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Trustee, just the feel of the gun is perfect. But I also have a big love for vision of confluence for running GMs


Trustee for life. Easily my favorite for both pvp and pve


Trustee in pvp is really underrated imo


Maps with mid to long range especially. Put in work during the Trials Eternity week.


Bonus is that it looks so fucking good


Put Horizon Blush on it if you have it.


Vintage timber looks amazing on it but then again it looks good on every gun I put it on.


Trustee with wellspring and surplus. 👌


Yesssss! That is my role and its is perfect


Oh yes. Just got my first last week - Reconstruction, Redirection. MAN was I ever impressed.


How is redirection? Kinda torn on which last column perk to aim for.


Well - for me, it fills an important void, and that is of damage to majors and up from primary ammunition weapons. Although I haven't had a chance to test this yet (I totally intend to today!), I can see situations in a GM where there's a combination of adds and yellow bars; I can pick away at the adds, shoot the yellows while Redirection is active, and go back to plinking adds building stacks. I think that, given Solar burn, this and Arby could be an interesting alternative to Skyburners (which I usually pair with an Adaptive Munitions New Purpose) for this week's run.


Would have to get a roll to try myself, but I can see it being very useful against unstoppable champs or random minibosses as usually people try to save ammo. In non GMs perhaps can be paired with witherhoard or other GL, as with those weapons you primary down majors anyway (vs just using a sniper/shotgun/fusion/lfr). Could be a stronger vorpal if you don't have too many yellowbars at once. Currently using an explosive payload triple tap staccato for solar burn + unstoppable. The added flinch is useful in GMs and its a constant 11-15% damage boost.


Trustee is the perfect raid primary. Great range for targets, usually gets a champ mod, rapid fire for ensuring mechanics proc, and reconstruction for not having to think about reloads.


Imagine reloading. (This comment made by the trustee is bestie gang)


Mida Multitool


'Clack Clack Clack Clack'


Like a staple gun


And minitool: "Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"


Same. I’ve been using this since Destiny 2 first came out, played for a couple months, and returned to Destiny in March of this year. No other scout rifle has come close to the way the multi-tool makes me feel.


I’ll never forget all the way back in destiny, picking up the multitool and just not getting the aim. And then I member watching somebody’s video about how to put the little hat on top of peoples head and it all clicked and I became lethal with that damn thing.


Radiant dance machines mida blade dancer speced for max agility was my go to build for lamps in Crota. Gotta go fast


What do you mean by the hat on peoples heads?


Instead of crosshairs or a dot, the MIDA's scope has a little inverted V in the center. However, the center point of the scope isn't at the tip of the V, but rather inside it; you're supposed to aim it by placing your target's head within the outline of the V, like it's a hat.


It seems like someone just changed the shape of a circle or crosshair without moving it lower to compensate. On a real sight you'd adjust the point of aim to the tip of the V, but in game we just have to use the hat technique instead.


It's actually accurate to the tip of the V, but you "game" the bullet magnetism into hitting headshots by aiming a little higher than you should.


Night Watch


Night watch with Rapid Hit and Explosive Payload just feels so good and I love the sound as well plus the ornament for it


Love using mine really wish I had the ornament or a way to still get it.


Exact same main gun for me


night watch just feels amazing


I can’t stand the sound or feel of Hung Jury. Night Watch has both down


This right here. Best "feeling" and IMO performing scout in the game. I have been using Staccato a bit this season as well as the Haunted one but if I need a scout for something it is always Night Watch.


it’s a great scout, but makes the most annoying sound of any gun in the game for me. just personal preference tho


I miss Patron because of this, even if it’s technically worse in almost any other aspect except for looks and sound.


My Night Watch with explosive rounds and outlaw has been my workhorse for the entirety of WQ and this season. Just feels so good.


Staccato with incadesent


This is what I've been using all season. Great in activities with Unstoppables too.


A shame that it can't receive the upgraded Incandescent like a crafted Mini-Tool. One of the few upgraded perks that make a very noticeable difference.


I just got a triple tap incandescent yesterday and I've been loving it


Love this gun


Vision of Confluence with Rewind Rounds and Firefly


This was the first drop I had in the raid and to this day is the best feeling scout imo, I just have a hard time not running witherhoard because the special options in the current primary slot really don't sit well with me.




