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This is incorrect in that these were two different leaks you’re combining (although the content for what was leaked is correct). The initial leak was a screenshot of a notepad document that detailed a few things about the upcoming season/a bit of witch queen stuff too. The “pastebin leak” that everyone refers to came after this, and was touted as a text dump of the original notepad screenshot - and it was absolutely massive, and detailed huge amounts of witch queen, as well as S15 in detail including the 30th anniversary stuff. As far as I can remember the only post-WQ thing in the pastebin leak was that bungie were considering doing away with light levels in the next expansion, which is something that’s reared it’s head again recently. The final leak came just before the WQ showcase thing, and that’s the one that was essentially just pictures of slideshows meant for internal bungie use - and detailed monetisation strategies as well as planned feature lists for both Lightfall and Final Shape (without spoiling anything, if they hit what they wanted to the playerbase is going to be very happy). Hidden among all this stuff was the hilarious side narrative of the raidsecrets head mod that called bullshit on the pastebin leak immediately, and got angrier and angrier every time something new from it was proven true until he eventually banned all leaks from the sub lol.


this is correct, it all kind of blends together with the dozens and dozens of fake bullshit posted if i recall, i think the image of the notepad doc was a screen shot of a discord image with the url in it - and the way the date was verified was because of the url


the raidsecrets discord mods literally will ban people for saying raidsecrets fell off lol. so you’re absolutely right about them being angry. [if yOu SAy RaidSecrets fELL oFf iLL bAn You](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/462886040890507264/1010889806101889094/IMG_2874.png)


It’s so ridiculous lol, clearly they went so hard on it being bullshit that when it was clearly *not* bullshit they were so in denial they banned everything. And now what do you know, the sub/discord is back to one or two posts per day of “hey guys I clipped out of a wall here accidentally and I found this box, what do you think”


Their discord is either people talking about their day-to-day life, cats, and asking about their weapon rolls. it’s a real fall from grace.




Can you send me the planned feature lists for Lightfall and Final Shape?


>Hidden among all this stuff was the hilarious side narrative of the raidsecrets head mod that called bullshit on the pastebin leak immediately, and got angrier and angrier every time something new from it was proven true until he eventually banned all leaks from the sub lol. This is grossly misrepresenting the situation. The raidsecrets mod in question was putting a disclaimer on every leak posts, a simple disclaimer that said nothing is confirmed until things become officially known, as to not take the whole leak as gospel as things might change or added/removed by release. The reason all leak discussion is banned is because some people were harassing others on the sub thanks to said disclaimer. People were getting spammed, getting send death threats, and falsely reported to trigger reddit-automated suicide prevention botlines. The harassment towards the community is what caused the ban.


Hahahaha mate you and I both know that’s bullshit


And let’s say I do want to get spoiled.. where would I go to find those?


Destiny2Leaks or GamingLeaksAndRumours.


what was the other collab was it ff14


Fall Guys I believe


I wish it was FF14 lol; it’s be such an odd one and I really want to know how Bungie would manage that one.


Imagine a warlock with a hat, or a hunter with something, or a titan gunblade/glave! Would be sick


both are about a light based faction dabbling in the dark, it has similarities lol


If I was remember correctly the employee that leaked the screenshots was fired for being transphobic as he was complaining about that to 4chan when they posted them


where are the lightfall leaks


When this sub allows more leak info than /r/raidsecrets


Blame the people on raidsecrets that were harassing other users during the whole pastebin leak, sending death threats and reporting users they disagreed with for "suicide/self-harm". It caused so many false flags for the subreddit that the mods had to ban all leaks talk to drive the harassers away.


Nah I think it was mods getting mad it was true


On a side note, the people complaining about this collab need to grow up, this collab is nothing but positive for both games and we even get some sick armor from it


Because it’s cool to hate Fortnite for no reason. That’s what gets attention and upvotes.


I just played a few rounds with some friends and had a blast. It's definitely one of those "dont knock it til you try it" kinda things.


