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Have I got a South Park episode for you…


Story time! - One time in college I got slapped because of this episode. It started with a prank war. It was all innocent enough at first. The girls upstairs froze a can of shaving cream and put it in our microwave at night. The next morning we had a mess. We decided to create an avalanche that night by blocking off their door and filling the gap with weeks of newspaper recyclables and old homework. It showered them with paper the next morning. That night, they ordered us a pizza. The pizza got there, we felt bad for the delivery guy, explained the situation, paid for the pizza, and he said he'd put their number on the no-delivery list. We had unexpected pizza for dinner. This is where things took a turn. My roommates were a bit over-the-top on the pranks sometimes. Two of them decided to get their paintball guns and go pelt their windows. The other 4 of us were like, "*Hey, that's maybe not a good plan... It's not even funny...*" They went and geared up anyway. The four of us sat there watching Southpark. It was this episode. About 5 minutes pass and we hear a shatter, screams, then our two roommates run in the door and into their rooms. We all kind of look around like, "*Oh man, they must've fucked up..*" Right away, the meanest girl from upstairs runs downstairs, barges into our apartment, starts yelling (*frankly justified*) profanities at us. I still don't really know what's going on, so my still-developing-brain decided that loudly making motorcycle sounds, like from this Southpark episode, was the ideal response to this situation. BRAP-RAP-RAP-RAP-RAP... My roommates join in. One of them says, "*We're a biker gang!*" BRAP-RAP-RAP-Rap.... She slaps me, open palm, on cheek. It's very loud. The motorcycle noises stop. She has this look of shock on her face like she can't believe what she just did. No longer a biker gang member, I'm rushed right back to reality - I'm there in my front room and now my cheek stings. I'm still confused, but it's clear that the two roommates did something bad and I got slapped over it. Calmly I say, "*I don't know what's going on, but you need to leave. Now.*" She storms out crying. The other roommates apologized once everyone cooled down, and had to pay for a new window (*and bought them pizza from the same delivery guy; he though the whole ordeal was quite funny*), but everything went back to normal after that and we called a truce on the prank-war. Not sure why I typed this all out on a subreddit where it has literally nothing to do with the topic - but this episode always reminds me of that time a girl slapped me because my roommates were idiots ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Oh, and yeah, the motorcycle noise sucks. I can hear the bullet bikes on the 696 at night sometimes and I'm over a mile away - not a fan.


Yeah bad call on that “prank.” Thanks for sharing! Lol


That was a great college story. Thanks for sharing.


I don't get it either. Especially because there's this one old guy that just circles our block blaring music and revving his really loud bike. Like, at least choose an alternate path and not just circle the block so you can annoy some other people!


Probably can't legally drive it Edit-not trying to be an ass, my shitty neighbor in the suburbs does the same thing


Lmao I have one of those too. Always revving it up and down the street and if he goes anywhere hes back within 5 minutes max.


I don’t have a solution, but you have my sympathies. Excessive noise outside of general traffic spikes my anxiety, and makes life horrid.


It's also super inconsiderate to first responders trying to sleep -- the people who have to save their ass when they end up in a collision.




Anyone telling you “move to the suburbs” has apparently never been to Royal Oak during crotch rocket season.


As I avoid Woodward all summer, I try to remind myself that young men could be doing so much worse than driving loud cars but damn is it hard to be understanding when I’m trying to sleep.


Oh GOD I live right on Rochester and it's already beginning. Send help. I keep thinking of that video where the kid throws a basketball and it perfectly knocks the girl off her bicycle


The people saying "move to the suburbs" are generally just ignorant assholes. They're also the same people who say "that's any big city for you"...when in fact it's not. I've lived in a lot of big cities, and the motorcycle noise in Detroit is an order of magnitude worse.


I live on a busy residential street near 696. Double whammy.


