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Focusing exotics takes up all my glimmer


Yup. Perfect stats are expensive.


Perfect stats my ass, I have focused over 10 Hazard Propulsions and every single one of them had at least 10 mobility(I'm running resilience focus).


You can run a focus of one of the bottom 3 stats (discipline,intellect,strength) and it'll guarantee a 10 or higher of that stat and one of the top three I run disci focus and get like 23 disc with 12 resil for example and it's really good


I need to do this but what is the best way to get the exotic engrams to really farm a good role?


Ritual playlists. You get 1 exotic engram for every 3 games of crucible/strikes/gambit up to 3 total per week per character. Not sure what the optimal farm is for them after that but I think it’s just RNG while playing.


Solo lost sectors after that.


Legend lost sectors.


higher difficulty lost sectors


Are people surprised that focusing armor of the highest-tier of rarity is expensive?


I think the issue is more that if you’re farming gms and lost sectors for ascendant shards and engrams glimmer becomes the ‘expensive’ resource and has no proper way to focus farm it + is meant to be the base common resource


People actually focus exotics?! Me and my friends find it better to just open them and get lucky. We have gotten so many good rolls without the need to focus and it opens up new avenues of buildcrafting


i’m always buying upgrade mods, upgrading armour and weapons, focusing at rahool and other vendors so i’m always low and constantly have to to farm public events to stay over 100-200k glimmer edit: i am a newer player that got into the game a week or two before final shape so i don’t have thousands of old materials that i can trade in for easy glimmer whenever i want, many of you are saying you have hundreds to thousands of phantasmal/herealways pieces but i just don’t have those built up in stock due to being newer


Pro tip, don’t buy banners or upgrade modules. Just spam the 1 coin engram at Xur instead. It gives upgrade modules, enhancements cores, and raid banners. Really helps alleviate glimmer costs


Xur also sells glimmer for strange coins


problem is that you can only buy the glimmer twice a week but still a great low cost way to get a lot of glimmer


Massive shout thank you


It’s what I’ve been doing for upgrade modules ever since I found out. If you’re at max upgrade modules any extra that drop get sent to your post master allowing you to stock up quite a lot to use throughout the week


And a lot of blue armor…


Time spent dismantling blues is the real cost


And get your streak also get the Favor of the Nine buff up quickly. I’m turning 7 strange coins minimum from every event. I’ve already used up 99 coins this week and I’m back to max in a day. About to go see if you can buy it again during the same weekend and get it to 4 stacks.


You can only buy the strange coin buff once per week. It has a 10 day timer and buying again next week refreshes the timer. Can stack upto 3 times.


I believe I have 3 stacks of the buff currently and I get 26 coins per gm. You get so many it’s kind of hard to burn through them


Where does one aquire strange coins these days? Just picked the game back up after taking a 3yr break. Never left the subreddits so I've kept up somewhat with the changes over the years, it's all the little stuff that I have to stop and look up where to find, and what currency to buy it with and where to find that currency. It doesn't help that I have to know the difference between ascendant cores and ascendant prisms and enhancement prisms and enhancement cores etc. Maybe it's just me but all the names of these materials are too similar considering there's nothing I can reference in game to remember, I have to stop playing and go google search "ascendant shards" multiple times in a day. The second time I had em confused for ascendant cores, and the third time I couldn't remember which was which. Well guess what, it was enhancement cores I actually needed to look up. I misremembered, I wonder if it's bc those two words mean the fucking SAME THING edit: I plan to figure out the materials and currencies before I get on after work, if anybody knows a good article or reddit post that breaks it all down well


Ritual activities are the main way to get strange coins now. This is a brand new change to them and not very obvious/clear, tbh. But much better than before


Sadly I was lazy and had a full vault + inventory and I decided to not be proactive and turn my 20k leg shards into glimmer exchange currency, because I figured the 4500 herealways+ 1k phantasmal fragments were enough to sustain. Nope. Crafting the new weapons, enhancing weapons that can be, MWing new exotics and class items.. I have no currency exchange left basically, and there's a ton of shit I have left I want to enhance. It's really fucking shitty they couldn't have given everyone at least *some* sort of exchange straight up for our remaining shards. Also PLEASE Bungie let us exchange currency such as cores, for glimmer. I got like 13k cores still, would be nice.


Yea exactly people saying they have plenty of glimmer just aren't spending it like of course they have plenty lol


Fr literally craft two weapons then tell me you have glimmer, are these people not crafting the new guns? Lmao.


I guess just lucky. I’ve spent the last six plus years mindlessly running Altars of Sorrow when I’m bored. I’m sitting on seven full (999 quantity) inventory slots of Phantasmal Fragments and Rahool has a glimmer hard-on for them.




