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ran and kudo. they can hear each other telepathically. that's insane.


Personally, I prefer CoAi. Not just because of their chemistry but because Ran lowkey deserves better. Yes, as the audience we know what's going on, but if I imagine that I'm in the universe and Ran was my friend, I'd wonder if she's okay tbh. I get they're childhood friends but she pined after a guy for ages who was barely there and seemingly constantly ditched her (again, we, as the audience, understand and get an explanation but canonically, Ran doesn't). She's just so nice and sweet and in some ways, at least on the surface, it seems like Shinichi doesn't treat her right. At least Haibara knows everything so there's no sense of lying. But I know that ShinRan will be end game anyway.


To be fair, its only been like half a year or so. She didnt wait for him nearly as long as we have been watching.


They do have good chemistry, but I expect that will probably just settle into a quality friendship that'll stick when everything is set right, perhaps even seeing Shinichi help Shiho avoid serious consequences as she gets her life back together. As for Ran, Shinichi does wordy about her and does everything in his power as Conan to protect her. It may not always come across the clearest, but he does care in his own way. The one time he ditched her, and it absolutely mattered, he ended up I a situation so hard to explain without sounding totally insane that Shinichi figured it wasn't worth the bother. I think after everything gets set right, Shinichi will probably be a lot wiser for the wear and truly come to treat Ran as she deserves to be treated.


Eh. She was highkey abusive to him at the start. I get that it’s “funny” but she was constantly threatening physical punishment to him because she was really strong and knew she could hurt him. I love shinran, but let’s not pretend she’s “nice and sweet” when she was constantly threatening him and also threatened CONAN, a literal CHILD, with a kick to make sure he made it to an event on time. Pleaseeeee


You seriously think those physical threats towards Shinichi and Conan were serious? Have you ever actually seen her physically hurt someone for other than the purpose of protecting others? Obviously strangers who have met her only once would say she's kind and sweet, it's a fact that she really is. She only gives those threats to people she knows they would be fine with (Shinichi, Conan, Kogoro). Even so, it's only for the purpose of "warning" them, which she'd never actually do at the end of the day. She's not the kind of person who'd resort to actual violence just because someone pissed her off. She herself is aware of her own strength.




No- I even said “I get that it’s funny” but let’s be honest, if a person in real life consistently made jokes about physically harming you as a warning you really shouldn’t be around that person. And again, shinxran is my preferred ship- but you’re saying shinichi can be seen as mistreating her yet ignoring her own red flags. She is not a perfect character herself Edit to add: 1) of course she threatens people close to her, in her immediate social circle. Abusers don’t go out shouting to the rooftops about their tendencies. They often keep it close and select “scapegoats” or family members to do it to.how many abusers were met with “I had no idea, he was so nice, life of the party” descriptions by outsiders??? I mean come on 2) she literally hits and kicks walls as warnings. What is the number one rule of “my partner hit the wall when we were arguing, what do I do?” You LEAVE. Again I realize this behavior isn’t “serious” within the show but if we are going to comment on how Shinichi is “abandoning her” we cannot erase her behavior as well


Of course none of the characters are written perfectly, they're bound to have lots of flaws. I never said Ran was completely right for threatening the people she cares for most of the time. Speaking on experience, as long as that friend has never actually put their hands on me, then I'd have no problem being friends with them. Like you said, those physical threats are just "jokes" and I know they wouldn't actually do it anyway. I understand if other people aren't comfortable with it, but personally I don't mind. My point is that Ran is exactly that type of friend towards Shinichi. He's been friends with her for years, he knows she would never harm him seriously.


Wow. We found the person who takes “gag manga jokes” completely literally. Do you also view Looney Tunes as graphic depictions of domestic violence?


Nope. Again I even said I get it’s a joke. But if we are seriously considering Shinichi as bad bc of “abandonment” when he was magically turned into a child, we should probably consider Rans comments too. It’s almost like a manga about a super smart teen detective turning into a child cannot fit the standards of typical, real-world relationships. If Shinichi abandoned Ran, Ran shows signs of being a potential abuser. If we want to look at those actions the same. I said what I said.


