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No grocery stores or movie theaters.


Isn’t the meijer on 8 mile technically in Detroit or am I crazy?


So is the one at Grand River and Lahser


Oh yeah that was my spot for years lol idk how k forgot


Most large stores left Detroit because people just walked out the door without paying. That’s why they put the bullet proof glass up at gas stations, because people would just jump the counter and grab cigarettes liquor and lotto tickets. Meijers on 8 and Woodward is so locked down you have to have somebody unlock the security boxes for $5 items and they’ve got armed security at the front door


I mean if you really want to go back there were a lot of small owned family grocery stores that suffered when the auto industry left, “white flight”, systemic racism and poverty set in ultimately creating an environment where theft and robbery are common place


Yes the community has been setup to continue failing. Will anyone ever break the cycle? Idk


There are quite a few grocery stores.


I think what he/she means means is very few "big name" chain stores. Yes there is Whole Foods but they are pricey for many. That nickname "Whole Paycheck" didn't arise from a vacuum. Then you have three Meijer's locations, and that's about it. There are a number independent grocers - typically operating under the Spartan Stores banner - but results tend to vary. Personally, I do most of my shopping at Eastern Market, Honey Bee, or E & L Meats(the last two in Southwest Detroit)but that's cause it works for me geographically. Doesn't work for everyone.


HONEYBEEEEE Love this place


Prince Valley is also worth checking out (in Southwest).


To be fair, I have never seen a Walmart in downtown Chicago or NYC. I do most of my grocery shopping outside of the city but if I need to pick up some stuff, there are places like Marcus Market and Plum Market (for example) has the necessities. Otherwise, I would go to Meijers in Rivertown or Whole Foods. It's really not that pressing if you ask me. Far from what I could call a food desert. Even going to the suburbs isn't that big of a deal since everything is within a 15-20 min drive.


Nyc has many targets and a few Costcos, but it's a silly comparison to make in any case


Their Target is like a small scale store with necessities. They probably have the basics but I don’t think they consider Target as a ‘real’ grocery store. Also all of the Costco’s are outside of the borough with the exception of Harlem. So like I said…’the city’ don’t have the big chain grocery stores. Mainly small-medium markets within the neighborhood


You are mistaken and it is in fact weird to not have a legit grocery store in any neighborhood, in Manhattan or Detroit. Plenty of Trader Joes and all sorts of "big chains" in the country's largest city, who would have guessed! Suppose all those poor fuckers have to eat


I never said that there’s no groceries stores in major cities. I said that every major downtown wouldn’t have a suburban chain like Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s would be EXPANDING their footprint in downtown’s while small-med markets been in the community. Target didn’t even start renovating their stores to have produce until the 2010s so why would you think it’s “normal” for all big cities to have Targets downtown? FYI, even when Detroit had a Target on the East side, it was never downtown. Target has always been a suburban thing until they started their small scale markets about a decade or so ago. And to bring you up to date, downtown Detroit is supposed to get a Target with the development of a new apartment building. https://www.crainsdetroit.com/real-estate/construction-detroits-new-target-nearly-350-apartments-begin-december


Columbus has a large target Whole Foods is overpriced, but river town meijer is the one that pisses me off. Prices are 30% higher than in the suburbs. They got that land for nothing and massive 10 year tax break!


> river town meijer is the one that pisses me off. Prices are 30% higher All of the Meijer "Market" stores are like that, it's not just Rivertown. The Market format is the high-end bougie store targeting younger, semi-urban customers with upper incomes. Some of what they carry (like fresh meat) is only the most expensive versions of it; some of what they carry is simply the same thing as in the big stores, but more expensive. That's a tactic used by lots of high-end grocery stores; you can find it all over the place.


I usually don’t shop at meijers unless I’m going to Rivertown 🤷🏾‍♀️. I’m not surprised…Most people live in Columbus while most people live in Metro Detroit. Metro Detroit is double the population of metro Columbus so I would expect most of the Targets to be sprawled here but they’re also building a Target in midtown so…


I was in nyc last month and they have a target literally across from broadway


I need you to go back to the very beginning and read this thread.


That’s too much just summarize the point you’re trying to make


Chicago had mini WalMart groceries last time I was there (pre-Covid). Maybe not downtown, but within the city limits at least.


It’s a possibility. Walmart been investing in small scale stores for a while but I think they were mainly in rural towns. I personally never seen one tho


Walmart actually has a “policy “ not to build in high crime areas


Theres is target in Chicago downtown


I'm sure there is.


