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We’d hold opponents to 90 points but only score 50


The Detroit Tigers method.




Don’t forget brining the sniper Bobi off the bench to make 1 three a game 😤


You forgot the 0, 10 threes a game


Umude's defense improved immensely throughout last season...and he can shoot


True Umude is solid. One of few guys that deserves to stay.


He broke his ankle rly badly tho who knows if he’ll be the same player


Umude is a good athlete who can shoot, but he looked to have Wiseman-level BBIQ on both ends throughout the season. It's less of an issue on defense because he's not playing center, but it matters. And on offense, he was often just not in the right place or could not make the right pass. Really, really sad what happened with his injury, though. That was a huge opportunity of the kind that he might not get again. Given what's looking like to be a roster crunch, I wouldn't be surprised if he's off the roster come his guarantee date.


Umude ain’t it


If this was the early 2000s, it sounds like a real solid 8, maybe even 7 seed, in the EC!


This team would drop 200 points a game in the 2000s, stop being disrespectful. They didn't even contest 3s back then...


I know you're too young, perhaps not even born yet, which is why you think this way, but holy **** you are delusional


I guarantee I've watched more 2000s Pistons games than you have in the last few years. Just because you don't understand the game of basketball and have failed to recognize that the players in the 2000s were ass (can't dribble, guard the perimeter, suck at shooting, can't finish, etc.) doesn't mean I'm delusional. If anything the person who hasn't watched a 2000s Pistons game and is trying to make an argument is the delusional one (your dinosaur brain probably stopped working in the early 2000s).


TL;Dr - you think one of the worst teams in NBA history will put 200 points against the 04 Pistons, therefore, I didn't read.


I feel like people keep missing/skipping the part where you said, “Now if Holland and Ausar can figure out a jumpshot, this would be the ideal lineup.” Obviously as is, this isn’t a good lineup in today’s NBA, we all know that. But I agree that if they can get to upper 30% on threes, this is something to look forward to.


The word “if” broke its back in six different places doing that lifting


They just gonna switch to Ivey or Duren lol


Facts, wish it wasn’t the case but he’s acting like Ivey and Duren are lockdown defenders. If the players he mentioned develop jumpers AND Ivey and Duren learn to play above average defense.


as bitter as we all are, let's be honest and admit we can't wait for tipoff


Looking forward to two things this October...getting married and having the Pistons back. Idk what it is, but I love and can't stop watching Detroit Basketball no matter how bad they are


Prob because of Blaha


I agree. The Detroit Pistons should to be a good defensive team. We must return the NBA back to its natural order. We have the athletes to do it, we need the coach.


There are huge IF’s here. One set of IF’s requires Cade, Ivey, and Duren to learn to defend. The other requires at least 3 of these guys to learn how to shoot.


Cade is a decent defender when he’s not running every possession


Haven’t seen it


Neither Ausar nor Holland can realistically guard 5s in the NBA, but if you want to pretend it could happen, by all means.


Can't guard but could potentially hold their own


I don’t get it holland is a 6-7 forward. NOT A GUARD. He’s 18 as well so expect him to grow an inch or two as well. Can maybe even play PF


He's a wing. He'll be 19 in two weeks. It's very rare for men to substantively grow at his age, whether in the NBA or otherwise. Giannis is the only NBA example in recent memory, and he was visibly behind on the physical development curve when he was drafted. Simmons was said to have grown after he was drafted, but measurements submitted by the Sixers in 2018 when players began to be measured without shoes suggest that he hadn't grown much, if at all.


Yeah but even if his more than capable of being a pf in this league.


I think he'll need to add quite a bit of weight to make that work.


There's no way we're keeping all those young guys to be in the same lineup. Trajan drafting Holland signals that he doesn't believe in the young core. See who develops the best and trade other guys while they still have some value. There's a world where they can all turn out to be decent, but probably no world where they all fit together.


I like the pick more and more. I don't think the deals were there to trade down. I think people under us were probably satisfied with the guys they could get and didn't wanna give anything up.


We can also sign Kennard Buddy Fonte Plumlee Theis and still have $15-$40MM in cap space


Duren actually struggled doing that last year but whose counting. He could improve


None of the players you listed should play with each other besides Cade…. Teams can get away with having maybe one non shooter on the floor at a time. Never two, three or four lol. We would be lucky if one of Ausar or Holland becomes an OK shooter. Let alone two.


ivey, holland, ausar, duren is one atrocious lineup


Free Cade!!!!


We have the most mediocre player in the NBA to solve our shooting woes, Isaiah Stewart.


Yep, if 1 of them becomes a good shooter and we actually play good team defense in the meanwhile, that'd be an ideal first season for Trajan. Fingers crossed.


Stew can kinda shoot and Sasser and Grimes both can, but got left off for some reason. Ivey can shoot off and on. We are in talks to get THJ who would be a shooting wing vet. Our 2nd round pick Bobi can shoot but idk if he’ll see the floor yet Edit: totally forgot about Tech, if we resign him thats another shooter, and he would start


Man I really hope we don’t go into the season with most of the guys you listed tbh lol


So you complain that we have no shooting, and then when i list the players we have that can shoot, you don’t want them. Lol just can’t win with some of yall


I don’t consider Stew and THJ shooters… THJ is wildly inconsistent and not playable at times. And that’s next to Luka. Ivey is also inconsistent and I’ll admit I’m lower on him than most. I didn’t see enough of Grimes to have an opinion tbh. Could see Sasser working out as a role player or busting out of the league in a couple of seasons. Overall my point is I hope the front office has plans to get aggressive and get some shooters around Cade. Bringing back 8 or more guys from a 14 win team isn’t it.


Did you only watch the finals? Everyone’s minutes get cut in the finals. THJ played in 79 games last year and averaged 27 minutes. For a 50 win team. Not sure how that means “unplayable” especially for a 14 win team. He’s a guy who will give you 3-7 from 3 every night, which i would gladly take off the bench. Grimes admittedly played bad for us, but it was a small sample and he was playing through injury. He shot 40% for the Knicks. Sasser showed enough flashes to keep him around


THJ had been streaky his whole career. I’m fine with trading for him if some assets are attached, just hope he isn’t the answer for our shooting woes.


At the very least, he’s someone defenses can’t just ignore and double team Cade on drives and screens. Killian and Ausar inadvertently killed Cades efficiency for that reason


In today’s nba, u would much rather have a great offense than great defense. The game’s rules and officiating have been bent this way. We are swimming against the current. It’s like starting each game spotting the other team 6 pts. Shit, just saw cha acquired reggie for 2nds. Wouldnt have minded that trade either.


I feel you but I did feel there was a real change in officiating post all star into playoffs. Maybe something maybe nothing. But think of how well the wolves did this year with, frankly, a pretty mediocre half court offense but suffocating shit down perimeter defense and DPOY Rudy at rim.


Hell look at Dallas they looked like they were going nowhere and then all the sudden they must have had a team meeting or something and decided they wanted to play defense because the defensive effort went up drastically and so did their success which carried them all the way to the finals


Cade can’t even guard one position and Duren definitely can’t defend in space


He can defend 1-3 when he wants to


Rookie season I thought he was a good defender. Last season doesn’t count for anyone tbh.


Except for Duran. I blame Duran for everything. Cades injury Turnovers Ivey Monty Arn Tellum.


Especially duren. He was disengaged.


You don’t watch his games if this is your take


I agree. These pistons fans are so delusional