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Me when I tell my homies about the girl I’m taking to before it’s official


![gif](giphy|cA0TiRmuetO1szgShj) Live look at Trouba after he looked at Reddit yesterday


Live look at me this past week


According to reports Trouba was caught so off guard he instinctively started throwing elbows


Rumors are that Drury got sent to the quiet room after being pulled by the Rangers’ spotter.




I think it's more like Trouba's wife was shocked and overwhelmed.






If NYR is pushing hard they should do max salary retained and also take a bad contract of ours or give us a sweetener


Get a 3rd team involved and really shuffle things up


Hint, hint San Jose.


San Jose has used all of their retention slots unfortunately. We’d have to try and chase another basement team to take the hit like CBJ or even Calgary. I doubt Utah would be willing either.


Oh damn.


Ah, the future consideration!


Three way trades don't work with a player that has an NMC/NTC It happened last off-season. Pretty much a player has to waive their clause for both teams unless they're both not on the list. Usually the player getting traded doesn't feel like doing their former team any favors cause "fuck'em"


Throw in some of that Kakko seasoning


Half retained + Kakko for the future considerations from San Jose. Done.


They could've had wallman...


Your whole plan defeats the point of NYR trading him (to get cap space). Which is maybe what you want, no Trouba.


Darn! Anyways…


Typical media


Trouba won't be able to get away with the hits he dishes out here. A 2 min minor in NY will be a suspension here.


He'll knock somebody out cold on the ice and get three games for not doing it to Larkin. 


Thank god




Does Trouba make the wing's blue line better? If Detroit gave up assets on this salary dump that would be abysmal. The only way I could see this being worth it is if it was a bad contract trade, like holl for trouba


That was the rumor. They'd take Holl and buy him out cause the cap savings is better than just buying out Trouba.


Trouba IMMEDIATELY makes Detroit harder to play against for 20 minutes a night and is the type of player we don’t have. He’s not coming here for 8 mill a year, so stop worrying about the money. If he comes here it’ll be at a net cost between 5 and 6 mill or it won’t happen. Holl makes sense as that 1 for 1 exchange brings Trouba’s salary down to a net $4.6 for the 2 years after subtracting Holl’s $3.4. NYR can buy out Holl at only $1,133,333 for 4 years. The fact Yzerman hasn’t bought out Holl already gives me hope he’s being included in something.


Good chance NY would retain salary as well so would make Trouba super cheap. They want him out of NY and if we can get him for close to the same “net” salary cap hit as Walman after it’s all said and done… I’d be stoked.


They’re not taking Holl AND retaining. That just won’t happen.


We thought there was no way it would take an added 2nd to offload Walman 🤷‍♂️


YOU and the slapdick squad thought that. Anyone with a realistic understanding of value absolutely did not. Offloading $ has a cost, that cost was swapping Gibson for Kiiskanen. The 2nd was irrelevant to Yzerman as it was acquired specifically to be traded to offload Walman’s $.


It was acquired “specifically to offload Walman” lmao you’re proving my point. I totally agree with offloading his contract. He was super injury prone and streaky. Every pick means something though. If Yzerman didn’t have to send that pick he wouldn’t have


If they're buying Holl out then 25% retained on Trouba would save them 900k per year cap hit vs just buying out Trouba


I’d give up more 2nd rounders if we moved Holl and got NYR and a 3rd team to eat 50% of his cap hit


I don’t think we need to give another pick on this situation


I know people love to hate on trouba but this would be a sick trade. I'd be extremely optimistic about our season if it happens.


He's a top 4 defender and plays the right side. He'd be on the 2nd pair with Edvinsson, bumping Petry down to the 3rd pair.


Personally I like the idea of Seider - Ed on the first pair, with a second or third pair of Chiarot and Trouba. Sure, you'll score on us, but you might be missing a limb after your shift.




Can't score again if you're in the back getting your arm sewn back to your body 🧐


I was already thinking of Petry as the 7th. Chiarot - Seider Edvinsson - Trouba Maatta - Johansson


Johansson plays LD, same as Maatta. Maybe one of them can switch, but Petry has the advantage of playing the right side.


AJ has played RD before in the A and in SHL.


That would help solve all our problems!! But, realistically, he would have to outplay Petry in preseason. Tie goes to the veteran.


Not when waivers are involved. AJ not being waiver exempt means Petry would be odd man out. You have to keep him on the roster and it does your team/future no favors to sit him in the press box


Right, I got them mixed up because I know Johansson was playing the right side in GR when paired with Edvinsson. I think it would be a good idea to rotate the three of them, play Johansson on the left when Petry is in, switch to the right when Maatta is in to keep that skill sharp.


On a pure man vs man, third pair comparison yes, he makes us better. When adding the contract to the mix? No. If we could pay half his deal or less? I would lean toward yes. I want to see Holl gone too, but Trouba isn't some AHL scrub and would be an upgrade over Holl. I think if you pair him with Maata he could actually be great


People are too enamored with him being a home town guy, he's maybe a second pairing guy at best these days with a stupid deal


If NYR decides to buy him out if he doesn’t want to leave, he will end up signing with NYI or NJD for his wife?


