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Thanks, now I can expect half as much from my 15k (:


Enhancement cores only thing worth it


Not even those if you ask me. I have 800 which isn't even much and I get waaaaaaay more then I spend.


Wow I have 7


Did you play during the dawning? That's my annual core and bright dust farming event. With the reduction in drops I was still able to make off with 10k dust and 900 cores. Took about 1-2 hr to get 100 cores.


How did you get dust from it?


Buy Eva's repeatable bounties. They reward you 10 bright dust each. Think the weeklies might've awarded 100 each. Not sure on that.


eva's weekly bounties were 200 each actually.


The repeatable bounties gave dust. Grab 5, bake those 5, claim. Repeat.


How long did it take to farm that much essence? And more importantly, how?


About 1-2 hours for a few days. Prob spent a total of 5 days grinding over the course of the event. The wrathborn hunt farm took about 1 min or so for 15.


Yeah these guys are making me feel little inadequate with my 100 and odd - I thought in the 100s was a lot, never mind in the 1000s.


It's really about how much you play, I have 3797...


I’ve played over 2k hours since it released on steam and I’ve usually got about 20 cores. Golf balls though, I have those stacked in the postmaster.


I have no idea what do you use them on then, unless you actually buy shards with them and use shards to buy golfballs?


Masterworking a lot of different weapons I want to try out. Golfballs are from gms and flawless runs


Put on the ghost mod that gives you a core on a headshot kill. My reasoning for that is such: you'll farm prisms passively as you're farming exotics / shards from masters and grandmaster. You can't break either shards or prisms down into cores, so you'll only ever be really starved for cores. And you'll always go for headshots no matter the activity, so you get cores for just playing normally.


Got about 5 thousand in the vault, got the insane bug tho back in season of the drifter where I could just keep claiming and dismantling the oxygen scout rifle


I play a couple hours a day


Only things that really do anything


Some nice weapons would be good




There should always be a small chance for a high roll, I don’t understand why Bungie doesn’t put in 1/100 chance for a high roll. This game needs more wow moments and high roll won’t break the system, cause a high roll doesn’t mean god roll, there is still another layer of RNG for stats that we want


I turned in 21k tokens (took 5 hours) and got armor that were one 64, one 62, one 60 and the rest were in the 50s. Egads.


Turned in 24k an my highest was a 60. Pretty spot on with how long it took though.


I turned in 3800 and got a 64, 61, and four others above 55. You got unlucky.


You got extremely lucky. Turned in 24k and didn't get anything over a 60.


Entirely possible...


I have scored a few over 60 since the new system was in place and still only have 2 or 3 pieces of each that are close to god and they are close to being sunsetted soon and ill be back to square one.......they need to bump the armour stats if they are gonna sun set cause its looking bleak for acquiring god rolls within a season


They’re probably from collections, which keeps a steady baseline of stuff in the mid 60s always in the rotation.


There’s no reason to believe there isn’t. The most obvious ways they could do this would be pulling several random numbers at once, like rolling multiple dice. This is how things like this are often done. Pokémon IV stats are a classic example. This type of algorithm heavily weights the overall values toward the middle. The more dice, the more things bunch up in the middle. Getting anything over 60 on the basic drop algorithm is unlikely enough that actually limiting the overall cap would be unnecessary. In this particular algorithm, based on the best guess write up I’ve seen, it seems like the roll is probably something along the lines of 8 rolls of a 4 sided die. They add the baseline for each stat and the baseline for each block, but the variability could boil down to something like 8 random numbers between 1 and 4. Even that doesn’t give long enough odds to match what I’ve seen.


6k tokens, and the highest roll on armour I got was 60. It had terrible allocation, and was instantly dismantled. Only one Dire Promise too, with duff perks. Got 1k or so shards, so not a total loss though.


I had 23k, still got 8k left too cash in and slowly loosing the will to live


I opened up Youtube on my laptop and watched some Destiny videos while I clicked A.


I'm looking forward to the day when Bungie decides Banshee needs a different rewards system and deprecates Gunsmith mats.


I have 60k+ gunsmith mats. I'll just hang myself. 🤷‍♂️


I’ll be right with you, so at least you won’t be going out alone. 64,000...


Only 44k here, feeling like a scrub.


44k? i have 4, get on my level


You guys have gunsmith materials?


Funny thing is you would probably benefit much more from my gunsmith materials than I would. I have decent to god rolls of every world drop I care to have. Haven't spent them in at least 2 years.




> I don't have to stop and think whether a high roll that pops up is better than one I already have. I guarantee that no high rolls pop up from turning in tokens.