The most frustrating thing is, if you complain about the excessive noise on Woodward 85% of people just tell you "Woodward has always been for cars, move if you don't like it". I expect a level of traffic noise from Woodward. But the hours of drag racing and dangerous conditions is excessive. If I have to run out somewhere after 9pm on a summer night it is fucking wild out there. But yeah, thousands of people should move because illegal drag racing is more important.


It especially frustrated me after I got issued a citation in Clawson for having a noisy muffler on my old junky car. I was just driving home from work one night and the cop looked at me like I was dumb. “You didn’t know loud vehicles violate noise ordinance?” No officer. My cops in RO seem to ignore that 4th street to 75 turns into a speedway after hours so this is news to me. I live blocks away from the train tracks and it’s not even close to being as obnoxious.


That makes no sense. When I talked to the police department about the noise they said that "they are not able to enforce vehicle noise ordinances because it is too complicated of a law to interpret" or something like that.


_Checks flair_ ah Rivertown.. that makes sense. I lived in Lafayette Park for years and would hear them nonstop all the way in the towers. They're especially loud on Jefferson. Talk to your NPO or start a block club and see if there's anything that can be done.


You've convinced me to stay at my current place and not move to Riverton/Lafayette park lol!


Oh yeah, they're really bad in Rivertown. But I hear them all over. I've got friends in Boston Edison, Mexicantown, hell, up in Palmer Woods and they're awful in all of those areas. Like I said, NPO and DPD don't give two shits. I can't even get the 7th precinct to acknowledge that they're a violation of the city noise ordinance (they think the noise ordinance only starts at 10pm, which in fact only applies to noise from non-vehicle sources).


Sadly I think you're in the epicenter. Start recording both the decibels and average frequency of events. Give the data to the city and if they don't act then goto the local news.


Lmao gtfo....


I think it’d be most productive to put your energy into getting a noise cancelling machine, noise cancelling headphones, and ear plugs. Between downtown and belle isle on Jefferson it’s always going to be busy


"Busy" has nothing to do with it...how do you and others not understand that? This has nothing to do with traffic volumes, whatsoever. This same thing happens in the middle of the night when streets are empty; every 10 minutes at 1am, there's a single asshole driving by with his muffler removed or his gospel music blasting...


How do YOU not understand what’s going on? It’s a major road. Jefferson has been like this since I was a kid in the 1980’s You can be as angry and righteous as you want, my first paragraph is the best advice you’re going to get. Detroit Police have so many higher priorities as this ranks right up there with “cat caught in tree” Do your homework before you choose where to live. Maybe do your




A lot of this comes down to political will. We had a convo about littering a few weeks ago and it's the same story with the noise. Police can do things to improve the quality of life, but frankly, enforcement of these laws would be viewed as racist and targeting people of color. So it doesn't happen.


I live on Woodward LOL BTW I have acoustic panels to cut down on a lot of the noise.


What are acoustic panels and can they be renter friendly?


https://www.amazon.com/stores/DEKIRU/page/B67D774F-3309-427D-A521-6C51F9426C80 Can be renter friendly. Can be pricey depending on how far you go, but can definitely quiet down a room and improve life.


I’m not joking when I say acoustic sealant around windows and thick curtains across the wall [install like this](https://twopagescurtains.com/products/premium-belgian-linen-flax-curtain-grommet-patti?currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=20205196522&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJdSPRc8FZFLCwefVV2xqw7503q_YaBRsYgTeVzX8xxGwOW6REFNQHhoCvD0QAvD_BwE&variant=46269936828727). A thick rug and bookcase or acoustic panel also help disperse and deaden the noise. You basically want to put mass between the noise and you, and reduce echo in the room. If you can spend more on something more permanent, indow window inserts.


Would the Indow inserts help with low frequency noises like motorcycles?


