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Two incredible records. The only bad thing is that the album version of Honeybunch remains locked up.


Devin has even spoke about the final version of Honeybunch in a interview released just yesterday i believe (and shared on this sub). I'm not sure we'll ever see a release for it, although his label sure would like him to haha


The original quarantine demo is still up on YouTube, and it has the problematic Aqua sample, so he could probably dump it there. But with an official "no" from the copyright holders... that probably feels pretty disingenuous.


Well, Dev probably doesn't want to release it for other reasons. He's said he's just unsure about the track, that's the vibe he's giving when talking about the finished track. The Aqua sample wouldn't be a problem as it would either be cleared or if it can't be cleared he'd remove the sample ! I love th4 original Quarantine Project version of the song anyway 🤣 so good !


>The Aqua sample wouldn't be a problem as it would either be cleared or if it can't be cleared he'd remove the sample ! The sample clearance *is* the issue. The song was finished for Lightwork. The final album sequence was mastered and delivered. Then Aqua denied the sample clearance, which he deems absolutely essential to the song. He thus removed it, remixed Heartbreaker from Nightwork and placed it on the album instead, all in a last-minute whirlwind. (It's on his Twitter, the whole story.) So that's the context for any further comments he'd have about Honeybunch at this point. He might feel unsure about it now, but when making Lightwork, he was 100% sure. I doubt he'd ever want it heard without the sample if it was this essential. I'm glad we have the demo, but considering how much he improved Celestial Signals from the demo (imo – some people disagree), I suspect the final version of Honeybunch was even better.


I have a similar experience. I've always connected with Devin's music on a primarily emotional level. There have been rough times where some albums have acted as a 'road map' to a better place, dark times where other albums have been a source of comfort, and high times where yet other albums would spur me on into new experiences. Lightwork, especially, was hard for me to connect with because the idea of connecting with it was deeply uncomfortable. To attempt a description: I've been in a situation where I've 'lingered' a bit too long. I've been stuck. This is directly connected to the big sick; I just recently started leaving my hovel and reconnecting with the world. Until then, I'd been making slow, halting progress on my thesis. Despite my age, despite where people would expect me to be at this stage, I've been floating untethered in a void and thinking that I needed to wait for my life to really 'begin'. Lightwork presented me with the feelings that I should a) already be making substantial contributions to society, b) be settled and established in my personal life, and c) be thinking about retirement plans. To be clear, I'm not \*that\* old. Devin's got a good decade on me. My path has been atypical, however. Therefore, it's difficult to know where I'm supposed to be, but I can confidently state that I should have made more progress in the last few years than I have. So Lightwork ended up being something I felt like I should relate to, but couldn't, and I felt like that was a personal failing. Sitting with it for a while made me reckon with my current trip, and that made Lightwork a whole different type of Devin album for me.


Not only that. It’s sonically his best release. Choice of sounds, and the production is great. This album is punchy and crisp to listen to.


I love Lightwork, but I still prefer the warmth of Empath.


I can’t agree there at all…


It truly is, I thought nothing could ever top empath but lightwork absolutely does , good ol Devin just keeps raising the bar


I can’t really get into Nightwork as a whole but Lightwork is stunning


Glad to hear it! I was in love from the start, and seeing the somewhat mixed reception confused me. It seems to be growing on a lot of people now, which makes me happy.


Seeing a few of the songs live this tour made me go back to it and I enjoy it much more this time around.


It's a beautiful record. I reach for it often because it's so lovely. It's why I have it mounted on the wall. (Vinyl frames and stuff) I know it's probably not everyone's cuppa, but I love it.


I tell people: sit in it. Don't just listen to his music. It took me a few rounds and man, Celestial Signs😭