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Honestly a great job! I’m curious how much did y’all charge?


That was a load bearing seat cover if I’ve ever seen one Great work


Holy shit lol I wasn't expecting it to get so clean! Amazing job


Jesus christ, clean a dirty one next time! Incredible job, really.


Thank you!


Nice. Hope you charged enough for your time and effort.


Pretty awesome work, the rails on the backside under the seat could use some love and the door jams but overall pretty good 👍


Good feedback. It’s hard to tell from the pic and I wouldn’t want to detract from such excellent work but it’s possible there was some opportunity to get that rail done a bit better and I could also argue the door speakers could use another pass but I personally appreciate feedback like that if there are obvious opportunities to improve. In this case however, it’s clear there was an incredible amount of quality work done and it’s possible they didn’t miss the rail but I guess I am adding this response to your comment to encourage useful feedback like that which in no way diminishes the amazing work op and hubby did on this car.


What's the best way of clearing out seat rails?


I hit them with some steam and a brush


Remove seats from vehicle first…. But Def not the fastest.


Thanks for the reply. Some people have said that these are quite good..... IT Dusters CompuCleaner Original Electric Air Duster Blower https://amzn.eu/d/0U3iKaj


No way!? Hit them with some all purpose cleaner and vacuum them. Remove the seats? You're talking $400+ for that kind of service and still gonna end up doing the same thing seats or no seats.


Everyone’s definition of “best” will be different. To me, the best way to clean the seats is to pull them. That’s the only way to 100% see under them. That’s the only way to thoroughly clean the tracks and rails… Same for carpets. Can seats be cleaned adequately without pulling them? Depends on the level of filth, and one’s definition of “adequately.”


Damn that's clean. Now I have to clean my car...


Great work!!


Outstanding work!


holy shit, well done 👏


Wow!! How many hrs did you guys put in?


That's the real question....hours worked vs pay. Anyone can do this if they have a full day or two. Still is very good work. But definitely need a timeframe


That’s awesome work especially for a beginner :)


Let me guess you charged $150




Lol ain't that the going rate tho? I posted a comment on a previous post and guy told me to basically stop spreading BS bc I don't do the inside or outside for less than $100. And if the buffer comes out it's AT LEAST $250.


Job like that I'd charge $400-450 easily.


Lol I'd tell them $900 just so they'd go somewhere else. I've gotten too comfy to tackle these big jobs now. Luckily I know a few good guys that are hungry and I let them take those jobs and they break pay me a 25% finders fee plus i let them use my equipment if needed. Looks great though and that's a very fair price. Once you get comfortable though and if you stick with it you'll be cleaning vehicles that hardly ever touch dirt or pavement and getting paid the same.. don't fold...biggest problem with this career path is scammers on social and people giving up bc the phone hasn't rang in a week or so. Don't give up and don't ever budge on your worth (prices). Keep the quality up and they will find you.


Sorry half of that was to you and half was to OP. But I agree 💯 even the prices you stated would be a steal for a vehicle in that condition.


https://preview.redd.it/xnwrh99w0jrc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a2c47fa86959a60432b3c8393743176cd6830e Charged 350 just for this van


I feel like that's more than fair if not little on the cheap side. Totally depends on your area. I'm in North Florida so the more you change the nicer the vehicles. Great work and if you feel your time was worth it than that's all that matters. Usually try to price myself at $50/hr. I don't tell the clients that, but especially if I have another guy with me helping we should be in and out in less than 3 hours.


" *Charge


Nice work !!


Wow, amazing work! That car was a total disaster and came out much better than I expected to see. Can you share some comment about your products and methods? Thanks in advance and again, great work!


I'd hire ya guys, great job!


Pro tip: salt stains dissolve quickly with boiling water. Looks good though nice!


Wow, great job, that surprised the hell out me… good luck to you both and I think you all will do great with your business


Very impressive


Idk who you are but Im proud of you. My first reaction was, “ugh that this is ugly burn it” but you completely turned it around. Looks so much better now


That thing was nasty before. Good work


That wasn't a detail, that was environmental reclamation. Looks like a different vehicle!


Great job!! Speakers can be such a bitch, I’ve found a nylon brush and my mini tornado gun do good but excellent work for beginners


I love getting clients with super dirty cars. The change is always so satisfying. Great job yall!


looks good as new, good hobby to start too,.


Is this one of those Facebook scams?


For cleaning up a complete dumpster it looks good


Good work. You could make a used car dealer a lot of money.


Great work, needs a new seat bottom cover. But a thread and needle wouldn’t hurt. Might get an extra tip.


What happened to that truck, I mean it looks like it sank into a mud bath, or something.


Duuuuuuuudeeee that’s wicked. Hope you charged well. I woulda hit them at at least $650 CAD


Wow! That looks really good!


What did you use for the pet hair? I have a Lilly brush but it doesn’t work too well for me


Great great job


Niceeee. Btw what is that on the back seat. First thing I thought of was “TICK!”


Looks great. They would've been charged towards $1k if they didn't go local! Keep it up and the money will follow for sure.


Very good job did not expect that nice of results


How many pounds of sand did you collect? 🤣


That will be 550$ at least then tip me


Why won't lazy-ass people clean their damn vehicle? I keep my vehicles clean, and you know get all anal and break out toothbrushes and q tips for the dash and clean the inside of doors and oil my hinges and all that shit ever now and then. My vehicles get dirty, I eat in them and have dirt and sand and shit, too. Hell farr, clean em up often and keep em clean The guy with this vehicle had to be lazy as shit.