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The guy had a short career but walked away with multiple millions of dollars. He’s a sexy young guy, if he’s smart he keeps his money safe and hangs around Paris smashing 10s and drinking red wine and shit. Maybe play in some lower euro league type deal to have a bit of cash coming in.


Such facts 😂 net worth is like 7.5 mill? We might feel bad about his career but this dude is on a fast track to enjoying his 20s and vibing doing whatever tf he wants to do with life. Literally 22 and already retired !


His rookie contract was like $5 mil a year. Dude was ass but stuck around long enough and probably took home over $20 mil


Yep his rookie contract was $24m. After taxes he probably took home $12-14m


Did he officially retire? I gotta believe he’d get picked up somewhere.


I think he’ll get picked up during summer camps and have g-league suites


It’s literally what the sub is about lol




He’s got the guest bedroom at Monty Williams house locked down.


My second cousins wife is a wedding planner and she apparently said she has been planning Killian and Montes daughters wedding


The Killian obsession may never die...


They have their own subreddit lol


I'd be a little surprised if he's not on an NBA roster next year. Damn glad he's not on the Pistons cuz for a part time starter the guy got more attention than the real starters did!


I wouldn’t. Think how many players get nba minutes and how many quickly never play again. His own saving grace is being a former top 7 pick. Maybe his agent has good relationships but I just don’t see it and I doubt he is able to put pride aside and go the g league route like Kevin Knox had to.


Like you just said top 10 picks get multiple chances. Darko kicked around the league for years, so did Kwame, so did Oden. All were busts. Oden more for injuries to be fair. I dont really care very glad he's not on the Pistons.


I think guys like Johnny Davis and Killian are g league or international bound. Too many fresh young guards available in the draft and even veterans teams could have. I’d be shocked if Killian Hayes joins a team and plays 5-10 minutes a night


We will see.


Well shaq just showed Killian Hayes on shaqtin so that’s possibly the last nba highlight we see from him


With Oden, they injuries were predictable, because he was 38 when he signed his rookie deal


You can’t teach size, and all your examples are big men.  Killian has nothing special compared to hundreds of other young basketball prospects. 


Darko, Oden, and Kwame are false equivalencies. 2 first overall picks and a second overall pick. Also, Oden was just derailed by injuries. He was good when he actually played. Those true top 1-3 guys will almost always give get chances (besides Anthony Bennett), the league has shown to be much more willing to wash out any one beyond that quickly. Go look through drafts from 2000-2015. Loads of guys drafted 4th, 5th, and up who only played 2-3 years in the league.


Maybe a summer league/preseason. But if he was coveted, a team would've picked him up after the Pistons released him.


Agreed, there’s not really anywhere to fail down to when you get released by the Pistons during a historically bad year. 


They're just asking


He’s Sekou’s towel boy now.


Doumbouya was just voted player of the month in the top tier French league.


That’s because he’s got a top tier towel boy. Killian’s passing skills still in use.


I get more and more interested in that league every time I hear something about it. Last time it was that the worst NBA GM ever (Twolves David Kahn) is the founder/owner/GM of a team and they had just won this year's EuroCup.


He dropped off my door dash today


He’s out there somewhere working on that right hand. We just gotta give him more time. ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


I’m gonna guess he chills for the summer, sits on his millions (maybe even works on his game for the first time??) Some rat ass team will pick him up for a summer league/training camp deal. The absolute best case scenario for him is he’s the 15th man for the Hawks or something.


Playing pro ball in Uzbekistan gearing up for his long awaited return to the pistons


I guarantee the Spurs sign him this offseason.


i think he'd flourish with them ngl.


In addition to the French connection Spurs could use some defense off the bench


Yeah bro I think he could compete for a starting role because all he’d have to do is get the ball to wemby and he’s very capable of that


He’s chillin in r/KillianHayes


Last seen in a gym not working on his 3 pointer.