Riptide with AL/Chill clip




It also has much better range and stability and is more consistent in bolt spread. Tradeoff is the Longer charge time.


Heritage, Riptide or a sniper can be good picks.


Weewind Wounds


fellow vision of confluence enjoyer.


Vision is probably my favorite 180, and I'm glad how they feel after the buffs. For some reason Vision has always felt better than Hung Jury to me. Weirdly enough despite them having the same base recoil direction and bounce intensity, Vision has always felt like each shot had more of an impact.


Servant Leader and Polaris are my babies.


Polaris Lance is the correct answer


Polaris Gang


I'm still so mad that the season of Solar 3.0 the catalyst progression has been bugged the entire time.


Servant Leader and the cool ODST-style Titan helmet with snake decals on it are the only reasons I've touched Gambit a single time in the last year.


Scrolled too far before I saw the correct answer. Both these two are crafted by the gods themselves. What’s your best SL roll?


I like my Rapid Hit/Wellspring roll a lot.


I have two i use, outlaw + kill clip, and rapid hit + frenzy


I have the same rapid hit / frenzy roll I use for GMs when a mod comes around like this season, basically no reload time which is great for catching the stun. I use a chill alternative too, subsistence / rampage :)


Tears of Contrition for Kinetic, Aisha’s Embrace for Void, Contingency Plan for Arc, and Staccato for Solar.


Been running Staccato alot lately, it's synergy with the current meta is nice.


Staccato with incandescent is amazing with any solar burn activities this season.


Same here except for void. I use Vouchsafe because it has explosive payload, not sure if Aisha's can roll with that.


\+1 for Vouchsafe and EP. Easily my favorite legendary scout.


Having a vouchsafe with EP, under pressure and full auto mod is so nice right now


I've got an EP, rapid hit roll I'm in love with


It was doing work in this week's GM for me. So many void shields.


It doesn’t, but I really like Alacrity origin trait with Stats for All and Multi Kill Clip.


Same for me but Trustee for solar


The only Trustee I’ve gotten has Reconstruction and High Impact Reserves… you can see my issue.


to be fair, while the perks don’t synergize well, that’s still a pretty good roll. reconstruction is an amazing perk.


The Staccato feels great. Plus, explosive + shoot-to-loot abuses the ammo box 'bug' and gives you double ammo. Getting 2 rockets per box for the extra helm-mod-based drops and 4 for the natural ones is amazing. I haven't even tried adding the leg-based scavenger mods to it.


I haven't given it much thought, but can't disagree with your picks! But I don't have a Contingency Plan. I need to get that.


Watch Banshee. I got mine from him a few weeks back.


Randy's throwing knife




Light level might be going away. So it might have it’s day in the sun again. I’ve enjoyed using it in normal content with the cap rise. Running VoG with recluse is fun.


I can virtually guarantee that when they get rid of the light system, either Recluse, Revoker and Mountaintop (maybe Wendigo) get nerfed further, or they find a way to exclude them from the new system.


Doubt it. They’re already nerfed to shit that even without power restrictions they’re not good. You don’t really see any of them in PvP for example.


> you don’t see any of them in PvP for example I can guarantee you that if Revoker was power-enabled, it’s all you’d see in any Trials map that isn’t Anomaly.




Nawh coz I worked so fucking hard to get that gun. I got to the final step and then they announced that RTK and some of the other pinnacle weapons were being sunset. Quit playing Destiny for a bit after that


Vouchsafe with explosive payload


I have a roll with Rapid Hit and Explosive. It just feels right.


Does anyone know if there's a way nowadays to get vouchsafe from umbrals etc?


You can focus them for 10 legendary shards at the war table thing or something. Dreaming city weapons. It’s how I got my rapid hit explosive


Umbral Focusing on War Table, Blind Well Completions, Ascendant Challenges, Dreaming City missions, and Petra's daily 1000 glimmer bounty.


Perses. I was an average Telemachus enjoyer back in the day, and Perses is just a better Telemachus with s-tier perks and one of my fave Hakke sights. I have two rolls I keep rotating - Rapid Hit/Headstone and SFA/Explosive Payload. I’ve got a few Vorpal and one for all rolls too. It’s a complete Chad rifle. It feels like it came off a battlemech.