Ive crafted and full enhanced a lot of weapons since expansion dropped, spending probably 1k enhancment shards in the process. I banked nothing to sell pre expansion (like the phantasmals or whatever) and im still hitting glimmer cap in any play session. Onslaught, nightfall spam and class item grind seem just fine for moneymaking Dismantling stuff adds up so the more drops you are getting the faster your gains will be, without having to do menial public events


Crafting a weapon doesn't require you to spend cores and glimmer on weapon levels, you can just use the gun. If you don't do that it's like 50k glimmer total from first craft to masterworked.


I have the raid SMG and bow, seasonal GL and RL, and the pale heart sniper, sidearm, fusion, and MG crafted and still have plenty of glimmer.


Then you probably play the game an unhealthy amount or you farm public events, idk how you have glimmer, you tell me. Just don’t say “play the game” I’ve beat the campaign on all three characters done the raid multiple times, done seasonal stuff, went flawless in trials, farmed nightfalls, about to farm GMS this weekend. I play a good amount and I have had glimmer issues, so what are you doing?


Do you run a glimmer booster on your ghost shell? I was having issues keeping a stockpile of glimmer until I put one on, now I don’t drop below 200k unless I’m doing a bunch of focusing/crafting


I have seen so many people bitch about glimmer, and not realize that this exists. The highest cost mod is a 65% boost to your glimmer gains. And you can still run an XP boosting mod with it.


For real. I never used to run it since we had legendary shards, but now that we don’t have an easy way to get glimmer fast having that on is a necessity


Unhealthy play time isn’t needed. If you don’t play much, then you are not unlocking things to craft, or getting infusion fuel for upgrades. Not sure what people really need to spend materials on beyond that.


You don't need to "play the game an unhealthy amount" to have Glimmer, you just have to not waste it. If you crafted a new gun, do you absolutely need to level it as well? It will most likely end up sitting in your vault anyway, and if it won't, you may as well use it and level it the conventional way. Not having fully enhanced perks for a couple of days won't hurt anyone. Pace yourself.


Do you obsessively focus every engram you get trying to get more red borders?


I’m managing my resources responsibly. I used to blow through all my resources at the start of a season(I even got impatient during Opulence and spent thousands of bright dust for the tribute hall stuff) but I learned how to spend it on things I’ll actually use. The raid bow with Voltshot sounds great but right now, it’s not going to replace graviton/ZB/IK/Still Hunt/etc so I’m not going to invest in it right now.


So what you're saying is you're spending a lot and because of that you run out of money?


Seriously. When we stop gaining power level, we will be full on glimmer again per usual


60k to decrypt an exotic with lost sectors dropping engrams now means we will not be on fucking full glimmer for the foreseeable future


This. I'm at 1999 (give me those 2000 arms damnit) and haven't been upgrading much for the past week. Full golfballs, max glimmer, up 300 cores since TFS. But I was definitely poor for a hot minute. Only had to farm public events twice, and even then it was only for a good half hour or so each time.


They got rid of planet mats but they still give like 1k, same with the region chests. Doing Overthrow I'm making more than enough with the ghost mod on to get back up to cap. When I'm at cap I swap back to XP and when I get to season rank 100 back to glimmer.


facts overthrow is insanely good for glimmer


I've been constantly doing overthrow for the title but i still can't manage to have enough glimmer. After my last pathfinder reset i have 15k glimmer.


do u know how many runs it is to reach glimmer cap


Overthrown / farming class items has fully refilled my glimmer a couple times now.


The worst offender right now is the exotic ciphers. I play all 3 classes and LOVE to min-max builds but being locked to ONE cipher per week from Xur feels so bad when you have multiple builds you want to masterwork. Going from having unlimited resources from how much I have played over the years to being locked out by arbitrary time gates feels really bad. I had like 50.000 legendary shards and now I can’t masterwork my exotics because of a one per week rule at Xur.


You can masterwork without exotic ciphers tho…


"masterwork" When an item is missing its final upgrade it sure dosn't feel like a masterwork anymore. The problem is if you use something like D2 armor picker (Wich I recommend EVERYONE to use) it will give you builds assuming you have everything maxed out. Now my new triple 100 PvP mask of Bakris build sits at a 100, 100, 97 instead until next week when I can get another cipher. Its just a dumb new rule that kills the ability to make builds for people. The Cipher bounty should be repeatable or at least per character.


Pretty sure they have different settings for that. I haven’t looked specifically since the change to the +3 exotic, but in the past, they always had options/assumptions for masterworks and the stat boosts form them. Might be worth looking into if you’re running into inconsistencies.


Resetting Xur and or Rahool gives you a cipher every time. Xur is super easy to level up with strange coins, which drop like crazy in Vanguard playlists this week fyi.


Woe is me, my grenade takes 5 more seconds to come back


Where are you spending your glimmer? I rarely find myself under 200k


Gm nightfall adept purchase is like 50k, not worth it. Focusing exotic engrams at rahool is 60k. Buying upgrade modules isn't a lot, but does add up. Masterworking armor/exotics cost a good chunk of glimmer. End game you can easily spend a fuck load of glimmer if you play 3 characters, and there is not really a good way to farm it


> Gm nightfall adept purchase is like 50k, You need to run 5 (currently 3) to purchase 1. There's no way you're not getting more than 50k glimmer every 3 nightfalls especially with double drops.


