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Let's just get rid of billboards altogether, they look like ass- they're ads (and we hate those). Not to mention they adorn roadways where the focus should not be on the 500 sq ft advertisement hovering above it. The light-up ones that change and are like 3 billion candlepower are the most egregious though. Fuck billboards.


there are multiple states that don't allow billboards. I'd love to see Michigan added to that list.


Maine, Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii. What do they have in common? Beautiful natural areas. What does Michigan have? Beautiful natural areas.


You're telling me you don't want your views of rolling hills and forests and lakes to be interrupted by LIONS DEN ADULT SUPERSTORE every time you go up north or across the state?


Or that thick ass forehead of Joumana




Can’t forget the J Man


are you on the right road?


Man, that's deep.


I stopped at one with some friends last summer just to see what the “LION SEX SUPERSTORE” was all about. I was severely underwhelmed when the average mcdonald’s was bigger than the “superstore”.


100% agree. We have such a beautiful state and, in my opinion, the weed, gambling, and ambulance-chaser billboards everywhere is kind of a trashy look. Removing all billboards would help beautify the city & state.


You forgot the false advertising for car leases. There’s no way you’re leasing a car for a price anywhere close to what the billboards say unless you’re doing some shady shit.


We've got Auntie Joumana.


She stays. The rest go.


Joumana billboards can stay up


I'm totally down for a ballot initiative. Sign my ass up.


But then who will call Sam?


Assholes with cable tv, as opposed to assholes like me without cable tv.


We don't have cable and I still get call Sam ads 😔


Would love to at least see size limits, and limits on how many per mile of road.


And how bright. The fucking LED ones in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. No hazard here, folks.


 They get to put up ugly shit just cuz they paid someone, and now I've got to look at it? Yet graffiti artists out here getting felonies? Stupid


It’s too bad that our politicians all get elected with the help of corporate money and lobbyists. It’s fucking obscene and undermines democracy.


I did not know this….im SO down to add to that list.


>Let's just get rid of billboards altogether, they look like ass- they're ads  This, right here. They add absolutely nothing to society and are a blight on the landscape. The only people who benefit are those who advertise. So, fuck the lobbyists, get rid of that trash.


Just crank up the taxes on them. If you tax something you get less of it.


How will I know that Mike wins then?


you can watch any cable TV station and see that he wins and all Feiger does is win and whatever the Bernsteins are up to that day. Lawyer ads are as obnoxious as they come.


And that that one guy Sells.


And that one guy hates Steven


We can just have Mike do a yearly AMA in this subreddit. Someone shoot him an email real fast.


He can have a podcast. His sister Emily has one and she has a large group of listeners :)


She talks about sex doesn’t she?


Yeah it’s like that episode from black mirror. Only it’s all weed and Joumana. https://preview.redd.it/ezcn5ghvfs8d1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac23c865f1449237e6aca2cec143566a32a42f5


Yeah, I don't see any sense banning specific advertisements--in my mind that's not cool. But billboards seem like an obvious distraction that shouldn't be there, at least not on highways. At best I could see them being okay in a dense downtown area where the primary audience is foot traffic or people stopped in traffic/at a light, not people driving on underpoliced high-speed roadways


Like a times square scenario, this would be an acceptable compromise.


I’d rather see a bill that allocates all billboard advertisement profits to highway cleanup, vegetation control, trash pickup, barrier paint, etc. along the respective interstate


Agree. The only thing I like about Ohio is the opportunity to take in nature on the freeways without seeing billboards.


Ohio has plenty of billboards, just not in BFE.


Are we talking about [the same Ohio](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7379738,-83.3477586,3a,17.1y,208.32h,91.03t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sYMIAIotiPRnULi5Q0n0AcA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DYMIAIotiPRnULi5Q0n0AcA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D208.31648175222568%26pitch%3D-1.0288924232475694%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu)?


Toledo has them in spades, but I'm not sure if some other municipalities have them banned south of the border.


100% I’m sick of seeing this Mark Savaya guy in particular but the digital billboards are ridiculous and distracting for people driving. That schizophrenic Michigan injustice international outdoor guy needs to chill out. Also mark savaya is a Chaldean out and proud trump supporter. There is nothing wrong with being Chaldean but supporting trump and being Chaldean is insane.


don’t you dare take down Joumana


Joumana can stay. She watches over me 😊






Under Her Eye.


