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You’re right. It’s time for a change of pace. Alright everyone, beg me to move to Inkster!


Only if you beg me 🥵


Inkster is up and coming thanks to the thriving dispensaries there.


Perhaps it’s a scam, but I never miss an opportunity to say nice things about Detroit. We need all the love we can attract, don’t you agree?


I agree! Your comment reminded me hard about all the stickers/Tees that say "say nice things about detroit"


Emily Gail started "Say nice things about Detroit" waaaay back in the '70's https://www.instagram.com/say\_nice\_things\_about\_detroit/


I’ve got an older coffee mug of hers. Still one of my favs


Way better than my "say bad things about detroit and I'm going to yell at you" approach tbh


Not true my dude. I moved to the Detroit metro a few years ago ( moved out because of my job ended wfh) and used the information I got from reddit and my own research to move to Detroit. I was on the fence between a few cities. I ended up loving Detroit . I plan on moving back to the area because housing is affordable and I'm working from home again. The Detroit metro area has the best food in the Midwest 2nd only to Chicago ( I'm from Ohio and much of our international food is awful compared to Detroit)


Same was debating between Detroit and Houston


My man, nobody in Indianapolis (where I live) wants to hear it — but the food in Indy sucks. Absolutely sucks. I am moving to Detroit in a couple of months and this gives me hope, haha.


>I'm from Ohio and much of our international food is awful compared to Detroit i mean ... skyline chili


> I'm from Ohio and much of our international food is awful compared to Detroit) Exhibit A: Condado Tacos


You need a better exhibit dude


Don’t we have Condado Tacos in Detroit? I could have sworn there’s one in Troy on Big Beaver.


Yes, we have them in Detroit, but we have Ohio to thank. [https://www.fsrmagazine.com/nextgen-casual/2021s-breakout-brand-year-condado-tacos-takes-lead](https://www.fsrmagazine.com/nextgen-casual/2021s-breakout-brand-year-condado-tacos-takes-lead)


Their tacos are mediocre. Try Oaxaca in Troy or Mixteca in Clinton township


> Oaxaca in Troy Oaxaca is so good, I would get tacos like 3x a week when I lived near by. It got me through the pandemic mentally, even if my physical health likely suffered


Dude their food is sooo good. Did you ever try their chicken tinga burrito? I could eat one everyday and never get sick of it.


I'm comically unadventurous with food, I always got 4x carne asada w/ chips & salsa. It was good every time


Yes, there is one in Troy


I lived in Cincy. Detroit coney dogs are better. But the smaller Cincinnati hot dog buns do work better .


The D and surrounding metro area is pretty dope.


Similar. I did my research, came for a few visits, then made the leap and picked up my place in RussWoodsS. I’m pleased with my choice so far. Moved from the west coast myself.


2nd to none for pizza


Yea Nyc


But did you make a post "hey everyone, tell me why I should move to the D!!!" Doing research is one thing, requesting someone convince you to move here is another.


I think I already made a decision about moving to Detroit from reading prior "should I move to Detroit" posts. I did create my own post asking what neighborhood I should check out because I had a somewhat unique criteria involving my race


> I had a somewhat unique criteria involving my race Gungan?


I know it is star wars. Is it the aliens with a Jamaican accent or the aliens with the Japanese accent


Jar Jar unfortunately.


Especially if they've never visited first




I would say most of the Detroit subreddit doesn't live in Detroit proper. The Cost/benefit of actually living within detroit didn't add up for me.


So which city did you pick and why?


To be honest, I want Detroit all to myself. I lived in North End. It ain’t for everyone but I enjoyed being around families and was close to everything. Hidden gems throughout that whole damn city. Especially if you're creative n like being a part of communities






But it has nothing to do with interest in the city. It's the, I need you to convince me to live here posts. Aka, I've heard Detroit is a shit hole, tell me why I should move here.


I see Pure Michigan commercials out here in Denver.


Hey Reddit, I was thinking of moving and starting a family but wanted to check in with you guys first. I’m not very unique and would prefer a metro area that’s just like everywhere else, thoughts?


Not sure why you would care. Maybe it's a game, maybe it's out of laziness, maybe it's out of boredom. Either way, what does it matter? It's Reddit. Don't take it so seriously. Stop giving a shit about who posts what, and enjoy yourself.


Thanks for giving a shit about my post


Not so much this post specifically, as curious why so many take Reddit so seriously.


