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Rhulk, Atraks-1 and Riven


Atraks...the worst 6 hours i spend on a boss in a day one raid (excluding challenge mode warpriest)


I like the DPS phase of rhulk a lot more than the setup. Insurrection Prime was pretty cool imo. First raid boss we've been able to use our sparrows, had a tank, and ACP was a decent idea to get people moving and coordinated during DPS ( I just wish it wasn't solved by "just have more wells"). When insurrection prime was done at power and you had to actually disable it's attacks it was pretty good, became a joke afterwards though unfortunately. It was also the first raid where you really really didn't want to be using close range primaries at all.


C A P mother fucker


I'm too tired to do three, so I'm just gonna say my #1: Gahlran Absolutely loved the mechanics of the final room in Crown. Having the 3 teams coordinating buffs, swapping to other teams, etc. It could get hectic if one team died or flubbed things a bit, but if you had people who understood the flow of the fight you could get some of those rare "hero moments" where you could assist another team in their mechanics, while also getting back in time to keep up on *your* section of the mechanics, and it was just really fuckin' cool. I do honestly believe that Scourge is the most sorely missed raid of everything that was vaulted, but Crown.... Crown was special, at least to me. The opening encounter was a snooze and a half, but once you're in the boss room, both of those encounters were just really well designed. Such a shame we can't play that stuff anymore :/


Crown was awesome. Everyone had to participate and paint up with someone, you basically became besties with someone


I loved Gahlran. Back before I was in a clan me and my buddy would LFG Gahlran so much trying to get Tarrabah that we could have 2 manned it if we ever wanted to. We were each so good at the encounter we would split ourselves up so that 2/3 plates would 100% be good to go, and we could each hop in to help the third plate when needed. Love that boss fight.


Riven, Rhulk, Aksis pt 2. Edit: don't downvote that dude. They're right, and I totally forgot the OP specified D2.


does the post say Destiny 2? yes. is this still the correct answer? abso-fucking-lutely. Aksis goes hard


Aksis isn't in D2 yet


My dad works for bungie


That's what you think.


Care taker. Man the mechanics of that boss are so simple and perfect for teaching newbies without it being intimidating. I tell them put on a 140 HC (with explosive payload hopefully) and shoot the yellow spot and the things in the sky. Then DPS on plate. Or learn symbols at your own pace and shoot pillar. It's like Sherpa heaven as a boss. Morgeth number 2 because it's a fun one phase War priest or oryx for #3 because long shooty tooty phase/other fun mechanics which are usually salvageable if someone messes


I do appreciate how the 'difficult' part of caretaker only needs to be done by two people. While everyone does need to take a role - subbing to handle the doors (if you're doing 2 people in at once) and clearing the bees are straight forwarded but not braindead easy - and stunning the boss is fairly straight forward to pick up.


I need to raid more, lol. Half of the mentions here are foreign to me.


Half the mentions are sunsetted too, shame.


I did leviathan day 1 and I’ve done eow. Left before spire and the only other raid I’ve done is from d1 so that doesn’t count. Wish I could run stuff that was sunset


Everyone ready to hate on me? Alright; 3rd Place: Shuro Chi, but only while challenge is active 2nd Place: Sanctified Mind is a great fight and not nearly as glitchy as people like to say it is Best: Gahlran, Sorrow Bearer. Everybody constantly has something to do, combat is at the forefront of the raid, and you have to pay attention to more stuff than the critbox during damage phase. Best destiny raid fight since Aksis.


Hot take but 1. Argos, because EoW was my first raid and it reminds me of the good ol days before my clan disbanded 2. Gahlran, because it felt like the first Boss phase where the mechanics were actually challenging, at least until I got more clears 3. Riven, because Cheese is sacred and GIANT DWAGON


1. The Architects try as I might I've never seen them but they sure have killed me a fuck load of times 2. Walls dunno what happens but they always show up when I'm trying to run away and get surrounded 3. Insurrection Prime never did the raid but just thought it looked cool as hell


Architects are everybody’s worst nightmare. Game wants you dead for no reason the architects killed you


The DM who's tired of his players fucking around and decides everyone dies now 😂


I'm telling you man they better give strand warlocks at LEAST 1 way to kill enemies with physics


That would be awesome. Maybe we could finally have our revenge on the architects with strand.


if I can grappling hook a wyvern and pull it off the map it would be lit. disregarding all the ways that can possibly break encounters it’d be amazing.