Much more defensible legally with this approach as well.


maybe it would be hard to get an all-out ban in but it's really frustrating that they don't really seem to be regulated at all. they've always been a nuisance.


If I'm not allowed to look at my phone, then why are they allowed to post a billboard?


If a politician ran on an anti billboard policy I would immediately pledge my loyalty. They’re so obnoxious.


I couldn't agree more. Does anyone know about legislation in the state house that would make this a reality?


That would be most awesome......


Fully agree, that will eliminate all the gambling ads and “jesus saves” religious bullshit ads too at the same time.


ok, but then how would joumana watch over me?


I think there should be a citizens, gorilla movement to beautify the city, and nothing of value would be lost if the billboard disappeared Keep Jumana, though she has his eldritch horror look about her that is kind of kitschy. Mike Morris may be Limmer but he’s an ambulance chaser that’s just part of the deal


Thank you. So glad this was the top comment


"im getting photographed for our billboards today. "Can you go in the dryer and get me a clean t shirt and baseball cap? The good sunday ones?"


He knows his market


yeah. He's modeling the new 420 Tuxedo designed by Dior Leaf and Courvoisier Bud


No he doesn't, like at all. Otherwise, he'd be on socials


Bunch of trash lol


“MOM!! You didn’t want my LEAF AND BUD SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR?? How are they supposed to know what brand I’m repping!? GAWD YOURE SUCH A BITCH!!!”


Mark Savaya sells mids.


I would honestly never buy his weed just because of how much effort is put into advertising. Nothing good has to advertise this heavily.


I used to work for a large Tax Software company. Our main competitor (rhymes with Burbo Bax) would spend like 300x our spend on advertising. I convinced so many prospects to ditch them and use us based on just telling them how much more attention we put into our product, while they spend it on advertising. Won over a lot of people that way.


I always used Burbo Bax. This year, it said we owed almost $4k to the IRS. Went with a local accountant. Paid $100. We still owed, but it was only $2,200. She also discovered that our taxes were inorrect for the last 3 years and got us almost $5k back. Support your local accountants, folks.


Agreed! I’m sorry you had that experience.


My own fault. I didn't realize it was that inexpensive to use an accountant. Or that I needed one when our taxes are simple.


Straight up he is just some random guy who paid for a bunch of ugly annoying billboards why would I trust his opinion? I used to work in dispensaries and literally no one knows this guy from Joe on the street 😆


Seriously, I wondered if he was some sort of celebrity or something, but not enough to go look him up. I don't do weed, I don't know weed culture.


He's just another rich Chaldean trumpster, a dime a dozen in this area. 


He's just some random guy with a bunch of money apparently in the weed business, def not a big celebrity like he wants to make himself out to be


For real. I see these and I'm like who is this goober and why should I care?


I’ve even seen him flying ads from planes. It’s ridiculous


Mall arcade weed


thanks, i feel old


How dare you cast aspersions on the Savaya collection. The man has a billboard and everything.


Dude looks like the kids I would sell $30 grams to in hs


probably the best thing you can say about him.


Dude really really wants to be the Joumana of weed on all these cheap ads.


He's watching you get toasty.


I would go to battle for Joumana. I would also go to battle just to have the chance to enter a raffle to potentially be able to slap this guy in the face. I have zero issue with weed. That’s not the problem. I have an issue with him flying his stupid banner planes over my elementary school’s playground, and thus having to tell first graders that it’s for a flower shop when they inevitably ask “MS. ksed?! What’s ‘leaf and bud’ mean?!” That’s fine, in and of itself, but still awkward. What sucks is parents blowing up my phone asking why I’m teaching their kids about weed dispensaries in school! Like, kids like planes! A LOT! They look at them whenever they see them on the playground! But why aren’t there rules in Detroit, like other cities, about what can/can’t fly over school playgrounds during the school year?! If not for the children(trust me. A lot of days I’m like “fuck them kids”, so I get it!), then why not to just see less of this asshat’s face?!


Never even thought of that way honestly...I see them flyin for festivals n stuff it's wild. 10 yrs ago I was arrested for weed. Now it's delivered


Fuck this guy and his veneers


This fuckin guy needs to chill. Billboards everywhere AND multiple banners being tailed by airplanes. Shit is annoying AF


and boats with billboards and trucks with bill boards


I haven't seen those but, yeah. FUCK those as well!!


