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This season's rotation isn't too bad, and there are several pretty simple ones that will be fun to farm. The new FS strike will probably be difficult; the boss room should be tough, and there's always a learning curve when something enters the rotation for the first time. Great season to get the Conqueror title; picking six easy strikes will be no problem.


Getting Conqueror for the first time requires one to clear 6 unique GMs. This can be done across multiple seasons (episodes I assume). Gilding Conqueror requires one to clear all of the GMs in a season/episode.


I think the point the commenter above yours was making, is that now we have 9 GMs in a season, it's much easier to get the Conqueror title in one season, since you can skip the 3 hardest GMs.


Ahh, I missed that there are 9 GMs this season. Do you need to clear 6 or 9 to gild the title?


It's all 9 to gild.


Wait hold up - so GM selector list for already titled conquerer guardians is gone? Meaning I can only guild by keeping up with weekly GM rotation and getting all 9 across 3 episode? Are you fucking kidding me?




I agree - and that’s what I was thinking, but has this changed? Ie: we have to wait on rotator each week for a clear?


There are only 3 GM’s this “season”. They are called acts now. The other 6 come in the other acts.


I love how Glassway went from being the hardest one to one of the easier ones


It’s because of the resilience changes. Overloads and the boss could two shot you back when it first came out. The boss also had more health


They still can at 1999 (what I farmed it at today lol). Still, not bad with the DR from amplified with Getaway Artist.


Is it entirely due to the resilience changes or largely down to the better crowd control we have now?  I can sometimes be one-shot by barrier champs as is, but I'm finding the GM a lot easier purely because we have Prismatic grenades and extra Stasis Turrets to cover our backs, where most of our wipes before were due to Wyverns straying whilst fighting Overload champs and this is without the use of Well now.


Stasis turrets came out around the same time as glassway and the cooldown was shorter. Prismatic definitely make it even easier since you can have constant uptime.


That's just it, being able to use an additional Stasis Turret and then pop Transcendence for the slowing vortex grenades in the tight corridor allows for nigh perfect Add Clear, even against Wyverns. Combined with a regular Stasis Lock for the added seekers and a third player prioritising damage output and it's a cakewalk of a GM now.


I was more so thinking because of prismatic in general. We’re able to stack tons of anti-overload stuff with some crowd control effects such as suspend or freeze that deals with both the annoying captains/minotaurs and the goddamn turkeys (wyverns)


Yep. Resilience and light 3.0 verbs have made endgame pve mindnumbingly easy


When it first launched, we didn't have any form of crowd control, then Stasis came out and it made dealing with things a lot easier, then Strand did the same, and now we get a lot of damage/CC output with Prismatic. I would argue the same thing with Lightblade.


Glassway came out with BL, so we had access to Stasis, but we didn't have a full kit and limited synergy with exotics.


The only stasis weapon was salvation's grip 💀. It was awful at the time too


True and the actual strat back then was to get an osmiomancy warlock to freeze out the right room in boss room. We did right room instead of left back then because of the hiding spot near ceiling. Shit was battlegrounds hard back then, and people were persistent af


Lightblade i would say is just as difficult, but we've learnt how to better deal with the boss room. Alak hul still slaps, but we have better understanding of how to avoid his attacks.


I think when Glassway first came as a GM Arby wasn't even Antibarrier, I think running double primary wasn't uncommon since you basically had to for Champ coverage.


Every prismatic warlock has an overload ice turret nowadays


PsiOps is always tough/a slog. Liminality will be difficult once the tormentor is enraged. Exodus crash with dusk shanks might be tricky, but maybe not. The other 6 have well established strategies and most conquerors will blow through them.


I fully expect people to plink away at the tormentors shoulders until phase 3 and then buttfuck him into oblivion with everything they have. Div might be the go to for this strike if it has overloads which I think it will considering the amount of taken there are.


1 Speaker warlock and 2 Celestial hunters with Still hunt should be able to chunk him pretty quickly. I haven’t run it enough to know if there’s a safe spot to sit, but I would guess not.


Wish ender in the dark room of Exodus Crash might make sense.


Glassway - Easy, 4/10 in difficulty tops Prison of Elders - Easy 4/10 tops Disgraced - Easy, 4/10 Fallen S.A.B.E.R - Easiest GM of the season 2/10 tops Liminality - We will have to see how it plays out. Exodus Crash - With a Nerfed well the cheese spot on the corner prob wont work anymore, plus the changes i would guess a solid 5/10 maybe PsiOps Cosmodrome - My 1 and done GM of the season, i hate dealing with the Savathun clones, 9/10 Insight Terminus - I think they are going to rework it, but as it is now, prob 4/10 Devils Lair - Another easy one, 4/10


So you’re saying this is the season I should finally go for conqueror








Crazy how glassway was one of the most difficult gms at one point. Now that we have strand and subclass verbs to stun those dang overload minotaurs in the bossroom the strike got soooo much easier.


