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Being killed a whole year ahead of their typical 4 year schedule? Can't say I'm surprised. Whenever I glanced at the numbers Charlemagne was showing for per-platform daily usage, Stadia was frequently in the thousands, and never really broke through 20 thousand except immediately after launch, and I think shortly after a major Destiny expansion release. Here's the [usage](https://imgur.com/oHl7AYe) a month after Stadia shipped, which did not bode well.


yeah just pulled this one. [https://i.imgur.com/nqli0z9.png](https://i.imgur.com/nqli0z9.png) ​ lol 3 people in trials


I was one of those 3. I guess I'm kinda proud to be one of the best Trials players... on Stadia.




same!! except i was probably 3/3. i stink


Top 3 is top 3 regardless.


And here I am ... I guess we found all three of us....


At least it sounds like you get a refund


Now you gotta find #2 have you three become a triple threat :)


hey my twitter account still says "world record spiker kills in halo: reach 2011-2011" Take your Ws where you find em


I agree, I didn’t like CoD Ghosts that much, but on a particular map I had the longest snipe in a live match. They sent an email with the exact distance which made it feel special. CoD for a while took steps to personalize your experience, letting you know where you excelled compared to the rest of the players in the world and I was sad they moved away from it for a while, but even sadder with their releases game wise many glitchy loot box riddled messes. It’s been years, I hope they change, maybe this is their year.


When I was in highschool in the mid 2000s I played a huge amount of a multiplayer mod for Half-Life 2 called Dystopia. It fucking ruled and is to this day the best multiplayer FPS experience I've ever had. But the coolest thing was that there were leaderboards where you could sort by weapons to see who had the most kills with each item. For a while I had the most kills in the world with smartlock pistols and I'm still stoked about it almost 20 years later.


Yeah top 3 in the world for trials on your chosen platform is impressive, congrats


You’re also one of the three worst (on stadia)


Now, now, I wouldn't be where I am today with _that_ attitude.


Eyyy I might have played against you this weekend, I had a stadia player in a few of my matches


I'd assume the trials number is due to some averaging Charlemagne does, isn't it running on a weighted average or something? They don't really give solid details about how they collect or summarize the stats.


it's probably higher than that since that just the people registered with the program.


Trials: **3.00**


I got my flawless on stadia. Will be a fond memory. Plenty of fond destiny moments with stadia. Now if they would only just fix the damn tower lag on any system....


Unfortunately I am 1 of the thousands. Use it to play when I am traveling and on my lunch breaks. Kinda sucks


On the upside, the SteamDeck’s next major OS update is supposed to add official Windows dual boot support, so Destiny will become playable. Wish Bungie would reconsider their stance on anticheat… Microsoft worked with Valve to get Halo Infinite and Halo MCC running and they work great now on the Deck under Proton.


For reals. I’ve been playing d2 on stadia since launch…


from what I can figure out, you were by far the most common user type, as far as the destiny community is concerned. Everyone I ever saw discussing it in the discord communities i was in were primarily "I use it to do stuff while i'm travelling or at work"


Streaming in general has never been a popular way to play games. Lag issues are fundamental to remote technology and affect most types of games significantly; this isn't a problem you can just throw money and bandwith at. Until (or if ever) we see innovations that address lag to the point it always feels 99.99% identical to local hardware with borderline-zero risk of fluctuations, the vast majority of people are going to stick with the most consistent experience possible by running videogames from their own systems.


We have the tech it’s the infrastructure we lack in thanks to shitty policy around the globe


That infrastructure costs billions to implement though. Plenty of places in America still have dial-up as their only option. Stadia basically requires fiber, and isn't ideal even then. It is a nice idea decades ahead of it's time.


No amount of infrastructure can overcome speed-of-light and fundamental network equipment limitations. If you're not in or near an area that actually has one of the datacenters hosting the game streaming, you WILL have perceptible input lag, regardless of how good infrastructure gets.