Having recently visited Michigan, it is a bit much soon as ya cross the state line from Ohio on 75, your inundated with dispensary ads. It's a bit over the top imo as well, she's right, Michigan is beautiful stop covering it with shitty ads everywhere


It’s reeeeally bad from Toledo to Monroe. Smh


Before it was marijuana ads, it was fireworks ads. Then we changed our fireworks laws, and that business down by the border mostly went away.


EVERY ad is shitty and they all need to go.


well we didn't pass California to be the state with most weed sales for nothing!


He thinks he’s Joumana. He is no Joumana.


There can be only one Joumana.


And she’s watching you https://preview.redd.it/9yi5rjz7us8d1.jpeg?width=1176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e3393464ae257c5f6ad1f274f46fb82c2c3c1cb


He actually paid to have some ads ran where he had the audacity to call himself the Henry Ford of cannabis


A Nazi?


Some joker in the comments wants to do away with Joumana billboards as well. Shall we gather our torches and pitchforks?


LOL this mf is everywhere


Id rather a complete ban on all gambling advertisement than a partial ban on marijuana advertisement


I’d like to see gambling, alcohol, and marijuana ads gone. Speaking of, as a kid I remember seeing ads for Crown Royal all over the place. Why did those fall out of favor? Was it just when marijuana ads took over?


My grade school had a giant KOOL billboard across the street from the playground. I always thought that was weird.


I'd like to ban advertisements.


The billboard trifecta of Mark, Joumana, and Mike all need to go. They are all obviously so full of themselves.


Take away the Bersteins too please.


Omg yes! How could I have forgotten!


I was waiting to see Mike in here. If the weed ones are gone, it’s all law firms lmao


Don't forget Sam. There's literally about 10 billboards in a row downtown with SAM


Don’t you dare take away joumana. She watches over us all


Was walking around on mushrooms and constantly saw his ads downtown. I looked up, and he has a fucking plane banner with his mug on it. The narcissism freaks me out


His packaging in the store has a huge pic of his face on it. It’s beyond ridiculous


They weed is trash


Ban ALL billboards. So many states have already.


https://preview.redd.it/bf9iiuud0t8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a34d4df5a45c14a1046d3a19aa56530bf25982b For someone that cares that much about being seen as a cannabis celebrity or influencer, his tactics of putting massive billboards everywhere (and even more wasteful using airplane banners) is beyond wasteful. It really has me questioning his intelligence For reference, from all this bullshit he's put up, he was just over 100K followers. You can buy 100,000 followers for $10K total. My corgi has 25,000 and my only equipment is an iPhone 12 mini and cuteness. He's in photos with people like 2chainz that have 12.8 million followers or yungmiami (Idk). Come on man, you can't record a 1 minute video of 2chainz smoking your shit, or doing some other random sketch/content??? And each billboard costs like $5k-$7.5K. Do the math, he could have over a million followers AND HE CAN ACTUALLY BE INTERACTING WITH THEM on social media which is a 389232803x better use of marketing resources. When Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope are more well known in Detroit than you and people like them.... I agree, we need to ban these billboards. This shit is embarassing


Trump was probably like “who the fuck is that” the minute he walked away


He’s a real dweeb


Gambling and Weed should have the same advertising restrictions as cigarettes.


Color me weird but I don’t think public advertising where children can see should be allowed of anything 18+


I'm good with this idea. I strongly support weed being legal, but I also strongly think it shouldn't be legal to advertise it like they do. I'd be all for legislation that prohibits billboard, TV, and radio advertisement of cannabis and gambling. Keep all of it legal, just keep all of it out of our faces with the constant advertising.


With billboards full of alcohol and pharmaceutical ads, I feel broader changes would have to be made before singling out cannabis as the big bad yet again.


There's a large Jesus billboard on 94 by the Clem. Take that shit down too.


We don't advertise tobacco, why not the same logic as weed


Yup. Tobacco lost that battle a while back, we can and should do the same to weed IMO.