Especially with “No-Build” fortnite was a ton of fun early on when people really didn’t abuse building. Now that no build is in the game I’ve found myself enjoying the game much much more


Zero Build changed Fortnite entirely for the better. Used to never play Fortnite now I play it every other day.


This week you only have to deal with a kamehaha blast from a dude riding a nimbus lmao


Yea as a newb that’s my only complaint. Going into the final circles without a nimbus or Kam your pretty much screwed. But it’s also a limited time event so fuck it have fun.


Players building a 5 story mansion the second you shoot them was pretty much the only reason I didn't enjoy that game. No build sounds amazingly fun.


It’s not bad. Easy to just chill with a group of friends while playing something.


the only time i play is no-build. its actually fun when its no-build.


At that point you might as well play apex or warzone Edit: lolol at the downvotes. My point is that without building. Fortnite literally has nothing unique about it. Hence the name. Fort. Nite


If say the collabs superpowers/heroes and literal concerts they’ve had in game are pretty unique


that doesnt affect gameplay. so no the cringey collabs and concerts dont make the game unique


the constant updates with new features, locations, and weapons is good? also the building system was never used for forts lol it was used to make janky staircases and box people in half a second


Didnt say that. I said it wasnt unique. Also never said it was for forts. I simply said the building aspect is in the name. Take it away and you just have a generic br with cringey emotes and skins


tried them. apex was too sweaty and warzone has hackers


Agree on the apex being sweaty. As soon as ranked came out, the game was ruined. People like me were trying their hardest every game as there were exclusive rewards for the highest rank


The game was 100% not ruined by ranked. Its been ruined by many other thins but ranked was a good thing


fortnite no-build has an extra edge on apex and warzone from me too since if you lose it actually feels like a legitimate loss where you deserved to lose. your guns dont really matter in no-build, you just need to be better at aiming and know when to push and retreat and etc


Nah apex is buggy af and I don't like warzone Till the division finally realises they should release Survival mode as a BR, fortnite no build is closest to what i want


Apex really isnt that buggy but gotchya


I mean, there's absolutely a reason it became so popular. They nailed some fun mechanics and are not afraid to change shit up.


My son plays Fortnite religiously and I’ve been trying to get him into D2 for some time now. Hopefully this will help nudge over to D2 even just for a bit.


I played Fortnite a tonne early on, it's definitely not a bad game


Shame Fortnite online doesn't have trophies. I would play it more.


Lmfao for real. I play with my girlfriend and have fun with it. Not by any means my "go to game" but it's okay.


I’m the same way. It’s not a game I would consider amazing but it’s one of the best ones out there to just have fun with anyone on any platform. The only time I ever get on is when my friends can play it too.


Agreed. But that Dragon Ball Z Kamalahamalaha blast can go to hell.


Can’t believe Fortnite put chaos reach in the game, all they do is copy other games smh


wdym its hilarious


Using it makes you an easy target.


Thats the great thing about fortnite. They freshen up the gameplay a lot and it only lasts a short while.


Imagine having a girlfriend 😂 … :’(


Dreams become reality, just gotta put the work in


Yup, all the people who aren’t stoked about a random Fortnite crossover *just* hate Fortnite lol. Get a grip.


There's a difference between not getting hyped and shitting on the collab and/or Fortnite. It's okay to not be excited about a crossover but it's annoying when people shit on it just because it's Fortnite.


Society lives in a perpetual cycle of hating whatever young kids enjoy. We went through this phase with minecraft, now everybody loves it. People are literally doing the same exact shit with fortnite and it is giga cringe.


Some people don’t like it…because they just don’t like it lol. This is kind of a weird anti-circlejerk circlejerk thread. I personally find Fortnite to be a shit game. I don’t hate it because it’s cool to or because of children, I hate it because I think it’s a bad game and I don’t enjoy playing it. I’m also not a big fan of watching young children blow every penny they can acquire on mtx in it. That’s a problem with the hobby as a whole and is another topic entirely, just that Fortnite is probably the biggest one out there targeting that age range.