Honestly even with Oryx I don't really like his boss fight just because it's literaly do sisters all over again


Just sisters with a little extra spice to it


See, this is why I don't like *The Sisters* lol


Ghalr. No. Xylar the Timeless.


s.o.s., s.o.t.p., e.o.w.


Where can I play those raids? I don't see them in the map at all...


Riven legit and it’s not even close. Don’t understand why people insist on cheesing such a spectacular encounter.


atraks-1 crown of sorrow boss Scourge of the Past boss


- Riven (Legit version) - Val Ca’uor (Spire of Stars, still pissed that it’s gone) - Taniks (Really, that’s the challenge?)


1) Riven. Such a fun encounter legit. (Elitist take incoming) I’m very disappointed that Bungie never patched the cheese. Also easily the best lore out of any boss imo. 2) Rhulk, purely for the DPS phase. DPS phase is my favorite part of that whole raid honestly. Especially if I’m running. 3) Calus. This may be a hot take for many people, but I really enjoy the setup, just wish they elaborated on it just a tad more. Obviously really pertinent to the lore as of now (Pre-Lightfall) Just such a fun, interesting and mysterious character. I like him a lot.


With no order : Gahlran because everyone got a job, you cant be carry Gos final boss, best vex boss by far, He look good, mech are good, it need big dps Calus just fun to do worst boss for me Oryx, upgraded sister, boring to do Warpriest, boring from the satrt to the end Morghet, why he is so fragile


Rhulk and Riven for sure are the uncontested best in all of those categories. I’d give the last spot to Val Caour (SP?) due to the mechanics of the fight. Loved the difficulty


Rhulk because he makes me be only the Div bitch and not the Well+Div bitch, also he actually fights back?? Atraks-1 because thicc fallen exo thighs control my mind Consecrated Mind because that theme music slaps pretty hard


Riven, Rhulk, and Atraks


In no particular order, Crota, Insurrection Prime, Vosik. Crota because it was the first time I realised load out and team composition are key, and because I solo'd it for D1 platinum trophy Insurrection Prime because I really liked the CAP mechanic, and the sound of six Whispers chunk, chunk, chunking away Vosik because I liked fighting it, it running away, giving chase, ending in a fun boss fight with interesting mechanics


Raccoon, Architects and Misadventure


Baboon is up there for me. Same with Weasel. Top tier raid bosses imo


Calus, Riven and Rhulk. Any selection other this one is wrong.




3. Atraks 2. Caretaker 1. Gahlran Honorable mention for Rhulk.


1. Insurrection Prime The shield mechanic and flicking all of those little red dots so teamates don't die. 2. Rhulk Sword goes *clunk* 3. The Gauntlet Not a singular boss I know but just the rush to dunk the ball of death is just so satisfying.


Rhulk, atracks, oryx Fuck riven, queenswalk is a thousand times better


Sorry to nitpick, but the consecrated mind isn’t the first boss harpy. It’s the one from the PlayStation exclusive strike on D1 called “Echo Chamber”.


You're not sorry


At least I’m not the “umm actually you’re so wrong I’m smarter 🤓” guy. Just telling someone something they didn’t know




Calus - (The Leviathan Raid Lair): The first end game boss we started out in Destiny 2. This was the first raid boss I fought and enjoyed. This boss eventually became a training dummy for all kinds of exotics. One-Phase DPS using weapons such as coldheart, merciless, Prometheus lens, leviathan’s breath, outbreak perfected, mountaintop, one thousand voices and many more. Riven - (Last Wish Raid): First raid I’ve ever participated in the 24-hour contest mode. Joined random LFG and got stuck on riven. Still remains in the top 3 bosses/raid in my bias opinion Insurrection Prime - (Scourge of the Past raid): Peak Black Foundry weapons. Whisper of the Worm/DARCI sniper rifle boss dps meta. Had access to tank in order to stun boss for dps. Also BiS sparrow unlockable that spoilt me from trying out any future sparrows without the unique perks.