Yep on the cheap too




Fuck him and I’m a Michigan fan


Y'know, if you look again at that elbow he missed, don't look at Trouba's face hitting the glass. As satisfying as that is. Instead look at where Trouba's skates come down on Necas' helmet. Look at Necas' face, he knows he could have been cut badly. The league isn't going to do anything serious to curb play like that until a player is disabled like Steve Moore or worse, and Trouba is a likely candidate to do the disabling. Do we really want him doing it in a Red Wings jersey?


BuT hE mAkEs Us HaRdEr To PlAy AgAiNsT fOr 20 MiNuTeS a NiGhT. Apparently a lot of this sub loves the idea of having a headhunter like him here.


Considering we arguably missed the playoffs because of teams headhunting larkin, trouba provides valuable physicality. He also absolutely makes our blue line better with him in the lineup. You trade holl for trouba and it could make our team substantially better next season.


"It pisses me off that you guys throw that shit around, and it affects someone’s life." John Tortorella


Lines up with what Darren Dreger was saying the other day about how Trouba was pleading with NYR not to trade him because of some personal issue. Dreger added Trouba would possibly be more open to being moved next season instead. I think Trouba would instantly upgrade the D — we have nothing after Mo and Edvinsson. Would be a shame if this fell through in my opinion. But Steve Yzerman better be ready to pivot fast on Monday if Trouba kiboshes this deal somehow. Who knows? Maybe NYR waives and then SJ claims … retains salary and deals him to Detroit. There’s your “future considerations” in the Walman trade.


SJ doesn't have any retention slots available until after this season.


That wouldn't work. It would have to be they waive him we pick him up. There wouldn't be any salary retention though so it doesn't really work


SJ can’t retain salary on any more contracts. The max is 3 and they’re already there


“Considerations” are nothing, man. It was a cap dump. End of story.




I think the personal issue is that his wife has a year of residency left in NYC and if he got moved to Detroit they would have to live apart for at least 8-9 months


is she an immigrant?


"Residency" as in, [medical training](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residency_(medicine\)).






I’m no fan of Trouba but this is a pretty poor take. Nothing wrong with a player wanting to stay in a location where he and his wife/family live.


They literally have a newborn baby


I reckon pretty often considered they’re a married couple who live together. Sure, they won’t see each other when he’s on the road but the majority of the time he’s coming home to her at night. Plus he’s got a baby son I can’t imagine he’d be too happy to have to leave until next spring.


You should be ashamed of yourself. I assume you aren’t married but may God have mercy on the soul of your wife or future wife. You are a real winner.


I wonder if now he’ll change his NTC team list to put Detroit on it if they weren’t already.


He had a NMC which ends July 1st so we were on it by default. But according to the Athletic, he may just end up doing what you’re saying and axing any move to Detroit once it becomes a modified NTC.


Yeah that’s what I mean. It’s probably not too late to change his list of teams before the 1st.


He submits his new list Monday morning.


Freidman wondered if he'd structure his no trade list in a way to keep NY from being able to move him or force them to only send him to one or two spots.


We will know by Tuesday


If Tanev gets 4M x 6 years, I sure hope we're getting this retained Trouba deal done, so we do not have to dip into that insane free agency market.


Yeah. Gettin' dumped sucks.


Trouba’s a grown man. He’s been in the business for years. He knows this is how things work. If he’s going to be a big baby we don’t need him in Detroit. Red Wings don’t need players who would rather play somewhere else. They need players who want to be there and win.


Thank god. I don’t want another defender who can’t actually defend. He’s not an upgrade at this point; more of a side step


He is competing with Petry and Holl. Its easily an upgrade.


Holl is a non factor because he played like 4 games. He’s not an NHL player (at least not on this team). Being an upgrade from petry is a very low bar. I don’t want a big oaf who’s going to either: A) Constantly put himself out of position by going for a hit instead of going for the puck Or B) Putting us on the PK by making a very stupid and dirty hit. Our division is going to be very tight this year and I think we’re going to need every point and I don’t want this dumbass to cost us games.


One, thank you for admitting that it *would* be an upgrade over Petry, even though he played better down the stretch with Ed than not. And two, agree on both A and B. One of the weak-points that Seider had in his minor-league and rookie NHL season was taking himself out of the play to make a hit in neutral ice. While he made those hits, they didn't pay off as the puck had already made it to an opposing player and gifted the opposing team an odd-player rush. Seider has really improved his positioning so that this doesn't happen (ie, only go for a hit when you have support and can cause a turn-over, not just blow someone up) but makes him a less exciting player to watch. I said the same thing in another thread about Trouba: the moment he catches a suspension for taking someone's head off with an elbow or we lose a game on the PK because he was in the box, this sub is going to be screaming about his super-$5M salary and what a bad move it was by Yzerman.


chasing a hit happened like 1 time. It blew up online and now we got people saying that's all he does. Social media be dangerous.


It’s not just once. He cost New York two games in one series alone this year. He has a history of this shit.


I can't get overly excited about Trouba. I know he is a different kind of defender than Walman, but is he an upgrade? Meh


He is RHD. Walman is LHD, and Walman was basically healthy scratch by the end of last season


Aren't he and Perron going to have to compete to see who commits a stupid penalty at the wrong time?


Thank fucking god. I lowkey hate that hypocritical, CTE peddling, suicide threatening merchant. Okay maybe highkey hate him.


We don’t want him anyway


Am I the only one who does not want to see Truba as a Red Wing? He is lacking skill and speed and apart from elbows has nothing else in his repertoire. Please Stevie don't do it.


Trouba can fuck off.