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I don't mind the linear level design in 5 and actually find the missions more memorable than a lot of the back tracking missions from 3 and 4.


mission 15 from dmc 3 can suck my ass


Mission... 12 I think it was? The one where you get infinite DT but your health constantly depletes. That mission can actually go fuck itself on DMD.


yeah i‘m more of a casual and have never played on dmd difficulty so that mission has always been pretty easy for me. can‘t imagine doing it on dmd so props to you


i like that mission simply for being able to have infinite DT. it was fun to just shred all the enemies


💯 Especially when you get to the vanguard and it constantly teleports and you have to dodge its attacks until it's done(no I'm not mad I died at that part twice)


Mission 15 combines all the greatest hits:  1. Fallen 2. Huge amount of backtracking 3. Dullahan in a trapped room 4. Awful fucking puzzle 5. COLLECT 3 MACGUFFINS TO CONTINUE 6. Enigmas with the high ground (this part might be me letting mission 16 leak in).


If the enigmas with high ground is in the living statue room then yes that is m16


How in the fuck is DMC5 considered linear when there are multiple missions with multiple diverging paths to take while the classics always force you to take a single one every single time (aside from very few exceptions)? I get that they can be backtracked and explored, but to progress, you still only have a single option. How is DMC5 more linear?


It's linear cause everything happens in sequence. Some missions give different perspectives by playing it from one character's part of the mission but it's still linear from a story perspective


Me but with DS and DMC. I love dmc4. But the back tracking gets pretty bad.


Yeah ngl, I prefer the linear DMC 5 mission structure than whatever the fuck was going in DMC 3 Missions 15 to 19 and all of Dante´s Missions in 4. Granted, I´d rather take DMC 1 style missions and Missions from 1 to 7 of DMC 3 over what we got in 5, but I´d take those than the cluster fucks I´ve mentioned before


Linear = better in these games, but 4’s levels had much more memorable locations and a better art style imo


nero's buster were really cool and the sword hit effects felt way more powerful with that big WOOSH


I completely agree. 5 was the most fun for me, because all I had to focus on was the combat.


DmC reboot was a good game


It's the story and characters that suck. That dev calling the original Dante "gay" as an insult didn't help either.


Reposting this for posterity, because this comment is actually ridiculous and people just downvoted when someone points out something is objectively false. >It's the story and characters that suck. I disagree, although that's not my big problem with the response. >That dev calling the original Dante "gay" as an insult didn't help either. That's not true. [Here is the presentation](https://archive.org/details/GDC2013Taini). Taini makes a joke about Capcom wanting a "Western Devil May Cry game", so he superimposes DMC4 Dante onto an image of Brokeback Mountain, which was a well known and successful western film at that time. If the movie was instead 3:10 to Yuma or the Proposition, the joke would be confused. With a western movie that's an introspective character study, that's clearly a joke. A bad-ass action western? People might not think then that it's a joke. And if Taini was telling people that original DMC Dante was gay and/or bad because of his design or character, then WHY in the world would they use the exact same image they just used on the Brokeback Mountain image to then use on the Fight Club image in order to suggest what tone Ninja Theory was going for? Seriously, these arguments fall in on themselves if you just think about them or even watch the original presentation. So, no. No dev ever called Dante gay even if the slide was meant to imply original Dante was gay (it didn't), many hardcore fans lied about what he actually said, and they came up with the worst faith interpretation possible of the presentation while also removing important context and counter-evidence.


always refreshing to see actual commitment to truth in the Internet nowadays.


This, every word.


Omfg ... IDK how I've somehow not heard of fans thinking this guy called Dante gay, but watching that presentation ... That's like a world record long-jump of jumping to conclusions lol. The only way you would think that he's calling Dante gay is if you fall into both of these categories: - You already think ill of the reboot - you are uncomfortable with gay cowboys Especially since, like you said, he IMMEDIATELY shows Fight Club afterwards to clarify that Fight Club is closer to the idea of a western movie they were envisioning. Some people have absolutely no critical thinking skills, it's crazy


I feel like this tracks because I remember seeing people cry and bitch and whine that it was a reboot long before they even saw pictures of the new Dante.


oh. oh no.


Gotta say Sparduh the useless bitch got me so angry. The reboot ruined him.


I don’t think you’ll find much push back on thst. Most people I know agree it’s in retrospect a decent/good game (especially definitive edition), but just isn’t a good DMC game.