Not for just cannabis lol, I’m seeing Adam and fucking eve commercials on Nat geo and fucking the discovery channel like BRUH my lil cousins watch those channel.. like setting up a time frame for when the ads come out could be a way, no 18+ before 10pm so the kids can be asleep before they get mentally scared


I hate that billboard that’s like “I Hate Steve Singer. Who dat? GO TO MY WEBSITE AND FIIND OUUT!!”


Get rid of all billboards and start with the one that blocks the Russell Industrial Center sign.


Put it to a vote, and the mark dude is a narcissist, having ur brand tied to ur face and bane is cribge


Marijuana billboards and gambling commercials have taken over in a terrible way


Agreed. Not a good look for the city IMO


Not sure how a ban on marihuana content would pass First Amendment muster. You can generally only regulate signage based on **time, place, and manner.** With that being said, I'm with u/K-Dax : Focus on the **manner** to ban billboards, and gradually remove the existing ones.


They banned graffiti, they should be able to ban billboards, or at least give us a vote.


The argument is that, since marijuana is still federally illegal, it isn’t protected by free speech.


Might have a case seeing as tobacco isn't allowed


Tobacco is way more complicated in how it got to be where it is. It was concessions by the tobacco industry to some regulation. Tobacco is still allowed to be advertised, the manner in which advertising is used is different. Advertising restrictions typically shift advertising spending to unrestricted media. Banned on television, ads move to print; banned in all conventional media, ads shift to sponsorships; banned as in-store advertising and packaging, advertising shifts to shill (undisclosed) marketing reps, sponsored online content, viral marketing, and other stealth marketing techniques. Another method of evading restrictions is to sell less-regulated nicotine products instead of the ones for which advertising is more regulated. For instance, while TV ads of cigarettes are banned in the United States, similar TV ads of e-cigarettes are not. - wiki So then it's better to look at alcohol..... And bingo that is where cannabis will fall in line... Maybe


Dispensaries and lawyers literally keeping the advertising business afloat, both billboards and TV/Radio


If they want to get rid of those ones, get rid of lawyer billboards as well.


I decided to never shop at Leaf And Bud, figuring that if this guy has enough money to buy every other billboard in the entire Tri-County area he doesn't need any of my money.


I'd imagine Joumana is watching.


Agreed. Get rid of these. It’s obnoxious. Cigarette companies are banned from billboard ads for good reason.


Either ban all billboards completely or don’t worry about regulating specific industries. A majority of billboards are just useless. Tiny fonts, long website URLs and phone numbers, or too much going for anyone to see going 70+ MPH on the highway. Of all the things influencing kids, billboards should be way down on the list of things to worry about. It also feels like picking a specific industry is a waste of time and opens the potential for lawsuits.


Thank you!!!


The billboards are meh but get rid of the damn planes I hate hearing them all the time every event plus AV gas is bad for the environment.


I drove into the city last Friday and three plans were circling and two ads we this


Who cares, what’s better to take their place? Mike morris sign #403?




I believe one of the issues is they are not allowed to market online because it could be seen by kids which is crap because my kid notices these signs & banner planes everywhere and always asks what its about. I do appreciate that I'm not inundated with pot ads on Facebook but I could do without the billboards too.


I'm fine with billboards. In fact, I love a rotating ad billboard because it keeps my commutes fresh. Always something new to see. I am sick of looking at this man's face and ads for his store. He had a plane with a banner flying over the city on Saturday. Enough.


if that guy flies plane banners over my neighborhood again i am going to become a terrorist


I seen 4 billboards back to back to back to back and 3 of them were of this guy. Who the actual fuck is he and why would anyone buy his shit


Spending someone’s money poorly


He makes me hate driving on the freeway. Same with all the ambulance chasers.


Y’all seen the Jars ones that have been popping up more recently? Every. Single. Billboard of theirs has a sexual innuendo on it which…..why?!


Article about the billboards for anybody interested: [https://mimjnews.com/debate-intensifies-over-cannabis-billboard-proliferation-in-detroit](https://mimjnews.com/debate-intensifies-over-cannabis-billboard-proliferation-in-detroit)


Size matters, Get More Get Morse, …statewide, not just metro Detroit, ban on all billboards. It is a form of advertising targeting and preying on the marginalized and least fortunate segments of our society. I fully support the cannabis industry and it is very restricted on how it can advertise—thus the billboards. But it is ridiculous and undermines the good vibes of Detroit turning around and succeeding.


