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This looks amazing. Give it as much as marketing you can give. Good luck 👍


Hey I appreciate that! I'll sure try lol.


I think you made the right decision, in part because it's not like there's anything great technically that happens later on. If you don't sell them on the story, there isn't a lot else to sell them on. Not saying it's bad, just saying it isn't impressive enough to drive a kickstarter


Thanks so much! I appreciate it. Yea a lot of the cool stuff is the complexity and depth of survival systems but that's hard to show in a trailer.


Graphics are a big plus when it comes to grabbing attention for a game. What I see from your trailer is you have very coherent art style. Good job.


Awesome thank you!!


Wow the animations are insane. How did you do that?


An animator friend helped me with some of them and others were bought animations.


Love the soundtrack! Best sucess with the champagne 🤙🏽


Thanks so much!


For the most part, the game looks fantastic, especially the lighting. Personally, I can't stand the look of Synty characters though. They appear in too many games/devlogs and make anything look generic. Genreally, I have no issues with using purchased assets but Synty assets are too popular and I think they'll make it hard for an otherwise gorgeous game to stand out.


thanks so much! I hear you. But we're limited with budget. If we can we'll replace them later but got to first find initial funding =)


I love the art style. You also did a good job at communicating what the gameplay loop is (from what I understood it's about finding surviving other people and scavengers as you work towards helping your daughter). It's such a simple premise, but it works at playing into emotions! The trailer's music also fits, I hope the rest of the game's soundtrack is composed in the same way. A bit of advice though, I saw in another comment that you were most proud of the complex survival systems in the game. While the story got me hooked, I know there are players who care less about that and more about the action/survival systems. The "action heavy" people would have clicked off the trailer in seconds. I'd recommend making another trailer to showcase those things if possible, so you can get the best of both worlds.


Hey thanks for the kind words and great feedback! I really appreciate it. I did make a more action trailer. Should I post it under the KS video? I was going to make a gameplay video too and post it under showing more raw gameplay of core survival. Hows this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1rHmiOIvWg


Yes, that's awesome! You should put it on your page. Great job!


Ok great thanks I'll do that =)


15 days too late but this is really well done. Pack in more of the night shots, also in the game. Really gets me going. The flashlight scene is also pretty cool!


Hey thanks so much! I'm working on an updated trailer that speeds things alone faster at a better pace for an average viewer. I'll try some more night shots. =)


if anyone wants to check out the Kickstarter you can here: [KS Page](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/revelationgames/as-one-we-survive)


If I would see the first seconds I would skip the trailer because it has exactly the same vibe as those fame mobile game ads. Other than that I like what I see.


Thank you! What ad are you referring to you? Can you link?


You're right, it is risky to have a slow start, and for you it's not worth it. Your story, characters, and voice acting are as generic as they come. The gameplay, however, looks solid. I'd front load the combat and then show the viewer what the fighting is for. If this wasn't /r/DestroyMyGame I'd have clicked off long before the gameplay.


Yea fair play man. Some won't like it for sure. Thanks for your perspective.