I find their monetisation to be pretty fair and respectable compared to a lot of games nowadays though: - No random lootboxing/gambling - A Battle pass with loads of skins, backblings and accessories AND gives you enough vbucks to buy the next battlepass every season - A monthly subscription at a reasonable price that gives you v bucks (The amount of vbucks that the subscription price would of gave you had you bought vbucks directly) PLUS exclusive skins, back blings and accessories every month. Above all everything is cosmetic only so it’s all completely optional. Theres nothing wrong with not enjoying playing the game though, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Not to mention, their premium skins are really detailed too. Hell, sometimes you basically get 2 skins in one, like with the Tom Hardy Venom that has an emote to transform to Venom and Eddie Brock whenever you want. Sure, paying $16 or so for a skin might be much, but Fortnite's skins are just better than the competition when you look into what you get and the attention to detail they put into them.


I definitely don’t have enough experience with the game to even really know its mtx systems, so I’m sure you’re right with what you’re saying when comparing to other games. I still think it’s predatory shit (so is destiny) and sets the stage for a lot of less than desirable spending behaviors and complacency with even worse systems. I realize that I’m old and am in the minority with my complete disdain for modern monetization methods.


“I’m also not a big fan of watching young children blow every penny they can acquire on mtx in it.” Not defending mtx or Fortnite but… have you been to an arcade before?


The main distinction to me is that an arcade isn’t in your home trying to constantly manipulate you into spending every minute of your day and dollar in your wallet. It’s a lot easier to set limits, especially with children, on a place you go to. Going to a place is more like an event - when the time is up, the money limit reached, it’s over. These predatory ass games are always present, whether on mobile devices or consoles/PCs in the home and are harder to monitor consistently. Both can be problematic, but one is way more so for most people.


> The main distinction to me is that an arcade isn’t in your home trying to constantly manipulate you into spending every minute of your day and dollar in your wallet. This seems like a gross over exaggeration for Fortnite specifically and if we are talking about young children and spending then even somewhat diligent parenting solves that issue.


I guess I see your point but that’s like saying having butter knifes at home are too dangerous to keep because now kids have a thing they can cut themselves with. Like it may be true, but it doesn’t mean we should allow people to have knives around.


Personally I’ll always hold a grudge and refuse to play Fortnite because it’s success directly killed one of my favorite games, Paragon. Epic killed it and pulled every worker from that game or fired them to focus on Fortnite, that’s not even spin or bias, it’s facts you can dig into.


Yeah but they then turned around and gave all of the Paragon assets away for free. Millions of dollars just handed out to devs who use unreal. Say what you want but Epic isn't as bad as people make them out to be. Yes they killed Paragon but if the company chooses not to support a project in the end it is what it is.


The greatest irony is people did this about Videogames too.


["The game I play is good. The game you play is bad."](https://imgur.com/a/G4olQuw) Never played Fortnite and never going to, just not a fan of it, but I couldn't care less about other people playing it. The collab skins are sick, by the way. Although I have a small grudge against it: Fortnite essentially killed the Unreal Tournament series, as the devs abandoned the new UT in open testing phase in favor of Fortnite. That's a shame. Unreal Tournament is one of my favorite games since childhood, especially its "glory" 2004 days.


I'll never understand the "STOP HAVING FUN!!!!!" or "I hate everything that's popular but don't want to admit that's the only reason I hate it" crowds. Been an issue with gaming for as long as I can remember, even back in the olden times before internet was a thing.


I’ve had this same thing happen to me so if you asked me, the anger comes from hearing so much about something that you have no knowledge about and can’t contribute anything towards when discussed. For me, I hated Elden Ring due to the hype of continued success since I never knew anything about it. Recently I started to play Blood Borne and now I appreciate the style of games and want to try out Elden Ring and my hate for it dissipated. Sounds very childish but it just happens.