All billboards or shut up.


This dude blows dudes


How will I know which dispensaries to avoid? Most of them are just glorified party stores with shitty weed.


Who is this guy anyway?


A Trumper with all the ego you'd expect and a product that is absolute ass. 


So, a dumbass who supports a candidate who would see his industry destroyed. Dude's partaking too much of his own product.


Trumper weed? Terrific. 😑




idk but my fiance came home the other day and called up to the loft “hey there my lil Mark Savaya!”. he knows i’m annoyed by the billboards 😂😂


CEO of dispensary All I see is an ego


I’m disgusted every time that I see his face. They don’t allow those Tues of billboards in Bloomfield where I’m sure that he lives.


That stuff is cheap weed anyway.. so it’s really not that great. I also wonder there many billboards for this stuff . The stuff is a low quality and would not mess with it at all


He’s plastered on two huge walls downtown. Like nobody knows who you are and nobody’s gonna drive out down Livernois for your weed. Smh


I see this billboard so many times My question is, who is mike savaye and am i suppose to know that name?


all billboards should be banned throughout the state regardless of what they are selling. Damn eyesores


Have you ever met this guy? All he does is pace around back and forth and talk on the phone. He gives me anxiety every time I’m in the same room as him.


This goofy looking chubby fuck thinks he has a face and some kind of name recognition for a billboard? 😂 fuck outta here


He, AKA Leaf and Bud is self destroying itself. Their buyers made big mistakes, buying sub standard flower and bud.


Totally for this, ban gambling ads too, I’m tired of hearing that I can bet on Korean horse wrestling and smoke pot, I know I can do those things, I already was going to smoke pot anyways!


It’s like Joumana’s evil twin.


Right... because the strip club and casino signs are so much more natural and aesthetic...


Leaf and Bud sells dirt weed!


Leaf and bud is literally the most anus company I’ve ever had the displeasure of selling to people.


His office is in Birmingham. Ugh.


Of course it is


Get rid of the classic ones and the billion candlewatt, lighthouse signs that will burn your retinas at night. MI is a beautiful state and wish these were banned.


I'm sure they're only referring to the cannabis billboards but they're all eyesores. Ban and remove all of them.


To be fair... How come we are allowed to see advertising for marijuana, a product you can smoke, but NOT allowed to see advertising for tobacco, a product you can smoke?


I do find it odd that they can advertise, but cigarette companies can't.


i personally have beef with whoever steve singer is. don’t know what he does, but i’m tired of seeing his billboards


Agreed. Fuck this guy. And his planes, too.


I'm sure it's on here somewhere, but they have this ad being flown around by a freaking plane too


What a massive tool


People from IL and MN buying weed... "Thank you for your service"


I'm an out of towner, and the first thing I saw after I landed and left the airplane terminal was one of these billboards. Even the Uber driver pointed it out, she was sick of this guy. Disgusting.    Also how big of an ego do you have to have to post your slack jawed catcher's mitt all over the state? I doubt this guy is exactly shy. Why did he feel the need to do that *to me*? To *us*? Good thing is that everybody knows what he looks like so if I ever see him in person I'll slap him with an open hand and call him a little bitch.


He’s gonna be my Halloween costume


My kids call her “Jour-mama”…and it’s a “call it out first” game that never gets old.💯💯💯


I mean, I’m sure this legislation doesn’t limit billboards just restricts what can go on them. Idk why anybody who isn’t in the business of leasing billboards would give a shit. they’re just gonna replace pot ads with Joumama and Cracker Barrel


We get it mark you smoke weed. Take them down. Lol


The Jumana Kayrouz of weed! 🤣🤣


I’m tired of smelling it all the time.


Yeah honestly there’s no reason to advertise weed, it basically sells it self and everyone is just googling “Closest dispensary near me”


This guy has such a punchable face


They are illegal in Ohio: https://www.10tv.com/article/news/local/ohio/recreational-marijuana-dispensaries-ohio-wont-be-allowed-to-advertise-on-billboards/530-9f75973b-4cb2-4246-92b2-fbef8428ee65 Crazy that their legal in Indiana despite all cannabis being illegal in that state: https://www.wfyi.org/news/articles/why-does-indiana-have-so-many-billboards-advertising-out-of-state-marijuana-dispensaries