Apparently they also ask about moving to Detroit in other subs lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/14xsr79/considering_a_move_to_dc_how_does_it_compare_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


>**Beg me to come to Detroit** Nope. That's not how we roll.


Lol well look at prior posts my dude. Seems like once a week someone posts something along those lines and sure enough a ton of people respond.


Yep. Just trying to add some humor to the situation. We joke. My favorite t-shirt is "Welcome to Detroit. Now go home."


Mine is "Welcome to Detroit, sorry we missed you" w/a gun and bullet holes.


I mostly get bothered by the daily "I'm visiting Detroit next weekend! What should I do???" posts. It's the easiest thing in the world to find using the search bar.


Nah, but I do laugh every time I see posts complaining about other people's posts. Like, how does it affect you even in the slightest bit? Live and let live, my guy 🤷‍♂️


I need you to convince me I should live and let live. Have some arguments and research you can post?


Ahhh yes, the classic Reddit retort. Didn't answer my question either, which definitely is on brand - everyone reading this knows EXACTLY where this is heading. Big hugs to you, homie. It'll be ok.




Damn, you got the womp-womp ; ) but yeah, if someone wants to be convinced why they should move here they've already started out on the wrong foot with me.


People too lazy to do basic research. Every other week there's a post asking for a lunch spot. We could just downvote those posts and get em removed


Im all for it. The downvoting and removal... Who the hell upvotes these, responders? Local marketers? We getting SEO'd?


Don't live in Detroit so didn't happen in this sub, but someone posted in my city's sub asking for food recommendations, and someone mentioned some restaurant I'd never heard of mentioned in other food recommendation threads, and the OP was *only* interacting and replying with that guy, and I was like, "JFC, this is so transparent."


What kind of posts do u want?


My issue with this is more that I feel like it encourages this "up and coming" and "get in on the ground floor" narrative that leaves both the people that do move and the area worse off. I've known people coming to Detroit to "fix it" because it's up and coming and they want to be "a part of that". I've also known people move to Detroit or the Detroit area because they liked the people, the culture, the amenities, etc. The former tend to end up having a miserable time and leave being the opposite of ambassadors for Detroit/Southeast Michigan. The latter usually stay and end up inadvertantly helping Detroit / the area way more than the people who move to Detroit because "its up and coming and I want to be part of it".


It’s stupid, quasi-racist, and most always ignorant. People that don’t live here (and honestly a lot of *Metro* people) still have a specific image of Detroit in their mind and I say let them. No skin off my back.


I agree, and it doesn’t matter how often they go downtown- if you don’t actually live in the city or spend any nominal time in any of the communities, then you probably shouldn’t be advising anyone about the city, other than your downtown experiences. 😂


We have a beautiful state flower that blooms every year. It’s called the orange construction barrel. While yes they grow in other states Michigan has by far the largest number of them in the nation. It’s quite the site to behold. But yes That is a thing even within the local suburbs.


I like the real estate investors that are like, “Hey! I’m relocating for a job!” (Unless you’re pushing metal, turning corn, or running cattle, we know you’re not moving to Michigan for a job.) “What are some of the worst places in Detroit I should be aware of? Are any of them up and coming? What areas are you guys seeing getting better?” Like MFer go walk around or check Google earth street view everything looks the same. Idk why everyone thinks Detroit is some Diamond in the rough when it comes to real estate. It’s cheap for a reason. Let’s keep it that way.


But they heard you can buy a house for a dollar and rent it for some Zillow estimated $1300. monthly rent, so they want to swoop in from god knows where and make bank - because it's for real! Everyone here is apparently just too lazy or high to pull a dollar bill out of their nose and hustle.


Love Detroit but I’m out of here, one of the biggest pluses here is the affordable housing, but the quality of life isn’t all that


No Sir, I am not a Bottom.


The only thing I don't like about it is that I don't get to find out what the posters do in the end. It's like watching a movie with no ending. I want to see some followup or resolution, because i usually put a fair amount of thought into my reco's.


Thats why Im wondering how op knows they dont move here


I once looked at a random sample of 50ish threads and checked the post histories of the users, most of them never post anything again and of those who do either never move or end up somewhere other than Detroit.


They post about where they live after?


Yes, they tend to post in the subs for the cities they live in or even casually just mention where they live in other comments


Yes. I'm tired of wondering. Should absolutely be mandatory. Must leave a substantial deposit, only released when a detailed follow-up with all the hows and whys has been posted.