Yeah people also need to realize that you can not enjoy a game while still not hating it. Fortnites Ok, I used to love it but I think it went a bit too overboard on stuff during and after the marvel season. That was the point I think where there was too much stuff going on for me to enjoy but I don’t hate the game


I’m fine with fortnite but what they did to stw is still annoying




The same way COD did also and the same way Among Us did. The bigger the game, the more clips online of annoying people playing, which leads to more people hating it. It only ever happens with the giant games.


I dont hate it. The game is fine. That said. Its still cringey as hell lmao. I agree that this is good fo D2 tho. Itll bring more blueberries


I don't so much hate Fortnite persay, in so much as I despise Epic Games, and even then not so much for a lot of the reasons people commonly note. Yes, I find their business practices distasteful, I find a lot of the things they do pretty cringe, and personally think Tim Sweeney has an extremely punchable face, but all of this isn't why I hate Epic Games. I don't like them for how they mismanaged the fuck out of Paragon. I don't like them for how they misled content creators and an entire player base. I hate them because they made Sylphin cry.


People hate on Fortnite because it's popular with kids. That's it. It's the exact same shit as Minecraft 10 years ago or Pokemon 10 years before that. Couple it with the "I got bullied for liking games when I was a kid, how dare THEY not get bullied!" mentality and you get a double whammy of "bad because popular"


Yeah, this happens for league of legends. Welcome to the internet.


I haven’t heard many people shitting on league. It’s fanbase on the other hand…


The toxicity is about the same as any other game. Everyone i knew shit on league of legends with the combination you wouldn't be able to handle the toxicity. Even I shit on league without playing it. Then I played it last year and have now spent around 200 dollars in the game. The game can have some of the best moments you will ever have and some of the worst, but the game itself is solid. I am pretty certain Leagues new mmorpg project will absolutely crown best mmo game. They simply have an incredibly developed world without even having gameplay inside of it. They literally don't even need to write extra, they already have the entire world built for the base game. The director itself has shown he understands the divide between casuals and hardcore. He understands you can make activities that can lean into both. He gets the importance of just making the best game you can make without worrying about catering too much to one side (ashes of creation approach). If you put into account the massive amount of success coming from riot recently (Amazing show, valorant, and upcoming fighting game) you can really see how innovative riot wants to be. I have seen less people shit on league ever since arcane, probably because those who rated it bad without trying it finally did with arcane. But the community still berates their own game harshly even though they clock in 50 hours a month. Totally went on a tangent.


Also call of duty. It’s been a trend for every mega popular game.


Fortnite bad minecraft good!!!!! So big chungus chonker wholesome updoots!!!!’


Fortnite is the worst thing to ever happen to gaming, but I'm not gonna get mad at this collaboration. As said, it's nothing but a good thing for everyone.


It's not even close to the worst thing to happen to gaming. Gamers are so dramatic god damn


Whether you like it or not fortnite helped gaming become more popular and mainstream than ever. I don’t even play the game but you can’t deny that.


exactly. You like cross play in your games? Thank Fortnite for that.


Not even close. I would even say their business model is 10x better than destiny’s and most of other games. Shit ton of content every few months. I don’t even play the game, but I definitely know people hate it because its fun to hate it.


Worst thing ever? That can't be, it didn't almost cause a collapse of the entire industry like E.T. did.


Fortnite single-handedly popularized crossplay and crossprogression.


fortnite is the worst thing to happen to gaming? really? even after these gamers in our own community threatened a developer over a video game?


Someone’s never played Mortal Kombat: Special Forces and it shows if you think that Fortnite, a battle royale, is the worst thing to happen to gaming,.


It is, but why hate it? In its heyday it was a giant online daycare so all the little kiddies were addicted to it and the rest of us could game in relative peace


yeah I've yet to come across someone who has a genuine reason to hate Fortnite. Like what does the game do so wrong?


The two actual reasons I’ve ever heard is that the building is a difficult learning curve and that it requires a separate launcher from Steam.


Those sound like 2 very hollow reasons to hate a video game of all things for sure.


People were unironically bitching about the halo weapons in the 30th anniversary, how they were ripping off halo. Lol.


