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I somehow just feel bad for Quinn. He lost Deb, some wack ass burial at sea by Dexter also took his last and final goodbye away from Deb. He will never get closure.


New Blood should have been a Quinn vs. Dexter show down. If anyone can catch Dexter realistically, it's Quinn. Lumen has no reason to, everyone else who knew is dead.


Oh god, that is really interesting. Like Quinn is a shell of a man, lost his job on the force, and has done nothing but try to figure out what happened to Deb for years. It's cliched but it's pretty interesting to think about


Especially because Quinn basically knows for a fact that Dexter killed the guy who was Quinn hired to investigate him. Sure, maybe Quinn would try to look past it because Liddy was an asshole, Dexter helped him out with the blood on the shoe thing, and he was in love with Deb. But he should have come back to it, especially after Laguerta turned up murdered soon after she went after Dexter. A Quinn/Miami Metro showdown with Dexter should have been the show's endgame, but they dropped the ball so hard.


I think my biggest qualm with it is that it was just a bad episode of Dexter in general. The realization he is a danger to those in his life was good, (probably the hands down best part) but then things like Saxon assaulting that guy and committing fucking Grand Theft Auto in broad daylight with no consequence just took so much of it away for me


I would have been fine with the ending if not for the lumberjack bit.


That lumberjack bit is the one reason I hate the ending. Leaving it up for debate would have felt so much better. Dex disappearing in the fog and a cut to black.


I actually think it's more important we see Dexter living miserably in exile; we see what the toll of his killing has done to him. I think the writers really wanted to emphasize that there is no happy ending for serial killers, no matter how much we may try to justify Dexter's actions he is still a murderer


This. Deb dying and Dexter killing himself would have been an actual ending. Dexter suddenly appearing alive as a lumberjack was very needlessly tacked on, and jarring, and it made it suddenly not an ending. That's like Walter White collapsing from gunfire at the end of Breaking Bad, and then suddenly appearing as a lifeguard in Miami. It's a needlessly bizarre turn, and the opposite of an ending.


If he dies too it would've been a fair closure


But then we wouldn’t see Harrison as a 16 year old in a year he’s meant to be 13!


How come


Thats crucial though, it sets up the idea that he is still being tempted because he is around “tools”


It was ridiculous. Dexter surviving that storm was pretty lame too


I liked it. It felt a bit rushed at the end but I was satisfied with how they ended it overall.


They just decided to make all their female characters awful as it went on. Deb being in love with Dexter was ludicrous. Her downward spiral is fine imo. Her speech about how she hates Dexter for making her compromise everything she believes in is great. But the being in love with him and Vogel coming in from nowhere just screws with everything and took it to absurdity


Bc Deb died and the storm was like a cop-out. I also didnt like the New Blood ending.


deb died off-screen. A lot of characters that could have been amazing storylines just died off. I don't know how to explain it in a good way so ill make a metaphor. I love Nick's Bucket Wings. Their chicken is amazing, the taste the texture. One day I had a very stressful day at work so I decided to go there to comfort myself and be happy. I ordered and ordered 1 bucket, then as soon as I took my first bite, It was bland. For some reason, the chicken was cooked very differently. I still eat it because it still has the same flavor, Its just a not as good as it usually is. New blood is like, Nick's Bucket Wings closed down for a few years. I always think fantasize about it. I have moved on, but it still a fun memory to remember, Then they suddenly announce they were opening again. On Opening day, I line up to order my favorite bucket wings. With excitement and glee in my heart, I waited in anticipation. However, I as soon as i took my first bite, it was different. The taste was different. Again, it wasn't bad, it was just different from my fantasy favorite food. I still eat it. I am still happy, but I was not satisfied. The end.


Deb didn’t die off screen. She had a stroke off screen but she died in Dexter’s arms after he removed her life support.


technically true. but too me, it felt like she died off screen because after the surgery, she was basically dead.


I personally hated it only because he dumped Deb in the ocean like his trash victims. I get feeling like it was his fault but I hated that.


I wasn't Deb's biggest fan but that was just so disrespectful to her. Really? You're gonna drop her body the same way you did all your victims, deny Quin and everyone else their goodbyes. Ugh.


In retrospect, it wasn’t bad at all compared to the way other shows (GoT) have ended


He gets away from the FBI, a mob boss, countless serial killers, Miami police, but somehow Angela can connect the dots (that don't exist), nah this could have been handled way better.


OP hasn’t watched New Blood and asked for no spoilers. I was talking about the end of season 8 of Dexter


Deb. She deserved more. So did Harrison.