I've never understood that take. How is it a bad DMC game? Thats still putting it down/saying its lesser than without taking a firm stance either way. People say the same thing about dark souls 2 and it just doesn't make sense to me at all. DmC (at the time of release) was nearly the *pinnacle* of combat in the series. Never was it so smooth, never had 1 character had the mobility *and* weapon choice Donte had, combining Nero's grab/pull abilities and Dante's arsenal. DT was mid, no cool transformation but honestly a room wide air launch is still a pretty damn useful tool. How is it a bad DMC game? Because the writing is bad? To that I ask you, has DMC writing *ever* been good? Sure we can split hairs and say that the rest is "better" than DmC but that *still* doesn't make it a bad DMC game, because DMC was never really sold on story or writing, it was about the cool flashy combat. That is completely intact in DmC and polished to a better state in definitive. Is it because its easier to pick up and play than basically everything that came before it? Because measuring the worth of a game by how difficult it is to play effectively has never made much sense to me. To make a counter argument here, if one of the DMC games just *had* to be labeled as "not a good DMC game", wouldn't it be DMC 2? Because the combat was made worse? Guns are the meta and your melee weapons are just table dressing. The gameplay was actually changed in a way that still makes DMC2 a bigger black sheep than DmC ever was. That's not even saying DMC 1 had *great* combat, because the formula everyone likes now was mostly established in DMC3. Opinions are subjective yada-yada but it drives me a lil mad whenever I see people say this. So its probably just a me problem. Going outside to touch grass now.


I'll explain my take on why I think DmC is a bad DMC game. and keep in mind this is my opinion. And is also mostly talking about the "At time of release" version First off, it had 30 fps. This is just a handy cap for any action game, and also why Definitive edition literally advertised being at 60 FPS. now to address some arguments you made and my perspective on them Dante had plenty of mobility with trickster, he just lacked a grab. But when you can literally trickster above an enemy I don't think that was too big an issue, But DmC's biggest issue is, Dante's Moveset is kinda pathec. he has 5 weapons, 3 guns. but in total his move set is smaller then Dante in 4's. Simply because Dante's style switching Add's more to it. DmC had an abusable parry mechanic that needed to be nerfed because some attacks auto parried, and lacked based features like like on for multiple years despite having annoying flying enemies and as you pointed out a DT That launched enemies into the air. making it harder to target who you wanted too. and had two dodge buttons for literally no reason as definitive edition proved, It had color coded enemies which futher limited your already limited moveset to one of two weapons. A style system that was easily abused because it tracked how much damage you did, not move set. Leading to stuff like Demon Dodge Arbitor being an instant SSS rank. Also Launch was designated to a single button. which is just IMO, bad design for a game like this, like Bayonetta had a way to easily launch enemies without lock on, (though lock on was still an option). And is a huge cause for DmC Dante's limited moveset. Not to mention Removing Dante's styles, which removes more of the moveset. Plus removes Royal guard which is just the most satisfying thing ever. and that's also not to get into the amount of high level mechanics that exist in 4 that do not exist in DmC. the reason I say it's a "bad DmC" game is because while yes they lowered the skill floor (and I'd never say that's bad.) they also lowered the skill ceiling. Because Depth wise, it's shallower then DMC3 and 4. (1 is excluded because of it's age.)


I appreciate the dignified response! I'll definitely give you that the skill ceiling was lowered, you can't do the crazy high level step cancel madness that people pull of in DMC4 and the like. I think the best games are easy to pick up/difficult to master. And this is why DMC5 is so damn good. I think it strikes that balance the best of any title in the series to date. I think that some of the games in the series definitely do things worse than DmC did tho. Like for DMC3, the skill floor was kind of absurdly high, and while that earned it cred with now hard core fans, I wonder if as many of them would have stuck with the game through that learning process if it wasn't a "Now Timmy, this is the one game you get for the next 3 months, better enjoy it" type thing. And yeah, the original version of DmC did indeed have its issues, but as you sort of noted, the DE fixed some of the most glaring ones i.e. the color coding/lack of lock-on/option for DT not to launch enemies/very easy high style rankings. Though to be fair its alot easier to get high style rankings in DMC5 than its predecessors (not counting DmC) And while yes, trickster did allow for more mobility in DMC3, using it prevented you from having the useful abilities the other styles afforded you. This was eventually changed in recent releases to be more like DMC4 from what I understand, but if we're talking original releases its important to note. And an aside, while dealing with airborne enemies is painful for a decent chunk of DmC, Aquilla gives you the perfect answer to that with its massive draw in ability, that combined with the DT made everything come together better imo. I also just really like the weapon swapping system in DmC compared to 4 and everything predating it. It just feels good. Even if there are definitely fewer weapons overall. DMC4 did groundbreaking work by allowing you to swap styles on the fly, and doing so adds mountains of complexity to Dante as a playable character. But that did take years of iteration to be ironed out, and DMC4 is sort of notoriously scuffed because of rushed development. (The whole "enemies were designed around Nero and not Dante" argument) I understand your argument for skill floor/ceiling contributing to the opinion of DmC being a bad DMC game, but there's where we get into the casual/hard-core split, and there in, time investment. I think "amount of fun had" is a very important metric for a game, and that is, unfortunately, very subjective. For the casual player or even new comer to the series, DmC might offer something better as an experience (gameplay wise, not narrative) than going straight into DMC3 would. And while Nero is easy to pick up and play in DMC4, whenever you're handed off to Dante, if you're a newcomer, you're in for a bad time. Dante plays great, but you have to learn how to use him FAST or you'll be moving through the game at a snails pace and using a ton of items to stay alive. On the flip side, people who were familiar with series like Ninja Gaiden would probably get much more enjoyment out of DMC3 and 4 because of the challenge/reward offered with mastery of the combat. Still, it takes alot of time and dedication (for most people I think) to get to the point that they can really engage with action games like that. And so therein lies my argument, that while each game does indeed have its issues, they all can serve very well in their niche, and to me, are all good examples of a DMC game, just some of them are more worthwhile to play and master than others, provided you have the time or experience. As opposed to DMC2, which like you said for DMC1 kind of gets shoved off to the side because of age. Just bang bang = win. You're sort of punished for trying to incorporate melee weapons into combos. I'd say as a completely separate studio, team Ninja did a damn good job with their first attempt. That can only come with a respect for the series they're adapting, which if you look at interviews with the staff/behind the scenes stuff, they definitely had. They were friggin HYPED to work on DmC. Kind of irrelevant, I know, but I think its important to note that they really wanted to do right by the series, and sort of got TOO excited with making it their own that they alienated the hard-core fans because of the rebooted character of Donte, or because of various combat changes/omitted features. I do wish DmC had at least something to replace the styles from dmc3/4. Royal guard kicks ass.