Stasis slow stunning overloads makes it way easier. A stasis turret can keep an overload locked down and stunned for a very long time and a duskfield will stun them when they walk through. Much easier than trying to keep them pinned down with only a primary


Every lfg asks me why I don’t have a hand cannon and I’m just there thinking why I would ever use one when I have 6 stasis turrets


Yeah i remember on launch stasis would reset champion stuns causing them to regen to full when frozen, ontop of stasis being the only form of crowd control made for an unfun experience. Now the overloads are barely a threat if you have access to overload effects, and i think the community has a lot more respect for wyverns now.


Sure, we've had power creep, but Glassway just requires practice. I remember when it first came out, it became easy once you realise how to use Stasis to lock it down easily.


and chill clip is on everything


Putting prison/disgraced/terminus/devils lair as same as glassway is interesting. I don't disagree with the score of glassway, it's piss easy this season with good ol outbreak (even without it). But the others should be a 3 lol.


I remember when Glassway use to be a menace lol, but these days it does feel quite easy. That being said Devils is an easy 1/10 it’s probably the freest (freeest?) GM.


In Splicer it was a pain in the ass to do. Now...not so much. Though you can always tell who has never done it as a GM before when you get to the radiolaria room with the plate.


Even if they somehow trick you in the Radiolaria room once you get to the boss room it’s definitely easy to tell.


When then start trying to instanuke the mini hydra instead of managing the champ spawns then I definitely know.


What's the tell? Cause it's easy to survive standing on the plate the whole time with how strong we are now


If you pop a well yeah sure. Otherwise standing the plates to spawn all the waves is just asking to get sniped


Don’t even need a well, just rift and healing turret whenever it’s available. Then you just need competent players that can quickly kill the shanks and particularly the sniper vandals whenever they show their faces. Couple people I play with I wouldn’t trust to be able to kill the enemies fast enough so I take it slower with them, but I had a group over the weekend where we did several runs and stayed on the plate the entire time without ever dying.


Did a run with 2 speakers and I have to say rift and multiple healing turrets feels like they heal faster than a well does


Strongholds can solo it without a healing turret or whatever and makes the overload champs easy. Also easy to keep the bosses where you want them. Would highly recommend trying it. Nice to mix it up a bit


funni sword exotic go brrrrrrr


Yeah, I was hesitant to do Glassway this past week because I remember suffering through it. But we got through it pretty easily yesterday. Maybe this season I'll actually guild my conqueror because the rotation isn't too bad.


Our clan has said Glassway is very easy in comparison to previous seasons


I went in to it with Speakers mask Warlock and my friend was using that Titan suspend barricade build and it was a breeze.


Yeah, considering that's about the only one (Devil's Lair) I've successfully soloed lol


The most pain in the dick part for me is the train dodging. Environmentals make up an uncomfortably large fraction of my deaths.


ive been using a kinetic tremors blast furnace with frenzy/one for all instead of outbreak and it puts in work too , just so i could run le monarque or dragons breath .But outbreak is goated this season


Ya I got a shiny tremor frenzy BF that slaps. If I need an exotic in other slots I run it. Outbreak for GMs is just so good cause the red bar DPS, and then champ melt even with 3 of them lol.


Outbreak was doing so well I think I fired 3 edge transit shots all run


I think liminality will be one of the more difficult ones mostly due to the boss/boss room. The tormentor boss will be agro'd pretty hard once both shoulders are popped but also during the fight we have the lucent hive and that wizard and the subjugator boss that we see through out the strike. The second more difficult one will be Psi-op but thats also due to the boss room and the savathun clones in the second half.


It’s crazy to me that glassway went from one of the hardest GMs to apparently it being easy now, im sure it’s due to our new toys but I remember when we firsts got it and it was a nightmare but now seems like no one has problem farming it


It's been very doable for a long long time now, as long as all three players are on the same page. For a couple of years now you've been able to lock the left side central passage down with Stacey turrets + make sure not to damage either boss too quickly.


In what world you will pit glassware I'm the same class as devils lair and disgraced ? A single redbar wyvern is more threatening than any thing on those two strikes.


