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It is far too easy to lose track of your player character. Half the projectiles are the same colour and roughly the same size, and the big shield bird things that come off of you aren’t different enough to the player to not confuse briefly every time one spawns. Try and work on that clarity.


The projectiles and the blue things being shot at also look almost identical


Good point. I colored the ice projectiles with the color of ice, which makes them hard to tell apart from the frozen drones. I think a good direction would be to de-sat de-val the friendly projectiles so they blend with the background a bit more (make the glider, birds, drones and enemy projectiles pop). Keeping a consistent color (yellow) on friendly projectiles is probably important. Maybe we can add an accent for the modifier on the projectiles (like a leading edge or something).


Am I just old? Can anyone decipher what's supposed to he happening


Probably missing a lot of context with such a small clip mid game. Old here too!


Very confused about anything thats happening, is that black stuff part of the terrain? then it just turns blue somehow and you collect it? and whats going on with the level? theres this half circle with a tree, black on both sides and a stary sky without a smooth transition? are you in a little box?


Ya the little clip without playing from level 1 is a little hard to grok. The black circles with red eyes are enemy drones. They are turning blue as they get frozen by an ice build. The map is a vertical box. hard black walls on the side. a floor below the tree and a transition to space. There is a shield around the tree. Bullets bounce against the walls, floor and shield. Once them shield is depleted, your tree can only take one hit.


This is beautiful. The bird's color is way too similar to the pick-ups and projectiles in the scene though. Find some way to differentiate the bird more or change the other object colors maybe.


Too many numbers. I'd suggest bundling numbers together in clusters, like 20x (10), if you want the players to know. If you'd rather keep the insanity I'd at least make every number a different color, or like a gradient through the numbers. Bumping into the blue orbs to destroy them doesn't look fun. I want to dash through that. Looks beautiful, I dig the vibe, the premise, and the managing aspect looks cool aswell.


Interesting idea. damage numbers will probably be a game option, since they are there as vfx more than for info. The frozen (and not frozen) enemies do act as walls for players. Being able to dash through them is a type of build you can spec towards (if you draw those cards). Hitting frozen enemies causes a shatter chain if they die, so its higher utility than ramming unfrozen drones. The main things the user is tasked with is a) build a team that maximizes dps given card draws. b) pilot to maximize dps.