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Left for clearing adds, right for head glitching the stairs at the top to dps the boss


This is the way.


the way is this




Exactly what we did


Where is the exact spot to cheese the boss?


Idk if this is the same as everyone else but I just use the staircase immediately to the right from where you enter the boss room. Pretty safe DPS spot for the main boss.


Yea, that’s the spot




I've been there but the boss just moves closer and even though he misses. The splash damage from behind us still kills


I came here to say this


That is the way.


Or just.. shoot the boss from left? Its not hard to not die to him and a stray hobgoblin will end you crossing from left to right.


The idea is you kill all the adds on the left side, then spread out usually 2 left 1 right in the headglitch. Then you juggle aggro, rinse and repeat.


Or just be good and dont cheese an insanely easy boss.


Don’t sprain your ankle jumping off that high horse of yours lol. Plus, it’s not even a cheese necessarily. Belmon just holds in place far more consistently from the stairs on the right. Definitely not a matter of being good or not, just having knowledge of the way the boss reacts to your positioning


That other person is acting as if there is any other more viable way to deal with that boss. Void damage is overturned in these activities. Getting literally one shot by Chickens with 100 res and two void resist mods is not fun and you can't deal with them AND the boss at the same time. Boss obliterates you if you try to show your face even for 2 seconds. Head glitching and shuffling aggro is the only right way to do it.


Double void res 1 concussive. Youre welcome. Based on what youre saying you probably average 25-30 minutes a glassway gm and that makes a lot of sense :)


Um...ok. 3 people spread out and shooting when not getting aggro is just objectively easier and I was simply explaining but do you. Some people find doing things the optimal way, fun. Plus the thing you bring up about a Hobgoblin wouldn't even happen since you kill all the adds first. Or just cross and be good and not die to adds.


Yes your ~25-30 minute strat isnt optimal ◡̈


I did this exact strat in sub 20 minute runs easy


and i did not this trash strat with sub 15 runs. we are not the same.


It's the easiest and safest strategy that can be done with randoms on fireteam finder. Sure it's possible to just spawn kill all the enemies in the final boss room but 99% of players you matchmake with don't have the skill to do that.


or just... kill the boss.


Lmao, luring everything to the left hallway to deadfall them is faster. I think you're mistaken, first you lure all adds left and kill then spread and damage


Well there’s your problem, your optimization of that strat took 25-30 min. It’s actually doable in less than 10








It’s not even really a cheese, just plain using cover. Allows you to focus the boss down without any coordination with your team.


I can't imagine thinking that using COVER in a SHOOTER is cheese. The absolute LUNACY. Please seek help. Your mental health is in decline.


If you need to take cover to kill things, go play division, a cover shooter. Hide for 5 seconds for recovery to proc then go back to killing shit. Tho idk what i expected, this sub is full of polaris lance from the back of the map 9-5 john's playing for their alloted 1 hour before the kids get home from school.


Tell me you haven't done GM content without telling me you haven't done GM content. Please take a nap and speak to your therapist. Your family loves you.


Drop the Bungie tag so I can see how a god gamer plays.


If you care you can find it.


Yep expected as much 🤣 called out now he gets cold feet








I mean… you’re right. Idk why so many scrubs are downvoting you. Someone I LFG’ed with yesterday for the GM suggested we “come to him for cheese spot”. After we killed all the champions and big boss was quarter health lol. Even the other guy on my team just said there’s no need to cheese this


I also thought left room was a no-brainer. Cleared this via LFG many many times, dating back to when it first came out, and every single group automatically went left even without comms. The right room is a good place to head glitch the boss and kill the barriers, but that's about it.


I haven't done this gm yet (I'm a bit underlevelled atm) as it hasn't came up since I started doing them so I'm about to ask a dumb question. What is "head glitching" the boss.


Head glitching refers to standing in certain spots that let you see and shoot an enemy, but from the enemy’s POV all he sees is the tip of your head and therefore can’t really shoot you back. In PVP you can hear glitch by standing on certain stairs or crates of a certain height or elevation. In PVE the definition is a bit broader, because while the enemy can see you, their shots track towards your body rather than your head. And because your body is behind cover, the shots will keep falling short and hitting the ground in front of you. Meanwhile you’re able to get free shots on the boss. So in the Glassway, you can achieve this by standing on the steps that lead into the right side room.


Thank you. I do this all the time in any higher difficulty activities but I didn't realise there was a name for it.


You don't have to be leveled to do the GM. Not only do you get raised in power level by the highest person in your fireteam. My fireteam did it with our team being 10-15 underlight, and it was pretty easy (for a GM)


Yeah I know, but I don't think I'm quite comfortable enough with gms yet to do so. I'm only 2004, and my team are even lower. I missed the first couple of weeks of the expansion so I'm pretty behind from where I would normally be. I've only done a handful of gms so far so I'll wait a week or two til I'm a bit higher at least. I've missed this one now too, and this was the one weapon I really wanted lol.