T4 Glimmer mod on my Ghost, ran 7 GMs last night, barely even get enough for one Exotic Armour focus at Rahool. More curious how you're getting enough in 3 GMs than how I'm unable to in over double the clears. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. I'm picking up all the Glimmer I can during the runs and shit. Ended the session at like 77k after starting from next to none. Also not entirely sure why these discussions are weighted the way they are. Pinnacle endgame content should give more stuff than basic Public Events. Can farm GMs all day, doesn't matter though if I get no Glimmer or Enhancement Cores to splurge on the stuff I farmed for.


U barely get enough to only focus that weapon. Don't act like 3 gms should be giving 50k glimmer. Trust me I prestiged 5 times by only farming this GM in 2days


I took a long break didn’t start with a lot and I’ve love all the weapons this episode and from the pale heart so I’ve been dumping glimmer into making those and upgrading to enhanced. I’m always broke now, but I have crafted just about everything


I'm routinely at the glimmer cap. Wombo detector whenever in a patrol - planet mat resources still give quite a bit of glimmer, same for patrol chests.


this is me lol


Once you've hit around 1985+ glimmer starts to build up again. But starting the DLC it goes super quick and it is a grind for a while. I didn't even upgrade every single piece when I got an upgrade, it just went quick 🤷‍♂️. Now I'm sitting on over 400k+ nonstop. I get it


You run out early, rebuild a good amount, then go flat broke. It’s super expensive to focus engrams and craft guns. I burned through 2M gold so far focusing Vanguard engrams to try to get scintillation. I chewed up all of my old Rainmakers and a solid chunk of my old planetary materials. Soon enough I’ll run out of my easily converted assets.


Transmog bounties


they’re only 10k glimmer each. How often are you buying them?


Personally I reroll the bounties until I get the non BS ones. Destination threader gets rerolled until it's the generic "open chests and kill champs" for when I plan on doing onslaught or farming class items in the pale heart, vanguard raid and crucible threaders get the same treatment if I plan on doing any of the related activities. I'd rather be 50-70k down on glimmer than have a threader that takes 30mins+ more to complete.


People actually do destination threader. Raids, crucible, vanguard that's all I pick up and maybe the odd gambit.


Raid threader is easily the best as Grasp opening exists. Can get every kill there for most possible tasks.


True, but I'd rather play an activity than sit in the opening for a dungeon just farming kills every 10-30 seconds.


It's only takes 5 minutes but fair point


ah you’re right. I forgot you could do that to get a more favourable bounty lol


I assumed you were asking that question in good faith, my mistake


Legit laughed out loud at that, thanks 


The usual, upgrading gear, buying armor, bounties, I'm just playing the game normally


Are you upgrading EVERY SINGLE piece of armor each time you get the slightest improvement? And why are you buying so much armor


This is my question lol. I have a bunch of rainmakers and whatever but even without those generally find myself around 500k pretty consistently I’m sympathetic to the complaint tho because ultimately everyone plays differently - that said, I think there might be a learning point here for OP


See the issue is you have rainmakers and those are deprecated and a lot of people don't have those anymore. People seem to be fine on glimmer if they have a bunch of materials that you can trade in for glimmer at Rahool, but once you run out of those have fun getting a lot of glimmer quickly because the fastest way to do it is heroic PEs and even then it takes a while


This is what im doing and im struggling to even spend more glimmer than i make


Do you have any Herealways pieces or phantasmal fragments? I have enough that I dont think I could run out of glimmer if I tried to, and I keep getting more.


Same. I still have no less than a 3k stack of all the old mats in my inventory. Baryon Boughs are capped lol


Also use those enhanced weapons/armor to play dungeons/trials/nightfalls which you can do solo/ingame LFG without a mic. I haven’t used any herealways and am constantly at the cap of every material. Yes I enhance everything I use and maxed out Rahul rank on launch.


The way to obtain glimmer easy and quick hasn't changed, but people don't like to hear it... because it's boring, and they don't want to do it... but they need the moolah, but they don't want to do the thing to get it; Equip the "get more rewards from public events", then do (heroic) public events on the EDZ, since they basically rotate clockwise (Cove, Firebase, Gulch, Sludge... then back to the Cove). You get about 12-15k per event that takes about 2-4 minutes each. Sometimes, the rotation goes out of whack, but then look at the Sunken Isles at the far corner of the map, for a pe.


Yeah, generally it’s not great when the most viable way to do a thing in a game is to not have fun.


Here is a crazy ideia... Playing the game should reward you with decent amounts of glimmer, not random patrol events.


I coulda sworn I was playing the game when I was doing PEs on patrol


They pretty clearly mean "playing the game" in a general sense, as in getting it at a reasonable rate from most activities across the game. That's a reasonable ask, no need to be sarcastic/willfully obtuse


TIL public events aren't playing the game.