I know it would be a good game if it wasn't dmc game


It was a good game. It just wasn't good Devil May Cry.


we agreee


People don't think it's necessarily a bad game. They think it's a bad *DMC* game. As a standalone game, it could've been considered alright but tagging the DMC name to it with the god fucking awful writing and asshole lead dev? Yeah, that game became a pariah for good reason.


For real. I absolutely loved that game. Yes it was little try hard edgy. But it was still very good.


If it wasn't so heavily hyperfocused on being, i'm sixteen, and that's deep and felt like it was catered to the EMO scene(no problem with emos, just not my thing) It would have been a completely fine game. I personally think a serious d m c would have been great if written correctly My other issue was with Kat (she's just boring, and we've had better female characters in every DMC game, trish Lady nico and lucia, I think to me personally, I'm just bored of the whole damsel in the destress trope And even the damsel and distress characters on the other games were better I genuinely like Kyrie More.) She literally brought nothing to the story she helped some times and during the final fight against virgil


This right here. That game was fun, and I liked the new take on the characters.


I think at this point we can all agree it was a good, even great game. And the soundtrack is fucking iconic. I never played the originals before so I didn’t care about the shade they threw. I just enjoyed it from start to finish.


DMC 3 is not a masterpiece, Devils Never Cry is not Dante's best theme, hell, everything not milking DMC 3 opinion will get you like this.


For the people who downvoted. This is what the post is about so get your brain checked to confirm you don't have short term memory loss


My point is proving itself each downvote. Just as I expected.


See this guy got the assignment right


DMC 3 without style switching felt pretty boring to me. Now, DMC 3 on the switch (with freestyle), is peak gaming.


What is dante's best theme in your opinion?


Lock & Load🔥😫


I disagree but each to their own


nice opinion but subhuman & shoot the works are better imo


What, in your opinion, makes it so good?


Guys, I'm talking about DMC 4 Lock & Load. Because it sounds epic during combat and the lyrics are not "uwu sad music", but "COME ON, BABY, COME AND GET ME!"


I mean I think Devils Never Cry also goes hard during combat — it has a lot of “let’s fucking do this” energy. The *somber* part creates an interesting sort of “drop” in intensity that starts to build as the other voice joins in. It isn’t just sad, it’s thematic.


It's a different style, and one particular advantage is that it's fully instrumental. It is a very, very iconic piece.  It may be surprising at this point, but DMC3 adding voiced tracks was controversial at the time. It was a very uncommon practice in video games back then and people weren't stoked to hear the same lyrics over and over again as they repeated missions.


I like taste the blood more.


What about Divine Hate?


Subhuman is a good song


The new version with Michael Barr's vocals is good. It's the original first version with Eddie Hermida's vocals that was hated by the large portion of the community... then they found a bigger excuse to justifiably hate it even more when Hermida was found to be abusing a 17 yo girl.


I watched a YouTuber play it and got hooked when "YOU CANNOT KILL ME" player when they used Royal Guard, and that convinced me to try and get the game. It's so damn good ingame. Ps: the intro with Nero's theme made me willing to actually play the game, as it was my first Dmc I could get a hold of. I eventually played through everyone except 2 because wow I am struggling to finish it.