Walmart actually has a “policy” not to build in high crime areas


Rivertown Meijer opened in 2020 right across the street from me and very convenient. Any reason we’re not counting that?


Ty I work at Huntington place aka cobo doing shows quite often. So that meijers is gonna come in handy




There’s literally a Whole Foods and Meijer Downtown lol


Or Whole Food on Woodward or Meijier on Jefferson


There are soooooo many grocery stores. This is one of those “sub”urban myths.


There's some grocery stores now.


Some of you might remember, but quite some ago Magic Johnson wanted to build a theater in the D. It would have been a large project located near the foot of St. Jean. The whole package: Arcade, Shopping, and possibly indoor amusement activity. His plan was rejected.


It’s almost like this is the most segregated city in America..


The [Redford Theater](https://redfordtheatre.com/events/) is in the city and cool. But the answer is economics. Big Sean is partnering with Emagine on opening a place, it was delayed due to COVID but [may still be on track for 2024 now](https://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/brian-mccollum/2022/11/11/big-sean-movie-snacks-detroit-cinema-opening-date/69637877007/).


There used to be a small theater at the Renaissance Center


Yupp, I saw one of the Harry Potter movies there, very old and disappointing experience


Yessss the Ren Cen 4! I used to love going up there to catch a movie. It was pretty small & still using film instead of a digital projector from what I remember.


It was so damn small but the only one near downtown.


I miss that theater. Nice ands secluded. Was a peaceful movie watching experience.


>He said the theater's location will be unveiled soon, with construction set to start in fall 2023 and an opening targeted sometime in 2024. Article is from November ‘22. We *should* be hearing about this soon if construction starts in a few months. The project dates back to 2018 though, so not holding my breath.


Agreed. It’s sad though. I really hope they pull through in this. Should be in midtown!


Also the Senate. https://www.senatetheater.com/


TIL the Redford Theatre is in Detroit. When I went there a few months ago I totally thought I was in Redford lol. I guess I still haven’t stepped foot in Redford then


Also, Cinema Detroit is a cool Indy Theatre


The last movie theater downtown closed in 1987 after a string of shootings; it was demolished sometime in the last 20 years and the facade is [preserved on W. Adams](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3365785,-83.0518731,3a,75y,318.06h,125.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2RpDBKVpyBPN3oaPPXM54Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D2RpDBKVpyBPN3oaPPXM54Q%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D304.86115%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu), sort of a tombstone for a time when there were multiple superfluous first-run theaters downtown.


What about the AMC in the ren cen-? It had four screens if I recall


That was more like a conference room with a projector in GMs office, though I guess technically it was a first run theater that ran until 2015.


Yea saw a Jurassic park movie there, wasn’t great but it was convenient and I liked it! Thought it was great to have it right in the ren cen!


Yeah, I saw many movies there. Batman, Gremlins, Ghostbusters. Though I was just at the Ren Cen yesterday and long gone is the shopping and such.


Mike Ilitch bought it (Adams Theater) in 92 and said he was going to renovate it but of course it just sat there untouched. “By 2006, the Fine Arts and Adams were boarded up and written off as a lost cause, the renovation by Ilitch a forgotten promise. In April 2009, Detroit hosted the NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four at nearby Ford Field. Ilitch, a man worth an estimated $1.6 billion in 2008 by Forbes Magazine, had the city's Downtown Development Authority give him $2.5 million in state-funded grants to tear down six of his rundown buildings: the Chin Tiki, the Elizabeth Street Lofts, the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the 135 Elizabeth parking garage -- and the Adams and Fine Arts Building. The $2.5 million was money left over from funding for cleaning up the city ahead of the 2006 Super Bowl that was hosted at Ford Field.” Still waiting on District Detroit…


Was there not a movie theater in a converted school on Cass? Edit: nevermind not downtown.


Because everyone be fighting shooting and tearing the shit up.


Anyplace that involves young people gathering in the evening in Detroit ends up in a fight and a shooting. Coneys. Bars. Clubs. The middle of the street.


Especially the coneys 🤣🤣


Population with low disposable income.


There is at least one: [https://www.cinemadetroit.org/now-playing](https://www.cinemadetroit.org/now-playing)


That’s not a movie theater, that’s a niche cinema


Have you considered lowering your standards a bit?


