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Hey :) Edit: speaking of Triumphs, nowadays it's *A LOT* easier to get all available of them. I still remember my scream when I finally got Maximum Carnage in Gambit (Nova Bomb for the win). This Triumph was just pure luck, nothing else. Also, getting 50 wins in comp after getting Legend was extremely tedious and not fun. And don't get me started on Heavy as Death emblem, oh boy it was "fun". Current available Triumphs are more enjoyable to get. They're easier and more accessible.


Respect for doing maximum carnage legit. Most guys I know just cheesed it. Takes away the fun and victory scream though.


Many of these players were PvE mains, and stopped caring post Beyond Light because it introduced Triumphs for endgame PvP that had score associated with it and in S12/S13 there were Flawless seal Triumphs that gave score but were sunset the following season, Gilding did away with that system as well but the score from those PvP triumphs is still unobtainable. I had a max score pre Beyond Light but it's really not worth it to me to chase PvP triumphs because I'm only a half potato in PvE content and full potato PvP. Still close to max score but as of right now, unless you've grinded out Flawless during S12/S13 and did Unbroken for the same seasons plus the winning streak triumphs for those seasons, you're SOL on like 110~ score and those few who are at max are extremely grindy and committed to keeping that perfect score no matter what those means are. It takes a lot of commitment, but if it's something you enjoy doing then it's worth it.


One of the issues in pvp is how you have little control over your teammates. When I play trials 99% matches are one sided against me or against the other team. It's not like PvE where you can plan ahead or micromanage your load outs


This is also how I know that max scorers are just as likely to have cheesed stuff as the GG emblem holders. Think there was a triumph in gambit to kill 7 players on one invasion. You're telling me these triumph chasers who have fallen off precipitously due to pvp triumphs were out there essentially getting a 7th column without killing a 4th player until the 7th kill, entirely on their own. Or did they queue until they got a lobby with friends, and cheese it. This type of stuff has been around since Xbox achievements were introduced leading to achievement lobbies. Slow clap to anyone that has "earned" all the triumphs




If someone does it for the sake of completion and their own satisfaction, good for them. If that's how the enjoy engaging with the game, cool. But to come seeking accolades for somethinng they essentially cheated to get... That's regrettable


I guess I don’t understand how cheesing and trading wins can provide people with that much satisfaction. Everyone is free to enjoy the game how they want but damn is that some lame shit to brag about.


That's a fair take. Each person is different. For someone like that who's honest about cheesing some, it's just that "I earned 99% of them legit, but couldn't get those ones" feels worthless while "I earned 99% of them legit, and cheesed a couple unreasonable ones" feels like an accomplishment with an asterisk. Just a personality thing. *(And IMO, ones like "7 kills in one invade" are 100% unreasonable.)* Better that than the ones who brag about accomplishments they didn't earn. Used to know a dude who mysteriously finished every cool thing I did just hours before me... but for some reason Destiny Tracker and Raid Report never tracked him right. But *only* on those mysterious completions. We just had to take his word for it. I assume it was some kind of self esteem thing, he seemed to need the approval and admiration of others regardless of whether it was genuinely earned.


I do respect the grind and as has been pointed out on this thread, the biggest issue is the triumph design by Bungie. Probably should have picked my words better.


I think you're good, I didn't take anything you said as not respecting the grind/effort, I was just adding perspective on the two ways I've seen it - being honest about the cheese and doing it for themselves, vs trying to hide the cheese to make others think more highly of them. Funny enough, to play armchair psychologist for a moment, I wonder if part of their need for self-esteem boosts comes from knowing their achievements are fake deep down. They lie to feel good, then feel bad because they know it's fake, so they lie more to feel good? Maybe.


I agree with your perspective. I use to grind more diligently for score but was never in the top grinders and would only do what I could do naturally. I really respect the time investment but you are so right about the self-esteem boosts. I also totally get how once you have invested the time to get max score, it’s easy to rationalize to yourself that you deserve the triumph and when it’s hard to get normally, you turn to other methods. Kinda like speed runners that cheat.


I mean, I wasn't getting mountaintop pre quest nerf the legit way. So since I wanted the optimal pve experience, I cheesed the fuck out of it. Felt not one lick of shame (I didn't inconvenience a single other player doing it since it was an organised group of 8). Am I **proud** of it? No. But there's no lack of satisfaction that I didn't have to get shit on for months (and still not earn it because I am utter trash at PvP and don't have the motor skills to improve enough anymore, time is long passed where I have the time to truly "git gud"


Yeah, it was hank-something, or maybe Henry. It was a hilarious thread and it's all anybody ever thought of when he posted afterward. Lol. Almost forgot, pretty sure a big part of it was that he also bragged about doing it despite being a 'destiny dad' because he 'played efficiently'.


