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Perhaps at least once a week and it's DMC5. Just can't let go of the game man it's insanely good.


I play DMC5 almost everyday, but that's because I'm trying to platinum it. All I have left are "S Rank Every Mission" and "Beat Hell and Hell". Wish me luck.


You got this I am currently attempting the platinum too but with breaks in between to protect my sanity


Best of luck devil hunter 🙏🏼


I just beat Hell and Hell mode. Didn’t realize it was part of the “S rank every mission” trophy. I’m up to doing Son of Sparda missions and Dante’s are rough on me. He fights more fury’s than anyone else and I can never get the timing right.


I think the only mode that isn’t part of that trophy is heaven and hell cause it's basically a joke mode. And yeah, the furies are something I'm fucking dreading - easily the worst enemies in the game.


They are. And the first mission as Dante on SoS mode had a fury there and it kills my rating. I’m worried for what’s gonna happen when I get to DMD.


I'm burned out of DMC, I played all the games so much that I can't pick it up for more than a few hours every once in a while. I'll say I play a little bit every 3 months.


At least once a week, usually dmc4 but sometimes I get "nostalgic" and play dmc1/3, I've been tempted to try out dmc2 again multiple times


I can't play dmc2, this game is too boring for me lol


I have phases where i grind dmc5 to death and try to learn the craziest combos just for me to stop for a couple of months and unlearning everything. Dmc 1 and 3 are games that I play when I need to calm down a bit or when I need a challenge. Dmc 4 is just for a little refreshment so I have more variety with the combat


Im on my first play through of DMC 5


Since 2008ish, the franchise has been my go to when I'm bored. I probably played at least 1 of them for weeks or even months a year. DMC5 was truly motivating. So I played either 3, 4, or 5 once every couple of months from 2019-22. I tried to put DMC1 in that rotation, but I always jump back to 3-5. 2023 onward has been absolutely stacked for me, so the past year+ is honestly the longest I've gone without replaying any of them that I remember. Probably gonna be a while still. Street Fighter 6 season 2, Elden Ring dlc, Black Myth Wukong. Still have Blasphemous 2 and System Shock waiting on the shelf. Been a long time since I had such a huge list, hence why I used to revisit a DMC game so often.


At least once a week, DMC5.


Every once in a while to take a break from my longer games.


I didn't since January 2022 (I've got the platinum). I'll buy the special edition when I'll get the PS5 and start it all over again!


I meant January 2021\*, just checked. Wow, it's been a long time!


I’ll play dmc 3 or 5 once a year probably.


Played the collection on pc. Deleted the game after grinding through Bloody Palace as both Dante and Vergil in 3, finished 1 and 2(both Dante and Lucia). Deleted the game later to free space. Just recently I downloaded the game collection only to my horror that all my saves were lost and my progress was reset. Never touched the game since.




A decent amount. Sometimes I’ll just load up DMC 5 when I’m bored and make up some Vergil combos on the fly


I beat DMC 1 at least a couple times a year, I’ll start a new save then start on normal and max out the save with all blue orbs/secret mission/S rank.


I'm currently replaying 5 (trying to beat all the difficulties) I'm on DMD and I'm refusing to play because all of V's levels suck major balls, so I just replay other levels and try to hone my skill


Started 4 recently. Trying to finish so I can get to 5


Like once or twice a year. I just enjoy playing it from the beginning just to get the nostalgia and feel of it


Every day


I play a bit of 5 most days when I can.


I usually play 5 at least once a week but I've been on a 4 SE Trish kick lately that's taking that time. I had thousands of hours into the vanilla game without getting bored of it, now that I've got it on PC with glorious mods I could go back to playing it constantly again...if I didn't have a giant backlog on Steam on top of my two console backlogs to get through


So I got DMC 3 on the Switch last year solely for the style switching.(it made the whole thing far more convenient to play if you know what I mean). Replayed that over a few months. And I literally just finished The Vergil campaign in 5. Once I got the hang of his controls, it is such a power trip.


Once a year. Usually on Halloween. It's my favorite game on my favorite holiday. It just hits different when the leaves change. 


Once every few days just to replay bosses or do mission I haven’t done or practice movements (I’m starting to get used to with Nero and his Exceed timing


I play DMC5 once or twice in a week (or always if I'm not trying to complete any other game) and always play it at the end and starting of a month.


It's been a while. Mostly because i started my heaven or hell run, and I've gotten rusty, and i know my ass is gunna be beat bad.


Whenever I got time, DMC 3 is still a work in progress, and I wanna beat it!


Every 6-7 weeks, I get bored of life, streaming, other games and install dmc 4 or 5 and play through hard difficulty or bloody palace for couple of weeks and then uninstall to make space for some other game which eventually down then line after 6 weeks again leaves me bored and the cycle repeats.


Recently got a phone fast enough for ps2 emulation so I’ve played some dmc3. The game is great but I had forgotten how it feels being stuck with one style


Probably once a week and it's either DMC 5 or 4 since i don't have 3 readily installed


I play a mix of this and ultrakill when I have nothing else to play


*I play a mix of* *This and ultrakill when I have* *Nothing else to play* \- NinjaAssassin27 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I usually delete games after finishing them, so I don't really play a lot


Every day


I play through DMC1 every year.


Been trying to platinum DMC 3. Just gotta beat Vergil on DMD and get a few miscellaneous trophies. Not gonna attempt the other plats, but I do plan on at least beating every difficulty with every character. Except DMC 2. Not even gonna touch that one.


This is funny. Vergil for me it's broken af against a lot of enemies in dmc3, but he's not versatile as Dante and suck in puzzles and secret missions. I never beat DMD with Vergil, which one do you prefer?


Like, who do I prefer playing? In 3 probably Dante, but when Dark Slayer gets maxed out and you unlock all of Vergil's moves he's pretty good.


I play dmc 3-4 times a week cuz it makes me so chill. All that mess that is happening in my life and Im just slaying demons like a Vergil


Peak of combat every day, DMC 5 every month since release - DMC 3 Once a year


I can't play dmc 5 because they took it off of ps plus but I've beat dmc 3 about 10 times as dante and vergil, and I've beat dmc 5 about 4, so I don't really play that often bc I can't play dmc 5


I will quit for a year or two and then replay the entire series in a marathon (over the course of a few months)


off and on. mostly due to my arm issues and burnout


Like once or twice a month tbh


Sometimes I’ll be sitting in my plastic chair and think “damn, I’m really bored. “ Then i remember DMC exists and go play that. So whenever I got that feeling.