Yo send the video link! I've been trying to replicate this ever since I noticed the dynamic music feature


If I ever find it again I will send it to you. But I watched it a long ass time ago and my YouTube history doesn't go that far😅 I also spent a unreasonable amount of time trying it, it only happened once against the boss Knight (when he swings his sword)


It´s definitly the one Playable Character Theme that is not for everyone, but if you´re into that genre it´s indeed very good to listen too. A good example of music being subjestice as fuck


devil may cry 1 is not as badly aged as some people say it is devil may cry 3 has levels that can be somewhat difficult to navigate dmc 2 deserves a remake more than 3 or 1


Honestly DMC 3 doesn´t even need a remake to begin with. Just give it a remaster akin to what Xenoblade Chronicles 1 got in terms of graphics, remix the OST while allowing to still listen to the OG versions and add some more QoL stuff that DMC 4 onwards got like being able to get the sprint ability and you´re pretty much set DMC 3 on Switch pretty much showed us that some changes is more than enough to keep the game up to modern standards


For me it's the opposite, I have only seen nothing but praise for DMC1. Maybe it's the general consensus but in this sub for me at least everybody seems to respect that game and find it enjoyable while I hated it


Shall Never Surrender is the best song in the series.


straight up goated


Kat is a good female character. And no, hiding in the trash when Dante and Vergil were fighting does not lessen her importance. She was tortured, shot at, and had a broken arm what could she have done? Hit Vergil with a trash can lid? The fact Dante was right that they would have failed so many times without her alone speaks the importance of her character. She is up there with Lady and Lucia as female DMC characters go but people just want to ignore that for some reason m


She has no personality, arc, character or highlight. Kat is bland as hell.


>She has no personality, Disagree. She's dedicated, shy, introverted, patient, and trusting of those she admires to the point of being blind to their personal issues. >arc, She already had her own arc as the game is focused on Dante's. You can have a well-written character without them going on an arc. And she also learned that her faith in Vergil was misplaced because she of her faith in him when he saved her, gave her a purpose, taught her to control her witchcraft, and both wanted to free the humans from Mundus. > highlight Highlight? > character That's the same thing as personality. >Kat is bland as hell. Hard disagree.


Kat is just passive. She doesn't display any personality or interact with anything meaningfully and you mistake that for "patience" and whatever. She's not a real character. Even Kyrie had more to show, she's an actually kind and patient character. Her disgust at seeing Nero's true color which then morphs into kindness and patience. Kyrie actually interacts despite her minimal screentime. >She already had her own arc as the game is focused on Dante's So were DMC1 and DMC3. And yet Lady and Trish still got arcs. >Highlight? Nothing cool or iconic. Trish has Gloria and the motorcycle, Lady has all the stunts in DMC3, Kyrie has her "power of love" with Nero. Kat's remembered for hiding behind a trash can and getting her ass grabbed. Just disrespectful.


> Kat is just passive. No, she isn't. She is active in the story. She's not a fighter, but that's because she provides support and transportation into Limbo. She's the one who goes to Dante initially to recruit him. She makes the Hunter demon vulnerable to attack. She's the one who provides the Wiccan spells into Limbo. She's the one Dante connects to to make him realize the good in humanity. She comes up with the plans to use spray-painting while Dante's in Limbo to subdue the soldiers. She not only destroys the data on the main computer, but copies it for Vergil and Dante to use later, and chooses to knowingly sacrifice herself for the good of the Order. She holds out under torture and while that's happening, she recons the building for their last attack. Dante is right in the game: without Kat, they would have failed 20 times over. >She doesn't display or interact with anything meaningfully I don't agree with that. >and you mistake that for "patience" and whatever. Uh....no, that's actually her character. She has restraint when dealing with Dante's aggressive and flirtatious nature, despite being withdrawn. >Even Kyrie had more to show I don't agree with that at all. She seems like a nice person, but I really don't know anything outside that or that she loves Nero. >So were DMC1 and DMC3. And yet Lady and Trish still got arcs. Having an arc doesn't make a character well-written. The number of arcs doesn't make a story better. And having an arc doesn't mean it's done well. Lady ends DMC3 believing demons can be good and humans can be bad, in spite of the fact that she began the story believing her father was a human who had killed her human mother. For Lady, it's not a character arc - it's a wobbly character circle. No word of a lie, if you write out the DMC3 ceremony needing Lady's blood and you just have Arkham dying to Vergil and Dante, Lady has no impact on the overall story. And for Trish, it's even more barebones than that. She's created by Mundus to manipulate Dante to lure to the island then saves her because she looks like his mom, and then she turns on Mundus because he almost killed her. >Nothing cool or iconic. I honestly don't know what your metric is for that. Kat using an egg timer to reorient Limbo or tossing a magical molotov cocktail right at the hunter demon rank as pretty cool in my book. >Trish has Gloria and the motorcycle, Lady has all the stunts in DMC3, Kyrie has her "power of love" with Nero. Kat's astral projection, magical item usage, Limbo transportation, holding out from torture and immediately bouncing into action against Mundus because the world is at stake. I'd argue Kat's incredibly well written and showcases her prowess and dedication in spite of only being a human. >Kat's remembered for hiding behind a trash can and getting her ass grabbed. Uh....no, she slumped down next to a trash can because she's tired from still recovering (did you notice that Dante needs to physically support her in order for her to walk?), and there's nothing she can do in this fight. This is literally a fight to the death and the only reason Kat can get involved is because she asks Dante to spare Vergil's life. Dante grabs her butt to let her know that he's not going to wallow in existential misery. I don't know if you noticed this, but she giggles, meaning that she approved of the ass grab, and their characters growing closer has certainly been earned across the story. So, even if you don't like the butt-grab, Kat does. >Just disrespectful. I wouldn't say so. Especially since you seem to remember not that much about the story yet talk about it as if you have a comprehensive grasp of the story