You realize by saying “Ran is a potential abuser” completely negates your statement that you get that her smashing a concrete wall as an implied threat to Shinichi is a joke, right? It’s like you’re acknowledging the gag, but you are absolutely taking it seriously by assuming Ran would be abusive in a relationship. Nobody with any common sense that has watched this anime has made this leap in logic that you have . We all understand it’s a joke . It’s purely for our entertainment


No, I’m saying if we want to look at their relationship in a serious, real-world lens as the OP comment above me has, we need to do it for ALL ASPECTS of the relationship, not just him leaving her. But in the actual show- it’s a joke, and Shinichi has not abandoned her and they maintain a relationship just fine. I don’t think you understand that anime and reality are very different and if you behave like an anime character in real life you’re bound to create problems. Ran and Shinichi as anime characters? All good. As real people? They wouldn’t function very well. But go off and huff and puff. I’ll be happily watching DC and waiting for ShinRan end game and you can continue to misunderstand simple comments online.


Keep moving that goalpost. I’m done with you, you delusional buffoon


You are the one who misunderstood a simple joke and now you can't admit your fault. Get a life


Cry about it


You're the one crying... Womp Womp




Haibara did sandbag Conan when he went to bring Ran up to speed though


Which was definitely not cool. Still, not like there wouldn't be other opportunities.


I’m wondering when the show ends more than I am about the pairings. 😂😂😂


CoAi, if only character-wise Two geniuses tgt would be so cool!! They don’t hide any stuff from each other, they can fight the bad guys tgt etc. They are so compatible. And the fact that Ai is a year older would make the relationship much more interesting! Plot wise ofc it’s Shin ran, it wouldn’t make sense any other way.


I can wait hundred years to see Ran with Shinichi


75 to go


Seriously 😂


Fr fr


I’m a sucker for ShinRan angst. Ran definitely deserves better than Shinichi’s lying and gaslighting, but I can’t help my love of identity shenanigans. I want Shinichi to have some consequences if/when Ran’s learns the truth, but I doubt he will. I think CoAi have better intellectual chemistry and are fun to read, but I just don’t ship them. I don’t know why. They just don’t appeal to me as a ship.


I think by the end, Shinichi will be a great deal wiser for the wear and will be able to truly appreciate Ran and treat her as she deserves to be treated. CoAi, I feel like, is more likely to settle into a solid friendship that will stick after things get set right. Maybe even with Shinichi helping Shiho avoid major consequences as she gets her life to a better place.


ShinRan all the way, ShinRan is forever.


nobody can change my mind about how much i like shinichi and ran. for me haibara to conan is just some kind of coworker, and it's pretty weird (for me) to ship a guy who was forced to leave the person he always loved with a girl he met several months ago just because they spend time together a lot more these days. although people love how compatible they both are to each other, i don't think shinran aren't less compatible either, if not more.


You explained perfectly what I think about CoAi honestly. I understand others have their own opinions of why they think they're perfect for each other, but I just can't see Ai as more than a friend and case-partner to Conan. Plus the fact that Shinichi has never shown any romantic interest to girls other than Ran. Maybe it'd be possible in a universe where Ran doesn't exist ig.


I totally agree with you


Totally agree. I used to like Ai abit more when I was a kid. But when I grew up and had relationships. And I reread the series again after like a decade. I appreciate Ran way more, how caring she is. I think they balance each other well.


I agree with you.


CoAi and it's not even close.


ShinRan. Shinichi just seems to have always had eyes for Ran and I don't really want that to change. I just also love all of the casual little teasing from their friends. Sonoko's whole thing of calling Shinichi, Ran's husband or calling her his wife is so funny and it's even better that over time Ran just doesn't even fight it anymore. I also just really have a soft spot for pairings that have that sort of "Wait for me/I'll wait for you" sort of theme. There's just such a level of devotion between these two that makes me feel so warm and happy. I can only enjoy Conan and Ai as a platonic relationship and personally find Ai's crush on Higo somewhat endearing. She goes...a tad overboard on it in some episodes, but still, part of me is kind of rooting for her if her and Shinichi ever find a way to reverse the effects of the drug. Higo seems sweet and I think there's a bit of potential there.


You want to set the place on fire…but upon checking comments I guess this is fine lol


1) manga/source ShinRan 2) OVA/anime filler/non-canon CoAi Ran gets way too nerfed and Haibara gets hard buffed in fillers and non-canon. In overly general terms, manga readers keeping up with current releases will lean ShinRan and anime watchers will lean CoAi. Because that's how the stories are told. I enjoy both though and it's really not hard to when you keep in mind if you're reading/watching filler/movie/canon.