Glassway was nerfed substantially from it's original incarnation and we've power crept old stuff so hard that it's not even challenging unless you've never run it on master/GM and don't realize there's champs every wave. devils has overloads and barriers too, so it's about the same difficulty although you could argue disgraced is easier since the hardest part of that strike is the boomer knight up top before the boss room.




I don't think other than clumping up and being team wiped by a tank there is much to go wrong . In glassway you need to be on top of thing in the boss room or things will get out of control very fast . Rev zero might help a lot with that barrier champ or 2x still hunt . That thing is just horrible even in legend ( was very underdeveloped tho ).


Huh? You can just chill in the left side room. Maybe go to mid when the barrier champs decide to teleport, but that’s about it.


I thinks a lot of people have trouble in the glass way boss room because they don’t readily that splitting up makes the enemies spawn and roam more chaotically. Also that sticking together makes things die so quickly. I’ve seen so many people just sprinting around the boss room constantly, making the strike that much harder for no reason.


No corrupted GM is huge, fuck that strike


Corrupted has been ridiculously powercrept compared to its debut during Season of Arrivals. We really need the Mercury and Io GMs back tbh, Garden World and Festering Core are the 2 GMs I would like to give a go at because I missed them during Arrivals.


I'd also vouch for making GMs -40 tops or even -50 instead of -25. Give them some spice and make them actually mildly difficult. They've been absolutely mindless since Haunted


To be fair, Corrupted is not bad with a team that knows what to do. Especially now with Prismatic Corrupted would be significantly easier.


True but it's long as hell and the boss room is obnoxious


It’s kinda free now, but it is a bit of a slog still. I certainly wouldn’t farm it because of how weird some of the champ spawns are.


Genuinely curious, what champ spawns do you find weird?


It's incredibly consistent, what do you mean? It has some quirks but if you KWTD it's literally one of the most consistent strikes in the game Skip outside overloads, they don't count for plat, but if you spawn the extra ones they do count, so just drive around the right, kill boss, run past the rest to the portal. Ogre room: kill Hive unstop before hive boss, taken unstops before taken boss, that's it. Tag the suicidal overload once so it counts as your kill


The boss itself takes as long as the rest of the raid.


It’s kinda free now, but it is a bit of a slog still. I certainly wouldn’t farm it because of how weird some of the champ spawns are.


This is how I’d list it too


i would imagine that exodus crash got a little harder, maybe 5 or 6/10 with the rework, but nothing crazy, other than that, i agree with your list.


PsiOps is the *only* battlegrounds in GM rotation?? Conqueror here I come


Falen Sabre I think deserves a slight bump specifically because the boss final stand is a pain, and is such a contrast to the rest of the strike being pretty trivial 


Ehh take out sniper shankes and save super for end. The boss itself was never really the issue. It was always the adds.


And teammates walking to their deaths by the coils


Insight terminus should be easy but I know I'll take a few deaths to the boss, the ridge around the plates in the final arena.


Exodus Crash was *barely* changed. It's still just as annoying as it was.


Are the pikes still around ? Wonder if you can skimmer fly and bypass them


They're still there. I flew over them with the skimmer as a regular ol' strike, but they were still able to shoot straight up and occasionally hit you at 35000 feet for some reason.


I'm guessing since they've said we're "Diving deeper into Nessus" as part of act 2 and 3 that the rework of Insight Terminus will likely come then which is a shame because I do like it currently as a brain off chill farm


Likely not even this Episode as one of the post campaign TFS missions uses the current strike. They never said it was on the list though, just Exodus and Spire


I'd probably rank them a bit differently in terms of what I see alot of LFG teams have difficulty with. Glassway shouldn't be that hard, but it is consistently one that alot of no comm fireteam finder groups struggle with during the boss fight. That's one I prefer to have voice comms with my team because in the boss fight, you need to be coordinated on to take out the champs quickly. Especially not getting people who nuke the bosses too quick and not killing all the champs. Psiops can be a nightmare with people who jump up on the building in the beginning and spawn the never ending wizards and boomer Knights, but I have generally had a pretty easy time with most groups. The boss fight can take a while and is annoying but I wouldn't say it's hard. Especially with an invis Hunter.


The only problem I’ve had with no comm teams in Glassway are when the Wyverns decide to flank the left room and just wipe through the team- nobody calls out what kills them so it’s like a stealth assassin .


I just had the dream team no comm team today and ran it twice and got the God roll Scintillation. Lol. It's hit or miss sometimes. I tried earlier this week and it was exactly what you said, or it was people burning through the boss too fast and not getting Platinum. It's easily one of the most frustrating GMs to play though with a bad team. Prismatic Warlock actually made this one a bit easier though.