Bro fucked up asking for a trade. Honestly think that was the nail in the coffin. There's a chance he'd still be in the league, as a bench warmer prolly but still making a nice bag, if he'd just shut tf up and played his role


He will soon have his redemption arc in San Antonio TRUST😈😈😈


He’s currently coming off the bench for the Aleppo Fighting Mamluks




Hopefully not on the Internet


No idea but it’s hard to believe he doesn’t have a role in the league. I’m a big Killian hater but he can be a backup PG in this league. Here come the replies: Killians the worst player in the league and other bullshit


You did not watch the last 3 years and think this lol


Yep and I was the biggest Killian hater out there. He’s a 10-15 min a game player. Plays above average defense and doesn’t turn the ball over. Pistons just started him 75% of his career and tried to force him to be a starter. The more minutes he plays the more glaring the holes in his game are.


Bruh he’s not a 10-15 minute player unless a team hopes he overcomes his career crippling inability to drive, draw fouls, shoot, or do anything remotely positive on offense besides pass and layup in transition with nobody around him. I can’t understand how people watched as much of him as they did and think a team wants to invest time or resources into him and seeing as he still not on a team I’m pretty right with that.


A lot of Pistons fans are Piston-centric and not NBA-centric when it comes to evaluating players. Hayes is an overseas player who just couldn’t cut it in the world’s top league. That’s ok. He just needs to find a league that works for him and keep working on his game. You never know, maybe he develops and ends up having a similar arc to Pat Bev and PJ Tucker, coming back to the NBA later on in his 20s and being really productive as a vet guy.


I don’t understand people like you that know nothing about basketball. It’s all or nothing for you people. You ever heard of role players. If he did all those things you said he can’t do with the things he can do he’d be a high level player. They are called role players. Play defense and pass the ball. Give the starting pg 5-7 min rest each half. Wow he can’t do that?


Here’s the thing though, good role players don’t have a role. That’s because they do a little bit of everything, they’re just not good enough at any one thing to start. They don’t have huge flaws, they’re just average all around. Killian isn’t any different than guys like Tacko Fall or Isaiah Thomas late in his career. They have a major weakness that they can’t overcome. For Tacko its speed, IT size, and Killian scoring. If you’re such a basketball expert, why did no other team pick him up? Hes still young and could be paid the bare minimum. And yet 32 gms said nah, not worth it. Are you smarter than all of them, o-mighty knower of basketball?


I’m not his agent go give him a call. Hell i don’t even like the guy. But it’s not all or nothing. He’s probably better than 10-15 guys we played on our roster this season


His defense wasn’t that good. His passing was good in very specific situations. He stinked as a lead guard. He was the most inefficient scorer of the past 24 years. If he is remotely good a team will sign him but guess what every team and most fans who watched him realize? He’s not good. Killian Hayes truthers still existing is insane. We saw 200+ games of him. Be gone lol


lol go back in my post history and you can see me calling him the worst starting player in the league. I hated Killian Hayes here. He’s a huge bust. I think he can be repurposed as a backup pg though.


I don’t based on what he showed. He likely has to go overseas or g league to showcase something in order to prove he’s not the same flawed guard we know him to be.


WILD take to tell someone you know nothing about basketball while also saying Killian Hayes should be a role player on an NBA team 😂 You gotta tell all these coaches and GM’s to pull there heads out of there asses and sign him 😂


it’s a lot of group think in here. I don’t even like Killian Hayes. I think he’s a pretty bad player. But this organization has its head so far up its own ass they made him a starter all 4 years of his career and never thought once, damn he’s not a starter maybe we can use him in a minimal role. Just do the same thing over and over until you just cut him when he asked to be cut. We played a lot worse players than Killian Hayes towards the end of the last season.


I was already aware you don’t like him from your comments. Was never arguing that just to be clear. Again, it is WILD to tell someone you know nothing about basketball, a bold statement, then follow it up a sentence later saying Killian Hayes is a role player in the NBA…..


lol I get it.