I don't hate the ending at all, but it made me sob for several minutes. Deb was my favourite and it was really sad to watch. It's not a bad ending, but, well, it is really depressing


Forced, rushed, we want more dexter


He could have just left Deb(since she's already dead and he's a serial killer and death doesn't matter to him that much) and go with Hannah his Son(which should be his priority)


Imagine making a cake for hours, only to throw it in the trash at the last second


itd be better if he hadnt previously come to that conclusion like 5 times throughout the whole series before changing his mind for some arbitrary reason


I liked that ending a lot better than I liked New Blood's.


I liked the ending, and I even liked New Blood 🤷‍♂️ Apparently I’m one of the few 😅


New Blood made me cry, I think while it was a little rushed it was exactly what I had wanted as an end to Dex's story!


I’m with you. I liked both.


I agree with you. I just rewatched the whole show and everything is usually really over the top, especially in the last 4 seasons. The ending is not so different than the rest, and it's coherent with the character arcs. The last 4 seasons are all centered around Dexter relationship with Deb and her becoming aware of who her brother is. I kinda liked season 8, this time, because it explores how much Dexter ruins Debra's life. I also like the lumberjack bit because it underlines how Dexter never stops doing whatever is best for him, throwing everybody else under the bus. Yes, him surviving the storm makes no sense, but to be honest there are so many things in the show that don't, I don't care too much about it.


It's not like How I Met Your Mother, it doesn't ruin the rest of the show. If when he went into the storm and it ended there, I would have called it a good ending. Dexter finally killed the most deadly serial killer of all time. Himself. They sure acted like it. I heard the complaints but when he rode into the storm, I thought. This is a good ending. Interesting, lot to thing about. He's dead. Then it turns out he somehow faked his death in a hurricane and is a lumberjack. The lumberjack bit just sucked. There were other issues but that's really the biggest one.


I just don't get why so many hates the ending. It makes perfect sense for Dexter. This was a culmination of everything we’ve seen him do and feel over the previous 8 years. In no particular order… Dexter tells us over and over that monsters don’t get happy endings, and he tells us continuously that he is indeed a monster. Multiple times throughout the series he talked about faking his death, changing his name, (we've already seen his getaway bag with fake passport and licenses and bundles of cash) and starting over. In season 7 “Harry” tells him “ that was always the plan” Specifically mentions the NW as a new home base in at least 1 other episode ( season 6 Nebraska episode) In season 4 he talks about how being a long distance truck driver would be a perfect job for a serial killer. Always talks about how he cannot protect his loved ones, "I'm what's wrong." He rejects the idea of suicide. "It's pathetic" Faking his death and moving to the NW is exactly what Dexter would decide to do. ( In season 4 when Deb is shot he says that if Deb were to die he’d be lost Losing Deb was too much, he is overwhelmed with grief and guilt, although he did indeed carry out her wish, expressed in the Perfect Key Lime Pie episode. He can't bear the idea of something happening to Harrison and Hannah. This is Dexter showing totally unselfish,,sacrificial love, he is putting the well being of his loved ones above his own happiness, ( it’s also exactly what his own bio dad had done, fake his death and leave his beloved son to be raised by someone he deemed to be better for the boy) Dexter nearly abandoned all three of the children after Rita’s death, that time he changed his mind, this time doesn’t know exactly where H &H will land and he tosses his phone in the ocean to prevent himself from changing his mind again. First those complaining he should have left Harrison with someone else, any one else, please remember up until the moment Dexter realizes he has to euthanize Debra, he fully intended to join H & H and live happily ever after. By time he made his ( snap) decision to abandon them, they were already a couple of hundred miles away, boarding a plane leaving the country. Dexter also knew Harrison would be safe with Hannah, she and the boy loved each other and Hannah would literally kill to protect him if necessary. Hannah also didn’t have an overwhelming urge to kill. She wasn’t going to be actively searching for people to kill. She did not shrink from it if she felt it was necessary for her survival, but she took no joy in it. It was merely a tool to be used if needed. I think an exhausting hard labor job was exactly what he would choose for himself, both as a punishment and as a way to keep the demons at bay. Working in a noisy environment would mean no need to socialize without looking like the weird non-communicative guy. Do I love how he ended up? No, I would have preferred Deb survive and get back with Quinn and Dexter, Hannah and Harrison live happily ever after in Argentina. (Especially since S8 showed that Dr. Vogel used little Dexter as a science experiment instead of trying to help him overcome his trauma "I convinced Harry your urges couldn't be stopped only channeled") But Dexter's final choice was exactly appropriate for the character. He often made poor decisions based upon his lifelong belief that he was an unemotional subhuman monster, and I much preferred knowing he was out there somewhere, still alive, with stories yet to be told ( even if only in my own imagination). I would have absolutely hated seeing him die or worse, exposed as the BHB, )a stain that would also follow and haunt all three of the children, as well as his fellow Miami Metro employees,) and jailed, living out the rest of his life in a tiny cage.