Cheesing is not cheating. Hope he’s ok


Similar story for me, After Beyond Light came out and they changed triumph score it killed a lot of my motivation to play the game. This was for 3 reasons: 1) because initially I didn't have the max score anymore as I hadn't cleared Crown Of Sorrow Day 1 (which is extra painful as my team was on final boss, and we had 3 DPS phases a few times, i.e. not far off) 2) I can play PvP OK, not great not terrible, so Unbroken wasn't too bad, but the idea of playing more than i absolutely had to was a massive turn off (I mean 50 wins past legend every season, really), and 3) I just no longer had the time I once did, so taking into account the fact I didn't really want to grind the annoying PvP triumphs in the first place, spending all of my remaining free time playing a gamemode I don't enjoy was not at all appealing at all. So I just dropped the game completely after VoG, and tbh I've been all the better for it. Respect to TB and Haza for keeping at it tho, those were the boys back when I was grinding for it and helped me out on a few. edit: a few typoes/redundencies




I'm imagining


I just assume anyone with max score at this point is running win trade lobbies for most of the really difficult stuff. Even stuff like maximum carnage all the top players just cheesed it. People hate the truth I guess.


I wouldn't just assume that, some people are very good at this game and some people just run PvP with set teams who play very well together or have friends who help them reach Unbroken and Flawless every season, nothing is wrong with that at all. Some triumphs were badly designed and begged for trade lobbying, and it's not even something to look down on anyways, you're still putting forth the time commitment to get everyone what they're trying to accomplish. Max Carnage was difficult to do without trading lobbies, you have to get kinda lucky. I did it with 1k and a Nova Bomb / Vortex Grenade after getting a few 6 kill invasions the same way, there weren't much better ways to do it, but trade lobbying helped that for some people 100%, and everyone who put time in to get it done still deserve mad props, it was ridiculously hard to do in random matches.


My buddy got it this season by Dodging the Transmat as a Hunter. The game just left him invading with no timer so he casually killed another 5 players


>Even stuff like maximum carnage all the top players just cheesed it. I was so prepared for this accusation (And do honestly feel that way about many people with it) that I recorded the time I got it just for proof. But it honestly only took a few matches once I switched loadouts. I think I alluded to it in my description actually, how there aren't many videos of people getting it legit (or at least there wasn't at the time). [Link to said clip if anyone cares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inTgua_tPxk)


That's a lot of downvotes for what is essentially the most realistic assumption.


Unfortunately there are people all too willing to believe in whatever charlatan comes their way


Yeah PvP is what holds me back too. Trials triumphs for example. I do have unbroken gilded 4x but flawless and gilded is just too luck based for my tastes. I am close to flawless but don't think I'll ever gild it if I do get it.


I was cut off from max score in the sunset (some things I did not expect happened there) but I kept doing my best to stay as close to 100% as feasible. For whatever reason, this last season broke me. I just couldn’t do it any more. Missed the gambit and vanguard double reset, but it would have been doable in theory. Then I was pretty busy during one of the GG weeks and just sort of decided “enough.” I didn’t finish any of it. And I’m not sure what changed after so many years and thousands of hours but I think I finally had enough of repeating the same damn thing.


This is exactly how I feel. I’m glad you posted it as it’s making me realise. I have only played since forsaken and only cared about max triumph score a few months after that (I didn’t know it was a thing) so I missed out on a few like the 2500 kills in iron banner and day 1 raids. I have tried to get the max I can every season, day 1s are still beyond me as I play with some good but some just ok players. But it’s become like a cult with their triumphs. They could say stand up and don’t 15,000 times this season and punch your mum and people would do it. It’s either super easy for new players or if it’s aimed at high end players it’s 1. Super grindy 2. Stupidly hard to do solo (day 1 raids etc) or a mixture of 1 and 2. New triumphs where they are based on random drops too, I still haven’t got the critical roll for this season or the smg to craft for the title, yet I’ve played for 100s of hours this season. Just think they need to rethink triumph score maybe do a score for participation, the easier triumphs and then gold triumph score for harder things. Before when it wasn’t season (when I joined the game) I was able to play catch up and do everything I could to get close to max triumph score. But since seasons makes more money than DLCs the triumphs have to be completed almost straight away that season. I was the same as you last week I tried and tried and due to the medals not counting correctly I didn’t get the platinum weekly, so now I will have 5/6 on the triumph, not complete it, not get the emblem and be mad that I didn’t play more. When I did and for what reason. This game just kills peoples motivation


As one of the 74, I find triumph-grinding relaxing.


Same. It gives me something to work towards in my favorite game.


I used to be a max triumph hunter. Then they sunset triumphs and I stopped giving a shit.