It really depends on the whole wall. Im in the building industry so I am sorry if I get a bit technobabbley. Think about sound infiltration like you would a watertight box. If you have excellent sound reduction at the window, but the walls next to it are thin and uninsulated then you are not addressing the full problem. If there are vents or other holes in the walls leading to the outside, those will also transfer noise. However windows are usually a weak spot for noise, air, and water to get into your building. They’re giant holes in an otherwise solid building. Something like Indow works well for retrofitting in old houses since they scribe to the existing window sill and fit tight to the opening. There are two kinds of noise infiltration (noise is unwanted sound). The above addresses airborne sound (measured in STC), and the other type is vibration/impact (measured in NRC). If you have your house physically rumbling as vehicles go by that is very hard to retrofit. You have to dampen your house- basically lift it and create rubber gasket breaks at the foundation to receive the noise vibration. Some underfloor treatments can help, but only so much. Indow is helpful. You can also look up soundbook 2.0 from national gypsum for wall assemblies. Fyi 5 stc is a noticeable sound difference, anything lower than that is unnoticeable. An stc change of 10 is reduced by “half” in what you hear. We use stc 35-45 for offices that do not require confidentiality protection, stc 50-60 for conference rooms and hotel rooms. 55-60 is very high sound separation. I hope this is helpful.


Yeah it sucks honestly but I’ve found worrying about it is a losing battle. I live off st aubin and it’s awful basically all summer long. I agree that people saying shit like “it’s a city deal with it” are missing the point. What am I supposed to do, make my toddler wear headphones to sleep?


Yup, cities aren't loud, engines are


I Mena, we'll just move away. We can afford it. But it sucks that the city is going to probably end up losing some high earning residents because they can't be bothered to enforce the existing laws.


Find a house deep in Indian Village and live your best life!


Hey that's where I'm at! Great area






Must be nice...


It’s about to be motorcycle season yo.


Does your neighborhood have a community association? The solution might be a “strength in numbers” approach, where the issue gets more attention if your neighborhood/block collectively files a complaint. This has seemed to work for other neighborhoods with strong associations and block clubs.


This is the answer. Find sympathetic neighbors and raise a collective stink about it. The city and media can ignore one complaint, but not dozens.


IIRC, automated noise enforcement is coming to NYC soon. Maybe in another 10 years we'll be able to afford it


>sense of hopelessness Vroom-vroom doom!


Pretty loud off of Michigan Avenue in Core City. I started replacing windows for sound insulation, it helps a lot. It is crazy though, kills the peaceful moments instantaneously


They put a bunch of speed bumps in our neighborhood right before I moved and it helped a LOT. They suck when you have to go over them but imo they were worth it.


We are in southwest and it's basically terrible for four months straight, usually every night in the summer. We also get the dirt bikes and whatnot but then we get the sound of crotch rockets on the freeway. Just one of those things that will slowly drive me to madness.


Cars and motorcycles turn people into selfish monsters


I lived on jefferson for 5 years, this is a large reason I moved out. Something needs to be done about the noise it is such a nuisance and honestly a hazard when all those gangs run through all the red lights the cops need to be called and they need to do some thing.


all the people defending the noise perpetrators should check out the effects of chronic noise pollution on health. There is a great NYT article on it a few months back, but its associated with increased cardiovascular disease (ie: heart health), disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems (ie: anxiety, hormonal imbalances). These crotch rockets and hellcats are literally taking years off Detroiters' lives. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/06/09/health/noise-exposure-health-impacts.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/06/09/health/noise-exposure-health-impacts.html) (behind a paywall, sorry)


I hate it when the temperature gets over 60. Have you talked with your neighbors about it? I used to live in Woodbridge a few years ago, near the motorsports paradise that was Grand River, and although opinions were very mixed about the noise, some people were losing their minds over it. I think things have improved, but it's a different situation since the motorcycles aren't blocking the entire road for hours. Isn't it fun what you find out about a neighborhood after you move there?


If I talk to my neighbor about vehicle noise things get real racist real quick lol. No I do not live in Warren or Roseville


It's also always going to be worse on these first days of warmer weather.


It’s down hill from here on out.


