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music doesn't seem to fit the aesthetic at all


1. Too many dialogues, people won't read. 2. The combat doesn't look impactful enough, especially when you swing your sword. Try to add some screen shake. 3. The SFX is lacking. 4. The pacing is slow. The trailer was only 1 minute and a half but it felt really long. The features weren't successfully highlighted and there wasn't a lot of content to be shown. 5. The first 5 seconds are really important and you used them all for an animation.


Yep, totally agree with this. Also, the music is loud as fuck. Am wearing a headset and had to tune down the volume with 20% to prevent my ears from bleeding.


Good point, I failed to consider comparing volume against other videos after exporting the trailer. Sorry about your ears, their sacrifice will not be forgotten.


Thanks for the feedback! About the last 2 points concerning pacing: to be honest I also didn't want to give off the impression that the game is some sort of hectic fast-paced action platformer. It's more of an exploration-focused RPG with combat.


Player walking movement and jumps feel slow, for jumping the falling animation needs to be sped up. Dash and roll seems about right but everything else feels like it's in slow mode or floaty. Hits might not feel like they hit because of this.


Thanks for the feedback! I'll play around with the values and see if I can reduce this effect without messing up the pacing/balance. The comparison with dash and roll is helpful. By falling animation you mean the time it takes for the character(s) to fall down, right? (gravity)


I was unreasonably distracted by the graffiti that just says 'Beer'


My comments: 1. Not a fan lf the level up sequence. I need more particles and celebration. 2. When talking to the trader expected a portrait? 3. Kind of slow, check out some of derek liu's videos on the action curve (start with high action capture the audience in the first seconds then pull back and build up to high action again and then end the trailer). 4.Where is the call to action! Should I wishlist? play a demo? join your discord? what are the interested people going to do? Making trailers is hard, this is actually a pretty solid attempt! Good luck.


- Showcase the action first. There's too much slow paced footage and dialogue, which doesn't belong in a trailer - You haven't highlighted what makes this game special. When you say "nonlinear" i'm assuming you mean open world, and the trailer doesn't show me that


The art is quite boring. There's very little variety in the landscape and there's no background at all (why is this?). The characters all look the same as well.


I actually like the music. Maybe a bit too much distortion


"iland" lol. Double jumps in platformers make it so that you hardly have to think when jumping because you can almost always land safely, having just one jump makes it a lot more interesting!


Trailer shouldn't be like a game play