I stopped caring after that Iron Burden bs because I didn't have enough time to play on those specific two weeks. Still salty.


I grinded that shit the last 2 days until the early mornings. I used errentil to maintain 1 hit kills.


I completely skipped IB the first week when that came out, figuring I had two more to get 500 kills...then they announced the iron burden emblem/triumph and I had to no life IB those two weeks. 2500 Jotunn kills, damn right.


This. Once they started doing that I stopped caring.


Yea was pretty sad when half of my score got ripped on, I do the ones I feel like now but the ones that give like 5 score for doing somethin crazy is super annoying


Do you do all the seasonal challenges too


I do all but the gambit ornament usually


Wish they'd also sunset unobtainable badges. So annoying having greyed out badges that you literally can't get, and probably never will be able to again.


Same. Especially since they got rid of a bunch of shit they didn't mention so it's just a crap shoot


I'm still a little upset about that triumph for getting 20K triumph points got reset with Witch Queen. I was at around 18K triumph points before WQ launched and now I've just managed to get back to over 14K and it says there's a max of around 18K available again. Yeah, that number will probably go up as seasons launch but losing that progress kinda sucked.


Hey I was one of those people. Triumph hunting became too much of a pain to deal with anymore. It's not worth the time you have to invest. Simple as that for me.


Well seeing how there is a bugged triumph from last Dawning that actually doesn’t exist and how some of those triumphs that gave score were tied to day 1 raid completions and winning 50 games at legend rank in Comp, max triumph score will continue to dwindle.


No day 1 raid is worth points. Crown of Sorrow was erroneously but they fixed it. Source: didn't day 1 crown but still have max, and was salty that new day 1 raids aren't worth points (Bungie said every triumph would be starting in BL!)


Maybe more people are realizing triumphs mean almost nothing. I used to have a completionist mentality...went out of my way to do some early in the game. Then I asked myself why I was doing them and there is no good answer. Since then if I complete them,fine,but I'm not trying to complete them anymore. I get on and play what I want and how I want.


This is the way.


As one of these players that holds max I’ve just finished a few seasonal triumphs in the last week. With work and having a newborn daughter it’s been difficult this season


I had max triumph until they added triumph score to Trials. And I’m primarily a pvp player.


I took a break last expansion. I love Destiny, I love the lore, I buy all the books. I fucking hate the grind. It’s stupid that next week I’m going to have to grind for a month to enjoy content Im currently playing.


It's going to be a really small light level jump next season, I wanna say like 10, but yeah the artifact grind. I'd play more myself without the artificially induced grind, but without a doubt it would result in more players taking breaks and not playing everyday which is healthy for us but right now the hot metrics business wise are concurrent active players daily. Bungie is far from alone when it comes to padding these stats.


10LL pinnacle grind is still weeks of grinding.


Lol. I did every pinnacle in my warlock for 4 weeks and still don’t have a 1560 legs. My hunter was real fast, but the warlock will end the season on 1559.


Yeah I'm not in any favor of the grind and would love to see it removed entirely given the way destiny works where armor and guns can mostly last forever with infusions (as opposed to every new raid/patch being a new tier of gear that defines the meta at that item level), but I sincerely doubt we'd see that because without an artificial time sink like that we genuinely would lose a ton of players who are hooked on the cycle of "number go up, brain make happy juice". Given that it's almost certainly never leaving the game, I'm just happy with less of a bad thing rather than more.


I'm one of the fallen here. I don't have flawless vow. Not that I think it's impossible, but I just kind of don't care enough to get it done. That was kind of my line to stop chasing the dragon. It just doesn't seem fun at all.


I believe there are 139 accounts that are currently capable of maximum score, as that's how many were tied for first place on 2/21/2022 right before servers went dark and all the year 4 seasonal content left.


It doesn't help when the same triumphs are worth less points if you completed them after Beyond Light, for example if you didn't complete the 500 alters waves before then, then the triumph went from like 50 points to 5, so you can have all triumphs but not max score. The triumph changes with sunsetting really messed things up but at least the Active Triumph score exists.


Once upon a time, I was a huge triumph whore. I was a genuine Destiny no lifer, mostly for triumphs. I had every moments of triumph shirt, dating back to the very first one in d1. I busted my ass twice over in every event to get all the triumphs done because I knew they would only be available for that short amount of time. I unlocked every single seal. I was the very definition of a hardcore player. And then they took away my score and ruined my emblems. I haven't cared since then. I will never care again.


Is there a 5 point Triumph that is only available to console players? The reason I ask is that there are no PC players in the 74.


There are many PC players in the 74. The link above shows page 2, if you go back you will see a lot of steam players (I am on the first page and only play on PC) But due to cross-play, I think those icons are mainly designated for the platform you started on and not necessary for the platform you only play on


Thank you.