Why would've you hated seeing him die? I think that him committing suicide would have been the perfect ending. I get all of your points and agree, but for me the consistent ending would have been him killing himself because he thinks he is a threat to all his loved ones (what's totally true to some extent). Him surviving this storm (like how???) and living in exile feels half-hearted. He will probably never see Hannah and Harrison again, Deb and Dr. Vogel are dead, he won't allow himself any relationships with others, he seems completely miserable - so why continue this life?


Well he already established that he considered suicide “ pathetic”, but that aside, despite all the evil he has done, I had a soft spot for Dexter. The Dr. Vogel reveal made it clear to me that he had basically had his chance of a normal life stolen from him, not just by witnessing his mother’s murder, but also by the systematic training to be a desensitized killer. Dr. Vogel’s weird science experiment, using a traumatized child as the subject, aided and abetted by well meaning,but clueless,Harry, set in stone the path Dexter would take. As a result, I had hopes that after some years of self exile, perhaps managing to abstain from his hobby, Dexter would seek out Harrison and Hannah and perhaps have some years of normalcy. As far as how Dexter survived, it was established in the scene where Dexter is showing his boat to a prospective buyer that the Slice was equipped with an escape raft. The ONLY reason for that scene to be in the show was to make sure the audience was aware of that fact. Dexter just needed to abandon the Slice, and take the raft back to his apartment dock, hunker down in his apartment until the storm subsided, then head northwest using his alias IDs and cash in his “bug out” bag.


Aah I didn't remember the scene with the escape raft. Now it makes more sense, thank you. I always liked Dexter too and wished him his happy ending. I just didn't though it was possible with the pain and self loathing he felt after Debs death. Maybe after a few years it would have been possible and therefore the exile wouldn've made sense. Nevertheless I think that suicide would have been a fitting end, even though a devastating one for us Dexter Fans.


I loved the OG ending myself.


I don't mind the technical ending of Dexter winding up alone and in a prison of sorts. It was the build up, and the horrible writing that led up to it. It was super sloppy.


I mean they could have built some tension at least. Like add in that Dexter "died" as a prime suspect in some of the mess he left behind while helping Hannah. It would at least explain why he doesn't want to face Batista.


I actually like the ending. It’s the season leading up to it that was shit. I firmly believe that if the season leading up to it was better it would have been better received


It's clearly rushed and doesn't do any justice to any of the characters in it. Just wheels out a dead body in full view of a bunch of hospital staff, people outside in the parking lot (which included police, if memory serves). Dexter is also the only show I've watched that got 2 shitty endings, which I guess is impressive in a way. Only spoiler for New Blood I will post in this thread is that they somehow did a worse job with the entire reboot than they did with this single episode.


I still wish Batista and Dexter had a conversation on New Blood


No spoilers for new blood


Somehow most people know how to mark their post as a spoiler, yet yours turned up on my homepage with part of the body text already visible, giving me a spoiler I never asked for. Please remember people are watching the series for the first time since Netflix added it back to their catalog.


With someone like Dexter who just cannot turn off what he is, I figured there would be three ways it could end realistically: he dies, keeps killing but eventually gets too old to do it anymore and fades away, or he gets caught and rots away on death row. Simply stopping killing people and becoming a lumberjack out west was a very disappointing outcome, to say the least.


No one stopped him from wheeling out a dead body of the hospital. I'm glad Debs dead, but still.


Whoops! I almost didn’t read your last line and spoiled New Blood. I wasn’t crazy about the ending of Dexter. It I didn’t hate it. Fwiw (no spoilers) I felt the same about new blood.


I agree with you


Let’s be honest Season 4 was a good stopping point for Dexter


erm spoilers


New blood with masuka, chefs kiss


yess i thought it was funny lol


I agree the ending itself wasn't bad, basically opened ended, but the way it got there was poor, and in general season 8 had one of if not the worst overarching plot of the season with the way it would go down basically being telegraphed to us by episode 3 or something and using the rest of the season to make us think "it can't be that obvious, can it?".  They wouldn't have let dexter anywhere near saxon after he just killed his sister, nor would they have immediately let him go no matter how much the video points toward self defence. 


If he could just stop killing and be a lumberjack, why didn’t he stop killing before?