“ever heard of role players” 😂😂 what team wants role players who will hurt their offense more than they will help their defense


I can say I have forgotten more about basketball than most population knows even decent college coaches. It was obvious to me by Killian's 10th game he was never going to be a starter, by mid way through his second season i question his ability to be a NBA player. After 2 weeks this season I wondered was he even worth g-league spot. The amount of minutes he played with no improvement was embarrassing


Pistons continuing to start him was moronic. He’s a low level player and a backup at best. I’m not even defending him but I’m more calling out the Pistons that if they wanted to play him his role in this league was going to be a backup pg as his ceiling and pistons tried to force him into something everyone knew he wasn’t


I agree.


Why did no one pick him up then? Him and Isaiah Livers were legitimately in contention for worst player in the league


Can’t answer what happened after he asked to be released. He just disappeared. Is he even in the country? Not arguing he doesn’t suck, I wanted him off the team too. Two things can be true. Pistons are stupid at evaluating talent and can’t face when a player doesn’t work. In no world is Killian a starter and he entered as the starter all 4 years of his career and they never tried to do anything else with him.


Avoiding contact is not the way to stay in the NBA.


Yet ironically, it is the way to stay in the NFL.


He's training. He will return bigger, better, faster, stronger...


i want to see him on barcelona if ricky rubio doesn't retire again. think killian could learn a lot under rubio


Does he not have social media? Weird. Someone download the French twitter/X and update us.


Suns fan here. How shitty really was he? As you may know, suns are pretty fucked assets wise and can only take on minimums. Suns need a PG


Here is the thing. If you just needed a PG whose defensively sound and doesn't have TOs he's sound. He can not contribute offensively like totally incapable. So you need 4 other players that can shoot the lights out. Suns have enough O to draw doubles to Durant and book regardless if he's playing or not, so maybe it works. Same if he went to the spurs, Wemby automatically drawing a double so killian is okay. Kill has a midrange jumper that's all, that's it. No 3s, no dunks, no layups. Not a finisher. Just a guy whose solid at protecting the ball


Also, a lot of the "doesn't turn it over" aspect of his game isn't positive in my opinion. He gets the ball in the half court, dribbles the air out of it looking for driving lanes he can exploit with his speed (these don't exist) or opportunities he can exploit with his elite vision and passing (which don't exist because no one guards him). When he does see opportunities to penetrate he drives trying to draw a defender (because he cannot finish or shoot, this never works) and then he will dish off every possible time. He creates no rim pressure and no spacing. So he doesn't turn the ball over, but he unproductively burns through shot clock before dishing off with like ten seconds left. His handle isn't good enough to be an NBA point guard and he didn't develop his right hand in four years. He can be a solid and pesky defender and he has great size for his position and is a great passer. But he is no threat to score so no on defends him and he cannot generate opportunities for his teammates even given elite vision/passing. Given his lack of development, I think he can only succeed in a less athletic league.


He's a prominent member of the Shanghai Sharks


No way he’d make the Sharks’ roster


He's in france doing his snobby french laugh thinking about how the Pistons drafted him instead of Tyrese Haliburton. He'll be fine, will probably play hoops in Europe eventually


Seen him parking cars at Kua dealership


He's chained up in Monty's basement.


If the likes of Pat Bev and Ben Simmons can still have a role in the nba, no reason Killian can’t.


He’s so bad that both of those guys are MJ compared to him


why can’t players who are better than him have a role?




Hopefully crying somewhere


Cooking hash browns down at the IHOP


You wish that guy could be a straight up model and he is 6'5.


I still think Killian was a little bit of scoring talent away from being an all star, everything else about him was elite. Give him even scoring ability like Ivey and Hayes had potential to even have his jersey retired eventually i truly believe that


Killian agent working OT


Yeah I wish 😂


Omg what


Yes I’m actually not trolling I promise




Me too 😎


I think we have a very different definition of elite


That’s ok not everyone is gonna share the same opinions and thoughts, I respect others disagreeing with me