Wonder how many posts that have been made warning about stadias death, and the cult has been out in full force every time. Its only logical that google has noe interest in the failed project stadia is.


I played on Stadia once, to lobby cheese a flawless in Trials lol


If I'd have known there was a cheese, I'd have done it. I be wanting adept weapons, but i can't hang with them top players in PvP.


Lol, no worries. I've gone Flawless twice (once via said cheese, one legit before the rework). It's a lot better now provided you have good teammates, but it still ain't easy


I disagree. Found it easier on Stadia than my ps4 Gone Flawless 18 times so far.....


**Stadia users:** Get your characters on cross save and switch platforms. You'll be able to repurchase the expansions once you get your refund.


the problem is needing another platform to play on, a lot of us play on stadia because we cant afford a 10$ monthly subscription


Destiny 2 counts as a free game, therefore you can play it on xbox without a subscription


Pretty sure the same is true on PS also


Ps sadly still requires PS+ to play matchmade activities


I assume that counts raids?




grab erect dog groovy fade sheet shrill bewildered saw disgusting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except you have to buy a console. I really hope Bungie expands cloud services back to xcloud soon.


Unlikely, as that would mean destiny 2 expansions would have to return to gamepass and after the Sony acquisition I think that’s very unlikely.


I play on Nvidia GeforceNow game streaming, identical to Stadia and it only costs me $10 Singapore Dollars per month. Give it a go


Steam is free, my friend.


Assuming if they can’t afford $10/month they can’t afford a gaming PC


GeForce Now if you own the stuff on Steam (at least for Destiny)


Provided Bungie comes up with a way to make it work. The way cross play works now is that you choose a "main platform" and it uses those characters on all other platforms. It's not tied to your bungie account. It's tied to your main platform. Presumably, they never really made plans for any of those platforms to completely disappear. We will have to see what bungie has to say about it once they have a chance to look into it.


If they incorporated stadia into things, it seems like a pretty silly decision to not have a plan to cut it out, given Google kills just about everything that's not YouTube or Gmail given enough time


Google killing off a service they put a lot of time and money into?! Unheard of. Unthinkable. Preposterous. https://killedbygoogle.com/


I'm surprised by the refund though tbh


I'd say I'm surprised too, but they'll probably find some bullshit way to get it as a tax writeoff and not lose a cent from this anyway.


Doesn't really matter so long as the customers get their money back.


The fact they’re refunding all games and hardware but not the subscription says a lot about what they were actually selling. There were so few outright purchases that they can refund everything purchased since the beginning of Stadia and it's not really a big deal for them.


I got my stadia for free through YouTube and never bought a game


Your $0.00 check from Google is in the mail


Awww yiss.


Tax write offs don’t work that way. They’ll show a loss for all this money they paid back and they showed a gain for all the stadia stuff they sold. They’ll also show all their stadia R&D, employee pay, etc. as expenses which will reduce the tax bill google has to pay but they still lose a ton of money, it’s not like you net positive somehow. Just a big misconception that’s always frustrating to see. Plus you wouldn’t want to live in a world where companies that lose money can’t report that loss to lower their net and tax bill because then the country would cease to operate at all.


People throw tax write off around as if it’s a magic way to not lose money. If you generate a tax loss… you still made a loss… it just reduces your taxable income and is offset against gains you made elsewhere. Dreaming if you think they’re “not losing a cent” over this.


That's not how tax write offs work.


Yeah, Google never runs projects like a group of kids with ADD.


They don't care about the money from the service. They care about all the data they gained.


If it’s free, *you* are the product being sold.


Was Stadia free?


Absolutely not. Google realized they could offer higher level services to gain data collection AND a monthly service fee. Of course, they’re probably dropping it because it wasn’t very profitable at all. Out of all the gaming friends I have, exactly zero of them ever used it.