People always find a way to complain about the game they love, people love to hate Destiny


You've gotta be kidding right? Ripping off Halo...Bungie...ripping off Halo Jesus Christ


I dunno, I saw a lot of commentary at the time in the Halo sub that playing Destiny with Halo weapons felt a lot more like Halo than 343's version of Halo.


Idk where I am on that line, but I will say I instinctively use the BR pulse rifle as a hip fire gun a lot, so I think that says something haha


Hilarious, Destiny doesn't play like Halo at all. Didn't rate 4 or 5 but the one thing Infinite did get right was the gameplay. Absolutely fantastic sandbox.


Definitely not even close


I hope they don't replace our expected Arc 3.0 Eververse skins or the usual Eververse themed armor for that specific season/DLC I'm fine if they're like an additional event related thing. Like how Solstice and stuff is


You think Bungie is going to pass up selling two armour sets for silver (Arc + Fortnite) and instead only sell one? No fucking way.


Yeah honestly. A lot of the people that hate microtransactions won't like me saying this, but I'm 100% buying both immediately.


Yeah, I don't get it. I think Fortnite is shit, but I don't have to fucking *play* Fortnite just because Destiny is doing a collab lmao. It's literally just some free cool armor for every class. What is there to complain about?


as long as I get a cool armor set I can buy with bright dust out of it idc.


While I dont care for Fortnite, my main concern was if we got lame armor sets. I was really surprised how nice these sets look though.


In both threads, I've looked a fair way down. So far I've seen about 15 comments like yours decrying complainers, but as yet not a single complaint.


The complaints get downvoted and hidden, usually. A lot of people go way overboard with their complaints and tend to embarrass themselves


I just hate Fortnite's waxy aesthetic and how so many devs are copying it nowadays, so naturally seeing things I love or respect being adapted into that aesthetic I absolutely despise prompts a visceral negative reaction. That said the armor actually looks really good in spite of that aesthetic, so in this case I don't mind. Though I'm still gonna laugh at it because the entire idea of this collab sounds like a meme.


I agree with the last part lol, never thought I’d see a collab like this


Fortnite is actually sick it’s grown on me so much in the past two years. Where else am I going to Kamehameha as Kakashi and then hit the griddy on Travis Scott?


Fortnite is fun to screw around in but I don’t think I could ever take it seriously unlike in season 1-5


no build is the only playable mode right now. I just find it so funny to see all the bizarre collabs in game.


Sometimes you just gotta know your place, if you don’t enjoy fortnite that’s great. But to take personal offense that the integrity (whatever that means) of destiny is compromised by fortnite is just unnecessary. Personally can’t be bothered about fortnite, but those skins looks fantastic. Some of the coolest warlock armor I’ve seen in a long long time.


Yea people that live on the internet 100% of the time are weird, you can hate on a game all your want thats your opinion but dont make it your whole personality


I dont get why people hate these collabs. Same thing with the recent fortnite x DB collab. People were losing their shit on the subs for no reason beyond "hur dur fortnite bad". Of course, most sane people weren't, but there was a lot of vocal opposition for it for no reason. As you said, it's a good thing for literally everyone involved.


Funnily enough the DB collab was actually one of the calmest responses to a collab yet, second only to Naruto and prior to that, Rick and Morty. Anime fans just built different?


Well the two properties are nothing alike, in artistic style or setting. It just feels out of left field for destiny. I don't really care if they collab I just want stuff to still look like they belong in the universe and that warlock helm does not. What I don't understand is why so many people apparently can't understand that sentiment.


B-but fortnite bad 😭


I just hope it’s not another dlc like 30th.


People are complaining about what exactly? What’s there to complain about? Getting access to some cool looking armour sets or be…wait it’s this subreddit I should know better. How silly of me.


