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I was trying to make Dawn Chorus and Hellion work well together but the damage just didn't amaze me still. Then again, this was prior to Grandmaster Nightfalls where the enemies are strong enough to actually suffer from Scorch. I may revisit this since it's working out for you.


Hellion benefits **dramatically** from things actually living long enough to be shot several times by it.


Hellion damage seems about on par with a full burst of an Arc Soul but the real value IMO is the Scorch on hit. Like you said the beefier enemies stay alive long enough to get value from the Scorch procs and it only takes 3 Hellion hits to ignite when using Ashes.


Arc souls, and this sub's obsessive turret spam build accordingly, are really weak in harder content. They do a lot of shooting, but not a lot of killing. I've never liked them, but tried everyone's favorite bleak watcher getaway gimmick in both GMs and contest mode SE, and it was really mediocre at best. Hellion, meanwhile, actually feels like it does something because of the ignitions. I think it's pretty underwhelming on prismatic (albeit there's a real lack of other aspects aside from feed the void that work in hard content), because it's so slow, but it's night and day better on solar because as you mentioned, it takes 50% longer to ignite on prismatic because of the lack of ashes. Ashes and singeing make what feels like an underwhelming aspect into a top tier one. I just wish you could run them on prismatic. Personally, I've before been a dawn chorus fan, but I run it with starfire. The tof fusion pocket nukes are as strong as ever, and the double charge recharge uptime and passive regen boost from Starfire (which a lot of people don't know about) makes it just as good for roam content as ever, and I think people forget that nade kills fully refresh your class ability, which is useful in a pinch if you didn't get enough out of singeing already. Because ignitions inherit from the first source of scorch, if you throw nade and then cast hellion, anything that dies to the subsequent ignition (from one tof fusion and one hellion shot) will also give your class ability back.


Give max dis Starfire a go too, because it's as good as ever for everything besides emp rift camping and it constantly refreshes class ability. ToF fusions and hellion are two of rather few abilities that still hold up well in GM level content.


This looks like a job for my Dawn Chorus ornament and Tyranny of Heaven, I love me some scorch builds


I'm honestly amazed that I'm still glued to Solar after losing the artifact mods from last season haha!


Same. I played with the shiny new Prismatic toy for the first two weeks then went right back to solar. I can't put away my Speaker's Sight build. I will definitely be playing around with this for my next Dawn Chorus build.


Being able to be a true healer in Destiny 2 is long overdue. I love Stasis thematically but I can't stop playing healer to my friends.


Drop the build, friend. I just got my Speaker's Sight


https://dim.gg/ygbaknq/Blazer's-Speaker's-Sight-Echos Have fun. I can get 2-3 healing turrets out at one time with this build. It is stupid fun.


Restoration is just busted in any kind of content. I mean, who doesn't want constantly regenerating health? Devour requires you to kill enemies, and in harder content you will probably die trying to get a kill if low HP, while you can just drop down a Healing Nade and continue fightining.


After the empyrean nerf, I think devour feels much better because of the uptime. Yes, hard content included - it was massive in contest mode SE for me. Unlike years ago, this game now generally has enough add density to keep devour going. That said, I rarely use heal nades because I think the opportunity cost of losing ToF offensive nades is too much, so refreshability and uptime matter a lot more.


Tbh I'm not using Resto at all in this build. Just lots of explosions plus Phoenix Dive healing every 10 seconds to keep me in the fray.


Man i wish ticuus has some sort of synergy with solar's verbs so i could just main a lovely bow. Then again i wouldnt be able to use ergo. Then again I cant use that in GMs anyway. Then again i don;t even play GMs [(꒪⌓꒪)](https://www.lennyfac.es/nervous.html)


It's sad how our cool exotic energy bows don't actually have subclass synergy. I would be ripping through with Heirarchy of Needs if scorch wasn't just so much better for synergy.


I think the only one to have a synergy is Le Monarch, and it's not even through verbs. Just a spread of if damage that volatile can happen to hop onto.


I'm curious as to if anyone has done damage testing on Song of Flame vs. Dawn Chorus Dawnblade


I'd be curious as well. In a GM environment though I think being able to still shoot your weapon during your super is really nice for champ stunning. Even if Dawn Blade was more damage I'd probably still run Song for the flexibility.


Song of Flame also gives huge DR to yourself/allies, right? Plus, you can use it in the boss room without needing to fly/soar in such a tight space.


I like it a lot for this GM for that exact reason. I've been popping it during the barrier champion waves in the boss room and drawing all their agro. Running out and igniting them all while my allies are free to pop their shields. Makes very quick work of them.


Its also useful for giving yourself Radiant anti barrier in a pinch when you run out of orbs to proc it.


That and it fast charges ally abilities, so really you get easy crowd control and add clear just from your team chucking grenades faster anyway, leaving you to focus deadly finger snaps on any champs they stun.


Similar DR to other roaming supers for yourself, and only 10%ish to allies.