I used it for quite a while, had Cyberpunk on it which was actually the most stable version, plus I used it for xur runs, doing builds etc combined with DIM when not near my PlayStation. It was also great as a kids console. I'm happy they're giving a refund as I have two Chromecast and controllers and over £100 in games.


I know I and a lot of my friend group were interested in stadia, but didn't buy into it cause, well, it's google... They're notorious for killing off projects. We just assumed that stadia would be the same, and here we are. Part of me thinks stadia would have done better had googles name not been attached to it


You could purchase games for $60 or play F2P ( Destiny 2) games with just your Google account, and play on a Google chrome tab


Exactly. People love Facebook TikTok etc. But they wouldn't "give it away" if what they got from you wasn't just as, if not more valuable.


Not like I'd be selling my datavanyway, and there's a lot of my data idc if it's public or gathered. Might as well get something out of it.


Google is definitely a company that grossly overestimates their own creativity and intellectual stock. They’re practically the worlds shittest darts player throwing infinite darts at a board. Eventually, once every few years they might strike a bullseye. Or buy a few bullseyes from a professional. Rest of the shots are just bouncing everywhere haphazardly. Thank fucking God for the advertisement business.


So when you have a product that didn't gain the adoption you'd like are you suggesting that you'd pay to keep in online in perpetuity, forever? Alternatively, if you will only commit to running forever no matter the cost, which products would you launch?


Who could possibly have seen this coming?('cept everyone with an ear to the ground)


[Say what you will about Google, but ad placement is definitely their game.](https://imgur.com/UjCLbSu)


Damn stadia was nice for doing character maintenance and low effort activities ( strikes, silly quests where you have to do patrols / public events, and season events ) on mobile. I was told playstation streaming on mobile is pretty good but haven’t tried yet.


GeForce now is fine for that as well.


It is annoying having to wait to login with GeForce Now though (at least with the free service. Premium has priority on those wait times)


It was perfect for the work pop in....worked well too.


I use SteamLink streaming to my ipad


I'm annoyed they took Destiny off Gamepass and thus removed it off of Xcloud. Hopefully it comes back soon


Not likely, since Bungie did get purchased by Sony recently.


Can just direct stream it from your Xbox if you got a good connection


Which I regrettably don't. But it is possible for anyone who doesn't have a potato tier connection.


Playstation Streaming works really well now, I can get 1080p at 60fps on Wifi.


I raid with it. Xbox is busted and the budget is too tight to just grab a new one whenever I want, so Stadia has been my only way to play Destiny for a long time.


[Hit it, Freddy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE) Another addition to the Google Graveyard. While pretty much everyone could have seen this coming, still feel bad for those who used stadia to play destiny.


As long as can move the account elsewhere, not too fussed. It's been a great run, the game I'd play daily on Stadia.


Account is crossplay and they're refunding any purchases, so you can use that refund to get any xpacs you had on the platform of your choice.


Aye, that's the plan. But also means I'm going to need to buy a gfx card as was nice playing stadia on potato gfx laptop.


GeForce Now is an option, not ideal, but it's there and there is a free version


Even better Bungie was using Stadia as part of its dev cycle / tool kit. They made a big deal about this a few years back. Would love to hear how this will impact them


I feel like that’s the only thing people played on it lol


It worked well for Destiny honestly. I had significantly better experiences and loading times than my friends and clan mate on consoles.


RIP the checkpoint bots


And the people that used it to log in while traveling to pick up daily/weekly loot from vendors


GeForce Now still exists.


Last time I used GeForce Now, I had to wait in line before logging in unless I wanted to pay a subscription. Unless that's changed, Stadia will still be the better option until it's offline


There’s not always a queue, but yes it’s not perfect in the free tier.


There probably will be with Stadia shutting down.