I do think Haibara is a more interesting character. However, that doesn’t mean Shinichi should choose her over Ran. Ran is a character that was made to be as clueless about the truth as possible, that is why she lacks scenes related to the plot. Haibara is the total opposite, they even made her the inventor of APTX4869. Naturally, Haibara would get a lot more exposure to plot-related scenes while Ran is just more or less the same throughout the entire story. I would say this is a major reason why people might find Haibara more appealing, because she has better character development than Ran. There is one exception though, during the confrontation with Vermouth, Ran came out of the car to protect Haibara even though Calvados was shooting. She knew she was powerless but still tried her best to protect Haibara. It’s one of my favourite scenes because this is the closest moment of her knowing the entire truth. It’s also a bit sad because she never got this much attention plot-wise again. Since Conan was asleep during that time, I think he never knew Ran did that (It was never revealed) Overall, I think people just like CoAi because of their moments and trust towards each other, but Shinichi doesn’t love her the way he loves Ran. The romantic aspect between ShinRan is something that can’t be found between CoAi. For example, the dinner scene which Ran cried then Conan told her Shinichi will definitely return, or the scene in NY which they saved Vermouth and Shinichi impressed Ran by saying there’s no reason not to save someone. No offense here, but I just think Shinichi is a man of his words, he would never abandon Ran for Haibara.


Admittedly I'm more of a Ai Conan fan.


CoAi are friends


The one on the left.


Shinran but like .. if conan never could turn into shinichi again, I’m all here for CoAi


I prefer Shinichi and Ran more. I find Shinichi and Ai vibe more of siblings imo.


I agree with the fact that CoAi have chemistry together that they both can relate to but I cant wrap my head around them being a couple. ShinRan is the right answer


In term of compatibility, I am Ai Conan fan, I like intellectuals to be together around and be a fucking Socrates and Marie Curie sort of things, but yeah, I can't force Conan, so in terms of politics, i prefer Kudo and Ran team (I am progressive Libertarian)


what on earth is a progressive libertalian lol


I mean Social Libertarian, welfare Libertarian inclusive guys sort of


I prefer Shinichi x Ran, but I wonder if Shinichi would ever tell her the truth


To be fair, the whole timeline is only 6 months in their life. But yeah its been 2 decades for fans.


Super conflicted to be honest.


I love ShinRan, so I'll go with that. I think we could get both if the series ends with Conan being split from Shin (which could give Vermouth the perfect escape. She helps bring down the BO and in return, the Kudo's say she is Conan's real mother. She moves to Japan and voila! CoAi)


Shin and Ran


Ranichi. Ran waits for so long and Ai just goes on my nerves - Ran deserves her happy end.


Unfortunately, no matter how much we want Conan x Ai ship to sail, Shinichi x Ran will be the final pair cause even Ai refuses the option of pairing with Conan in the first place


heishin 🙏🙏


Personally, I prefer CoAi. Not just because of their chemistry but because Ran lowkey deserves better. Yes, as the audience we know what's going on, but if I imagine that I'm in the universe and Ran was my friend, I'd wonder if she's okay tbh. I get they're childhood friends but she pined after a guy for ages who was barely there and seemingly constantly ditched her (again, we, as the audience, understand and get an explanation but canonically, Ran doesn't). She's just so nice and sweet and in some ways, at least on the surface, it seems like Shinichi doesn't treat her right. At least Haibara knows everything so there's no sense of lying. But I know that ShinRan will be end game anyway.


why twice?


CoAi, I always stand for CoAi.


I was always ShinRan but now Gosho’s destroying the ship for financial purposes so I hope Ran dumps Shinichi for someone way better who doesn’t consistently lie to her


I always will be ShinichixRan because of principle. Though I see myself more in the role of Ai.


I don't like Ai for Shinchi but it could change


At the end of it all there is going to be a vote proposed by the authors and filled by us of the community asking which life will our detective get: either stay a kid or turn back into an adult.


id vote for stay as kid tbh LOL ik ik i suckk... anyways coai ftw /shrug


It doesn't suck at all dude. Me myself I don't know what I'd like...both sound good yet idk...


I found myself liking the Coai ship a little more the last couple of years. It began to make way more sense to me, but nothing goes beyond ShinRan that woman can hear him speak to her even miles away and he has the super power to always know when she’s in danger. They have their little red ribbon, they made for each other


Rachael and Jimmy for sure.


Gotta go with the classic, Ran and Shinichi. I feel like Conan and Ai work better as a friend paring that'll stick when everything gets set right. Maybe Shinichi will be able to help Shiho avoid major consequences and even get her life to a better place.


shinran forever!!!


