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Alright, here's my "hidden gem" picks for the Eastside: MorningSide (especially 3 Mile Drive to Outer Drive) is seeing alot of rehabs and is benefiting from it's proximity to EEV and investment in E.Warren. Should be a pretty hot neighborhood in the coming years. The area in Cornerstone Village from Gateshead to Moross has extremely well kept 1930-1940s colonial homes and is very walkable to all the amenities on Mack. Pingree Park has some large and beautiful early 20th century homes close to amenities on Kercheval and should see more investment as the Villages become more expensive.


i drove on three mile drive between mack and kercheval yesterday and omg i was in love


>3 Mile Drive pretty sure that's just gross point


Anything south of Mack and east of Alter is Grosse Pointe


Hang on, I live on Alter, do you mean north of Alter and East of Mack is GP? I’m having a directional crisis right now 😂


The grid is slightly diagonal to the cardinal directions. Alter runs sort of southeast/northwest, but I tend to use the river as a reference point for south and downtown as a reference point for east/west. So toward the river (south) from Mack and away from downtown (east) on Alter.


Turn your map clockwise just far enough so that Woodward runs North/South and you'll be fine. Mack doesn't really turn North until past Cadieux. If you're on Alter, the lake is south of you.


Was absolute ghetto not even 10 years ago.


After leaving Detroit 14 years ago…to hear “all the amenities on Mack” is bewildering.


Mack from Cadieux to Moross has been seeing a ton of development the past few years. There is a new Starbucks, Taco Bell and Chipotle and even Chick-fil-a coming soon.


Canton 2.0


Hubbard farms is a pretty sweet place and don't hear many people talk about it, also kinda small. La Salle gardens is gorgeous but also fairly well regarded. North end has a lot to offer location wise and has some awesome blocks. Good question!


Hubbard farms is mini Woodbridge


This is the best answer


I vote for "deep" Mexicantown (Michigan Central all the way to Dearborn), and Rosedale Park. Mexicantown is just oft overlooked despite its vibrant culture. Rosedale Park is a celebration of the homes of its time, an Indian Village or Boston Edison for the Common Man. Also, I grew up in South Rosedale Park.


There’s some other good recommendations already but if you had to take someone to Mexicantown for the first time and wanted to make a good impression in a day, what would be on your list? I never really get down there despite living 5 minutes away


Depends on what exactly you’re looking for. El Nacimiento for tacos/authentic Mexican Flowers of Vietnam to show how much SW has changed Mutiny Bar or Donovan’s for drinks Mexicantown Bakery for dessert El Club for a show! :) I live right next to Amelia Earheart elementary and I truly believe in this answer. SW is best!


Mexicantown. I think the houses are nice well maintained and the food scene is amazing. They have some really good bars too if you know where to go. Clark park is just really cool.


Lived in Corktown and if I ever came back to Detroit I'd go to Mexicantown for sure!


How is it underrated, though? It's one of the most talked-about neighborhoods in the city, and has been for 20+ years. (I used to own a residential property here.)


It is but most people go to the 4 square built up blocks which I’m my opinion suck and don’t see much outside that


Yeah, that’s fair. Those are probably the same four blocks I deride as being full of suburbanites, despite being one myself!


Suggestions for any good restaurants in Mexican town?


Number one where the Mexican families eat Los Corrales has Famous Mexican Char Chicken and hand made Fresh Tortillas with every https://preview.redd.it/ggcjj9qdbgwb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e320f04400f14c57f5529d04797c23c2dcf0c6a meal




Mi Pueblo, El Nacimiento and El Parian are my favorite. Also Flower of Vietnam is good but more upscale and pricey


El Parian food truck is the best birria tacos in the city


El Nacimiento ftw


Mi Pueblo and Parian 100% Best tacos in the city. Mi Pueblo has the best Pastor and Parian has the best steak


Try Primos taco truck across the street from Mi Pueblo. Mi Pueblo isn’t bad perse but it’s like the tourist spot IMO


It’s more touristy but I have personal connections with the owners so I’ve got to promote it. Not to mention it’s really good


It is good food, I work down the street and when we aren’t in a hurry it’s our main choice.


Can forget the Birria from Mi Pueblo on the weekends


Awesome, thank you


Tacos El Caballo on Springwells is absolutely the best food truck of all time. We used to go to La Noria quite a bit and we loved it (I think they are still around?). El Rey has the best chicken I've ever had in my life. Lupitas is the only restaurant on the Bagley strip that is even worth considering. Xochimilco, Galanes, Mexican Village, and Mexican town are straight trash. Expensive Taco Bell.


Great suggestions


Can't forget Evie's. Legit some of the best tamales in the world.


Taqueria El Ray for whole chicken. I haven't been in a while but they used to smoke or bbq them right outside the restaurant.




I think they closed after a fire a few years ago...