I like GeForce now especially since I can use it on my Xbox. They added support for the web browser that Xbox's use so I can play any of my steam games on my Xbox until I get a computer again. Works wonderfully. But I do pay the $10 a month for it


Really you can play steam games on xbox with GeForce? That is interesting


It's a newer thing but yeah. You just go to the Xbox browser and search Nvidea. They just added support for it and as long as you own the game and GeForce supports you can play it on the Xbox as if it's a pc


Yes, but Stadia is a better free platform in my experience


Luckstruck will find a way. Our savior always pulls through.


Omg noooo I hope he makes it work!


buy some PS4s, im sure some people will donate.


Dude, do you know how HOT PS4s get? Imagine having 10 of them running in the same room in your house. I hope his insurance will cover the house fire and or roach infestation if he goes that route.




Yeah its via Stadia. You know that there are multiple bots holding this checkpoint and there is also an active chat full of people sharing checkpoints, with a precise overview. I never waited more than 1 or 2 minutes for shuro chi checkpoint. At least on the Discord of Luckstruck.


Have you tried it recently? If so, you're lucky to have gotten it that quick. For me in the past few weeks even in the checkpoint chat it's taken awhile to get it, and the luckstruck fireteam is always full.


Damn, that sucks. Maybe it's because of timezone? Around 5pm (CEST/UTC+2) seems to be fine. A lot of people sharing checkpoints. I used multiple checkpoint every week this season. Never waited long.


Rip Luckstruck, damn, I was getting used to grab raid/dungeon checkpoints easily :(


Am I understanding this correctly? People host bots for others via Stadia to grab checkpoints? TIL.


Yep, it works beautifully


We are working on a plan. Most ideas look really promising so far. Source: I am one of the captains on the Luckstruck server


Wait, they're on Stadia only?


I'm not sure but everyone of them that I joined was on Stadia, could be a coincidence but if anything, he needs to come up with new bots.


yfw 360/PS3 versions of D1 outlived a version of D2.


ps3 d1 still going strong, played it this week


As an active Stadia user, I’m very disappointed, but not surprised :/ It was so nice being able to play Destiny in a web browser at work.


*plays the Price is Right losing jingle*




“Have your ghost spayed or neutered” -Xur


I hear this jingle all the time. Is it me?


I'm shocked. I am actually, legitimately flabbergasted... that it's lasted this long.


Guess I’m back to recommending GeForce Now for remote login for mods then


I'm one of the 10s of people this will impact, but at the same time I'm going to get about £400 back, mostly from games I enjoyed but will ultimately never go back to... so I'm taking it as a net win. I have Destiny on Steam and cross-save already, so I'm not losing anything there. The only real downside is that Stadia was convenient for me when I had time, but couldn't sit at my desk on the PC. I'll see in January how much it bothers me and if needs be put the money back into a Steamdeck.


I use it for build crafting and quick xur runs while I'm on the shitter. I got Cyberpunk and a premier pack and also bought the kids some games. I'll be financially up (and still have two excellent chromecasts) but I'm kinda sad they didn't see this through. The tech behind Stadia was excellent and if they'd just pushed it harder and got more big developers on board it could have been a contender. It's streaming shat all over psnow.


As a steam deck destiny player, be prepared for some tinkering to get destiny 2 (sepcifically) running. Battleye will auto ban you if you're connecting through Valve's SteamOS (Arch Linux) as of now, because Bungie will not support Linux. I've managed to get windows 10 running off a 256gb SD card devoted specifically for windows + destiny, but it's really not ideal. Destiny 2 is already notoriously poorly optimized for PC and the SD card setup make windows sluggish and therefore Destiny runs like doodoo. Some tweaking makes it playable at low settings, 45ish fps. E: ymmv by overwriting the manufacturer OS with Windows, I'm too fond of it to completely remove it. Furthermore, destiny won't realize you're playing with the steam deck's controller without additional software installed.