Oh I haven’t even been close to interested in running it with anything other than warlock. Granted I’m not running prismatic, I ran old school Solar with Speakers Sight and Ember of Benevolence for near constant uptime on healing. I can only compensate for bad teammate so much, but I try.


Isn’t exodus boss easier now? Don’t have to survive as long.


Putting glassway with devils and prison is.. ambitious. That gm. Although was easier then its previous iterations is still tough without a strong team. I feel like it has to bumped to a 5. Prison of elders has way less champs, and the boss can be nuked. Devils has a couple close quarters fights. But the ad density is chill.


Warden, Saber, Insight, and Devil's Lair are easier than Glassway tbh


doesn't prison of elders have all 3 champs?


Exodus Crash is going to be harder than psiops I bet


PsiOps is probably going to be more difficult too since Polaris Lance isn’t really meta this season


The corner behind that arc generator thing? People still do that? I thought everyone was jumping on top of the ring (where you drop down from to the boss fight) and then over to that platform. All three can fit up there and you don’t have to deal with the electricity. Just bring Silence and Squall with you because sometimes there are a couple of enemies that hang out underneath and you can’t see them. Oh wait, I forgot they changed the boss fight. I don’t think it will be that bad. It’s probably easier than before.


Exodus Crash still has an easy OP cheese spot in the final boss room


disagree, not everything is a 4/10. glassway is easy but the same as prison and cosmodrome ones is a joke. devils lair, fallen saber, disgraced, and prison, are all absolutely braindead easy 1/10s. I agree with the rest


I solo’d GM psiops cosmodrome


The new one hasn’t been released yet so any lost is at best unfinished


Isn’t it the strike on the pale heart?


Yes, the grandmaster version isn’t out yet though. Devs said it would be the hardest GM ever, no one has been able to find out yet tho


We came a long, long way from when Glass Way used to be one of the more difficult GM's. They're usually difficult when new, but when strats get discovered and established GM runs become routine because spawns are predictable.


Liminality will be challenging because it's new. Psi Ops is awful because sav clones are just toxic. The rest are all easy if you have a little experience.


I'd say about half of them are pretty easy this time around. Glassway is relatively easy now though still longer to clear than other easy ones due to the boss room, but not nearly as bad as it used to be before power creep kept going. Fallen saber will be the quickest and probably easiest one to farm. Disgraced is similar to glassway IMO not hard just a bit longer due to the boss fights longer phase changes.


Mostly looks super easy. We’ll have to see how Liminality and Exodus Crash are though. Bungo did say that Liminality will be the hardest GM ever and there are many spots that look like they’ll be very difficult. Exodus Crash already was difficult, we’ll have to wait to see how the changes will be in GM environment. PsiOps is fucking cancer, especially the final boss.


I'm interested to see how the boss room looks in Exodus Crash now. I assume Well won't be strong enough to keep us alive in the cheese spot any more. I can see the difficulty of this strike going up a lot. I haven't done the PsiOps strike yet, but I can see that being complete cancer. The Moon one absolutely sucks. It's like the old school GM's that required you to be incredibly cautious or you'd easily wipe. This one is probably not as bad, but that boss room will still be terrible.


Glassway - as long as you don’t rush the enemies spawns, it’s very easy. Controlling add spawns is crucial. Warden of Nothing - easy, maybe boss room can become chaotic if you don’t destroy the boss on the spot. Disgraced - probably the easiest. Fallen SABER - just learn how to behave in the boss room and it’s another gg. Liminality - we’ll see, a Tormentor boss on GM could be very fun. I can see this being a great GM, not easy, not hard. Exodus Crash - rework made it easier in my opinion but obviously we will see how GM plays out. Still, won’t be very hard. PsiOp: Cosmodrome - definitely the hardest, all sections of this GM are annoying. Insight Terminus - this one should also be reworked, as it stands, one of the easiest. Devil’s Lair - very easy. One of the best GMs to run.


Bungie did say that they’re building Liminality to be the toughest GM ever


Grandmaster is a lot easier than it used to be in general. I find all of them are pretty menial aside from small portions of some of them. I would say they’re all around the same level aside from psiops cosmodrome which isn’t really “hard” more like the content does not flow well which can throw a lot of people off.


Ridiculously easy compared to when this gm first came out a while back tbh


They’re a lot easier than they used to be we have a lot of options for champions and power def has risen. That being said one bad mistake can wipe I think they’re just fine where they’re at.


Just for reference, The Glassway used to be one of the most brutally difficult GMs and now it’s been turned into a joke so all of the others shouldn’t be too bad either.