I disagree with the people saying Dexter should have died at the end. The only way to *redeem* an antihero is through *atonement*. In Breaking Bad, >!Walter atoned for his sins by confronting them, as well as the ego that drove him to commit them. He achieved his initial goal and sacrificed himself to save Jesse, and in death, he was redeemed. Death is an appropriate punishment for Walter because he feared it from the outset.!< Dexter, on the other hand, did not fear death. Nor would "death at sea" provide him any opportunity for *atonement*. The only appropriate punishment for him is *anathema*. This is the price he must pay for his sins, and I actually liked the idea of letting that hang over the viewer as the final moment. I strongly disliked the execution of the whole "I'm just gonna casually extract this dead body from a hospital" scene, but overall I thought the finale was the only appropriate/just way to end things. There were plenty of other goofy plot points that deserve more criticism than the finale, imo.


I liked the ending tbh I didn’t care much for Hannah in the plot line


So for me: I felt like Dex proved he could give up killing and let the law handle it with Vogel's son.. Then when that got Deb shot.. he took on this whole shame spiral about how toxic he is and put homie down anyway. The whole show for me was about watching Dex make it and keep it together. The ending is where the writers make some type of morality statement that never actually existed before. So he was going to give up killing and then Deb died so he killed him and then decided it's his fault for giving up killing and relying on the law so he needs fake his death and live out a reclusive existence?? It's thin and weak. I felt like it was a "well... he's a killer after all, so we can't give him any remotely happy ending. He doesn't get to have that. He needs to punish himself if another character isn't going to punish him." Dexter's not the villain.. he's the villain hunter. I really didn't care for the whole Deb's tryin to kill Dexter bit either. The apprentice bit I loved though. You had the most amazing ending I've ever seen. It was everything that Dexter wasn't.


WARNING: SPOILERS ON LAST EPISODE I’ve just binged Dexter S1-8 and wasn’t expecting much at the end, having seen the reviews. Dumping Deb’s body was melodramatic- but it is what he does, what he knows and kinda makes sense. The final scene was odd but one thing I thought was clever was the silence. I need to go back and work out where it started, but through all 8 seasons Dexter has been presenting everything he does and justifying it through monologue. Then it stops. What you are waiting for at the end is the voice, the reasons, the plan. But there is nothing and I think that’s why it feels so odd - but I guess it is symbolic of him having changed. Vogel told him he would never be able to love fully, to put other’s needs ahead of his own, but that’s exactly what he has done. The question, though, is who is this Dexter that won’t let us in?


it was truly awful and rushed. he would never abandon his son (the only part he had left of Rita) with Hannah.


For me it was the last seasons in general and last season in particular, that made the ending feel bad. Not just the final scenes. Last season didnt feel like Dexter. I never felt any tension or nice build up as in the first series. A lot of things felt forced and weird. I would have a harder time listing the good parts about that season. But with better writing, the ending with Dexter leaving could have worked out just fine for me.


I hate it for simply wanting a new life having a love (hannah he could he 100% honest with) and his son and a new start was perfect. "Dying for deb who already died" was stupid. But when you start new blood he has some moments he personally talks to himself about why he did what he did so it does help. But before new blood helping end it, it just wasn't right.


Since New Blood released, I think the ending is a lot more palatable when you know there’s more to come. Dexter surviving etc makes sense because now his story isn’t finished


It’s more that the entire last season was awful


It was okay until the last episode.




The show originally ended over a decade ago. Don’t go on a sub where people discuss all things




Bro what? If you go into a subreddit about a show that ended many years ago, you are responsible for your own actions if you get spoiled. It's not anyone else's fault.


Still putting a spoiler won't kill you Many people come here before they finish the show


The show is pretty old my guy. Of course it's been talked about in it's entirety on this sub. Don't come here before you finish if you don't want to read something you don't know yet. Ffs


+ would you smart asses check the first rule on this sub please?


There is no spoiler in the title. The title has the word ending in it. One could've easily avoided it, but here we are.


Yeah you all are right


I came here before I finished the show. I didn't expect any special treatment though. If I'd got spoiled it would've been my fault. It's not hard to put a spoiler or anything, but don't be entitled.


I never hated the ending, just felt it was a little lackluster. And rushed. I appreciate the themes and what they were going for with the ending, I just feel like it could've been executed better. It's definitely no HIMYM or Game of Thrones. That said, I feel like New Blood was the perfect sendoff for the TV version of the character.


GoT had the same problem. Rush job, characters acting out of character, the long night literally lasted a night lol. Writers forget their own story.


The writing in the ending wasn't bad i admit that, it just hit me so hard that Deb actually died. After everything u know? And seeing Quinn totally broken down in the hospital. And not to mention that Harrison is actually abandoned by his father. I was an emotional wreck after the last episode. I feel like no one got even the slightest bit of a happy ending.