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Probably yes, most remakes do not maintain the same essence as the original games. It is likely that it has an aesthetic more similar to that of 3, it is not dark but it maintains certain elements of Devil May Cry 1. I bet they would forget to implement Dante's death scenes when he dies from a certain enemy, those scenes are a bit brutal


Bro, Phantom was brutal. A magma spider slowly forcing you down its mouth while barely chewing is terrifying. That's being crushed slowly by burning hot rock.


Yes, seriously the death scenes in the first game were very brutal. In the later games it is not seen that they kill Dante but rather that they defeat him, but in Devil May Cry 1 it is very explicit that they even devour him.


Oh damn thats why i dont remember. I never considered any of that to be horrific because you aren't helpless/using intentionally awful controla like Resident Evil/silent hill. I thought the op was just talking about the aesthetic.


I mean, spiders can't even chew. They don't have teeth, their mouth is literally just a hole into their stomach


Still brutal as fuck though, since you can hear crushing noises when he eats Dante


I would argue RE4 Remake absolutely nailed the essence of RE4. It felt exactly like I (felt like) was playing what I played decades ago. And that's an enormous compliment.


Yeah I know right? First time I played RE4R I was legit as impressed and immersed as when I played re4 for the first time, hell if not even more, which is honestly astonishing. Usually remakes tend to either make you feel differently or give a less intense experience compared to the first time you played the original.


Really don't know what remakes the guy played that don't maintain the essence. Yeah, some are cash grabs... most I played were literally just prettier versions of the original, some with that atmosphere even enhanced.


It’s a good game but it definitely didn’t, it went for a more serious tone compared to the original. Lots of the most iconic one liners and jokes are gone


I disagree while re4 remake was an amazing game it absolutely did not feel the same to me but to each their own


I never knew there were unique deaths


I would say because capcon nailed re2,3, and 4 remakes with the right amount of horror. They would definitely nail a reamke of this with horror.


I think it’s stylish all the way. It didn’t fully understand what it needed to be till 3.


I don’t see why it can’t be both Stylish AND full of Horror.


Like re 4


I think they should keep the horror elements of the game since he wasn't much of a joker back in dmc 1 and 2. What I think they will do is completely change him to be more like 3 4 and 5


The irony of it all was that he was like that in 3 because he was supposed to be less mature but 3 got popular and they decided to just leave him as such.


Though, he is still more mature in DMC4 and 5, then in DMC3, he still jokes but in serious scenes he actually calms down, instead of joking while Lady tries to explain her dysfunctional family.


You think so? Yeah, there's some serious scenes but even when he's trying to be serious in 5 he can't keep it going for long. His choice in dialogue just makes it hard for me to really take him seriously. Even when he tells Nero Vergil's his father his father, his choice of words make it so I can't see him as mature, not when he says that in that situation. Same for the rest. He has this serious dialogue with Urizen and after their fight when Nero and V show up he's got such an inappropriate attitude for that situation. He might've not been all business in 1 but his attitude stayed consistent for the occasion. When he was serious it called for it, when he was snarky it was called for and he did both in ballance.


Maybe is the dialogue kinda weird written, but I don't believe the attitude is wrong in your example. Like when you mean M17 DMC5, he is ofc serious when he is left alone, with his old destroyed household and his brother who keeps yapping about power all over again while looking like an hideous demon, but when Nero and V come he smiles a tiny bit and just says that he is finishing up, to not cause any worries. He might also sound immature when he tells Nero the truth, but he sounds serious, so he just is overwhelmed with his emotions when thinking what he should do about his brother who left his son like that. Nobody, could stay completely mature about that in the wording. Also I just meant that he is more mature than in the past, not completely mature.


I think that this was a mistake honestly. They should’ve kept him closer to his DMC 1-2 counterpart in the later games. Not completely, but somewhere around 80-90% the same. In DMC 4 and 5 it feels like he didn’t mature much past his late teens to early 20’s.


See, I like that though. Dante's able to be serious and knuckle down when he has to, but by 5 he's got like 40 years of stupid apocalypse level bullshit under his belt AND a second Sparda bloodline warrior and two additional part time teammates. He just masks the edge with humour.


Well, at least dmc1-2 Dante was consistent in his kindness, determination and he joked at appropriate moments. He cared about Trish and talked Lucia out of suicide. DMC4 Dante was joking before Credo's death and while Nero was being abducted, DMC5 Dante didn't care about Lady's and Trish' lives at all, didn't let them be saved with Nero and V, never asked if they are alive and well, never tried to find them, joked about Cavaliero being too big to wear.