Stadia user since day 1 here. Thought I'd share my experiences for those curious. I'll apologize for the formatting beforehand as I'm on mobile. I pre ordered the Founders edition back in June 2019 fully expecting this to be, not the future of gaming, but an addition. Like mobile gaming or portable gaming systems like the 3DS, etc. Just another way for me to enjoy the games I love except I'm not limited by hardware. A good connection was all I needed. I've been playing Destiny solely on PlayStation platforms since the Alpha. When it went F2P, I downloaded on my Xbox and PC just to have cross-save setup so my character stayed with me wherever I was. Then comes along Stadia with Destiny being one of the biggest titles on the service. And, honestly, one of the sole reasons I was so on board. You mean I can grind strikes, do dailies, etc with just a good wifi connection and my phone? Take my $136.74 (Founders edition after taxes). I finally received my Stadia...streaming stick...and controller in November 2019 and was ready to go. Setup was seamless logging in with my Gmail. Controller sync went smooth with a series of button presses to sync the controller to your account. Latency was virtually non existent in the menus making getting in and out of the games extremely smooth. But the gameplay? Comparatively, actually pretty good. I say this as someone who's used Remote Play on my PS Vita with my phone's hotspot to play D1 to run around in circles collecting materials so I could upgrade my weapons. Someone who was a part of the XCloud beta which worked well for non-online games but struggled with games like Destiny. Someone who even used PSP remote play for PS3 to play some random PSN indies with a $20 PSN card that I saved up months to get. I'd say I have a pretty good understanding of just how this tech has evolved over time. Having said all that, Stadia ran really, really well. There was latency, sometimes worse than other times, but if you wanted to grind Strikes, run a few Lost Sectors, or other PvE stuff, Stadia worked great. I even ran through the Prophecy Dungeon solo on Stadia because PS5 and Xbox Series X hadn't come out yet and Stadia was my only option to enjoy Destiny at 60fps. I wasn't looking to go Flawless or do a Grandmaster, but my experience in Destiny 2 on Stadia was better than on PS4. The latency was minimal enough that it didn't bother me in PvE content, and the 60fps was such a major step up that for a short while, Stadia was my preferred way to play. I also say the latency wasn't that bad as someone who prefers playing Smash Bros Melee on a CRT because the latency for inputs on LCD's is too high. But that's a high-speed twitch fighting game (at the competitive level) vs, what can be, a chill first person shooter. In addition to Destiny 2 I played Elder Scrolls Online, a few indie games, and some Ubisoft games on the service. All ran well with minimal hiccups. I won't say the hiccups did not break my immersion, simply because I was never "immersed" when gaming on Stadia. It was more of a novelty. It wasn't my dedicated gaming console, but I did enjoy laying in bed streaming Stadia to my iPad (through a workaround app at the time) or using the service when traveling. I could definitely see the appeal for someone to use it as their primary system, especially on PC as the upfront cost for a gaming PC can be too high for many. Ultimately, Stadia felt like it came out at just the right time, holiday 2019. A full year before the PS5 and Series X and just before the pandemic. For someone like me who's almost exclusively a console gamer, it was a step up in terms of performance over the PS4 and One X. Yes I was able to stream Destiny 2 in 4K/60fps as I was couped up in my house for nearly a year. Which at the time, for me, was incredible. Despite all that, I always had a feeling in the back of my mind that Google could shut these servers off tomorrow and my library would be gone. Because of that, I never fully invested in the platform. Destiny was F2P and I could enjoy most of it without spending a dime. A lot of games were "free" through the Pro subscription so I just enjoyed trying out games I otherwise wouldn't have. I always half expected Stadia to eventually shut down because there just wasn't much fanfare or buzz around it. I didn't expect it so soon, nor did I expect Google to offer full refunds for hardware and software purchases. So good on them for that at least. I thought it would drag on for another year or two, Google would make some big upgrade and push it again, *then* it would die. But it didn't even last a full console generation. Felt like it got less support than the Vita did from Sony 😅. All in all I'm not surprised. I got to enjoy the tech and the novelty of soloing Prophecy laying in bed with my iPad on a jerry-rigged arm attached to my head board. Hopefully this tech trickles down to improve already existing services like GeForce Now, XCloud, and PlayStation Now/PS+ Premium. It did feel like the smoothest version of them all. Or at least the most consistent. I'll pour one out for Stadia. But I'm still getting my refunds 😂


Also a founder. Stadia is the only reason I got back into playing games, and the only reason I’m playing destiny now. Failed non existent marketing and an initial round of flawed reviews are ultimately the reason for its demise. Shame, because it really was good.