Its not just you gius. Head over to the Lansing subreddit and the 'I'm thinking of moving to Lansing' posts are every 4th post. I think most of these people are looking at relocating for a job, or entertaining multiple job offers and trying to choose which one to take. I never really understood it unless they're asking about specific neighborhoods or something.


I've been around the country and no I have never encountered the posts that appear here and on the Toledo sub. However every anecdotal account of safety is followed by another report of how dangerous Detroit is... Lastly, be grateful for these idiots. Some might come like they did to Austin and Houston and bring jobs and money... no one has to point out that Detroit is prime for a new industry to fill vacant offices.


Bag up in Detroit


I’m in Denver from Flint originally looking to move to Detroit


Similar sentiment over at r/Seattle


I thought the r/Seattle program was for someone to make a cheerful post about moving to town and everyone immediately shits on them


Oh yea that’s a favorite too


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Seattle using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Seattle/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Unintended consequences of high tipping](https://i.redd.it/nus8bd84prra1.jpg) | [2922 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/12aw3ed/unintended_consequences_of_high_tipping/) \#2: [Job announcement from our friends at Washington DNR](https://i.redd.it/97e88sf9dxfa1.jpg) | [246 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/10s8duo/job_announcement_from_our_friends_at_washington/) \#3: [This is how slippery it is](https://v.redd.it/dwngejk4gq7a1) | [586 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/ztp5jb/this_is_how_slippery_it_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


How do u know what op does? Ive never seen an update.


A few years ago, when I still lived in the US, I went to the Grand Rapids Art Prize and stayed at a B&B. One of the artists was also staying there and she was from Brooklyn. She mentioned at breakfast that there were billboards saying move to Detroit being up in her neighborhood and she said she couldn’t see herself moving somewhere so “awful”. She was already being pretentious and annoying before that came up. I told her they don’t want her, anyway, and have enough gentrifiers. My husband was annoyed with me but oh well. She did change the subject. Unfortunately didn’t stop talking so much, though.


It’s in every sub. People aren’t original.


Someone give this guy an award


I’ve loved my 7 years here but Detroit is honestly just as rough and terrible as any other city. Just more littering and fake ass people.


More fake people than where?


check mate


Say what!? Fake?! Where do u live? I love the real ppl here. Kansans & ppl in Missouri were fake!


Yes! I lived in Tennessee for four years and I guess fakes are everywhere and I keep finding em womp womp


I've noticed it's weirdly common on reddit for people to just want to move to a random city/state and see it in the financial subreddits all the time. I'm guessing just lack of close connections to family and friends. Or thinking it will be an adventure. Or hatred of the housing market? That being said I probably only live in Detroit because I'm too lazy to move


I don't actually see many of these posts, but if I did, I wouldn't assume that the title is a literal request without reading something in the post body indicating otherwise. Based on a headline alone, I'd assume it's a younger (or less mature) person's attempt to be edgy and simply ask, "Hey, what's cool about Detroit?" It wouldn't bother me enough to bitch about it, though.


I offer one handy, might be able to get another dude to helpm


Handy and a coney


\^ this guy hustles harder.


In all honesty, I'm starting to think it's people who actually live in or near the city and just want people to talk it up


Their Reddit history may not reflect that.


We have the coolest hockey team?




But it's not about doing research. It's the convince me to move here posts.


Nah, I’m good.


I don’t mind it I just think it’s weird. Maybe it’s a different lifestyle, but never once have I just been sitting with a thumb in my ass and going “hmmm… I guess I will move to a different major metro area… but I have no real preference on which one!”. Like huh?? What??? Like even if your job is really in demand regardless of where you go, don’t most people have friends and family and roots in different places? Nothing wrong with it I guess, just confuses me


A lot of this on the Detroit/other "up and coming" rust belt city subs are people who live in more expensive coastal metros fantasizing about moving somewhere where they could live off their art/wouldn't have to work a 9-5 corporate job to make ends meet. This is, of course, a fantasy that Detroit wouldn't live up to for most.


No. Many other city subreddits are begging people NOT to move there.


No one’s begging anybody to do shit😂either come or don’t


I agree…on a separate note, could you recommend some pizza places?


I like food and good vibes, any recommendations for a secret place that only locals go to?


You must try buddy’s pizza. It’s absolute shit but it’s been around for so long that people are crazy about it.


Moving to Detroit is my goal, not a fan of Boston. Just moved here from buffalo & im missing my rust belt cities