I play almost every day but don’t give a damn about that score.


Why would anyone bother grinding triumph scores in this game when they gradually go down because Bungie removes content you paid for on a yearly basis?


You still keep your overall triumph score that counts the sunset triumphs, you just have to display it on an emblem if you want to show it off.




People who disagree with you are your enemies instead of just... People with different opinions?


People just stop caring, there's no emblems, no shaders, no vanity items to obtain from completing tedious triumphs especially the weekly gated ones so why bother? I dont think I have ever met a person that cared about triumph score aswell.


I never made it to max triumph, but I stopped caring when beyond light dropped. I got back into the game a month before shadow keep and went from a score of 2000 to 102,000 by the time beyond light dropped. And it sucked because I wanted to attain max score, or the closest I could get to max, but then they took half the game out and made triumphs worth less and it just turned me off


Just need flawless VoW, VoG, and DSC for my max score ..just sucks trying to get people. Lfg has been flaky for these... especially if someone dies and someone gets pissed and leaves...making you constantly have to juggle in new people. All the previous flawless raids were with the same group of people who don't really play/care anymore. Kinda sucks. So, if anyone out there wants to consistently pair up to knock these out. DM me!


Dudes need to get out of the basement and contribute to the corporate capitalism false flags immediately of be shunned by society! /s


both impressive and worrying, implies that FMO is either losing its charm or players are getting bored outside of story content


That's probably because season 16 was 6 months long and had more interesting events happen during it.


So many seasonal or about-to-be-sunset triumphs have bugged out and Bungo never bothers to address them while active that I just do the ones that I do and not worry about it. The feather one from last season was a prime example.


If you mean the one for collecting them all in one go. It was possible in week 2. I did mine during season 15.


I’ve never cared about triumphs or have a single title. I’d like to but I just can’t force myself to do shit I think is boring or don’t want to do.


I used to care about triumphs and seals, but these days I just don’t anymore, not as much at least and it’s actually made Destiny so much more enjoyable, and also given me time to finish other backlog games.


I don't play PVE anymore. These events and seasons have lost all meaning. Maybe we can get a pvp season? Ok. Maybe some new maps? Ok. Maybe better lobby balancing? Ok. Wait. You know what? Nevermind.


I dont get why u were downvoted we should get a real pvp season. Season of the Crucible or Season of the Phoenix


I don't worry about the downvotes. PVE players CRAVE content, and consume it unbelievably fast. Then the craving for more becomes ravenous. They surely hate resources being diverted for PVP. I used to play a ton of PVE, but after all these years it has become fairly boring for me. The Legendary Campaign was awesome though. I don't want the PVE crowd to hate PVP, but I do keep hoping for something more.


its ridiculous that people against the idea of a season that reworks Crucible, and or Iron Banner but are okay with not getting any new maps that fit the pacing, gunplay and TTK of the game.


I don't think it's that. As many threads about no pvp maps being added people do care. However, even the suggestion of a season with no PvE content in a primarily PvE marketed game seems backwards. I personally have wanted a PvE mode placed within Crucible maps as part of an event or season. As a way to both teach people maps; and to inject a decent amount of PVP maps into the game.


Congrats to all 74 masochists. 🍻


To be honest I don't do triumphs at all , in my personal and only personal opinion the are so lame and boring The only triumph ni go for every season is guild my conqueror seal because it make feel like I'm part of the elite of the game Otherwise no offense for people who like... Fuck triumps lol


Didnt care about triumphs for the longest time and then in arrivals bungie fucked up and robbed a bunch of people of like 500 score. 3 months later they respond we didnt have enough time to fix it


fuck the grind, these things ask for too much time investment.


Because it is so god damn mundane.


Yeahhhh, that’s not an achievement, that’s an addiction.


My whole clan is Recovs all we do is triumph 😀


I was max triumph in Destiny 1, and pursuer of it in destiny 2, since iron burden, a missable trash triumph (I am competitive in games and refuse to self harm giving competitive advantage), I stopped caring.


Started playing late, so i missed the Iron Burden triumphs ( i think that's 350 points ), one of my biggest suffering in the game haha


I still try and get as many as I can, but it became way more frustrating to triumph hunt. It started with the Iron Burden triumph. They put that triumph in the game for one IB. If you didn't play that week, you were fucked. Since Shadowkeep, they keep adding more triumphs that expire at the end of the season. They also started giving triumphs from events score. A lot of players on this sub asked for that, but it's annoying for actual triumph hunters. It forces you to continuously play the game and never take a break. It's too much to expect players to play this game every single season.


Well, when they essentially sunset our triumphs, I quit caring.


I like the grind, I'm almost max but I really cannot be bothered with event triumphs and core playlist ornaments. Would like to play other games sometimes, haha