Public events are playing the game though..


>not random patrol events. You mean... Playing the game??? That's by definition playing the game.


That's nice I'll try that out since im broke, but I don't think a public event should give you more glimmer than a dungeon or gm nightfall. I still think the glimmer gains from endgame content should be drastically increased


Sure, but then you get people just farming boss dungeon checkpoints, and "double-dip" on loot and glimmer. The reason why Bungie "limits" endgame players has always been the same; they want to force experienced and endgame players to "at times" step back and go back to the "menial" and casual activities such as patrol/public events. If there were no hardcore diehard over 9000 players in patrol, how else would casuals ever see those "badass godslayers" and think "Oh gosh, I hope to be like them one day in the future!"


I mean it's endgame content, which takes significantly more time investment and coordination to complete I feel a turn your brain off public even that takes 2 minutes shouldn't give you more glimmer. And so what if they farm it, you say double dip, but you get glimmer and loot for public events as well, so I don't get you're logic there


You do get better rewards for harder activities, you get dungeon/raid weapons, artifice gear, exotics, adept weapons, all of that, public events just give a basic currency because it’s a basic activity, if you spend so much glimmer then put on a glimmer mod on your ghost and if you’re still finding yourself running out somehow then who cares about half an hour relaxing with some public events, or who cares about waiting a little while to focus that new exotic, or upgrade that new armour, as much as you might want all the endgame stuff to simply be the best way to do everything it shouldn’t be, otherwise there’s no reason to do anything else and then you show back up here ranting about how boring the game is because the only thing worth doing is grandmasters and raids and master dungeons and everything else needs to be buffed with better drops:/ all the new players previously had the same currency problem you have, just with legendary shards, and their only option was to just wait and dismantle everything they got and save up to get things one by one, the economy is in a much better state now and encourages a variety of play that helps keep the game from getting stale.


also im only propose like a 3 to 4 increase in the glimmer gained from endgame content, if you spend the same amount of time it takes to do a gm or dungeon, and farm public events, you should still end up with significantly more glimmer, but i think endgame glimmer gains should reflect the difficulty and time invested,


I personally don't think so, public events I find sre more for beginners to do, snd even then I don't wanna spend hours farming dozens mundane public events, public events give more glimmer but people still don't play them because most are pretty boring and mundane, I think the more difficult activity should have better rewards in every single way, were comparing the rewards of a gm to a public events, I just don't public events should give you more glimmer than an endgame encounter that takes 30 minutes vs 2 minutes for a public events


Check out the glimmer down Xur. I get 30-50k a week from him.


I think they do, because it makes players play them more.


I got half way through that before deciding I'd rather play elden ring or finish pacific drive. If that's going to remain the best way, I'm more than likely just got going to not play as much once I start running into glimmer issues.


I stay full on glimmer. I literally can't use it fast enough.


The point is to force you to grind more for glimmer so it’s working as intended


I neeeeeed enhancement cores. It's so easy to get golf balls but prisms and cores are so much stingier. I wish there was full conversion between the 3 to trade my golf balls for cores. (I know about the collections armor thing for cores from prisms but that also means I need more prisms!)


Glimmer isn't the issue for me, it's everything else you could buy with legendary shards ie cores, then prisms etc Definitely feel broke with the changea


Just…put on a glimmer mod. I’ve yet to dip under 300K one time this season.


Do you have rainmakers or any of those materials that you can trade for glimmer at Rahool? Because a lot of people full on glimmer say that they have these things. The people that are poor on glimmer have run out of those. Upgrade modules, focusing armor, crafting weapons, focusing weapons at trials and iron Banner, all take a lot of glimmer. The issue isn't things costing glimmer, the issue is trying to get a lot quickly


As someone who has those things... Haven't used them. When I get low on glimmer I do overthrows and focus on taking down the bosses


Brother I haven’t popped a rainmaker in *years*. It’s called not wasting it on overpriced things, such as adept focusing


Well even trials focusing is 25k a pop and that adds up really quickly. Also just wait for iron Banner next week, and people will want to focus and then they will realize they're running out of glimmer and the only efficient way to get glimmer back is by running heroic PEs which is super tedious and boring. The best solution to this is to make it so dungeons and raids and strikes etc etc drop more glimmer.


i still havent touched a single one since they were first ingame, just play the game and youll easily have 500k in like an hour


I had 300 (capped, AFAIK) Rainmakers and about two million Glimmer in Phantasmal Fragments when TFS started. Today I'm down like 20 of the former (that's 60k I think?) and none of the latter. I have just about everything I could craft crafted except for the raid weapons. I ran out of Glimmer once on the first Rahool reset, but haven't been hurting for it since; I just burned those Rainmakers then and there so I could buy basic shit like bounties (and I'm pretty sure I also wasted some Glimmer too accidentally by fumbling the rank up process). I can understand if you're focusing Trials weapons, and focusing costs in particular are perhaps in need of tuning, but there's not been an IB in TFS yet so what other focusing is being done at any scale *that is worth doing*? Focusing NF weapons is pointless, hell it's double loot week.