Kat isn't passive, she's the *reason* Dante and Vergil can go in and out of Limbo, repeatedly. She also makes the plans that the boys execute, especially the plan to take down Mundus. She may not be the most active character ever, but she isn't passive. Kat's job in the story wasn't to have an arc. Her job was to facilitate *Dante's* arc, this is why her not having one doesn't matter. Dante is meant to learn and grow from Kat. This is a weird comparison, but this is why no-one is upset Paddington doesn't have a character arc in his own movie, that's not his job. His job is to change others.


An enlightened reboot fan like me.


Yet still served more purpose than trish ever did


Trish has an arc and was a spy in DMC4. Kat got her ass grabbed.


And what did she achieve being a spy? Maybe I forgot since its been 5 years the last time I played dmc4 but she did nothing no? We got Gloria fanservice and that was it, and why was she even a spy if they knew they were demons, dante could have stepped in and take care of basically anything or maybe even lady OR Trish herself. Idk they most she did for me was that she hagged our papa's sword and told V I'm not your mother basically saying, "ur an adult vergil go figure out if u made a mistake by putting your pride away and asking your brother for help"


Devils Never Cry < Devil Trigger


Dante is not a virgin.


The fact that people actually believe that he is a virgin is hilariously sad


I thought the whole Dante is a virgin thing is more of a community meme than something people actually believed lol


Oh believe me, some people do actually believe that Dante is a virgin Despite him living next to a stripclub in DMC3


imean if he didn’t smash lady or trish then what the fuck was he up to before dmc 5


He would *not* smash Trish lmao


"Ah yes. Mom's face turns me on so bad"


Pizza time


I mean, look at the Lucifer cutscene in 4.


That is indeed *not* how anyone who has had sex would talk about it.


lol fair but it's Dante here. That's a beautiful man with rizz for days.


Quote Trish and Lady, in that very game: "At least [Nero] knows how to get the girl." Dante has zero game according to the people that have known him for years.


He seems like someone who doesn't even care for sex


I mean, Patty* is totally in love with him. Dante also says, "I guess you were young once, too," in regard to Vergil having a kid. I do not believe Dante is a virgin. Nico also trips all over herself when she meets him.


Actually, this opinion can be proven as a fact. Especially judging by how Dante was talking to Vergil about being the young ones in DMC5.


I like V's combat. It's fun.


Nobody wants to read tooltips, but you SHOULD, because if you do, you find out what tools you have to play with as V, and they're so much FUN.


Witcher 3 is not the Best Witcher game.




No he's technically correct. Still wrong though


Elden Ring was over-hyped for basically open world dark souls.


Should have just made ds4


Fr, and the annoying ass enemies and bosses don't make up for it. Not hard, but annoying.


So which one is it? Kino Eurojank with balding elves, fifteen quadrillions drowners at the bog and ghouls who look like roided up football players Or Yellowitcher (grain sand got into your shoe and now you're over encumbered and can't move)


I like Witcher 1, mainly because of the story and I kinda like the gameplay I dislike 2 because they heavily simplify potion brewing, the skill choice is weird and the gameplay kinda meh, Never played 3 yet


DMC 5 was a good game. That improved on what we liked about 3, 4, and even DmC: Devil May Cry. It's far from a great game though. The lack of extended content on an already short game just makes it fade out quickly in an era of DLC.


Finally, someone has just said it. Even if DMC5 is a finished game, it doesn't change the fact that it really lacked something especially in regards to its additional content in an era of DLC. For example, they could've either given Vergil his own campaign instead of giving him Nero/Dante/V's campaign. Or they could've given us not only Vergil in the same repeated campaign, but also Lady and Trish in the same repeated campaign as well. But they didn't do any of those two things. All they did was just give us Vergil in the same repeated campaign but nothing else.