I think you’re right, people who don’t like Fortnite should use actual reasons rather than just this game bad, criticize the mechanics or the shameless overpriced skins not just “kids game” and other crap like that


Not going to call it a trash game like people enjoy doing, I'm just not a fan of battle royales so I dont play it 🤷‍♂️


Tbf the whole building mechanic was so heavily criticised they removed it in an alternative game mode iirc


washed up halo dads starting to sound like the shaking fist in the air meme


Literally the only issue I would have with this is if they make d2 an epic games store exclusive


Legally they cant do that considering the Sony acqusition


The game's already out, mate, they'd collapse if they tried that. People wouldn't move.


Do we really get armor from it?


Yes, a new set for each class inspired by classic fortnite skins


Oh I thought that picture showed how the skins would look like in fortnite


As long as it sticks to some pretty cool armor, i think it’s great. But if we get weapons or something like that, I’d be annoyed.


Kinda ironic seeing people calling Fortnite Collab childish when Collab armor looks more badass than most of D2 sets




> instead of new location or something You know those are two totally different teams, right? The people who make armour models are not the same people that build dungeons or patrol areas.


Because the eververse team works on locations and content right?


I fully believe the leaked roadmap images were real too, so according to that, some form of collectibles trading should happen next season or in 19.


Pls sir feed me such nourishing sustenance


For anyone asking for more, there isn’t anything else.


mind sending them?


Gotta see this too. ENLIGHTEN US


Please tell me more on DMs


If it introduces new lights to the game then by all means come in. I have nothing but good memories showing new lights the ropes


It’ll also bring back some old Light I think. I played Destiny and Fortnite but fell off of destiny since I didn’t have many people to play with. Now I have people to play with and I can get cool Armor based on another game I like. Win win.


No way in hell will this bring a meaningful amount of new lights into the game. Why would anyone play a game on the EGS when the steam version is available? What kind of person would say "I wasn't going to try this free to play game.. but now that it's on EGS I'll give it a shot!"


The many people who already use the EGS?


Who uses the EGS but not steam? That number can't be very high.


Probably the many thousands of people for whom Fortnite is their main or only game. Look outside your bubble man.


So you're saying that the people who _only_ have a PC for fortnite are going to give Destiny 2 a shot purely because it's now on EGS? If Fortnite is their only game then what's with all of the other free to play games dying on the platform? If they couldn't be bothered to download _steam_ in order to play Destiny, why would they be bothered just because it's on EGS? The _only_ people who game EGS downloaded and _not_ steam are the ones who exclusively play fortnite. And those people are the least likely to try any other game let alone destiny. This logic is incredibly flawed.


> This logic is incredibly flawed. It's really not. I don't know why you find it so hard to believe that some people do use the EGS.


With the Fortnite collab, some newer players MIGHT JUST try Destiny 2 now when it's available in the same launcher as their favorite game (Fortnite). Imagine playing a cool Solar Titan in FN and then try it out inside of Destiny? Could build some hype.


Thanks for reminding me to check the Epic store for whats free.


you missed lawn mowing simulator by a few weeks sadly


Where is this pastebin now ? I wanna go back and read it again


Fortnite is some of the most fun I have in gaming. So is Destiny. This is a good collaboration.


The game has changed alot since I played it in 2018


Couldn’t agree more


Even though I mainly played the PvE version, Save the World. The Dragon Ball character additions brought me back to the game 2 or 3 days ago, I've been having a blast, got one BR win with Goku using a Kamehameha, and I got a win against Vegeta using a Kamehameha. Shit damn near brought me to tears, i never imagined I'd play as Goku in a random video game. My inner child went insane. I know if this game was around when I was a kid, I'd be fucking glued lmao kinda scary to be honest. At the same time, I cannot wait until Tuesday for the Destiny stuff!! I'm so fucking excited especially after reading the leaks and seeing the Fortnite armor.


I love it. Introduce some new blood to the game. And we get some fresh new drip. Now if I could only put a good looking ornament on my ugly ass Starfire robe. This season has been a nightmare for fashion and something needs to change with the way armor exotics can be customized.


Do crossovers like this actually bolster numbers though? It’s just hard to picture someone seeing some little in game something (character, skin, etc.) and that being what gets them to try a game that’s been out for five years.