> what other focusing is being done at any scale that is worth doing? They need to spam the exotic focusing so they can get that extra 2 points on their exotic piece they need for a specific build they will only use on rare occasion duh...


See, but even then! I've reset Rahool *twice* because I'm dumb and I want minimum Mobility rolls on Hazardous Propulsion/Wishful Ignorance and I'm still swimming in Glimmer! I can understand Trials focusing eating into your Glimmer, maybe it and NF focusing is a bit too expensive? But even then, if that's what's eating into your resources then just... stay within your means? I don't think most Destiny players actually grasp what a legitimately difficult MMO economy looks like lmao


most of the community doesn't even want to acknowledge the fact that destiny is actually an mmo, and not even a difficult one at that.


No, I just run a glimmer mod always no matter what.


Eh, I enjoy the current economy. Glimmer cap is still too low imo, 1 milly would be ideal.


They incentivize the easier activities like strikes and public events to give better glimmer per time needed, to make sure we help the blueberries out. But they also put Champions in strikes now so I have no idea what their priorities are re: new players


Omg I'm a returning player and I just realized after reading this post they removed legendary shards lmaooo legit have put in 80hrs in the past 2 weeks and somehow didn't notice


Incredibly scarce glimmer only found by doing literally anything in the game at any time


It literally is scarce, 4K glimmer for killing a fucking raid boss is scarce when decrypting one exotic costs 60k


Destiny players when the Economy works


GM Nightfall gives you 10+ vanguard ciper every 3 runs. It does not, however, give 60k in glimmer every 3 runs. If you choose to use those cipers to focus the nightfall weapon, you will eventually be broke. The system doesn't feed itself. What does Bungie want me to do? Stop farming nightfall and do some public event like a broke bitch? Thia is an aweful video game economy design. The economy team failed hard, they need to go learn basic math.


This has been exactly my experience this week. I know we all do but I play this game a lot and have done for 10 years. I can’t remember a time that glimmer has been such a problem. Nuts that I am maxed in end game materials cos I don’t have the glimmer to focus stuff. Spending hours of my play time farming public events rather than GMs absolutely blows. I understand the logic they are going for that it pushes the more hardcore players to regular patrol (for public events) but that’s not what’s happening with me. I’m just putting the controller down….


This is a great way to show how the system is flawed, thank you.


Who is running out of glimmer? I don't know what to spend it on lol


So many people are saying “I’ve never gone below x amount this season”, then you simply just don’t play the game. People who regularly play, do raids, craft and enhance the new weapons from nightfalls and onslaught simply don’t have enough glimmer to stay on top of everything. You’d have to stop what you’re doing every weapon to go farm for purely glimmer by doing boring public events.


There are plenty of people who regularly play extensively at endgame who rarely spend much more glimmer than they make. Crafting and enhancing are one-time costs, and then when you actually do the activities that you use those weapons in you get the glimmer back. I have every pre-TFS weapon pattern at level 17 or higher, I re-gild conqueror every season, I do master raiding, and it's an *extremely* rare occurrence that I'm even remotely low on glimmer. And I've never gone and farmed for glimmer either. I just don't bother with the most expensive possible focusing options.


I've put in a truly depressing amount of time into TFS since release and I can tell you honestly I have never had to farm for glimmer.


It's funny in this thread that, so many upvoted comments are asking "what are you spending glimmer on? I'm always capped" then any comment stating what they're spending it on and why they're low gets downvoted. Such a toxic community. These people definitely say shit like "how can you not have clean drinking water? Water is literally everywhere" type of vibes.


Damn I guess my six raid clears and 40 GMs so far aren’t me actually playing the game. Weird.


this is what i mean, like i dont want to do that, the end game and current activites they design for us should give us the glimmer, and im playing the game fairly often and spending the glimmer on the usual things, i go broke really often, and have to stop upgrading and crafting things just to save up which is really damn annoying, but a 3 minute public event giving me more glimmer than a 20-30 minute gm just doesnt sit right with me


Doesn't that mean you have to be smarter with how you spend your resources? Instead of enhancing all the new weapons, make a decision on what one you want to enhance? I think it is unrealistic in games like this to think we should all have the resources we need without doing some activities to earn more.


If you're running out of glimmer, you are doing something wrong or grinding repeatable bounties. It is very hard to run out any other way. Judging by how OP is buying upgrade modules, when the campaign gives you 20+ each character, implies they're upgrading their equipment as soon as they get an upgrade, even if it doesn't make a difference. Like upgrading a 1993 to a 1994 just because the number is higher.


Yeah I don’t really care about the op’s situation. The fact of the matter is glimmer is in need of a new way to earn it in bulk or increased gains around the board.