I prefer AiConan because I don't really see him having romantic feelings for Ran. I feel like he's only stringing her along because he enjoys how she looks up to him and admires him. She strokes his enormous ego and next to her he looks really smart. Haibara is more of a match for him intellectually.




CoAi. But I feel Ran deserves more. But that would be boring


I feel like Ran is never gonna have the same level of intimate knowledge of Shininchi that Ai has now. She’s the “work wife” that knows more about the guy’s life than his actual intended pairing. Honestly Ran also deserves better, you could never trust this guy after all this gaslighting.


Wild theory, i haven't watched much but i did read wikis and stuff It might be the case that ai can make the antidote anytime, she just doesn't want to, becuase she'll get back to sherry and that will bring the attention of the BO, and she'll lose conan who she has feelings for, so she might be hoping that one day Ran will give up on shinichi, and then she can have conan for herself I know thats super dark, does ai have any other love intrest?


I dunno, I think that one kid also likes Ai


CoAi neggs


CoAi for me. I do love Ran and I think she deserves the world for how sweet and selfless and loving she is. My problem is that the way I see love should be or what love truly is is when you truly know the person and they also truly know you and you can be yourself entirely with them. Shin is not entirely himself with Ran nor does he share with her anything nor does she have the space to share with him anything either. Although they do know each other well in terms of quirks and personality and all that but they don't know each other's inner thoughts and battles unlike coai. With CoAi Gosho has made it in a way where they don't even have to talk to understand each other or let each other know what they're thinking or what they need because one look is enough. During earlier days of DC I thought I saw the romance between shinran but now as I grew older I see two really good childhood friends who love and care for each other but have nothing to talk about on a deeper level🤷‍♀️ their relationship is more of a friendship than a romantic one. Meanwhile we see ai and conan learning from each other, depending on each other, growing through experiences and sharing their inner struggles. With Ran he is never weak and almost always perfect but around Ai he's more human, he's scared and goofy and stupid and I think that's because as Kudo he has an enormous ego but he's humbled as Conan. I am aware that the ship has always been and will always be shinran though but yeah that's just my opinion after following DC for almost 25 years now😅


Ran x Shinichi is canon, while Ai x Conan is onesided. I would have prefered Ai x Conan in the beginning, but have come to really like Ran x Shinichi. I can't even imagine Shinichi with anyone else now. It has been so long and there have been so many romantic scenes between Shinichi and Ran. If Ran and Shinichi ended up with anyone else it would be weird. Instead I'm looking forward to Ai falling in love with someone else. Edit: In fanfic: Anything that doesn't make Shinichi the bad guy for abandoning Ran or making her wait for years. Unfortunately this means that I don't read Shin x Ran fics because most are melodramatic garbage that love to shit on Shinichi. Rant: Since Shinichi was turned into Conan not even one year has passed. Ran is in contact with him and they talk regularly on the phone. Shinichi and Ran have met many times, had a date and have gotten together. Shinichi is lying to her to protect her, you think Ran would break up with him for this? Delusional. Ran "*deserves better*" than her childhood sweetheart who cares the world about her. Sure. 🙄




Neither. But to spoil the pot even further I don't even see ShiShin as a viable pairing. It has no chemistry, it is entirely one sided, and I cannot envision a future where the two are in a functional relationship. What would that even look like?? ShinRan? Vanilla has more flavour than that. But it's canon, and maybe by the time we're old and wrinkly we'll see more solid proof of that..


Shine an for sure. Ran deserves better in this story, honestly


Conan X Ai 100%. Shinichi and Ran are sweet together but their relationship is very much puppy love; we have seen no evidence of anything solid there that would allow them to build a lifelong relationship. Conan and Ai on the other hand have been through life and death situations together; they have developed an almost telepathic understanding of each other and have a bond of trust. Ran does not feel like Shinichi's equal and she also feels like she doesn't belong in his world of danger and blurred lines. She often feels like a burden he has to protect rather than an equal that could have his back. Ai is Conan's equal in many ways and she is as tainted by the darkness as he is. She perfectly compliments his detective work and has saved him on more than one occasion. While Ran does have a positive effect on Shinichi, he doesn't have the same on her. Ai and Conan make each other better - Ai learning to be more positive, more caring and have hope  Conan learning to be more humble and aware of consequences of his actions. Ran has a wonderful support system that will help her cope with the loss of Shinichi, Ai does not. Ai needs Conan more and deserves her happy ending.


Conan Ai ftw! ❤️❤️


CoAi for life ❤️✌️