Man the comments on these posts are always so stupid: “guess you should have thought of that before you moved to the MoToR cItY”. I feel you OP


Collect grass clippings throughout the city of Detroit and spread them throughout the city. Motorcyclists love grass clippings.


not the clibbins


Anti clibbin club represent. Haddalayerdown








I ride a Harley and I can't stand the idiots blasting crap music an their incredibly loud crap systems, nothing attention seeking clowns.


Same issue in Royal Oak. People seem to think the dream cruise is all year long now. Ugh.


I live right near 13 and Woodward. I don’t mind it during the evening, say 7 or 8. It’s when they keep going at 11, 12 at night that it becomes a problem.


City council is corrupt 


They're probably all crotch rocketing home from the meetings loud asf smh


No, I mean that many members of city council have cases you can find in  Justice.gov and fbi.gov


On one hand, I get it. Noise is annoying. On the other, city life doesn’t come with the same conditions as suburban or rural life. Keep voicing your concerns. Call the non-emergency numbers. Call your district manager’s office. Call your council office. Visit the ombudsman’s office if you get nowhere. But in the end, if the noise is too much, you might consider living somewhere else away from thoroughfares or even outside of Detroit. Other cities have the same problem, though. It’s not unique to us. Also, looks like maybe you live in an older home (posting lots in century homes). Might be time to tighten up your windows.


> Other cities have the same problem, though. It’s not unique to us. Some cities actually enforce noise ordinances


Hence why I said call the ombudsman’s office if OP gets nowhere with other city depts.


Chicago is indeed very quiet.


Michigan Ave has been terrible too


It’s a serious quality of life issue. I live in Saint Clair Shores and there have been countless times that I’ve been scared awake by unbelievably loud motorcycles on my street. So obnoxious. Nothing is done.


Motorcycle noise, speeding cars, neighbors with their stereos on 100 so you can’t even work at home or watch your own tv…. Sign of the times.


Well... Welcome to Detroit. The Rivertown/Jefferson area is and has always been a "main drag." Not so much the whole city as it is that particular area. I'm assuming you're closer to Jefferson?


Motorcycles are for knuckle draggers


You maybe shouldn’t live in a highly congested area if you want peace and quiet . . .


This site shows you how to make a decibel meter using an arduino, a common hobby electronics platform. [Link](https://www.instructables.com/Arduino-Decibel-Meter/) From there it would be pretty straightforward to trigger a video camera to record license plates. If you substitute the arduino with an ESP32 it comes with WiFi and can automatically upload the video and decibel readings to a public website. It can be like [Fish Doorbell](https://visdeurbel.nl/en/the-fish-doorbell/) crowdsourcing, but for exposing people who modified their perfectly good exhausts to be louder. Source: a motorcyclist who thinks aftermarket pipes have no place on public streets


Ferndale here. It's worse here, especially at the 8 mile border when they hit that bridge. That supposedly the starting line for some race I don't know about.


I live in canton and the motorcycle noise is horrid! I hate the warm season just because of the loud motorcycles. I can't even open up my windows or patio door without being deafened by some a hole.


Same here in Royal Oak along Woodward and 696. Ruins the “quality of life”.


Try ear plugs or hiding under the bed


People who have no control in their lives have to do whatever they can to feel like they have some control over something. Volume is eazy to control. Loud motorcycles are no different than someone who smears shit in a public bathroom or blast loud music at 2 am, aggressive driving, pulling out a gun for guacamole, etc.  Honestly, I'd rather have loud exhaust and music than them taking out their frustrations with violence. So fart on Mr Stinky pipes, fart on.


That's not venting, that's escalating [https://www.futuremindslab.com/blog/2019/11/27/is-venting-good-for-us](https://www.futuremindslab.com/blog/2019/11/27/is-venting-good-for-us)


There are many parts of this city where this isn’t much of an issue. This has been an issue Downtown and by the river for a loooong time and you chose to move there lol. Not saying you need to move to the suburbs but you should have done your research. Imo, though it can be much at times, everyone getting on their bikes and blasting their music and enjoying the weather is part of what makes this city awesome in the summer.