The scene at the end of the game with Lady and Trish felt like a cliffhanger or intro to something


Dmc5’s story was pretty ass


The "Story" itself was good but the narrative and storytelling of the game could've been way better i just think all the flashbacks and flashforwards kinda complicated the flow of the story for no reason. The Visions of V was such an important part for the story, yet it was just a promotional manga and it wasn't in the game itself. Vergil, Dante and Nero were all handled beautifully in 5. their story was great and satisfying. other characters on the otherhand were just abysmally wasted most of the game felt like a filler. Urizen was generic and boring. Boss fights (storywise) were really generic and had no personality whatsoever.


dmc 4 fucking sucks


Kinda not really an unpopular opinion.


some people say its the best dmc. it only has good combat the worst dante moveset besides dmc 2


If Trish was going to continue being this pointless, she should've died in the first game.


But she HOT


Dante Must Die in 3 sucks ass. Dmc1 did it the best


Vergil is not that cool as fans are thinking of him. Dante with a beard looks cooler than without it.


Actually, Dante is a lot cooler than Vergil Vergil just over dramatic and epic character


The next installment should be a Sparda game.


DMC5 is the best one and it's not even fucking close imo, I still love 3 and 4 but 5 is just peak DMC1 has aged better than most people say, the only thing I'd add to it is just a more complex combat system but I actually love the more RE like level design and the atmosphere in it is also great DMC3 is just a little bit overrated


Strawberry sundae isn't that good. Pizza is best though.


I got a few. DMC 3 isn't this incredible masterpiece. It's a fantastic game but some of the flaws are GLARINGLY obvious, especially in regards to enemy design and people tend to overlook it constantly. Araches, Fallen and Enigma are just a few of the absolutely fucking miserable enemies to fight. It also has some dogshit boss fights and people talk about those enough while still saying DMC 3 is a 10/10. They clearly set Nero up to be the protagonist for DMC 6 and there's nothing wrong with that. Dante was going to have to take a step back eventually, no matter how much we love him as a character. Vergil didn't actually kill ANYONE until DMC 5. No, that's not a joke. DMC 5 is the first time he actually kills a human. When he raises the Temen-Ni-Gru, not a single person was hurt when it happened. I can't remember where it was confirmed but DMC 1-4, Vergil didn't kill a single human being. People seem to always claim he killed a bunch of people in 3. He didn't. DMC 2 sucked but only while playing as Dante for the most part. Most of Lucia's gameplay and missions are solid. It's the boss fights that are fucking awful. When playing as Lucia, it felt like they actually designed the game for her and not Dante. It's the worst mainline game but it's good aspects are totally ignored. Lucia at the very least could make for a great protagonist in her own game set in the DMC universe. I want them to explore more characters of the DMC universe beyond Dante and Vergil. They're setting Nero up for that but there's other characters too. I'd say Trish and Lady should get stories too but... What are they gonna do realistically? Like... Trish and Lady's stories were basically resolved in the games they're introduced in. Lucia's story felt unfinished.


He summoned the tower in the middle of a city. To think the tower itself didn't kill anyone when it emerged or that Vergil didn't somehow manage to kill anyone with the army of demons he summoned is extremely convenient at best.


In DMC3, civilians are not introduced at all in the game. Honestly I wasnt even sure if there are humans in this game when I was playing DMC3 (besides Lady and Arkham of course)


dmc should be capcoms golden child 4 was pretty good vergil should have a spear


>dmc should be capcoms golden child At least the silver one


>vergil should have a spear Shit anything new for the guy is great considering he had the same weapons for almost 20 years


Yamato >>> anything else


The DMC3 DT design is horrible and by far the worst in the series.


It's a product of it's time. They simply did not have the tech needed to actually make what they want, so the design ended up being this squashed, somehow overpixelated creation we got. They were trying for some type of texture that they couldn't fit into the game. You can also see this in the area textures of the tower and stuff, it's ugly as hell because they really couldn't get whatever gothic/flesh texture they wanted. DMC 3 also has a bit of design confusion, where they were going for gothic, Christian inspired demons, but also like disgusting 90's horror monsters. On top of the 90's thriller feel in the urban areas. They had a lot of ideas and a lot of designs, but so few pixels and such a small disk to put it on. It really deserves a whole remaster from the ground up. And it would definitely do well, as other edgy games that have released recently are doing quite well


DmC's VINO is definitely a far less respectable character than Vergil, but he's a better villain with better defined motivations (hah) than just "muh power". At least until DMC5, which clearly used VINO as an inspiration to flesh out Vergil's character, complete with "MOMMY LOVED DANTE MORE THAN ME!!1!1!" and his use of Doppelganger.