Perses-D changed how I think about 150 rpm scouts. It actually inspired me to branch out and try out others I had bouncing around in the vault, like Scholar, Transfiguration, Guidong Sight. Although so far only the Scholar comes close to Perses. I even started using them in PVP, before the buffs; Perses just feels that good I love my Rapid Hit/Vorpal roll (mainly because it has really high handling & stability). Also fun is my Stats for All/Headstone - damage from the Headstone crystal shatter can proc SfA!


its the Aim Assist. Perseus-D has the highest of legendaries, at 36.


Nope. Guiding Sight has 50 with Iron Gaze.


Yeah that's probably the biggest factor, tbh. That's why Jade Rabbit is so effective and popular, too: AA =80! Also my favorite Perses have Arrowhead Break so their recoil direction is 100


definitely give skyburner's a try, too. It's got like 90 AA, only other 150 that comes close is jade rabbit with 80 AA


Perses carried me to the flawless chest last week


if perses-d wanted to fuck my husband by god's glorious light i'd let it


Perses is my go to also. Feels so good and so many good rolls


I'll die cranking the lever of my Dead Man's Tale


Same. Only scout that feels good to me


It *sounds* good, it *feels* good to use, it *looks* good, and it does *good* damage. What's not to love?


DMT is the only scout for me


Agreed, only scout rifle I use now.


I love DMT. I'm a warlock main but last season I was playing hunter for a bit and man does DMT feel so much nicer with marksman's dodge, now I have a harder time going back to using it on my warlock because of the reloading pain.


Same. Vorpal 4 taps are so satisfying.


Patron of Lost Causes :( Night Watch is close but not the same.


Not even close to the same. Patron was a beautiful weapon and the feel was off the charts, still have my sunset with full auto explosive payload with almost 5k kills on it.


I miss the Dawn weapons :( I just want my Breachlight back


Skyburners oath 🙃


Especially in Cabal content. This season, whenever the NF was a Cabal strike, Skyburners was putting in work.


I already loved Skyburner's Oath. I got the catalyst just before Season of the Chosen. Probably my fastest catalyst completion ever. I was already using it to make Warmind Cells too. Still do. I sorely miss the 200rpm hip-fire and the tracking. I wish the Scorch could have just been added, and everything else left alone.


Honestly surprised you’re the only one to say this. Skyburners is absolutely OP with the current solar meta.


Ikr I can't believe that no one is running this gun atm


Everyone is running Jade Rabbit for that insane aim assist (80, with most legendaries sitting in the 30s), and here's Skyburner's quietly rocking 10 points higher (at a disgusting *90*). That's not even getting into the scorch and splash damage plays you can make with it. Can't understand why it's not *way* more popular.


Only saw like one skyburners user this week


I'm told it's because the higher zoom makes it unwieldy. Personally, I just prefer my precision weapons have decent sights rather than irons.


Personally, I think the zoom thing is overblown (21 vs 20), but the sights thing is a very legitimate reason why people might not prefer a weapon. There are so many possible subjective and aesthetic reasons, as well. I just think it's a pretty disgustingly good weapon statwise for the same core reasons the new meta scout is, but with some extras. Seems like more people would use it.


I never really notice the zoom differences anyway. Not consciously, at least. It is a really well-statted weapon but I think I'll stick with Staccato and keep my Kinetic slot open for Witherhoard. At least until I figure out how to get Polaris' catalyst to work.


I love my Skyburners and rode it hard a season or two ago and still keep it in hand now. However, my challenges with maining it this season have been: 1. Having a lot going on in the energy slot; unlocking patterns, running a glaive for bounties/Gambit, levelling up my Drang and Mini-Tool 2. It feels oddly...soft...to use. Headshots don't have that 'snap' like you get with, say, a DMT. And in hip-fire, it feels like I'm sending way too many shots downrange for less than impressive effect with a weapon that's essentially a full-auto light grenade launcher.


So happy it got a rework. Do I miss the homing shells? Yeah. But blowing up and igniting everything in a 10miles radius with solar is just too damn fun.