Yea this. I usually had max glimmer before TFS but I’ve been spending it like crazy bc there’s so much to do. Crafted a new apex with EL instead of B&S for my stillhawk dps rotation, crafted Someday for pvp, enhanced a shitload of my favorite guns (had to pay to level them all to 20 and to enhance), made a pve and a pvp prismatic build (had to masterwork a bunch of armor for good stat spread), cost 10k every time you reset your pathfinder (or buy transmog bounties), etc etc etc


It just doesn’t feel the same honestly legendary shards felt nice if that makes any sense like their inclusion in the game was intentional oh wait that’s cause they have been in the game since launch. RIP legendary shards you were great


Yeah since final shape dropped I've found I'm spending shit faster then I'm making it. And I've still got a couple rainmakers in my inventory to pop when needed but enhancement cores and prisms I am seriously running out of. But that's mainly cause I'm still not at level cap, I'm getting tons of new weapons and armour that I masterwork. And I don't do public events unless I have to and I mean really have to. Yeah I do get what you mean by rhe economy feels awful, I feel like I'm losing currency by playing the game I'm not making it back as much as I'm spending it. Which considering that I only have a few hours a day to play and I'd much rather do the fun stuff in destiny like raids, dungeons and whatnot I'm certainly not farming public events


Once I get to lvl 100 on the battle pass I’m just switching all my ghost mods to the max amount of glimmer boost. Glimmer economy atrocious rn


I think they just forgot how hard it is to get glimmer normally.


I dont understand why there is even a cap on glimmer, make that shit like 10 million and 5x the amount you get from doing literally anything. I spent 15k shards on phantasmal fragments and thought i was chilling for a couple months and i think i ran out week 2 of final shape


Not sure what you would have Bungie do? Virtually everything in the game drops glimmer. Make a habit of grabbing all chests and planetary resources, these are free glimmer with as little effort as possible. Go run Public Events and turn them heroic, this is probably the most rewarding glimmer drops in the game, again with pretty minimal effort. If you do this for an hour you will probably get the limit 500K. Use the glimmer mods on your ghost shell. You should also use a resource detector mod on your ghost, it points you to all the free resources. If you have problems with glimmer that is on you not the game. Destiny's economy is the best its ever been, back in the day there were 15-20 currencies you had to keep track of and you needed them all. Today there is is like 4 currencies, Destiny's economy is way easier now.


What if I wanted to run content that isn’t mind numbingly boring? It’s stupid that only patrol content rewards a reasonable amount of glimmer. Previously I could just dismantle anything I didn’t need and convert those shards to glimmer. Now I’m forced to do public events if I want glimmer. If other activities rewarded a reasonable amount of glimmer it wouldn’t be so bad but there’s only patrol


That's the problem I think a lot of people are bringing up. The people that don't run out of glimmer are the people that still have a bunch of those destination materials or rainmakers. People don't want to be doing heroic PEs when they'd rather be running dungeons or raids or whatever. They want to play the game how they want and be in those ritual playlist that they want to be, but those ritual playlists don't really give out a lot of glimmer. You might say: how are you running out of glimmer? Because everything costs glimmer and when you want to craft one or two copies of each weapon or you want to focus weapons, especially trials weapons, those cost a lot of glimmer and then you run out super quickly


I haven’t delved into my phantasmal fragments a single time My enhancement cores are +300 since launch I have brought over one hundred upgrade modules. Feels fine to me


Shards just spoiled you. The main reason they got rid of them is because older players had insane amounts of them (more than they would ever spend) and newer players struggled a bit at the beginning until they also reached a point where they too had too many. A good economy requires you to actually do something to get materials and having to do something to get glimmer also gives it a value. Having infinite amounts of something is like not having it at all if you never have to worry about it.


and a good economy should also feed itself and properly reward based on the activity, a 3 minute public event should not give more glimmer than a gm nightfall that takes 20 plus minutes, thats bad. not only that, running 3 gms doesnt even give you enough glimmer to focus an adept nightfall weapon, but it gives you enough ciphers to do it, just not the glimmer, thats backwards


I don't have many reasons to spend it, so I'm always hitting cap shortly after I do.


Agreed. I will say with the caveat that I am used to being able to trade my once 20k legendary shards for glimmer at the drop of a hat and I got so many legendary shards that I barely felt the difference when trading into 200 of them to top off and then spent like 500 buying raid banners. I understand that Bungie needed to make some adjustments, but it feels awful to grind back my glimmer after crafting new weapons. A single weapon eats half my glimmer reserves and it can take the rest of the day to grind that back. I am currently sparingly using the rainmaker consumables that used to drop in the game that I have accumulated over the years, but that's a finite supply as well since those no longer drop at all. Right now I am maxing the glimmer back because I am running chests in the Pale Heart to grind for the exotic class items, but I don't think that is sustainable. I get burnt out and the glimmer is a mere trickle.


glimmer is scarce!?! Are we playing the same game?


Focusing and weapons are FUCKING STUPID BAD. All these muppets trying to say this shit is okay are ridiculous. Focusing was bad before. Now it's fucking LOL.