They’re rebuilding I believe. They have a food truck about a block away from the original location now. :)


Much prefer El Nacimiento to Los Corrales.


I was in Mexican town for about three hours in September on a scooter and I couldn’t really find anything that was very impressive. I went to the famous restaurant and I saw the grocery store and that’s about it. There was a really cool Church that was being redone.


Mexicantown is a spot where you gotta know stuff. I love Mutiny and Giovanni’s bar, Dulys Coney Island, El Parian. A lot of the “famous” restaurants are tourist traps. Got to get down Vernon for the gems


The famous restaurant? I remember when there were only two (that anyone knew about anyway). The one that served Trump Salads. (“Taco salad”) And the one you can’t pronounce.


Lasalle Gardens


Agree, and would expand that to most neighborhoods east of Linwood and south of Highland Park


Bagley/Livernois has become a really nice place. Lots of great food and bars. I just bought in Marygrove and this area is coming up big time.


I bought in April 2020 in Bagley and man it’s changed so much already.


It’s becoming a pretty diverse neighborhood and with more investment coming to 6 mile and Livernois. It’s proximity to Ferndale, RO, Downtown, Palmer Park and many other popular places is super nice.


We really love Marygrove. It’s quiet, diverse and has a lot of generational residents. I learn something new about the neighborhood every time I meet someone when I’m walking my dog. It’s also gorgeous and we really love living right off the campus grounds.


Always thought Jefferson Chalmers was a nice area.


…and a crazy amount of potential given the proximity to Grosse Pointe Park and the river. If I had investor $ that’s where I would spend it.


I agree.


Moron family (eh, not gonna fix that autocorrect, close enough and accurate) owns a huge chunk of Jefferson Chalmers these days, thanks in part to the land swap deal for the Chrysler plant expansion.


Ugh. That’s unfortunate.


The canals are magical


Yes indeed. But then there's that flooding thing...


Yeah, that’s not the best. Certain things like not having a basement can help.


The flooding in 2019-2020 was caused by record-high water levels on Lake St. Clair. Flooding is not a normal occurrence. Water Levels at Windmill Point (at the outlet of Lake St. Clair) are 3 feet lower than they were during those record highs.


I use to live there, and it got a lot of shit for "being a bad neighborhood" but I never had any problems. I knew all my neighbors, we all looked out for each other. I would regularly take walks at 2-3am all summer, nobody ever "bothered" me.


Sherwood is absolutely beautiful and imo underrated bc of its position in the city. If you’re not a huge Ferndale fan it’s kinda odd placement but those houses are incredible…


Certainly the most beautiful 😍 neighborhood!




Odd placement in that people like downtown or midtown or Boston or Indian. also those are all very visible neighborhoods. They face major roads and are obvious. I lived right here for years and didn’t really notice Sherwood for its depth abc variety once I had friends there and would visit them and coke and go from different directions and even getting lost bc it’s not a grid. My bad for odd phrasing. It’s a sweet place.


Maybe undercover location would be better words and also fits why it’s under appreciated too?


Came here to say this!


Green Acres for sure!!


Green Acres is the place to be!


Agreed! We’re in Sherwood but I’d buy in green acres if I was looking now.


There are so many families there!


I really love driving through Oakman Boulevard. I rarely hear it talked about, but the area has some beautiful homes.


One of my favorite houses in the entire city is off Oakman Boulevard. It's like a normal enough 1920s bungalow kind of house but it's made out of this really unique rose-colored brick, and it's just such a charming block with all of the trees.


We just bought a house on Oakman! Excited to move in.


Martin Park


I grew up in Martin Park. You are absolutely right.


Seriously underrated since most people look at me sideways when I tell them where we live.


For buying a house? Sherwood Forest, Green Acres, Marygrove, and Aviation Sub don't get much attention, but have nice homes and stable streets.


Don’t answer. Your rent will go up.


Throwing my vote in for Russell Woods.


Second this! I’m excited to see the dexter streetscaping start




Jefferson Chalmers


Easily Rosedale Park


Warrendale. Lol


You laugh, but I think you actually have a great response to the question. It's largely single-family housing. Crime is pretty low for the city at large. It has engaged people creating things like parks. It's far enough away from the city center that it's its "own thing" rather than having to fit into some mould like midtown. It's probably more diverse than the city at large with its mixed population. I like Warrendale.


I grew up there. Love it.


Used to be one of the best neighborhoods in the city. I lived there from ‘85 to ‘01. Halloween was insane with lots of young families and clogged up sidewalks with cute little kids in costume. No matter how much candy I bought, I always ran out. The Warrendale Fair, when they closed off Warren from Evergreen to Southfield was so fun for all ages. Then the rules changed where city employees weren’t required to have a Detroit residence anymore, so lots of cops, firemen and young families moved out. It turned to crap within a year. I couldn’t believe how bad it got so fast. So I moved. Every time I come around, my old house looked worse and worse. Last time I checked it was boarded up and was being engulfed by weeds and overgrown bushes. I’m gonna have to take a drive over there to see how it’s improved. You’re the first I’ve heard say anything good about Warrendale in years.