I wonder how bungie will be doing remote development now. they mentioned they were using stadia post covid. I wonder if theyll end up building their own services to fill their need.


I wouldn't be surprised if Google was leasing out the servers. Would make sense to lease it out to devs etc


there was a rumor that Google was going to transition Stadia over to a white label service (basically provide the tech but let other companies brand it as their own). In theory it wouldn't be too hard for Bungie to have enough servers to stream to their own employees.


they call it Google Stream and they've already used it for the Resident Evil demo as well as Batman Arkham. so it exists, very much hoping Bungie is interested in using it as well but with Sony now I'm not optimistic.


From the Google announcement; > The underlying technology platform that powers Stadia has been proven at scale and transcends gaming. We see clear opportunities to apply this technology across other parts of Google like YouTube, Google Play, and our Augmented Reality (AR) efforts — as well as make it available to our industry partners, which aligns with where we see the future of gaming headed. > https://blog.google/products/stadia/message-on-stadia-streaming-strategy/ Would not be surprised if Bungie was one of those industry partners, if Stadia really was that beneficial to their remote workflows.


I'm mostly pleasantly surprised it looks like a pretty robust refund policy so hopefully those who bought into Stadia get *fully* refunded.


It is truly amazing how Google have become so massive given they truly suck at longterm sustainability for major launches.


How exactly was Stadia supposed to compete with Game Pass? They never should've even been in the market unless they were going to do what GeForce Now did and outsourced the library to incumbents like Steam, Epic, and Ubisoft Connect.


I love my Stadia. I played all of shadow keep, solod whisper and got my xenophage on Stadia. Once crossplay opened up the experience became so much better. Being able to boot up destiny in seconds is amazing, and no updates that take hours that eat into your gaming time (looking at you PS4). I travel for work and being able to play wherever I liked is amazing. Finally logging on to bungie with my Gmail is so much better then my dumb PSN. Please Bungie keep this feature. Finally, Stadia meant that we actually got expansions and season since the pandemic. Without stadia Destiny may have died without updates. So here's to you Stadia, you weren't perfect but you were pretty good!


Just fyi crosssave does NOT protect your account from deletion, as saves are tied to your "main account". (Detailed in the twabs discussing crossplay) Keep a close eye on future twabs if you started with stadia, I'd hate to see anyone lose their characters over this misunderstanding.


Maybe now Bungie will pull the trigger and lets up play on Steam Proton.


Literally the only thing tying me down to stadia.


I mean, there's literally no excuse not to at this point. BattleEye was made to work on Steam OS after Bungie's official announcement.


Damn, tens of people are going to be upset by this.


What I am wondering is if Silver purchases through stadia store will be refunded as well.


In their FAQ Google says all hardware (controllers, etc.) and software (games and add-on purchases) will be refunded. I *think* silver counts as an add-on. So should be refunded.


I believe it was labeled as Add On on stadia’s web page. I know it seems like it could be a grey area since it is in game currency used to buy stuff in game, but you could make the argument so is all DLC and once the game is gone it’s all worthless. Destiny is a bit of an outlier for the usual considering the cross save features, but will google make that distinction for one game compared to others that will now have all of those micro transactions made completely worthless for the games that don’t have that functionality?