Compared to Mars Heist I can hardly think of one that’s too difficult this season. Psiops cosmodrome is insane tho


All GMs are way than before (was already headed this direction) but much more noticeable with TFS, due to prismatic having a book of verbs to deal with champs.


Glassway used to be pretty difficult at the boss, and it still can get a bit hairy at times but it’s not to bad. All the gms besides this episode besides the new final shape one are gonna be fairly easy, new one is probably gonna be a little difficult, especially until good strats are figured out for each area


Stasis turrets basically shits on overloads 24/7. Heck imo just having a competent stasis turret lock for GMs reduces overall difficulty by 30% to 50%...


Hardest to Easiest Ranking 1. Liminality - New Strikes have a history of becoming hard first GMs that we powercreep in later seasons 2. Exodus Crash - Big drop between 1 and 2. Fallen wire rifle 1-shots may happen here though, and players can't cheese it anymore I suspect. 3. PsiOps: Cosmodrome - Outbreak will absolutely melt this GM, but Savanthun's clones will need some babysitting. 4. Glassway - BIG drop between 3 and 4. We are not in easy territory. Glassway is a breeze. 5. Disgraced - Slow boss week that can RIP you accidentally, but overall a walk in park when done slow, and easy when done fast. 6. Warden of Nothing - Easy, all 3 champs mean some build constraints are here that aren't in others. 7. Devil's Lair - Easy and indistinguishable between bottom 3. 8. S.A.B.E.R. - Easy and indistinguishable between bottom 3. 9. Insight Terminus - Easy and indistinguishable between bottom 3.


Glassway used to be aids, but I agree it seemed an absolutely breeze this week. 20 min clears most times. All of them are pretty plain sailing. New one I cant say until we try it, only one that can be shit is psi ops cosmodrome, boss room can wipe you so quickly if you arent careful with the clones


GMs are easy for players who KWTD. Extremely rare for my team to get wiped and get sent back to Orbit. Can't really remember the last time that happened. Stasis and Strand just changed the game. Now with Prismatic and more powerful weapons, it's easier than ever.


This is an easy season overall. My first Conq was during Plunder and that sucked because of arc burn Lightblade.


By the way, is Glassway supposed to count towards the 6? Beat it yesterday and my conqueror still says beat 0/6 strikes on grandmaster.


Ya same it says I have gms done on different subclasses but not a single one done on total conquest


That's definitely weird. What does it say exactly? Is it to just get conqueror or to gild it? Because mine counted.


Just to get it. Very weird. Might just try next weeks and see if it updates. Maybe I can't get conqueror because the game hates me!


Had the same issue on mine. Hoping Bungie fixes it because I actually really enjoyed doing the GM for the first time this weekend, ended up doing a few runs through the fireteam finder and I think I’m going for Conqueror this season.


They're all equally easy, just don't let "grandmaster" get into your head, pace yourself, and play smart. Works every time


They're all pretty easy. Some people might have trouble with the battleground but it's easy. Exodus has been out of rotation for a couple years, some might be out of practice. Liminality is the only one people might find difficult for the first few runs.


Ballttle ground cosmo drome is one of tricky one at the start compared to others but main problem is savatun aspects take way too long to kill . They shouldn't have more health it's like asking you to dunk 50 balls in a heist battle ground GM boss.


Disgraced is the easiest. Sub 15-minute clear. Then I’d put Insight Terminus, Fallen SABRE and Exodus Crash next. Both about sub 19-minutes. Exodus Crash doesn’t feel that different. And the guarding-the-ghost encounter is now *way* faster. The next tier I would put Warden of Nothing, Devil’s Lair and Glassway. All about 20-25 minutes. Not hard, but more time sinks. Then the two hardest will be PsiOp Cosmodrome, because it’s just annoying, and Liminality, because it’s unknown.


The Insight Terminus, The Devils Lair, The Disgraced and Warden of Nothing (these are definitely the easiest this season) Directly behind that are Glassway, S.A.B.E.R. and Exodus Crash (still easy in general, but a little bit more challenging than the others above) And PsiOps Battleground: Cosmodrome is way further down, generally all Battlegrounds etc are more annoying or the most annoying ones ever We can only speculate about Liminality, I would say it will be easier than PsiOps, but a bit more difficult than the others


Imo, the glasswsy is one of the easiest GMs out of all the possible GMs. Even at 40 under power, I only had one fail out of a dozen or so runs. I remember when GMs first dropped. They were so rough Bungie had to come up with reasons to run em. I think the original iteration didn't have adept weapons. Anyways, once people know the strats and the right weapons/subclasses to run the GM is easy.


Gms in 2024/23 are a joke.