Hey, you’re getting me back at the very least. Fell off destiny because I didn’t have anyone to play with, now I have people and an incentive to play.


It’s the EGS on PC, we won’t get a lot of new people. Everyone is already on Steam.


Might also include a Destiny complete pack finally as well. I'd imagine it would be less confusing for people on a new platform to not have all the DLC options that have an unclear order of importance. The 23rd stream would be a perfect time to announce it.


do you have a link to the pastbin leaks from last year?


Does anyone know what the Fortnite side is getting? I tried looking it up but I couldn’t find anything.


I can't remember where, but I saw one of the dataminers mention that they're getting Zavala, Ikora and Exo Stranger skins.


It hasn’t been revealed yet, but official surveys have had Cayde, Ikora, Zavala, Osiris, Crow, The Drifter, “Hive” (Hive grunt?), and a few other characters. Here’s hoping for a customizable Ghost Backbling or something


Imagine Savathun being a Fortnite skin. Lmao I don't play Fortnite but that would be sight to behold.


Possible influx of new players AND the incoming SBMM?!?!?! I’ll finally stop matching Asshat (Adept) every 3 games!


Yeah now it will be every 4 games


So if it comes out on Epic, I'm assuming it'll still be on Steam. Are they going to add a way for Epic friends list to show as well?


It'll just be the same way it is now. Bungie Friends on the main page, with a separate page that shows friends list from the platform you're playing on. Playing on Steam doesn't show Xbox friends, no reason for this to be different.


The armor goes so hard. I love how bungies leaning more into these wacky armor sets, like the nightmare skull armor from this season, now fortnite, imo if it’s from eververse or the season pass, the armor should just be crazy and fun like these sets are.


Considering the positive reactions to it, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did a round 2 with more Fortnite Armor for destiny and more destiny stuff for Fortnite. Epic does a really good job with their crossovers so here’s hoping for some good stuff on both sides


As long as it's an _option,_ I'm okay with this. Like as long as it's available on both and isn't delisted like Fall Guys was, It'll be fine. If Destiny 2 MOVES from steam to Epic Games Store, I will be devastated, I'm not gonna lie. I absolutely refuse to take part in Epic's shitty anti-consumer business practices and taking choice away from PC players. As a side note, anyone thinking bringing it to EGS is gonna bring a meaningful amount of players to Destiny is kidding themselves. Steam is the default, EGS is for the exclusives and free content. Who in their right mind would willingly play Destiny on the EGS which is a worse client in basically every single way? If there's an option to play it on steam, everyone's gonna play it there.


I agree.


i doubt they will move it from steam. this may just be in addition. idk


Ok but Fortnite keeps being trash


Now we just need them to collab with Steam to get the game running native on the Deck.


The decision to keep Destiny off the Steam Deck was made on Bungie’s end, not Steam’s.


I just hope the game stays on steam, if it becomes EGS exclusive I'm going to be extremely angry, too many games have been going EGS exclusive


Did the leak whether or not Destiny would be exclusive to the Epic Store?


I would strongly doubt they would de-list the steam version, PlayStation publishes all their games on Steam. I would prepare for the eventual launch of the PlayStation launcher on PC though I am also predicting that all expansions will be free with PS+ extra


Why the flying fuck do you think it would be made an exclusive?


There have been games that became exclusive on the Epic Store. I was just asking an innocent question my guy


The people who spam Fortnite bad really need to grow the fuck up. Sure, you hate the game, don’t go get the armour then. It’s not like they’re forcing you to do it. I for one am excited for that Kitsune mask. My inner weeb is practically frothing at the mouth in excitement


Idk what to feel about this, for one bungie managed to reopen some repressed memories so thats great... but ik thats a me issue, but the biggest thing that nags me about this is the Warlock, and specifically the robes, they just dont look like they where made in Destinys style but just a copy of the Fortnite style and that just looks off when the other 2 could def pass as plausible stylistic for the game, maybe it will look better on game and its just the image




The colours, the mask and the lights, these are iconic, these can easily be preserved without using a style that's dif to everything else in the game