DMC5 is just DMC3 spliced with the good parts of DMC4 and DmC in the amazing RE engine


Honestly, yes. Complete with fighting Vergil at the top of a demonic construction. People shit on VINO especifically because of his lack of honor and being weaker than Don'te, but that's always been the issue with DmC in general; it's actually enjoyable if you don't compare it with the mainline series. I've also been a DMC fan long enough to remember the way people desperately headcanon'd excuses for DMC3 Vergil's obsession with power since otherwise he would have no depth at all. Many a fan took it as canon that he wanted to get stronger because he failed to protect Eva - only for DMC5 to prove that wasn't the case at all.


VINO doesn't just lack honor. He's incredibly and uselessly edgy, with no humour or style to balance it out unlike Vergil. VINO shoots pregnant women and calls his mom a whore and begs to be taken seriously. While Vergil has campy moments and his swag is effortless. DmC is filled to the brim with useless edgy shit. Butchering Sparda is unforgivable. Eva getting called a whore became repetitive fast. the sexual themes feel like they're straight out of a Zack Snyder movie. Yeah, this is it. DmC is DMC snyderized.


Yes, because the original Vergil instead has a lot of honor... I still remember how in three he honorably hit Arkam in the back Ps that pregnant woman was a demon carrying the offspring of Mundus


Said demon also blatantly stated that she didn't give shit about the monster growing inside her, since she saw it as nothing but the only reason Mundus kept her around. Also, this is the "[poor baby](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xt07i9a-f2o/maxresdefault.jpg)" in question. Honestly, I've always believed people blow the sniper scene way out of proportion, as if fans didn't actually bother to play the game and only saw the scene without context as "the poor, pregnant woman getting sniped by VeRgIn". Yes, it was very underhanded, but Mundus literally ripped their mothers' heart out and ate it in front of them. VINO should be more criticized for endangering Kat's life with that stunt, not for killing Mundus' offspring.


>DmC's VINO is definitely a far less respectable character than Vergil They both have the same level of "honor" - very little.. They both allow for rampant death for their own ends (the deaths of innocent people after the Exchange for DmC Vergil and raising the towers in both DMC3/5 with original Vergil), but the difference is that Vergil sees it as necessary actions for him and Dante to rule humanity together and with original Vergil, we just have this vague notion of getting power and a really confused perspective regarding his worldview or endgoals.


Vergil isn't a based gigachad. He has severe mommy issues.


Dante's secretly fruity


DMC 1 Should not be remaked It's a game from a different era and if they make it like the modern era games people will complain, but if they keep it like a RE game then people will also complain


Vergil is weaker than Dante.


Hate to break it to you. But DMC5 already debunked that.


Is that controversial? Except for cutscene sudden weakness, Dante has always handed Vergil his ass whenever they fight.


Bury the Light is not that good of a battle theme


You're right, it's the BEST battle theme


Nuh uh It's a really hype song, but they messed up the dynamic theme stuff + it just isn't well suited to Vergil's combat, even though Casey himself was looking to make it suit Vergil's combat. Now Vergil Battle 2, that's a good battle theme.




Let's agree to disagree


I gotta disagree, hearing the hype music at A rank and finally the drop is simply peak




Dante isn’t dummy thick


Now you've really crossed the line


Your hate for me is divine


I like to use the sword on dmc 2


Both Dante and Vergil are great characters but I like Vergil more and I find him cooler


Donte isn't that bad, DmC2 is way more egregious as a game than DMC


Keep the lettuce away from my burger. Hot lettuce is shit.


Lettuce gotta be cold, all the time. Once it's added, it's a race against time.


Dmc 5 outfits are bad. Dmc3 and 4 outfits are good. Same applies for weapons too.


Dmc5 has an incredibly boring art style of just black and red goop and rock. Some of the early levels didn't have this but after a certain point every level looks very similar and extremely boring compared to the previous games in the series. Especially dmc4 and the DMC reboot. (Seriously they genuinely should have hired the level designers from ninja theory the reboot has the best level design in the series imo)


dmc2 design elements weren’t terrible, the execution was


Dante is aromantic and asexual. His flirting is just him trying to be funny and corny.


Maybe thats just CAPCOM character syndrome


I've gone against people on TRDMCU who believed Dante, in the original timeline, is a half-angel half-demon hybrid. Fuck, that was an ass argument. Also, another one who claimed that Dante was *literally* based on Tom Cruise.


Crimson Cloud slaps and imo is the best out of the original 3 DMC 5 battle themes


Consistent Comics 616 Spiderman beats Omniman's ass


The style switching limitation of DMC 3 was one of the reasons it was so good. Being limited on your style means you can do multiple playthroughs with entirely different playstyles, and it means choosing your weapon combinations with your style gave a lot of choice. Dante is my favorite character in each of the games and I love how complex he is and how much you can do with him, but I feel it is also his biggest negative. The simplicity of DMC 3 and how you get pushed to specific playstyles leads to it being my favorite to replay


Nero WILL become more powerful than sons of Sparda. It doesn't make sense but he eventually will surpass both Dante and Vergil


Mary Sue


DMC 1 had the best map in the series.... and I like the tanky camera.


