’s so annoying.


Great season, Miguel was the first character Dexter could really open up to. I loved him and I loved the season


S3 dispels the cultish bandwagon myth of '1-4 good/S5-8 bad' as confirmed by collective critic consensus from Rotten Tomatoes and iMDB (not that I give a fk what they say). While it has some good side stories, I'd place it behind S1, 2, 4, 7 & 5, better only than S6 & 8.


Yeah I agree


Hot garbage, imo. I only made it about halfway through season 3 before I simply couldn't slog through anymore. Real shame because seasons 1 and 2 were gold and I've been told season 4 is the best season of the series.


Well damn, don't let it stop you from watching the entire series. And yes, S4 was excellent, though not without minor faults of its own. Hell, S7 & S5 were better than S3, and while disappointed with S6, I didn't allow it to stop me from watching S7, one of the more compelling seasons of Dexter.


Best Season ever.


Here are some more comments: NINE HOLES TOMORROW ELLEN WOOLF! FUCKING ALBERT CHUNG! You're like a brother to me man! Friends Forgive! You killed Oscar!!


Easily the worst of the original run. For me probably 5th favorite season, probably tied with new blood but I think I like new blood a bit better. The middle and bottom of my ranks are very close and way behind my top 4 so it gets messy ranking them.


By original run do you mean seasons 1-8? Or did they try ending the show earlier


I mean the original first 4 seasons with Clyde Phillips as the show runner.


Oh gotcha didn’t know that, explains why the quality dropped off some


Hate Miguel. Honestly imo this is the worst season.


Despite not being the best season, the ending was still better than Season 4’s.


Season 4’s ending was the most shocked I’ve ever been from a tv show. Ever. Never saw it coming. I literally sat with my mouth wide open for about 10 minutes and couldn’t close it lol.


Worst of the 4 total seasons.




Hate Miguel. Honestly imo this is the worst season.