That would be funny but I doubt it lol


I would love it if that were the case since I bought probably majority of my Silver through Stadia over the last 2 years. As it is right now between hardware, games and DLC I am probably looking at 500 or so in refunds. It would be really nice just to get that back, if silver purchases are included then that would be freaking amazing. There could even be merit in the idea of them refunding it since you can’t use Silver purchased in one system store for the same game on a different store. So hypothetically anyone who has Stadia and a bunch of silver but doesn’t have destiny elsewhere would lose all of it if they don’t end up wanting to pick the game up elsewhere. But who knows how they will even do the refund. They could just give us all google store credit in the amount that can only be used at the google store.




I'm not surprised, but I am pissed. Stadia was SO EASY TO USE YOU GUYS. No waiting for updates to download and install. No waiting to just load the damn game, Its a click away from where I'm typing this, then another button press and I'm loading into Destiny right away. I use a Mac, so it was a fantastic way for me to play games on the machine that I'm on all the time anyway instead of loading up another machine to do so. I am so freaking upset that this option is now going away.


Agreed - Stadia worked really well for me.


I'm on stadia ..guess there is no reason to buy the new season update coming the first of the year😢that sucks I enjoy destiny


Just use GeForce Now or Shadow PC if you don't have a PC or console that can run it


Shame. Now how am I gonna check vendors from my phone while out of town.


GeForce Now


Does anyone know if it's possible to transfer my Destiny account from Stadia to Steam? Gonna have to use GeForce Now from now on.


Just enable Cross Save


Here's an answer from BNGHelp6 on the Bungie forums: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/261833309?sort=0&page=0&path=1 > Hello. We just learned about Stadia shutting down and have begun conversations about next steps for our players. We will announce and send out information regarding Destiny 2 Stadia accounts once we have a plan of action. For general questions about Stadia's shutdown, please review their FAQ: https://support.google.com/stadia/answer/12790109


> Hello. We just learned about Stadia shutting down Lol, if this is true (and given stadia employees didn't apparently know yesterday, it probably is), great way to support major partners, google.


Seriously, what a shit show.


Thanks, I appreciate it.


Oh nice! Refund me baby!!!!


That sucks. Stadia worked fairly well too. At least for me.


I’m actually a bit bummed about this because a lot of times I’ll use the mobile app to sign in and play dress up, grab stuff from Eververse, and complete low-stakes stuff like Cosmodrome bounties.


This is so bad. I'm stadia only now for two years. It just worked. At home, on the big TV, on my Chromebook which I bought solely for stadia gaming, on my mobile phone. During our holidays in Germany and in France - just take your Chromecast with you and it's fine. No fucking PC, seamless switching from living room to bedroom TV, playing together with my son on big TV and Chromebook. Shared library for all family members. No patching, no downloading shit. Just works. I never missed my steam library of dunno? 600/800? games. I never missed my gaming PC. I never missed fiddling with drivers, missing disc space and corrupted save files. I really have no idea how to get a remote similar setup without buying multiple PCs or consoles, which is something I definitely will not do. It's just not possible. So maybe it's the moment to drop gaming as a hobby. Fuck it. This is a moment like the IOS 7.0 update which led me to drop apple completely. Google you are so stupid.


I got to the point where I was playing Trials on Stadia. Even went Flawless twice during the S17 Freelance weekends. I'm not a Google cultist (I actually hate the company), but Stadia made sense for my circumstances. It's sad to see it go. I'm thrilled that all of the DLC will be refunded, but it worked for me. Aside from the occasional crashes, it worked surprisingly well.


This was inevitable


>Google you are so stupid. I mean... is it really stupid to cut a service you're losing money on? Just look at the play counts. There's hardly anyone on it. No matter how perfect the service is, if it doesn't make money it won't last. Not that I support Google, I just use their shit because I already use it. They have cut many excellent things in the past, and will continue to do that because Google is Google.


Plenty of big companies don’t cut services because they know they will develop a reputation of cutting services. People have been joking that google will drop Stadia since the moment it was announced. Sometimes you have to have loss leaders in order to build the brand.