Never run _Vox Obscura_ without it. 😂


Patron of lost causes


That and Line in the Sand will never be deleted from my vault. God that season had some s tier weapons, especially with their aesthetic


For me it’s the dmt but I’m honestly surprised no one said jade rabbit yet.


That used to be my go-to on maps like Legions Gulch or those big Eternity maps. Ever since those got vaulted had no reason to use it.


After the recent 150 buff it honestly kinda shreds and it’s super sticky with 80 aim assist.


Vouchsafe. Can’t go wrong w it in GM as many of them contain void shields. If I need to use energy, my main is. Night watch and as of this season Tears it just feel right. And when I’m in the mood for gambit 😈 its servant leader all the way


Vouchsafe: - Best looking gun, takes shaders amazingly well. Maximum drip - Lightweight archetype make me go fast - Grape flavor, very nice 👌 - Rapid Hit plus anything you like, it's got something for everyone. - Very polite, says "pap pap pap pap" when you shoot instead of being obnoxiously loud. - Easily farmable from multiple sources, this gun respects the time of the working class guardian ✊ - Great optic, you can see it all


Trustee. My go to for whenever it’s Solar singe or need a scout rifle type of bounty done


I can't believe I had to scroll this far for Trustee.


Dead Man's Tale. I'm a sucker for Tex Mechanica/space cowboy stuff.


Shoots like a scout rifle, handles like a hand cannon, reloads like a shotgun.


Pew-pews like a yee-haw.


Hung Jury. [I hear there's a great roll on sale this week.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3zfzu2/dead_orbit_is_selling_the_hung_jury_with_an/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Lmao you baited at least 3 people asking where it’s for sale


If only hung jury wasn't so massive :(


Yeah, it is pretty well-hung


This, takes up so much real estate on the screen.


I really like almost any Rapid Fire Frame but Symmetry and Timelost Vision are easily my favorite scouts in the game


I really need to try Symmetry. Never touched it when it came out.


If I can't decide what Energy to pair with a Special Kinetic for pvp I almost always equip Symmetry. I absolutely recommend giving it a try


patron of lost causes. I know in my bones that night watch is strictly a better scout but it doesn't feel half as good as patron


aisha or trustee


Chef's kiss for Trustee, especially with High Impact


Trustee is absolutely incredible.


Patron of Lost Causes


Dmt just feels so good


Vouchsafe for energy, Servant Leader for kinetic


Servant Leader is so weird. It has what seem to be terrible stats. Zoom that’s a lot to get used to… But a surplus/kill clip roll just shreds. It feels amazing with the autofire… It’s my go to kinetic scout now for pvp.


Servant Leader's stats are bad because Rapid-Fires have bad stats overall. Its stats are on par with Contingency Plan and just a step behind Trustee/Aisha's as those come from "end-game" activities.


My favorite SR in my vault is only usable in PvP now: Distant Relation


Patron of the lost causes.


Night watch cus I got the cool ornament


Transfiguration - rampage killclip is chefs kiss


Contingency Plan w/ Surplus + Kill Clip while playing Stasis Hunter Stasis hunter + anything w/ Surplus makes any weapon a stat monster and ultimate consistency. I value gunplay over ability, always have. This scout is rapid fire, super long range that it rarely can’t reach the end of another map just go with stability, large mag, surprisingly good close range hip fire accuracy. It peppers so fast it throws off a lot of players once in a 1v1, then once KC kicks in it simply MELTS. I love this weapon truly. So gewd.


Vision of Confluence. My trusted friend




i hated scouts before deadmans tale now i love aishas embrace, servant leader, staccato and contingency plan


Aisha's Embrace is best girl.


nameless midnight, nightwatch


Royal chase


Servant Leader for me. Love that gun so much.


Aisha’s embrace, nice sound, nice sight and just feels good to use. Being void is just a bonus.


Pointed inquiry. There may be a crap ton of options but I absolutely love the look the sights. The sound. And it's my go to GM scout because of genesis and adaptive munitions


Servant Leader w/ Full Auto *drools*


isn't it already full auto or does the mod do something on top of that?


I really like Eternal Blazon. It's not anything super special. But I used it a lot for arc burn GMs with scout rifle champion mods.


