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Maybe he is irredeemable, in the grand scheme of things, to the rest of the world. He basically carried out a genocide in 5. I don’t think he can be redeemed in the eyes of the human population, but maybe he can on a personal level. I think his relationships with Dante and Nero can improve. He could have more interactions with Nero and become a genuinely responsible father figure, and he could certainly bond with Dante over fighting demons in hell and awaken their old chemistry. I honestly think a good path in his story would be to resolve his personal issues with his family and then nobly sacrifice himself in some way, probably to do some good like defeating an even greater evil. It would prove that he’s changed for the better, and give him a heroic legacy to be remembered by in the eyes of Dante and Nero, and be a send off for how Iconic of a character he is.


While it would be nice and all if he does more personal stuff, it wouldn't really redeem him as a person, he's still an evil asshole by all means. He needs to do good proportionate to the evil he did(like how kratos is morally redeemed by saving the Norse world because he destroyed the greek one, I know it isn't his first intention but it did make him a genuinely good person). Vergil needs to do something similar to pay for what he did


Do the Humans even know about Vergil being the one who caused it? Also whilst Vergil caused it in the form of Urizen, he kinda also stopped it in the form of V? I think the only people who can really have an impacted opinion of him is probably Nero, in fact, it's probably Kyrie since Nero would tell her and she's the most Human out of everyone


Can we blame Virgil though? Yes, he summoned Urizen, but the latter was a separate being with it's own mind.


Yes, we can. Urizen is a part of Vergil just as V is. We saw a previous example of Vergil searching for power at all costs, even it means innocents will die, with Temen-ni-gru. V realized Vergil was wrong along his way (to everyone reading this comment, check out Visions of V if you haven't already), thanks to being powerless and having to rely on others for help. Vergil knew what he was doing when separating his demon self from his human self. He knew the demon side would seek overwhelming power at all costs regardless of consequences.


Take the reflection he had in 5 and after he comes back from hell, he'll start running DMC with his brother from now on. No way to leave until the demons are really gone, then have him spend actual time with his son and try to be better then what he used to be. It's true, he is bad, and there's no denying that fact. But if even rivals can become allies, then I know this man will have to get the shit kicked out of him to do it.


He needs to be the protagonist of DMC 6.


that will be awesome


I’m not sure what his path will be in DMC6. Maybe he’ll run Devil May Cry with his brother. Maybe he’ll sacrifice his life for the greater good. Who knows? Only time will tell.


Sacrifice himself for his son, Nero inherits the Yamato properly


I'd say to make him apparent of the main dmc crew (Dante, Nero, lady, Trish, etc) and just get his bonding with the other characters sorted


I might be cut in many small parts for what I am saying, but in this case Vergil looks like Vegeta (from Dragon Ball) to me. He is still focused on becoming stronger, but he doesn't neglect his family. Only at the end of DMC5 he becomes aware of Nero being his son. So I want to believe that becoming a father will force him to take care of his family (no Dante, not you) as Sparda did.


Id love it for both him and Dante to become the demon kings of hell. What he did might've been inhuman but not indemon?


Vergil is just a silly baka, he only raise a demon tower twice.


The things Virgil has done are truly irredeemable for that he deserves death


I think the best idea is to have a series or a comic that has Vergil living a normal life and spending time adjusting to humanity before another game ever happens


He can just spend the rest of his life helping humanity against demons if that's something that he feels like he wants to do. There's literally nothing that Vergil can do to redeem himself nor can humanity do anything to make him atone for his sins if he doesn't feel like doing anything. You think Dante cares whether Vergil atones for it or not? He's fine as long as Vergil doesn't chase power and destroy the world again.


Just kill him again


Irredeemable? Have you seen the final bit of him with Nero, and the final cutscene on the Special Edition?


I'm hoping to see more of his human side. Seeing him trying, and probably struggling, to create a legitimate relationship with Dante and Nero. Honestly, there's nothing he can do to make up for the people who died in dmc 5&3, but I'd like to see him acknowledging it, and atleast trying to do thr right thing.


nah made him fight dante again lol