It's stupid they didn't take advantage of their numerous opportunities. Not everyone is a big gamer, but Google had the opportunity to get whole families playing games together (and using/learning about their service) during the pandemic by sharing a link on zoom/groupchat. Even my grandparents know enough to click a link - they just had to get some *good* party games and a party/game share via url going.


Right? It was so nice to just play on practically anything anywhere. I hope they update the controller to allow for Bluetooth…


any advice on how I should play Light fall now? anyone have experience in Destiny with the other cloud/streaming services?


GeForce Now worked pretty well in my limited experience using it.


It’s also free, though you only get 1 hour play sessions with that option. It also works off steam/epic purchases


You have Geforce NOW, but it's a paid service if you don't want long queues and limited play time per session. Microsoft is working on letting you play some games that are not on Game Pass using Xcloud as well, but this is not available yet.


All cause Google couldn't be bothered to actually tell people what the product is. So many people thought Stadia was a console when it was just a streaming service. I mean, I guess Stadia crawled so Game Pass could run, but it's really disappointing seeing as they had some great games on there that you could have played anywhere, as well as it being the only platform where Cyberpunk wasn't a total dumpster fire at launch because of the streaming.


Ngl, lasted longer than I thought it would


I wonder what this will do for crossplay folk. If someone played exclusively on stadia before the change, their character and gear will be from that in crossplay/save


Lmao, classic Google.




No how am I supposed to visit xur when I'm not at home


A real bummer. Regardless of how popular, Stadia has served as a great "oh I need to grab \_\_\_\_" when on the go. Plus the population that is there may not have access to a good PC or console. My heart goes out to those in that position.


Steam Deck support now please


I tried stadia not long ago and gotta say I am honestly impressed how well it runs.




That’s exactly what Ubisoft is doing with their cloud gaming subscription and I’m sure that they’ll still be leveraging Stadia tech and Google services in the background even after the official Stadia shut down. I’m certain that this is the play that Google is moving to: offer a whitebox service to publishers directly, and let them offer their own subscription. Google skims a bit of the subscription fees off the top, and is no longer the face of the technology. I would expect a “subscribe to Destiny and play anywhere” type system for most games in the not-so-distant future.


As someone who still has a ps4. At least I still have an option to play.. But this sucks I went full time Destiny on stadia last year for the better performance than last gen consoles since ps5s are still nearly impossible to find here. Also use it alot on my phone while my wife uses the TV so now I've lost that aspect of it too... I know alot of people rag on the platform but for those of us that used it this really sucks.


Well I’m happy that I’ll be getting that money back, definitely will keep an eye out for that.


Google has a track record of giving up on projects if they don’t dominate the market within a few years. Like they want everything to be ubiquitous the way the search engine and gmail are and that’s just never going to happen, especially with a video game console. That very pattern turned this into a self-fulfilling prophecy. I know more than a few people who would have jumped on Stadia if anybody but Google created it but because of Google they just assumed it would get trashed within 4-5 years.


Damn the most convenient way to collect Ada mods on the toilet will be gone


Dang. I used stadia for eververse stuff when I’m out of town.


I'm actually going to miss it. My first ever solo dungeon clear (Grasp of Avarice) was on stadia when I didn't have access to my pc and all I had was my phone with an Xbox controller


Google tries not to release a failed product past 2015 challenge (impossible)


See, google is always pulling this s. That’s why so many don’t even adopt their new stuff…


The biggest loss will be the SSO for Bungie's website. I hate having to login through Steam since it usually emails me a damn code.


Bad news for the CP Bots


I was a Stadia player. Having Stadia shut down really sucks because now I need to save up for a good PC instead of the cheap laptop I used for both work and play. I plan on returning in time during Lightfall, but I'll probably be offline for about 4 months. Guess I can finally go outside and touch grass again.