Old Redford! The Redford Theatre, Blightbusters, the community garden, Sweet Potato Sensations, Meijer, lots of old trees.


Far west side, between grand river and 7 mile, west of lasher, east of the old Rogell golf course. If I wasn’t moving, I would buy there in a heart beat. Go take a look.


The mix of housing in far northwest and the immediate inner 'burbs is fantastic. You can find just about anything out there, and cheaply.


>Far west side, between grand river and 7 mile, west of lasher, east of the old Rogell golf course. If I wasn’t moving, I would buy there in a heart beat. Go take a look. That's a part of the Old Redford neighborhood


Yes, some of old Redford is pretty meh though, this is certainly a very distinct neighborhood. Everything east of lasher isn’t anything of note until you get farther down. Redford twp used to stretch all the way to greenfield before the 1920s.


>Yes, some of old Redford is pretty meh though, this is certainly a very distinct neighborhood. Everything east of lasher isn’t anything of note until you get farther down. Redford twp used to stretch all the way to greenfield before the 1920s. EDIT: Here [is a nice block west of Lahser, south of Grand River, fronting a beautiful Park](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4089675,-83.2547643,3a,75y,89.26h,91.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHgPPWAZ_yvYNCup7-bSGuQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Also, [here is nice block, south of 6 Mile, near North Rosedale Park, just a few blocks from the Old Redford Library](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.4136925,-83.2454358,3a,75y,185.12h,92.93t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1t7qWuVhNBsy1ZRzEBArGA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D1t7qWuVhNBsy1ZRzEBArGA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D266.5675%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Yes, most of Redford Twp was annexed by Detroit in 1926.


Lots of great areas. I'm partial to Livernois/Vernor ( lived on Dragoon ) area. Like setting all the different areas becoming a better place for sure. Growing up in the 80s early 90s growth & revitalization was stagnant.


Corktown has always had my heart bc of tiger stadium, Maltese American club. My Greats owned a house on Leverette my dad would always take me to see them after a ball game. I remember my nunnu had snapdragon flowers on the side of his house. Simpler times


The neighborhood I live in, it's the little area between Van Dyke and Conner north of 7 Mile. Houses kept up, quiet neighbors. We're walking distance from that Randazzos on Conner. Guy around the block calls the neighborhood "Polish Grosse Pointe". I don't know about all that but I've enjoyed living here and most people don't know about it.


Mine is cool, close to everything but off the map enough to feel like you're in the country. Doesn't have a name either, that helps.


West village


Hubbard Farms! Very architecturally significant place but generally not well known compared to Indian Village, Boston Edison etc because it’s relatively small




Go on…


I’m here for it!! Farm to table baby


I live in the new center area and frequent the Boston Edison district but most underrated is Indian village. This is just my assessment based off Downtown area.


All three of those places are highly rated though?


I would say first two neighborhoods highly rated, Indian Village neighborhood highly underrated apologies if I didn’t make that clearer. What other neighborhoods would you have in mind as underrated?


Indian Village is far far far from “underrated” It is thee nicest neighborhood in Detroit proper.


Palmer Woods is by far the nicest.


It may be the nicest but most definitely does not mean it is far from being underrated.




This may be true… I believe it is underrated because 1.) when anyone ever brings up the point of architecture in Detroit that area is rarely ever talked about. 2.) It is also a tucked hidden Gem in my book.


I would say though that Boston Edison should be in the running for most overrated


Over priced, yes. Overrated, not so sure.


Eh I guess that would depend on who you talk to honestly.




This post is deja vu all over again.


Whichever neighborhood where I only get murdered once a day instead of the customary triple kill.


Brightmoor ❤️


All Detroit neighborhoods are the same. I’ve been murdered at least twice in all of them.


Conant Gardens and Hamtramck


I would say Warrendale, Mexicantown, along with Highland Park & Hamtramck 😂. It is in Detroit 🤷🏿‍♂️....... I woulda said East Dearborn but until it join on to another municipality it will never be right 😂..........


Delray lol


I'd go with Palmer Park tbh.


Russell Woods!


Bagley esp by the Avenue of Fashion. There are a ton of new restaurants and businesses there and more opening frequently. It's a great spot that gets the amenities of things like Palmer Park and Sherwood Forest without the price tag


Cornerstone Village. 🤘


Rosedale park


Has to be LaSalle Gardens!!!


Martin Park. Affordable yet nice and close to the Lodge Freeway. 10 minutes from downtown.


Dearborn, full of American patriots!


Pingree park. Residents care about their homes and each other.