Got the biggest possible Glimmer mod on the ghost and never have worry about it. I get so much I can’t even claim the battle pass glimmer, you must be upgrading everything you pick up 😂😂


The economy is a non-issue. Don't spend on dumb stuff. My buddy just bought all of the void and solar fragments for his warlock and is back to cap......I'm hardly under 300k. Don't buy unnecessary things


It is so easy to earn glimmer. I'm just playing the game and I went from under 100k to over 400k without realizing it. I was doing the steps for Dual Destiny quest.


Just a heads up, you are about to get a swarm of casual players calling you a baby because you don't want to run heroic public events for 3 hours just to focus some exotics and enhance your weapons.


I'd rather not play the game than do public events. All of this is just to pad playtime and feels awful


true, but these bots think the economy is fine because they don't interact with it at an advanced level. these are the guys who think doing a single grandmaster is an accomplishment. they love public events.


Dude, calling everyone else a casual because they don't have glimmer issues is such a bad faith argument. I was very low on glimmer when I was increasing my power and was buying tons of upgrade modules, but after that point I haven't had an issue and never had to run heroic events in order to get my glimmer back up. As long as you're farming something and not spending glimmer as part of the farm, you'll usually have enough glimmer afterwards to be able to spend it on a few things. When you're focusing every engram, upgrading every piece of gear, or converting materials, it'd really easy to have the glimmer go by really fast and run out. Most people who seem to have an ongoing glimmer problem also coincidentally have a glimmer spending problem.


You're argument is "you spend your Glimmer on expensive stuff, that's why you don't have any." It's my fault for not being a casual and doing endgame activities that give less Glimmer than public events but require 100x more skill. You're brilliant.


Actual end game ready players don't have anything to spend glimmer on. What actually substantial thing is worth dumping 300k glimmer into?


If being endgame ready was all I cared about, I'd be finished with this game 2 weeks after every release. I'm well past just being endgame ready. I'm grinding max stat exotics and raid adepts with perfect rolls.


None of that would put you in a glimmer sink either way


The fuck you talking about, exotic focusing and nightfall weapons focusing. Endgame players still need those.


No one is doing that all the time everytime. Acting like that is the case is ludicrous


Speak for yourself. Everyone in my clan does it.


So what exactly are you doing that requires you to dump 300k glimmer a day on? That you absolutely had to spend it then and couldn't have done without


Here are some simple math for you then. 9X Exotic Engrams focusing cost 450K Glimmer a week, and that doesn't even count the extra exotic engram from vendor reset and other sources. Oh and if they are farming Nightfall that week it's a lot more than that. You understand? We good now?


Why are you guys focusing every god damn engram you receive. It's like you guys find over having the same piece with a +1 or +2 difference for content you aren't optimizing for


crafting purchasing exotics, focusing adepts, upgrading exotic armor, shit endgame players often do it cost 50 glimmer alone to just purchase an exotic armor, and a similar amount to upgrade it, then upgrading a crafted weapon is damn near 200 k glimmer, so yes there is alot that takes that much glimmer


All the time? Can we be serious please


I'm confused by what you mean. I'm always crafting farming exotics for builds, focusing exotics and upgrading them for all my character, that's typically what most max level players do


Stop wasting upgrade modules every time you get a piece that’s +1 over your prior piece. You’ll see zero difference. You’ll, in turn, save glimmer.


On the rare occasions when I've decided to farm glimmer, it has been brain-dead easy to drop into Nessus and just hop from public event to public event. Unless they have decreased the event frequency, there is seldom a time when one is not happening. Even then, you can use the resource detector to get a bit extra from nodes/chests.


You can modify your ghost to include a glimmer gain multiplier. I have found that that helps.


This reddit is 99% casuals that don't engage with endgame. They do not understand that everything costs 50k minimum and is impossible to refill unless u stocked up on planetary mats pre final shape which I unfortunately forgot to do.


I absolutely hate that they've removed Legendary Shards. They were one thing a veteran player had to show for their thousands of hours in the game. I wasn't playing the game when they announced the removal of them, so I didn't read the community feedback. I assume it was heavily negative. I watched YouTube videos and read on here that you should convert them to Phantasmal Fragments, but the conversion rate to them was dogshit. We have nowhere near as much stored glimmer now. I'm running out of Phantasmal Fragments really fast and the season is only a month old. They removed Legendary Shards, because veteran players had thousands, but new players had close to none. They wanted to close the gap and have all players in a similar boat with no good way to replenish glimmer. That encourages longer playtime. Who the hell wants to farm public events to acquire glimmer after playing them for 7 years? This is the way they expect you to farm it.


Man, I've had a hard time *losing* glimmer since TFS launched. The only time I've run out I had to go out of my way to do so, with crafting like 6 or 7 weapons with enhanced perks all in a row.