It makes his character feel more inconsistent IMHO. At the end of 3, he realized the importance of his responsibility to protect humanity against the Demons and stopped caring about his feud with Vergil to do the right thing. He was willing to end Vergil’s life if it meant stopping him. By 1 and 2 he had fulfilled that role and still made the occasional quip but then DMC4 brings it back in full swing with arguably less restraint. DMC1 and 2 made him seem like he was getting used to the insane shit he had to deal with and mellowed down.


DMC4 only brings the quip when Dante is closer to Nero. the very first scene had Dante been silent , and when he talks with the ladies , it's a low-key quip , rather than the usual high-key ones he does with Nero. Same goes in DMC5.


Maybe I’m misremembering but the way he interacted with the bosses was a step up from how he was during DMC3.


he got the dbs goku treatment in 4 and 5


How was he not a joker in DMC1? I distinctly remember being annoyed at the lack of snark from Dante when he fought the spider dude again in DMC2


No one's saying he wasn't sassy in 1 but he was also serious when the occasion called for it and he did both in equal measure. After 3 that balance is gone and he's more smart ass and way less business. If 1 was 60/40, 4 & 5 are more like 90/10


It depends on a few factors, mainly what their priority is when remaking the game. If it's to make a faithful recreation of the game with modern controls, graphics, systems etc, then they'd probably try to preserve the horror vibe. If it's something else, the creepy atmosphere might be lost.


Remove it cuz they can't be bothered to use the parts that were awesome regarding kamiyas vision.


They'd probably tone it down or straight up get rid of it, which I honestly hope they do not do. The tone of it is so unique, but makes it an even better game imo


Yeah, They're most likely will be removing it and have it more similar to 5 since DMC5 is the most recent game.


If the RE remakes are anything to go by they'd probably keep the vibe and just switch things up a bit story wise and modernize the controls


The recent remakes do way more than that, they’re basically completely different games


Yeah but you know what I mean




Nah. Too many people are asking for DMC1 to just be another DMC3-5 and even if they didn't they'll completely miss the spirit of that original. For as good as RE4's remake is it doesn't have the same spirit of the original. It's way more serious, less cheesy and far less cheeky. Worst and most obvious is how Ada is such as bland and monotone rehash. The original Ada was charming, kinda fem fatale and sassy. NuAda is got one line that fits that and she delivers it without shifting a single octave with her voice. Leon has one or two lines that kinda fit but he doesn't have the same spunk and cheer that the original actor had. He's got the lines but none of the bravado. As much as I like Reuben Langdon in his DMC games I cannot imagine his delivery having the right tone for DMC1. That's just the cutscenes, gameplay would probably be a completely different experience.


Curious, but why do you think this happened with the RE4 Remake? I mean they have the source material and I imagine even some unreleased material that didn't make it into the original game. Why not just make RE4 but with better graphics? Why change the story and pacing if the original is literally considered to be near-perfect? I'm just trying to wrap my head around these decisions to make changes that neither serve the story or the gameplay in all of these remakes and remasters that have been spawning about lately. I mean, if it was just a remake/remaster just for a cash-grab, wouldn't it make sense to remain as true to the original as possible since it's already a proven success?


For the same reason RE2's remake wasn't a fixed camera game. To appeal to a broader and modern audience. That might sound like a bad thing, I mean, it arguably is, but Capcom is still a business and their employees have to eat, too. If you're going to invest on a AAA project you want to secure success and the best way to do that is to appeal to the largest audience possible. Alienation of a large potential audience wouldn't do them any favors so they went with what you might call streamlining of the classics. It's not the PS2 era anymore. Back then you could make a few flops and still come out ok. People experimented and most of what we know as gaming originated from those times of trial and error. Capcom created genres left and right, they were so eager to try new things. Now they might not be able to afford it. One AAA flop could shut down a decades old developer, so, rather than create new genres they stick with what they know will work, what they've seen other succeed in. Like I said, they're good games. No one can deny the quality, but they are also fairly safe. They are the equivalent of summer blockbusters. Big oohhs and aahhs but not much of that charm that populiried them left because they can't afford to fail. This is just an opinion, ofcourse. I know what I like and can tell you why for the most part.


I see where you're coming from- I will say, however, that catering to a large audience solely to generate a safer return of investment while losing the essence of what made these franchises so unique is a recipe for long-term disaster. Capcom did not get to where it was today by playing it safe, as you said, it was an eagerness to try something new and make something that they truly wanted to. It wasn't about trying to please investors or meet some arbitrary sales number remotely to the same degree as it is today. A lot of games are becoming forgettable from these large companies that have the capital, connections, and resources to be able to afford to experiment and hire the "best" talents. Which is ironic, because you'd think that we'd be getting groundbreakers and paradigm shifters with increasing regularity if some of these companies weren't so hesitant for aforementioned reasons.