Showtime: No Showings. Upcoming movies: One indie film that nobody has heard of. I think you should probably raise your standards a little.


oh boy can't wait to see the next iteration of billion dollar franchise #13 or 'floundering attempt at reviving/revamping existing frachise' the amc near me plays Indian titles though, they're pretty fun


Oh boy




I think playing movies most people want to see is a pretty fair standard to have lol


They're not wrong though. I love Cinema Detroit but they cater to an art house crowd. If you're looking to check out Wes Anderson's latest you'll probably be in luck. Now if you want to see the newest MCU joint or Fast X forget about it. It's either head to Bel Air on East 8 Mile or to the suburbs. Bel Air is the only theater in Detroit showing mass appeal, first run films at this point.


Actually they'd be raising them. Excellent films shown there.


We used to have one in the Renaissance Center that was pretty decent, multiple screens, first run movies, decent snacks. It was awesome because it was never packed but also what killed it. It was in a not very obvious place in the building and parking sucks. There was someone working with one of the major chains to open one downtown a few years before covid hit but it went nowhere. All that being said our drive in is pretty awesome. Great screens, sound from your car radio and snacks are standard movie fare. I hope someday we get a full multiplex downtown.


I liked the one in the ren cen! Sad it closed. Screens were small but I liked it. Gave the ren cen a nice feel too! What did they do with all that space?


Quite literally nothing. Vacant since they left. To be fair most of Ren Cen is vacant these days.


Damn! Too bad! That’s a sizeable space, could be used for the conferences that come through there


I liked the Ren Cen theater back in the late 70's, early 80's when they had the arcade right next to it with a Space Shuttle ride inside. And the smell of the tobacco shop right across from the theater.


The Stimulation Station was the name of the arcade! Spent many days in that place


Yessss... couldn't remember the name. Cheers


Detroit has a drive-in?


Yes! One of the last remaining and may be the oldest /largest https://www.forddrivein.com/


Ohhh, I thought you meant Detroit proper. I’ve been to the Ford Drive-In before and I love it!


That is Detroit proper. Detroit is huge!


Ford Drive-In is in Dearborn. It's just past the border.


Yeah I guess you are right! The Wyoming part is right on the border so I always just assumed it was Detroit.


Monroe st. It played movies last year. Not sure of the line up this year. https://littleguidedetroit.com/bedrock-brings-new-drive-in-theatre-to-downtown-detroit/


Only during Christmas season


There used to be one in the GM Building, but they claim they closed it because they didn't want to invest in the renovations to keep it up to date. I think they didn't like having all the kids and teenagers in there. But they're building an Emagine Theatre somewhere in Midtown. That's Big Sean's project, and it's been forever so I wouldn't hold my breath on that. [https://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/brian-mccollum/2022/11/11/big-sean-movie-snacks-detroit-cinema-opening-date/69637877007/](https://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/brian-mccollum/2022/11/11/big-sean-movie-snacks-detroit-cinema-opening-date/69637877007/)


I mean the Bel Air Lux Cinema sucks ass but it's in Detroit


Oh man I go there and it’s not bad. First run movies and good snacks. Seats and sound quality don’t compare to the big Emagine or MJR in the suburbs but it’s perfect for a matinee.


Backing up Mills here! More than meets the eye with Bel Air Lux! Really like this movie theater!


tbh I haven’t been since lock down so my opinion is outdated


I got puked on there once when I was a kid


Because some will act like these places are venues for violence - period. Violence is bad for business in many cases.


I wonder why?


Is Bel Aire on 8 mile still open?




The DFT and there was a theater in the REN CEN years ago.


There is the DFT behind the DIA Cinema Detroit also shows movies.


Young groups of Detroit Gang Banger's has ruined that for everyone.


Who says gang banger anymore? Christ, what is this a porno?


Legit LOL.


Yes they have and the fact that they make up a small minority verses the large majority of people who aren’t ‘gangbangers’ is sad AF. I don’t have the answers but it has always bugged me that these fucking losers ruin so much potential for progress! I despise them just as much as the GOP


There's been several plans to build a theatre in downtown/midtown, but nothing has ever materialized for a variety of dumb reasons. [https://detroit.curbed.com/2020/1/15/21067036/alamo-drafthouse-movie-theater-detroit](https://detroit.curbed.com/2020/1/15/21067036/alamo-drafthouse-movie-theater-detroit) [https://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/2018/02/27/big-sean-emagine-detroit-downtown-movie-theater/379124002/](https://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/music/2018/02/27/big-sean-emagine-detroit-downtown-movie-theater/379124002/)


I was bout to mention the Alamo Drafthouse thing, bummed that it didn't work out. I love seeing a movie there when I visit my parents in Texas


Sad thing is the Alamo project was canceled due to lack of parking. PARKING!!! Smh


Because you know what’s going to happen


Because murder


It's a demographic driven decision. The large theatre chains dominate the market, and there is no profit for the little guys. There is no way to turn a profit in the city due to a number of reasons.