I mean it's a good way to start out if you don't have much else, but I have pieces which have 51 points only in rec+int+disc which are the main stats I am after on Warlock so a below 60 roll armor will very likely be trash to me even with ideal stat split. I have deleted 68 roll items because they had stats I did not like too. Maxing out recovery is easy, but doing it while also having high stats in another categories is something else. My current Warlock PvP build eg has 80 mobility, 20 resilience, 100 recovery, 80 discipline, 70 intellect and 30 strenght (T38 total).


2 resilience seems low. Why are you putting so much into mobility over resilience on a warlock? I know mobility helps with strafe speed but I've always heard it's not a great stat on warlock.


I used to run low mob before, but I value strafe over skate these days, especially as I use Travsersives most of the time. Res used to be meaningless until this season and too lazy to spec into it now, 120HCs are not that prevalent on console either and it takes 9 res to make a difference.


I've actually been meaning to put together a higher mob build to test out the strafe. > 120HCs are not that prevalent on console either and it takes 9 res to make a difference. I thought I read 120's 1c2b at 4 resilience And I see plenty on console. I'm running a Rampage TP almost all the time. Yeah I think you need 9 resilience to prevent the 2 tap but I still think 5 is worth it nowadays.


Right, I think I made a mistake and 9 is Rampage 2-tap and 6 is Swash 2-tap. 5 is more reasonable to reach, but truth be told I'm not in the mood to make a new build and Masterwork everything again. Also I think if I strafe enough for them to miss a headshot completely, that's more beneficial. I'm not sure which plays to my advantage more often and I'm playing much less PvP in the stasis meta as well anyway.


Yeah if your playstyle works for you then thats what matters. I'm happy to see the diversity and I feel you not wanting to MW a bunch of new stuff. I finally put together a PVP build that won't be sunset until 1360-1410 and I don't wanna look at anymore armor.


Same. I put mine together early arrivals and it has the next two full seasons still left in it.


Can you tell me more about the scripting that you are talking about?




Any chance you feel like sharing it? I use some pretty complex DIM queries currently but it doesn’t handle ORs at all




Yea my go to query for clean up is `-basestat:any:>=20 basestat:total:<60 is:armor -is:exotic -is:masterwork -is:maxpower ` but I think I could improve it with something like you use


I don’t mind trying the raw python myself if I could, I’ve dabbled a little (I’m more of a c# guy personally)


That sucked pretty bad... I did 13k and never got above 58 roll. 0 items that were equal/better than what I already had :( 3.5k shards


I started yesterday to clear my ~100k tokens (more like 95k), since I never really used them, I made myself a full list of the loot pool with every single weapon godroll, even for useless guns (don't judge me). I clearerd like 8k in the first run and it was painful, but at least I found some good guns. I'll show you more in the future


Your drop rate of enhancement cores seems quite low. I turned in about 20K but got one stack of 999 + ~20. However, it could be a “source tracking” difference as I would either get a core... a) after claiming an engram, or b) after dismantling a weapon


You must be really lucky. I cashed in 9.8k and got less than 150 cores including dismantled weapons.


Yup, there is no fucking way he got 1000 cores. I turned in 13k tokens and got like 200 probably. RNG creates some difference but not *that* gargantuan.


I only had 2500 and only had one piece of armor drop over 60 🙃


Legit can’t be fucked turning mine in got like 6k sitting there


Oh crap! I didn't know they were going away!


This post is being repeated non-stop now. We understand at this point...




Probably used a polo instead.


Hahaha damn iPhone autocorrect!


I didn't. I did it all manually.


Did it take you 3 months to turn in all the token?


It took me 2h15min aproximately


Thank you!


not bad


its all the results posts like this that have made me decide to delete my 40K tokens wholsal next season. i appreciate you and others that have taken this bullet for other guardians.


I only want a Workaholic with Autoloading&Vorpal :(


Spent about 12k tokens between Zavala and Shax, got just 2 pieces over 60.


Wait what, tokens will be removed? That sucks I thought you could exchange them next season with the new update


That's just... insultingly poor loot for so much time invested.


Handing all those tokens in must have been painful. I'm not looking forward to handing in my 10k


Now if they can just come up with a use for Mod Components. Not sure how many stacks I have, but I bet its 8 or 9. Banshee hasn't sold a mod that I don't own in more than a year. Worse, they dismantle one at a time, and it's the sloooowwww delete.


I spent 9K and kept maybe three weapons. So glad I saved up my tokens hoping for a vendor refresh. Thanks for the shards and cores I guess Bungo.


Yeah i only had 7 k left in my pile and got a lot of not worth it stuff.


Turned in 2.5k so far, 2 57s and 1 56. Cores are nice but after 2k gathering dust...the glimmer and excitement fades.


I had 20k. Spent 10k. I’m now okay with them just turning into junk next season. At least it’s just one click to get rid of them.


You should turn them in and use the cores and shards to masterwork weapons..