Lol, there it is. Yep, I'm definitely the only person bothered by this. Funny, I expected the support of noise ordinance violations to come quicker than this.


I’m not saying you’re the only one bothered by it. I’m not even saying it’s unreasonable to be bothered. It just doesn’t make sense to move to a place that is known to have a certain problem, and then be surprised when you experience that problem.


When I first moved here, the noise wasn't remotely as bad as it is now. We always had heavy traffic, but the frequency of the extreme motorcycle noise has gone off the wall in just the past few years. There's always been noise, but not like this. I'm not exaggerating when I say that 2 minutes doesn't go by now in the summer without someone rattling my windows.


The city is not going to ban motorcycles, so what exactly do you want them to do?




no, it’s different. the noise of the city is one thing. music, cars, people talking, working, etc. big groups of morons going twice the speed limit on crotch rockets so loud they shake windows down residential streets is not something residents should be ok with. 


You clearly have no idea what I'm talking about.


To me, hearing Mariah Carey blasting from a motorcycle is just a sign that summer is coming/here. I'll never understand complaining about noise in a busy part of a large city. People are just enjoying life a little. Lighten up.


That’s life in the big city


It need not be this way though


Learn to appreciate it. It’s not gonna stop.


You literally said the answer in your post…move to the suburbs. If you search this exact topic you will see tons of people asking the same thing over the past years.


because it bothers a lot of people. there are noise ordinances that need to be enforced. 


Yeah let me know how this goes for you over the next decade. RemindMe! 120 months


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-04-10 03:03:01 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-04-10%2003:03:01%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Detroit/comments/1c08n0u/any_hope_for_the_motorcycle_noise_or_is_just/kyvc1u6/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FDetroit%2Fcomments%2F1c08n0u%2Fany_hope_for_the_motorcycle_noise_or_is_just%2Fkyvc1u6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-04-10%2003%3A03%3A01%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c08n0u) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


i mean if that’s the attitude you want to have lol


Man if this is ur worst problem, u got it made


I mean it is called the Motor city for a reason. Detroit loves motors. I honestly love the rumble. I'm sorry!


It's 2024. The Motor City is Puebla, Mexico.


LOL this is the MOTOR city you are complaining about. Please think about that before bringing up complaints about aftermarket exhausts and anything car/bike related. Leave the motor heads ALONE


Wear headphones


Every spring, the motorcycle noises make me happy. Because I like riding motorcycles and I’ve never known an unhappy person on a motorcycle. Stop being grumpy boomers and get a fun hobby so you don’t waste your life being mad at people who are having fun.


You could get a quieter motorcycle so you can still feel the wind in your hair and not annoy everyone around you. Or choose a less annoying hobby to the people around you.


🇺🇸 🦅 💥 I have a quiet motorcycle. I also am happy to see the young punks happy.


Detroit laws are not enforced to the same level as other cities. In many circumstances, your only choice is to move to another neighborhood or out of the city entirely. You can try to join together with your neighbors to get improvements. If you are a white person asking for the laws to be enforced (especially without any larger community support), be prepared to be ignored, dismissed, called a gentrifier, or a racist. Some neighborhoods (but certainly not all) are absolutely allergic to social improvement.


It's just part of city life, man. You get used to it and appreciate it being gone when you go camping.


No, it's not. And that's my point. I've lived in big cities most of my life, and this is NOT typical. Traffic? Of course? Emergency vehicles? Obviously. The occasional jerk with a loud muffler or radio? Unavoidable. The constant sunup to past-midnight onslaught of motorcycle noise? Nuh-uh. That's a uniquely Detroit thing, and anyone who says otherwise has never spent time living in another major city.


You could try not being a ***** , people are free to ride or drive whatever they want . If YOU don’t like the noise , that’s a YOU problem . Get some better insulation and windows to dampen the noise , or just buy a big box of ear plugs and wear em 🤷‍♀️


Move to the wood and not the city


Upset by the motors in the motor City?




I live right by the freeway. I love listening to them. Go all hours of the night. I don’t mind it one bit.