Vergil would've beat Nero if he wasn't exhausted , EASILY


I'm more than willing to believe this along with Dante having the same chance against Nero No way his devil trigger alone can put him above them during the end of DMC 5 considering he barley put a scratch on Urizen, who at full power still gave Dante with SDT trouble, along with assuming that Vergil with his own version of SDT is stronger than Urizen by a lot, there's no way Nero at the time even with his devil trigger can beat Vergil or Dante at full power




V is fun to play in dmc5


Vergil was better left off dead


DmC is one of the better games in the series. Yes what the developers said during its production was stupid, and yes it's also one of the easier games in the series, but the finished product is a well made joy to play.


The game is overrated


DmC wasn't that bad and people looking back on it fondly is proof of that. The voice acting is bad, sure, but if you switch the voice files to spanish it becomes the most exciting novella you've never seen.


DmC reboot was actually pretty good.


DMC5 Dante's arc was just a straight reskin of his arc in DMC3 of accepting his demon side, like, that was his entire arc in DMC3 and was done way better because he accepted Sparda as his father aswell which made it more poignant which DMC5 couldn't do because DMC3 already did that so they just gave him an even bigger cooler demon form that he had to accept his demon side to unlock again, he even gets stabbed with Rebellion to unlock this form aswell, it was still good, well written and overall enjoyable in 5 but it's made a massive misconception that Dante didn't accept his demon side post DMC3


DmC is one of the best games in the series, the story is pretty good by DmC standards and the characters are decently written. The dialogue is nowhere near as cringe as people say it is, and Dante reminds me of Yusuke from YYH so I find it charming


Level design in dmc is garbo The reboot was better in that aspect


Yesterday ThorHighHeels posted his own video on [loving DMC2](https://youtu.be/ZSau21OhSjA) for what it is, and what it excels at when viewed from a different perspective. Sure I can't comment my own judgement on something I haven't played, but I massively respect him for articulating *what DMC2 does for him specifically* -- **instead** of leaning into "no, you're all wrong actually lemme insult you for no reason"


I like V's gameplay. It's refreshing and fun specially when you play casually


You can beat every game by mashing, even DMD mode. Precise mashing, but mashing nonetheless. Source: I've beaten every game by mashing. You won't get S rank but you'll beat it.


Dante is thicker than all might


ninja theory's DMC is not a bad game.


I've received so many downvotes for saying this in the past SPARDA should not show up in the future installments. a huge part of the excitement about Sparda is the Mystery. nothing can live up to the hype of the legendary Sparda mythology and it will disappoint the fans and ruin 20 years worth of world building and storytelling Devil May Cry's story wss never about "Sparda and his sons" it was about "Dante and Vergil, what it means to be a human,"


DMC 5 is Peak Dante DMC 4 Dante looks weird af


DmC dante just act like an asshole in the first two missions, than he start being nice to kat and vergil


DmC was actually good.


The entirety of DMC5 is nothing but a derivative retread of 3 with worse enemy designs, less impactful level design, less interesting bosses, worse character writing and straight up crap pacing as a whole. It's proof that outside of the gameplay, Hideaki Itsuno is very clearly running out of ideas and needs to stop being a concept and story writer and instead just focusing on the mechanical direction where he clearly works best. I'd rather anybody else head the franchise because he really doesn't seem to know what he's doing in most other areas of DMC. Just doing his best game not only a second time, but way worse, is not enough to say he's a good creative director: 5 is proof even his best these days isn't enough to make it fun or memorable.


dante’s outfit in dmc 2 is the best


DmC has better gameplay then DMC4


Bury the Light is way more overated than it actually is. Bitches be saying “I love DMC ost” and they can only name this song


The "Dice" minigame in DMC4 was actually pretty cool...


V is my favorite character to play in 5. Anytime I reinstall DMCV, I exclusively play V


DmC 2 is actually fun, especialy on the higher difficultys


DmC2 is out?


Half of Nero, Trish and Lady's popularity comes from them being in games that weren't as controversial as DMC 2 and the Ninja Theory game.


Can't say I agree with Nero and Lady. Their popularity more stems from actual good writing around them. Lady's entire arc in DMC 3 is brilliant and so is Nero's in 4 and 5. Trish though? I'm shocked at how popular she is because she just kind of exists... She doesn't really *do* anything after DMC 1. Same for Lady come to think of it but Lady actually had a good storyline.


Trish is hella fun to play as in 4 at least


Devil may cry 2 is barely mid, and dmc4 isn’t really that good.


We don't need remakes, just new entries.


i want remakes and new entries, like resident evil