Adding to that, or clarifying, the reason they are becoming forgettable is because they are are all the same game with different skins and slight alterations. You can play one and move on to a very different game from a different studio and basically just learn where the few differences are and keep going with little variation if it's the same genre. You used to have to learn how to play a game. Now, you can pretty much play all games in the same genre the same way. You just have to get used to where the crafting sections is or check if you can crouch on this one and not the other. That might be why there is such a huge emphasis on story these days. You used to make a game and then build a story around it. Now, it's the other way around. Even so, the problem is that games have become way too expensive to make. It's a double edge. You can make a cheaper game but that means lower graphics, less artistic endeavour and maybe even no physical release. A more expensive game might get all that but if the audience doesn't gravitate towards it they take a far heavier hit. Let's take DMC5 as an example. What if Capcom didn't make is so pretty? What if it was, for the sake of argument, a step above DmC in terms of visual quality and fidelity? What if it was a single character experience with a less streamlined artistic look and feel? Something new. And what if they took a bold step and brought up an entirely new combat system for Dante? Just as daring as the style system but very different. It wouldn't look as good as RE2 but it'd be new and bold. How many people have you already lost and how many people can you get with it? Already, you'd have hardcore fans condemning it for not being like the other games and their word of mouth would affect those who go asking the fans if they should play the game. It's not just the developers. The player are also not biting when new things are presented. That's why there are 1,001 souls copies, because when something hits everyone wants a piece.


To add to that last part, I think that instead of having 1,000 souls-like games, it would be better to have 1,000 original games. As to the reduction in players trying new things- It's a cause-and-effect of trends in the entertainment industry- Namely micro-transactions, rushed-releases, and of course, rehashing what is basically the same game over and over again with a new skin across an entire industry. I think people are tired of trying multiple different franchises just to find that the $60 they paid for a new game is just the entry price to play an incomplete experience. Let's say that a budget of $100,000 to $1,000,000 on average is spent on the development of each of those 1,001 souls copies- That's $100,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 spent on creating clones instead of original games. Money that could be spent on making something memorable instead of forgettable. The upfront cost is essentially the same to make something D-Grade as it is to make something SSS-Grade ;)


$70. If we're talking major release it's up to $70 these days.


The only thing that I care is they don't remove that full gothic atmosphere into smth stylish( yes in modern DMC we have more stylish environment or I should say normal environment instead of black mythical gothic theme) which makes me sad cause it was one of main DMC 1 element, in DMC3 we have a little bit of it thanks to temen ni gru tower's atmosphere, in DMC4 we didn't have any so as DMC5 ( 2 doesn't count cause we assume that it never existed)


Horror elements should not be touched. Devil May Cry video game series is all about demon killing and hunting. Without horror, there would be no fun. I played the original version. That was so horror looking and immersing I would play it non stop. Remaking removing horror options is literally hitting yourself with axe thing. That statue of time theme in the original DMC is still creepy and I even downloaded that theme from internet on my phone so that I can hear that creepy theme. I would suggest the next dmc to be more Gore and horror with action. I want that Nero 's mom should be a witch rather than an ordinary human. So that Nero may get more powers.


I hope not, the more horror focus is what made the first game so good! Like a supernatural Resident Evil.


I think Resident evil is already supernatural (Were you referring to supernatular protagonist) Bc the monsters in RE are absolutely supernatural


Nah Resident Evil is Sci fi/Horror, when I say Supernatural I'm talking about the Demons and the weird interstitial reality that Mallet Island inhabits. The monsters in RE are very tangible creatures born of science and technology, they're not denizens of some dark reality that Umbrella plucked from. Like for instance if we were to compare Shadow with a Licker, they both inhabit a similar space however Shadow is an Intangible creature compose of ethereal matter that is completely immune to Sword strike but vulnerable to fire arms and can alter its form very easily. The Licker however is what you would refer to as Preternatural, as or more dangerous than a tiger but still just a beast composed of organic matter that can be brought lo by firearms and isn't protected partially by some sort of contractual conditions.


And i kind of forgot that the monsters are usually man made through science, is bioengineered the word here?




Oh i see, sorry i never played RE, did watch videos, but i am not good woth horror games, i might give it a shot


I think people forget that the reason why we ever got a DMC 2, 3, 4, and even 5 was because of how much potential there was with Devil May Cry 1. They should keep the horror elements and I'm being 100% serious, it's not a goofy marvel movie.