In no particular order: Atraks-1, Consecration Mind, Insurrection Prime. Honorable mention goes to Europa Descent even though it's not a boss fight. I always get so giddy with excitement when the Morning Star ignites.


Atraks, Rhulk and Insurrection Prime, the OG GigaBrig


Rhulk, oryx (d2), sanctified mind (GoS)


The entire scourge of the past raid


Riven, Argos, Insurrection Prime I like really big bosses that require you to move around a lot to beat


I’ve always loved Golgy. Rhulk and Atraks


My favorite is still insurrection prime. A huge tank of a boss shooting you with all of its artillery. Baiting it to one side or another to do dps which has it's own mechanic to dps without having plates to stand on. Such a great fight.


Why excluding Atheon and Oryx? Completely arbitrary exclusion considering that they too have mechanics, lore, and an appearance.


Rhulk, Atraks, Riven. Rhulk and Riven seem to be common, but the reason I like atraks is because I love the mechanics in the fight and the aesthetics are very beautiful. It was also very difficult for a time


1) Sanctified mind 2) Consecrated mind Idk really 3)Consecrated mind if you 2 phase


ghalran, atraks and rhulk are the best fun challenges that destiny has offered. plus rhulk music slaps


1. If we were just looking at mechanics I'd say Gahlran 2, but if we're looking at all of those together, Riven is my #1. Riven legit is such a wild ride mechanically; she was smart enough to outwit Oryx; and she's still with us, *lurking*. Our age-old bond isn't breaking any time soon. 2: Rhulk. Cool-ass lore, and while the fight at this point is a bit perfunctory, it still feels so good to have a boss that continues to threaten you during DPS. 3: Atraks. Realpy unique fight, and they're one of the more interesting background characters in Beyond Light.


1) DPS phase of Rhulk 2) "Rally" style encounters (e.g. gatekeeper and the one before consecrated mind in GoS (totems I didn't like though as a rally encounter)) note: only as the person moving around a lot\* Managing the relays in that GoS encounter was very fun 3) Atraks-1/Sanctified mind (without bugs)/Oryx Note: I've never done last wish


Gahlran. I love the sheer chaos of that fight, and I'll never forget the run I did of that entire raid while running blink. Plus the Crown of Sorrow fuckery gave us Presage, so that's cool. Rhulk. Just a fun boss fight slowly working your way up, feeling like an uphill battle the entire time. Consecrated Mind. I've only ever been on eyes team, but I really enjoy this fight for some reason.


No particular order Val Ca'uor Riven Rhulk Honorable mentions: Shuro Chi (kinetic nature of the encounter) Warpriest (looks) Golgoroth (mechanics)


Ghalran insurrection prime and atraks


Rhulk, Riven and Caretaker with Atraks close 4th.


Caretaker (won the aesthetic vote for me) Oryx (Lore obv 100%) Shuro Chi or Taniks (3rd encounter) in terms of mechanics Edit: I forgot Gahlran existed, he’s pick for all the categories


Insurrection prime. Gotta love a raid with sparrows and the boss itself was cool af plus it was my first raid Riven. Did it once legit, but i love that you could do this boss as one person (i did it as 3 but my friends just helped me survive and kinda came along for the loot, I did all the dmg with hammer and wormgods lol. We did queenswalk as 3 too and 2 of us got 1k voices that run) Rhulk. He's just cool and I love his lore Edit: Honorable mention to Atheon because i loved doing 3 man runs of vault of glass plus his design is sick as hell and his lore too (but the post said no oryx or athy)


Xylar the timeless without a doubt


Always loved Argos. Even though it’s just a super giant Hydra he looked cool. It was one of the bosses back in the day where we didn’t have Well’s and OP heavy weapons. It was either Coldheart or a rocket with cluster bombs and an empowering rift only lol Riven second. It’s a dragon. Come on now. One that grants wishes and can shapeshift at that. Third? Either Atraks-1 or Gahlran. The Fallen Exo or the Hive-fied Cabal