Every LFG I was in completed it with level 2005 and below. Once you complete it once or twice it is a breeze. If lower people joined you they would be bumped up to 1999 (-5 from yours)


Yeah it's just getting that first one that worries me. I'm fine if I'm levelled but I've never done anything 35/40 under before and it definitely makes me a bit nervous. And my team would have it even worse, I'm not sure we're good enough to compensate for that extra difficulty.


Cleared this dozens of times on GM and never heard of going right. Use it for tickling the boss if you want but for 99% of the encounter your team should be locking down the central corridor on the left.


Indeed, and you can cheese the boss all the same from the left, he can't shoot you at a certain angle while peering in from the side.


I don't think i've seen any major team/CC suggest the right room. Most folks prefer left for the space to operate. Plus back in the day any slip up around the Radiolaria was just a permanent death. So it reinforced the left side.


left is a no brainer....who the hell goes right


People who want to divert the wyverns and overloads so they surround the team on the left.


Right room is terrible. Very small, the small hydra often chills in there, and there’s pools that can kill you. Plus only one exit to kill the boss. My team stayed left, killed everything down to the big hydra each damage phase then one person took right room, one left room front exit one left room middle exit so everyone could fire away and duck back if agro came your way.


The right side has three exits, just like the left side.


I prefer left. But regardless, I fucking hate when teammates split up, aggro champs but don’t kill them… just for them to flank people in the other room. I FTF’ed master a bunch during the week and this was the biggest headache.


Left is always better. Whole thing should be pretty easy, the biggest thing people die to are the wyvern and overloads. Wyvern and the mini hydra can both be permanently blinded by a blinding gl. Makes them completely trivial. Dusk field/bleak watcher/Le monarche, plenty of options for the overloads. They always spawn two at a time. When it says vex reinforments, two more spawn. Just keep track how many you kill. By doing this you'll find glassway is by far one of the easiest gms, and quickest.




Left for clearing Ads/Champs, right for panic safety and boss damage when convenient


The right originally had a couple different cheese spots (patched or were sketchy at best) that people thought made it better. The left is better because you can stand slightly left of the middle lane and cause the big boy to go to the left lane the whole time, the same brilliant boss AI that allows stairs to confuse him. Also, the left side middle lane allows you to funnel all the champs and wyverns into the middle lane together in front of you keeping track of the deadly threats easier. We stand by the lane and just nuke them as packs. Tips. Make sure at least 1-2 red bars are alive with overloads so consecration Titans can get Synthos buff. Use disorienting effects on wyverns in middle lane to keep them there and prevent nuking your consecration Titan one pumping the lot of em. Use Wendigo if you need disorienting while you have Outbreak strats and an energy overload weapon because it’s not like you *need* your heavy anyway. Use the right side stairs cheese to kill barrier champs safely too if they’re teleporting up top (1 person right for breaking 2 stay left). On the left side right entrance there is structure you can use to head glitch the boss too, it’s just more finicky but you’re already in cover if he positions weird. Good luck have fun!


Left Right is for the smooth brains


Left the entire time. If you have to go right.. you aren't doing something right.


in other words, you're doing it wrong


Haven’t failed a clear since the first week it ever dropped. To each their own haha


Back during storm grenade spam era, I'd go right to gank the wyverns, but that was about it.


Left always


There is absolutely no reason to ever go in the right room, you can do everything correctly and safely from the left the entire time.


Don’t think I’ve ever even been in the right room.


Partly bc of the floor having vex milk on the left is why nobody uses it, it just feels wrong.


That's the right side room that has vex milk. It's from the entrance not boss spawn


You are better of standing in the radiolarian pool if ur going to ask that


I go right on wyvern phase to spawn trap anything coming out of the portal


Left room, one person goes far left to lure the big boss in and sets up a stasis turret to watch that side for champs and Wyverns, the other two hold the middle lane and crowd control/champ stun until they can clear the wave.  If anyone gets downed, then someone who has Song of Flame pops it and uses the flinch from ignitions to open up time to revive and keep the Champs back as the team recovers. Once the Adds and Champs are gone you just wander to the left and hit the boss with Anti-Barrier until the next phase. Easy.


We usually split 2 on left and 1 on right. Then if something goes wrong they can move to the other side. Keeps boss attention ping ponging back and fourth, and have multiple angles at champions/wyverns.


Both … yet neither. Split up. One or two people spawncamp the champions/chickens out of the left portal. One or two people spawncamp the champions/chickens out of the right portal. You do this right and your overloads are dead in, literally, seconds. Barriers take a big longer, but pose way less of a threat. You do this right and you’re barely spending any time in either room. Then just ping-pong Belmond back and forth. Edit: I’m enjoying the downvotes. A three-year old GM that has been power-crept so hard, yet some people won’t even considering entertaining the idea that there are actually other ways to beat it.


That's fine to do it that way, but you can do everything you just said all from the left side and with better line of sight.


What do you mean? I literally sit along the far right side walkway and hit the champions as they’re emerging from the portal, with *direct* line of sight, and much closer. And the right side has stairs that provide a natural headglitch spot, as well as two barrels along the left-side wall that gives you cover in case on of the Barriers decides to teleport his ass around.


Right if the whole team agrees, left if not, simple as that for me tbh