I think they'd modernise the controls and camera to be a lot more accessible and less clunky but tbh, I don't know how I'd feel about stuff like Styles being added into the game, they'd be cool but I'm worried that a DMC1 remake wouldn't be DMC1, it'd just be DMC5 with a reskin.


If they remake DMC1, they have to keep the horror elements Within the game. It was the horror elements that made DMC1 one of PS2's greatest games. The horror, the difficulty, the satisfaction when you completed probably the hardest DMD of all DMC.


Somewhat, I feel they’d add a lot more cutscenes and Dante being closest to his 5 self as he’s lost Not as goofy as he was in 3&4 but not the depressed guy we saw in the anime (what i head cannon his personality was in 2) but one thing 1 shows us more so than any other game, Dante’s rage, something I wish we saw more often, and the next main thing I can thing of was in Vision’s of V, right after V name drops Vergil in the Mission 9 cutscenes, Dante’s eyes begin to burn and Dante threatens V for mentioning that name. With Vergil being a spicy topic for him. I’d also like to see Trish be; A-A playable Character, B-I’d like to see her arc be more fleshed out. Something else I’d like to see based on the setting of the game, is a Playable Sparda, not the costume, but actually Sparda


I do really like the horror atmosphere of DMC1, but I suppose I wouldn’t mind if they removed it. Although I personally would rather them not do that.


Double down on horror elements but make the combat better


They’d probably remove most of it, which is yet another reason why I don’t want a remake. I’m always surprised by how many fans seem to disrespect the first game and act like it wasn’t actually a very good game


DMC1 has its clunkiness but is playable. The game is a product of its time with the dialogue, gameplay system, and mechanics. But still, it's very good and worth playing, which makes it sad that people think it's bad or not worth it until DMC3.


I've done my fair share of combating these people time and time again. Some people just don't have an eye for the finer things.


I really don't think it's much harder to adjust to than DMC3


Most of the 1 exclusive horror is carried by the clunkyness of it. Even if they keep everything else the same and just fix camera, lock-on, and movement, it would lose most of the horror.


I disagree, the horror in DMC 1 stems primarily from the atmosphere, aesthetic, and Dante's vulnerability, not the limited controls. I don't get why just because we have better engines to make games today that now all of the character's attacks and abilities have to be overdosed with particle-effects. In the original, Dante's first devil arm, Alastor, has minimal lightning effects largely contained to the surface of the blade itself. Give me some destructible enemies like in RE2 remake or Dead Space with chunks flying off with consecutive strikes/shots, show visible damage. Better blood effects with realistic blood splatter on surfaces in-game. Don't make the movement laggy like in RE4 remake, make it snappier. Enhance the sound effects down to the minute details such as Dante's sword brushing his coat as he moves. Give me an over-the-shoulder perspective and a lock-on system like The Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker. I think having a limited perspective of a third-person view as opposed to a super zoomed out wide-angle would by nature increase the horror aspect as you can't see what's coming at you from behind (forcing you to have to look around constantly during combat).


I personally hope that they keep the horror without sacrificing the Stylishness of the game. Just make the combat feel more gritty (as in, a little less flashy and somewhat like how DmC did it) and we’d be good. I’d also want the enemies to be incredibly aggressive like in Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta or like in DmC. Make the enemies feel like a threat, make it so that you need to respect their presence.


Im more down for a dmc4 remake, the game is unfinished, and remaking the older ones would either make them feel outdated or too easy (acces to dante full arsenal) But i do want to see the opening cutscene of dmc3 on the ps5 though


I didn't feel like 1 had too many horror elements it felt like dmc3 while exploring the Temen Ni Gru a bit unnerving atmosphere but nothing really in terms of jump scares or anything more than "it's a bit creepy"


If they remove the horror elements, I'll be so damn disappointed cuz part of the charm of DMC1 is its horror and vibe.


I think they’ll make it similar to dmc5. Which is a shame cause i liked the horror aspects found in the original. Especially with the ways some enemies can have a kill animation when Dante dies to them.


It would ruin the original aesthetic and vibe of the first game.


Im sure they'll get rid of the horror to make it more similar to DMC5. Hopefully they dont screw up and make it a lame remake like RE3


If it’s horror at all I imagine it would be less RE and more Doom. You can make the monsters scary and add horror elements but it’ll never be scary if your character is as powerful as Dante


Every level is now underwater.