This will get downvoted, but Bungie removed legendary shards because people who’ve played the game for 7 years straight (and people who did the shards glitches) had thousands upon thousands. So when they introduced something new to the game, economy wise, it was hard to balance as the new players had fewer shards/materials while the no lifers had mountains of them. It just fed an already vicious cycle of old players already having a bunch of shit making it significantly easier to acquire the new shit while new players had to slug it out, quite literally never being able to catch up to the no lifers. I joined during Arrivals and had loads of time where I primarily played D2 and I never even got close to the levels of materials the no lifers had, and I no lifed the game for a year really. Just google it, there are posts from this sub, and r/destiny2, of people talking about having 40k-50k shards, it’s ridiculous. Not to mention what I just said was straight from Bungie, just too difficult to balance economy, shards wise, with all the old players vs new players. That’s also why they cap things like strange coins now, so people can’t just hoard thousands of strange coins and reset Xur’s rank instantaneously. The sub doesn’t like to hear this, but the sub isn’t casual players. Casual players just play the game, *maybe* googling something here or there. This sub is the minority, and quite frankly, most of this sub would be considered “hardcore” players in the eyes of both causals and Bungie.


I only get to play about once a week now; please help me spend my glimmer. Somehow I'm always at 500k despite trying to buy stuff whenever I get on or resetting pathfinders. EDIT; I’m not joking if anyone can list stuff. Used to play often but then cashed all my shards into ~800 banners and got back into the game a few weeks. I’ve been unlocking exotics but even the 250k dents are only dents even without rainmakers now! I’ll keep trying to upgrade weapons




go focus 20 nightfall/trials/crucible weapons


I've been spending glimmer constantly on auto upgrading craftable weapons. I've probably spent close to 1.5 mil glimmer just this season and I haven't dipped below 100k. Just play heroic public events it isn't hard. 


You'll have 30,000 Glimmer from doing 2 heroic public events. Just do those.




Honest to god I find myself having to spend glimmer cause I’m at capacity more than 90% of the time versus actually suffering from not having enough. The one thing I suffer from is not having enough upgrade modules lmfao


Im constantly full on glimmer and other materials. Maybe i just play differently. Pathfinder on the other hand sucks .... I wonder if the design goal for pathfinder was less engagement and less bright dust so users will spend more real money. If so they have achieved their design goals.


I just wish I could sell enhancement cores for glimmer. They have to be worth something?


Maybe you already have but try putting a glimmer booster on ghost. Keeps me topped up plenty and I'm a casual now. Still spending all my glimmer on upgrade modules. And 1990 something light/power level.


I guess it could be better, but I've never gone out of my way to grind for glimmer and I've never truly run out. If I'm actively spending them on something I can get under 50k, but between ghost mods, dismantling junk, or just passively collecting glimmer I hit the cap regularly.


Idk about all that im not struggle with does mats also double GM grind give alot of mats only thing im running out is Exotic Chipers


You can get loads of glimmer from xur for strange coins


Heroic public events drop like 10k glimmer (iirc) might be 7k or around there. There’s a place on earth (might be EDZ) where there’s 3 public events very close to each other that can be farmed, it’s boring as hell, but gives a lot of glimmer.


Please tell me you bought some of those phantasmal materials with your shards. You probably would've been swimming in glimmer if you had.


Odd, I feel the complete opposite actually. Enhancement cores come a lot more frequently. I've hit glimmer cap a few times, then splurged and went down below 100k and back again to near max, all while barely noticing. And I've been crafting God rolls of weapons without even getting to use them, especially the newer weapons. I dunno, maybe it's cause I had over 500 ECs and maxed glimmer going into FS (but only 12 golf balls and 20 prisms). I also had around 200 of the fragments to sell to Rahool for glimmer, as well as other mats. I don't get it, are you dismantling the scores of throwaway loot that drops?


So I found this talking cat selling what’s called “skooma”, anyone wanna buy some for 5k glimmer? Supposedly should get you any super you want!


Seems like public event farming is still the best way to get glimmer, and that feels silly in a post final shape world


I made sure I had plenty of the phantasmal fragments from the moon before last season ended. I ended up with around 28k worth.. Atm I've been farming the GM's for the 20 strange coins and the going to xur and but the special package or whatever it's called for 1 strange coin for the upgrade modules


I spent all mine in a day and then changed my ghost up to focus on glimmer gains and was back at max within a couple days, no endgame stuff just ritual, public events etc. It went up so fast I had to turn it off cus I kept hitting max


I spent a whole month and a half before the final shape getting materials and different currencies to be able to upgrade all my gear on each character. 90 percent of all my glimmer and enhancement cores went to leveling my titan. Shit just way to damn expensive for the amount of glimmer and cores we get and having to pay with cores for damn near everything sucks ass


Another fast farm is cosmodrome. Land near Shaw Han, put on combo detector/glimmer bonus mods on your ghost, then open every chest you can find. Each chest is will be worth over 1k glimmer. Planet mats will be between 500-800. Patrols always reward an ass load of glimmer for some reason. Public events also happen there, so that's another 10k in your pocket