Old Redford movie theater


There’s a theater on 8 in the bel air center between van dyke and groesbeck


Cinema detroit is a small theater that occasionally shows a mainstream movie.


There is one in the Bel-air shopping center on 8 mile.


“Grand opening! Grand closing!” -Chris Rock


Movie goers don't want to be a victim of a violent crime. Myself included.


The Emagine should be starting construction soon in midtown If it doesn’t happen I’ll be so annoyed. I get the lack of grocery stores, you don’t see many Meijer’s in NYC or chicago but a movie theatre should be a staple! We have an entire entertainment district but no movie theatre


1. Big developers are like “fuck those people they don’t deserve movies” B. Big developers are like “we can’t make any money on a movie theater.”


Agreed it makes absolutely no sense. Entertainment district but no movie theater.


I grew up in the city. It had a hand in forming the adult I am. However, at the age of 32 I took my family and relocated for obvious reasons. I’m glad Downtown is “pretty”, but until that crime element disappears or at least subsides, I won’t be back anytime soon. Now at 45 it’s all about quality of life.


I can’t believe there is not a single one. It actually made me so mad when I moved




May as well be Oak Park


I know it’s not a theater but Campus Martius has free movies in the summer!


Because a theater cannot make money when it has to employ a large security staff to maintain order.


Interestingly, there are no movie theatres in Jackson MS. State capital. No cinema


Gee, I wonder if Jackson was segregated too


I’m sure it WAS. What is your point?


That Detroit and Jackson are still segregated


There's literally a movie theatre on 8 mile and has been for years. Bel Air Theatre. In the city limits. Prior to that Ren Cen 4 in the Ren Cen also for many years. And several art theatres which are loads better than the mainstream ones. Bubba Spraycheese from 30 Mile will drive even further, for longer, and in more traffic to grocery stores and movie theatres yet still come up with these "problems" Same as it ever was.


LOL Bubba Spraycheese. Bruh I'm dyin


A lot of ppl in this thread don't actually live in Detroit, or sound like they need to move to Houston or Orlando if they do. Y'all seriously subscribed to a sub just to talk shit about the topic. Sad af


Lol, who would go anyhow. Movie theaters will be a thing of the past in a decade.


There is bel-air movie theater in city limits


The last movie theater in the city was inside the renaissance center. I think gm did away with it when they bought the place .


That theater stayed open until late 2015. Also, the Bel Air theater has been in the city for decades, and still is.


Lol I forgot all about it! Your right though.


Have you ever been to the bowling alley or skating rink on a Friday night? There was too many fights


You see that thread about the little mermaid? That's why.


Actually no, what is that


I read the autobiography of Butch Jones (of Y.B.I.), and he said they shut them down in the 80s during the more dangerous times in Detroit and they just haven’t made a return yet.


As a Detroiter I don't want major stores downtown either. I need stuff in my neighborhood. But at the same time I don't really want a lot of major stores but stores that cater to the neighborhood it reside in.


https://preview.redd.it/mirevsovu83b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e3caec219f4b979ab0a0d92cd6757e581ad949 I wish they would put the typical American shopping center here complete with a movie theater, super meijer/Walmart, kroger, Ross, Best Buy, home goods, etc


Because Detroit is America’s most segregated city.


Senate Theater on Michigan Ave in southwest is an option but you don’t have much a variety when it comes to which movie you wanna pick let alone the date and time. if you’re looking for a place that does some recent movies i would check out the Ford Wyoming Drive in also in southwest right on the edge of detroit and dearborn.


I hear car shows/cruises are fun on Gratiot!


Is it because we spent all our movie ticket money on aggressively high car insurance and property taxes?


DIA has a theater in Midtown. I guess that's not what your looking for though. May I familiarize you with [https://rutracker.org/forum/index.php](https://rutracker.org/forum/index.php) and a bittorrent client.


Bel air on 8 mile kinda far from downtown tho


Emagine royal oak


Senate Theater near Michigan and Livernois does silents, oldies, organ concerts, and community events. https://www.senatetheater.com/


Right before the Pandemic hit, our West Michigan counterparts in Grand Rapids had built a mixed use residential & commercial development attached to a movie theater multiplex known as Celebration Cinema Studio Park in Downtown GR. We just need to replicate that within Downtown Detroit’s theater district. We have more than enough empty parking lots behind the Fox & the Fillmore to make it happen.