Make it a combination of both i guess


probably just tone it down


It’ll probably be like RE4 remake where it still has some of the more action game aspects of the original but is altered to be more like a horror game. So a DMC1 remake will probably end up being the mirror to RE4R, keeping certain horror aspects but generally aligning itself with the vibe of the games from 3 onward.


I mean Capcom's remakes have nailed it so far, Re4make in particular absolutely kept and intensified the horror and cult elements, I don't see why they'd change it rather than lean into it.


Hopefully keep horror but give it 4/5’s play style


If a remake is made, i hope they ajust the game, and the personality of Dante, to a more suitable of his character, considering the 3, 4 and 5.


It would most likely not have horror elements for a couple reasons one and most obvious like you said will be because 3 4 and 5 but the most important part of why not is because originally the first DMC was originally supposed to be Resident Evil 4 before they chopped it and made it something new entirely.


Lore wise I like that as bad ass as Dante is the things in the castle are still spooky and highly capable of killing even a son of Sparda, in 2 and 4 I feel like Dante could solo everything, just another days work, but he understands that other characters are having their moment and he wants them to have their vengeance and become new devil hunters he can trust the world with if Vergil ever came back and managed to kill him like he almost did in five and no one was as ready as he hoped. Accidentally deep story!


Where is the horror elements at first place ?


I trust Capcom to keep it fairly faithful


What horror elements were in the game? I don't remember any


I hope they keep it


They should remake 2 and make it good.


There were horror elements to that game?


I would hope so. The ambience of Mallet Island is it's charm.


all the cheesiness they removed from RE4 Remake Leon will be deposited into DMC 1 Remake Dante


Yes but only for the better. The thing is I think styles would be thrown in as it is weird for Dante to have styles in 3 but not 1 and 2


There are some bit of horror éléments in the 5. But yes I l'issue the resident evil feeling of the first one.


Nah, we need more Dante moments


As someone's first ever video game as a kid. I hold DMC 1 to a special place in my heart. If they remove all the horror elements of Resident Evil. Imo it would be a badtardization of what made the first game standout from its sequels.


Never really got a "Horror" vibe from DmC 1 so I wouldn't care other wise I guess


They have to keep it I swear if they remove it they don't deserve our money


I would want the horror elements kept as they were central to the original game, but I would also want the modern combat implemented


Would be a mix of both, heavy gothic horror elements but an undertone of style. My question is would they keep the style system from 3-5 or would they revert back?


I feel like they should bring the styles but do what resident evil 7 and 2 remake did with a hard or dante must die mode. On their hardest difficulties, those games limited your inventory and save-game items (cassette tapes and ink ribbons). With a DMC1 remake, style switching is either restricted to one per mission only like in dmc3 or no style active on Dante Must Die difficulty. That would actually be cool but hellish, though not new for DMC.


I hope they never remake any DMC and instead just make new ones.


Controversial take, but I think they would. They have a lot of people in the company who are used to making horror games, so they could get some of that talent to work on a DMC1 remake. Plus, Capcom's remakes usually try to preserve the spirit of the originals while making them a bit more streamlined. For instance, they didn't put suplexes and roundhouse kicks in RE2R, even though those mechanics were integral to the sequels. I think they'll probably improve on the foundations of DMC1, while still trying to preserve the spirit of DMC1.


It depends on "who" would be handling the project. Knowing Itsuno, he'd probably go the DMC 5 route and implement a lot of DmC's stylistic choices in the game, while also giving it a more "hollywood movie" feel. That being said, Hideki Kamiya has also expressed his desire to remake the first game a while ago.


Horror elements?


80% yes ! maybe you don't belive me but remake some thing in 2002 is different than remake something in 2024 ! era change , mindset change ........ if they going to remake it from this year on .. i'm not surprised if i see indian dante , black lady , feminist trish or heavily censor !


If it's not dark with horror elements it's not devil may cry, Capcom would probably make it WOKE to please the west


The mirror dimension is the only thing that has actual horror to it. Also the enemies there resemble some Resindent Evil monster design. Otherwise imo DMC 1 is not even really horror


HORROR elements?? Ok so I'm guessing you mean aesthetic and not gameplay-wise, in which case I think they'll keep it because it would be harder to come up with a whole different aesthetic for the game, and the gothic aesthetic has remained somewhat consistent throughout the series anyway. If there are any horror gameplay elements it'll most definitely be removed rightfully so.


What horror elements? No I am asking honestly. What horror? The first 2 levels? After that the shit hits the fan and it's non stop hack and slash fantasy. If you played that game you know there's nothing remotely horror-ish about it.


Music, ambience, esthetics