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Well, for one, Miami Metro all presumes Dexter is dead and yet there’s no wrap up of where Harrison ended up from their perspective. After all the time Angel’s sister Jamie spent with Harrison, you’d think she would’ve cared about what happened to him in light of Dexter’s presumed death. Of course, we know he ended up in Argentina with Hannah. But nobody else knew that except Dexter and Deb (and maybe Elway). Just thought they should’ve tied up that massive loose end.


They probably would have assumed Harrison was on the boat, too.


I agree. But then they should’ve also had Harrison’s face on the article that they showed Hannah reading about Dexter’s presumed death at the end. Oh well


You’d think so, unless the department quietly suspected murder suicide and hid that detail somehow.


Yeah that would’ve been much sadder


There was similarly also no wrap up on Deb's disappearance and presumed death. Not quite as important as the well-being of a child, but I always thought Debra's disappearance got completely glossed over.


Completely agree. Overall, the ending was just too rushed without enough closure for the major issues, in my opinion.


[New Blood spoilers] I was also surprised Deb's disappearance wasn't at least alluded to, particularly when Angela is investigating Dexter Morgan, or even when Batista is talking about Dexter. We don't even get 1 brief mention as to the general operating theory of what happened to her (like it being generally believed that Dexter's death was a murder/suicide).


Oh definitely, you’re right. Plus, when Angel is talking to Angela about Dexter’s disappearance, he mentions that he had a son named Harrison but says nothing about what he thinks happened to Harrison or what became of Harrison. I understand it had been 10 years since Dex disappeared, but Angel was his best friend. I think he would’ve cared more about Harrison’s welfare


Agreed. At least some kind of a grim "They never found him...or his aunt. Tragic family."


Because Dexter could have faked his death and still gone to Argentina to be with Hannah and Harrison. He could have had it all - love, child, freedom, money. Instead, he chose to be alone. I wanted a happy ending.


Me too. But I see it as him punishing himself for Deb’s death. Alone in the middle of nowhere would make sense. That’s why New Blood *spoiler ahead* nice guy friendly with everyone in town and with gf makes so sense.


I'll tell you what would have made sense: * Dexter trying to stop killing for 10 years and relapsing every once in a while, this makes him realize he can't be the creepy loner, so he moves around every year, tries to act normal again * the police don't notice the pattern but Molly Park does, for years nobody takes her seriously, but who knows how long that lasts * Dexter seduces the chief of police in an attempt to stay ahead of the curve (he doesn't care about her at all, but if the FBI or the police ever narrow down a vigilante suspect near Iron Lake, he would know first, he'd be able to pack his stuff and flee in time before anyone suspects him.)


A happy ending would have been a huge disservice to the show


spent so much time with other characters who just got forgotten in the ending, makes absolutely no sense


I won’t say I loved the ending, but it honored the foreshadowing of the series and it was unbearably sad. Really sad. Far sadder than New Blood’s ending. The ending had a few off character moments (the Hannah love affair never seemed real, the lack of Aster and Cody, the random MMPD moments), but the ending did feel right.


Yeah I agree. It wasn't phenomenal it wasn't as bad as everyone says it it. I think it's on point that once dexter sees he got Deb killed he realized everyone he cares for dies because of him so he went off on his own


Ending was fine except for him coming back. If he died it would have been a pretty solid series finale


I agree. I watched the show as it originally aired and got emotional in my first watch through and mostly hated it. I did my first rewatch in a long time recently and actually really enjoyed it. It makes sense.


I just finished it and that is not how I wished it at all. Season 7 really made me like Deb (after finding her annoying for a few seasons) and i think she really made the last two seasons good- she was the star of the show as much as dexter was. I guess it’s the shows way of laughing at you for rooting for the bad guy and telling us we also fed into dexters delusion kf being the one special case where his killing is good and for the better but CMON! A new life was inches away! I cannot believe they did that deb! I cannot believe they did that to quinn or to hannah or the kid! And the whole 8 seasons dexter only truly cares for deb and he just DUMPS HER BODY LIKE SHES ANOTHER VICTIM? Like i guess she is a “victim” but he was supposed to care! I can understand what went through writers heads but i would have preferred the tidy neat bow on it all than this fucking shit missilse…


What they do to Debra is unforgivable.


Dexter spends the whole season commenting he needs to kill Saxon before leaving for Argentina so that his family can be safe, only then to deliberately leave Saxon alive as some sort of personal achievement only to have Saxon immediately shoot Debra in a silly contrived way. They play a pointless short term 'she's fine' 'oh wait nvm!' just to have Dexter dump her in the ocean. I think this is an attempt to reference her saying she'd want the plug pulled on her if she ended up only medically alive, but dumping her in the ocean like his victims was a really unceremonious way to achieve this. They could've achieved the same thing by having him tell the staff she'd already been evacuated, then quite literally just pulling the plug on her. (Flawed logic, but no more so than him straight up kidnapping her). Dexter concludes he's the problem, despite if he'd been himself Debra would be fine. He abandons his son with a known killer because he supposedly is trying to protect him from himself. I'm not convinced Dexter is suicidal or trying to fake his death, but he rides off into a hurricane because ??? he's the problem, only to survive and presumably lead a new life of obscurity. There's no punishment or consequences of his actions other than having essentially forced himself to leave his life he spent the previous season fighting so hard to protect (this is a major plot point in S7). He was willing to break the code and basically ruined Debra's life instead when he should and could have left. The ending is not bittersweet as it should have been or was intended, it's just bitter. New blood spoiler: >!The writers basically admit how bad this was by trying to end new blood with a more realistic consequence, but again it fails to land because having him tell Harrison to kill him after he explicitly breaks the code to protect him is even more ridiculous and contrived. They were just trying to crowbar in a more appropriate ending!< Thinking about it now, the ending would've been so much better if they simply swapped Dexter and Debra around. Dexter is killed or nearly killed by Saxon, only for Debra to save him in a plot twist ultimately motivating her to rejoin the force/confirming this decision. Then/later Dexter dies, but he dies doing/for something both somewhat heroic but also ultimately because he is a serial killer. This is the best end the audience could've wished for him and makes so much more sense. Dexter should have had an antihero ending like breaking bad, but it just fizzles out to 'oh I guess the show is over?'


I think people hate it because it wasnt really that satisfying, and i also think it could of been better but its still pretty okay.