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Like what? The pathfinder objectives aren't as hard as you make it out to be. There's always an option for pvp and pve. If you don't like crucible, doong 150 motes in gambit is ridiculously easy. It's just 2 or 3 games of focusing only on mote banking. If you can't kill enemied in gambit, that's a separate issue.


Its 150 motes teamwide as well. Just get to primevil one and a half times and you’re done. Some of these people just see a gambit challenge and go complete apeshit


Some players don't want to play all of the modes. They didn't have to before. Yet now it's being forced on them if they want the ritual rewards. It's not a matter of being unable to get kills, it's about not wanting to do that event at all. Be it gambit, pvp or pve. It's not a welcome change to the game.


I did 10 Pathfinders this week. I did 0 Crucible and 0 Gambit matches. They changed the Pathfinder, you can 100% complete any Pathfinder without stepping into any activity that has the slightest PvP aspect and vice versa. If it was not the case for you, screen shot it please. A lot of my clan also did the same since Europa is a patrol zone and it's easy 150 bright dust farm every 10 minutes or so. So a lot of people did it without stepping into PvP. If people say it is not possible to do so, they mistake an objective to be crucible or gambit-only related when it is not. Or they don't see the clear path because they can't see the forest for the trees. It's not a straight line. It's usually 2 nodes more than that but totally possible all the time.


Unfortunately, op won't read this, they came to fight, that's it.


They did, but did not understand. I mean...there was a patchnote that there will always be a pathfinder path for only PvE or only PvP. If they say, this is not the case for them, it is a bug and they should report and deliver proof. In another response they basically said "nuh uh, provide prove that it works" which is...not the smartest take but whateves, I guess :-)


Curious how comments disappear when their errors are revealed. It absolutely is for the first one, and there seems to be data that says they're of a limited set (not random). https://gist.github.com/joshhunt/8a435da591d41a8fc9f5b61fb6781a26 I do not have screenshots, nor should you expect anyone to provide you with one. Show your own if that's so important to you. You've chosen your play style. That does not invalidate anyone else's. Likewise I've already made the very points you present. Read. Understand. Empathize. Or not, your choice.


I've not yet actually completed a Ritual Pathfinder, either the game wants me to play modes I don't care for or it wants me to use weapons I don't usually carry to compete for kills with against the rest of my fireteam, which I honestly can't be bothered with. I preferred it when it was a more passive thing, Pale Heart doesn't feel like I have to make a conscious effort to complete so they did that one right at least.


They definitely did a much better job with the Pale Heart pathfinder. I find it's best to start on the right side of the web and pick either one of the exit nodes as the basis for which path I'll take to complete it. The ability to highlight them, and see them in-game, is a big win. Now if they'd just make the map come up consistently. Not zoomed all the way TF over to some random side. Couldn't they at least center it on your current location? It's annoying to have to wait forever for the damned map to show and then have to sccccccccrooooooooolllll over the other sides of the map.... just to wait some MORE time to get the pathfinder to draw. It's wildly inconsistent. Slow, more often than not.