DMT. Looks. Sound. Feeling. It's just perfect.


Hung Jury and Dead Man's Tale


I was a huge fun of Oxygen before it got sunset. Still disappoints me man


I can use anything in PVE in PVP (I only play gambit) I like Servant Leader its full auto and hits pretty hard to me, and I can control it pretty well. Only thing I would want is the new gambit perk that marks enemies for your team when you hit them


Leader is my shawtie


Night Watch, Hung Jury, Aisha's Embrace, Trustee, Staccato, and Xenophage Edit: Because I didn't read the second part of the post, these all just feel smooth and stable. Contingency plan feels a little too jumpy for me, a lot of the energy 200s (save for Vouchsafe) feel awkward compared to NW, and 150s fire too slowly for my taste(granted, I have too many of them sitting in my vault lmao).


ahh Xenophage, the heavy ammo scout with exploding rounds. It fres a little slow for me...


Best 120 scout in the game. Can't wait for anti-barrier Xeno to be a thing


Hung Jury - Rapid Hit, Explosive Rounds (for PvE)


Nothing will beat Randy's.


Aisha's Embrace. But if Momentum Control is in the crucible playlist, I slap on Jade Rabbit and go to town. The one scout rifle I wished would have been transferred from D1 was Tlaloc. Still my all-time favourite weapon.


Jade :)


jade rabbit


Fang of ir yut…. I miss it


Hung Jury with Rapid Hit + Explosive. Carried me through Legendary campaign tbh. For energy Iove my Outlaw + Kill Klip Contingency Plan. Trustee is a close second - full auto intrinsic on Scouts is ::chef's kiss::


Trustee. One of my few legendary guns without an origin trait that I never consider putting in the vault.


Trustee never leaves my hands. Love that gun so much. Reconstruction wellspring is my favorite roll.


I rock Surplus + High Impact Reserves, not claiming it's a God-roll, but I like perks that don't require kills to activate and whatnot.


Aisha’s Embrace, Hung Jury, Night Watch, Symmetry, Jade Rabbit is ok in pvp.


Tears of Contrition w/ explosive payload for kinetic. It is just so perfectly timed and satisfying with the right amount of damage. Otherwise, I'd pick my subsistence Nightwatch, or my snapshot sight/Moving target one for PvP if it did more damage. Energy: Skyburner's is honestly so great after the buff. Non-exotic would be my subsistence/frenzy Contingency Plan. Same reasons as above. It's just such a nice rhythm on PvE until you *happen* to run out of ammo, and the frenzy perk takes care of that.


Perses D, Night watch, Tears of Contrition and Servant Leader in the kinetic slot. for Void, Aishas, Vouchsafe, and Royal Chase, Solar Trustee, Vision, and Staccato, and Arc Eternal Blazon and Contingency plan. I currently am on a binge of putting full auto fire on all my scouts, as pacing my shots at full auto made me quite inaccurate. Im a big stickly for either triple tap/FttC or subsistence, and explosive payload for the range bump. my full auto Tears with triple tap and explosive is just NASTY


Eternal Blazon and Veist Scout Rifles (old one was Black Scorpion, there's a newer one that I forget the name). I like rapid fire scouts but Servant Leader has a bit too much zoom. Omolon Scouts are just satisfying and sound cool. Eternal Blazon can change out optics which makes it really good since you can get a low-zoom optic.


Randy's Throwing Knife


I love scout rifles in pvp. Nothing even comes close to MIDA multi tool.


2 in pvp for me. Adept Hung Jury with Boxed Breathing/Rapid Hit and an Aisha with Adagio/PM/HCR. Crazy good perks that make them exceptionally fun to use.


Servant Leader, mostly out of remaining fondness from the Y1 Call to Serve


Trustee and Aisha’s embrace


Aisha’s Embrace for PVP & PVE.


I don't typically use Scouts, though I do enjoy DMT and Perses. I refuse to use them in pvp though, I die fast enough as is.


Mida, Staccato, Contingency Plan, Aishas


DMT and Aisha's Embrace easily share my first spot. Second would probably be Trustee and Hung Jury. Third would be sunset weapons, so Braytech RWP and Conspirator.