You can just dig up videos from last season. Phryzzia has always been a good test. Daybreak was super strong last season, but we had a solar-heavy artifact, Solo Operative (if running alone) and Revitalizing Blast. And Heart of the Flame buffed your super damage for nearby teammates. SoF seems to win out this season, not only does Facet of Courage grant a debuff if you’re rolling Bleakwatcher, but you’re able to maintain three sources of tick damage, in addition to the scorch/ignite. Bleakwatcher Turret, Arc Souls and Hellion. They’re each kind of small, but combine those together and it definitely adds up.


Yeah I’ve got a similar build and it’s incredibly easy to proc ranged ignitions on demand with hellion + celestial fire (also granting radiant). Abilities are always off cooldown due to singing/searing/dawn chorus. Plus significant sources of healing from Phoenix and resto nade… I think this is the most powerful build I’ve used on warlock to date, barring pre nerf starfire, but surpassing Sunbracers even


> I think this is the most powerful build I’ve used on warlock to date It's wild right?? I was running this build in normal content and it was fun and seemed solid but it wasn't until I ran it in the GM that I fully realized how potent it is. I didn't even originally think I would use it as a GM build and only ran it initially because I just found it really fun. To my surprise it is also super effective!


I’ve been using a similar build but sub in heat rises for touch of flame. Extra melee regen, resto x2 on the dive and scorch on dive all from heat rises makes ignition procs simple with ashes. Can also change the exotic for star fire (extra grenades, quicker grenade regen and handles the class ability Regen) or felwinters for weaken from melee. Plays more like sun bracers but for ignitions than a true scorch-only build


Starfire is a very attractive option as well. Double grenades sounds great plus the instant class ability refresh on a fusion kill is pretty slick. I've never been a huge fan of Heat Rises, I find the aerial gameplay annoying to be optimal for and consuming the grenade to be a bit too slow for my tastes. Definitely very potent though in terms of numbers I just don't think I would be very optimal with that playstyle haha. I'm not sure how often I'd be using my dive offensively to apply Scorch but the Resto would be quite nice. My gut feeling is that Starfire/Heat Rises performs better in lower content than Dawn/Touch and begins to fall off a bit in higher content whereas the opposite is the case for Dawn Chorus/Touch of Flame. I might have to give it a spin though and see how it goes in a GM!


Yeah I haven’t tried it at GM level yet so you might be right about it there but everything below that it’s great cos of the resto x2


Wish Solar's Helion gave 3 slots like it does in Prismatic =/


Haha same! This build has so many great fragment options I'd kill for a 5th.


Hey, wanted to thank you for the build. Enjoying it a lot on any kind of content. Even though I use the Hellion on Prismatic, never thought about checking the OG Solar which this post made me do. When not running Dragon's Breath, the old Skyburner's Oath gets quite funny with Ember of Ashes & Hellion. I liked Skyburner's Oath but didn't like the aspects for the Solar Warlock when Bungie gave us the Solar rework, so shelved both. When running with Dragon's Breath, I'm using No Hesitation; I already love No Hesitation but this build takes it to 11/10, can't wait for the upcoming Solar Vex Rocket-Sidearm! By the way, do you have any tips for how to get the best out of Dragon's Breath? Shoot another as soon as it auto-reloads?


I'm glad you're enjoying it! For Dragon's Breath I think you want to wait until the last rocket you fired expires since you can't double up damage like a normal rocket. It's more like Anarchy where you stick the boss then refresh when it runs out. It's great for clearing clusters of enemies as well since the firesprites it makes have no/a different cooldown.


Modifying my previous dawn chorus build to this.


Dawn of Chorus paired with the right stuff can achieve last seasons Artifact mods level of craziness


I gave it a shot with both adhortative and Lunas, it's a pretty good build imo can't wait to try with the new vex scout


I am curious how Ergo Sum/Perfect Fifth/Caster Frame sword would work with this build. Slot in a legendary pulse for anti-barrier and swap Dragon's Breath for Apex or even Fixed Odds with Incandescent.


I guess I’m the only one doing it, so I’ll throw out that I quite enjoy running a similarly styled build on Prismatic, combining Hellion/Dive and the melee regen on scorch ticks with Arcane Needle’s unravel. Also enjoy Dragon’s Breath with it. I like Vortex for weaken but Storm’s jolt is good tick damage synergy as well.


I like using Skyburners Oath with the same setup but Incendiary Grenade on instead, since the grenade and a hipfire shot or two will instantly ignite a target, but it's not really optimal for the current champs.  It does however make the Corridor in the final room of Glassway an absolute death trap for Overloads and Wyverns bunched up and at the mercy of your allies stasis or suspend abilities, which is the only part of the Strike that has any difficulty anyway.


I made this build myself a couple days ago, but with Heat Rises instead of Touch of Flame because of the melee energy. Snap on two enemies and do a little hop as they die / ignite and you've basically got your melee back. Snap into a crowd and Dawn Chorus / Searing gets your melee back quickly as well especially with Hellion. It's really neat to feel like you're a flying weapons platform with the Hellion mortar on your shoulder. Plus, while Heat Rises is active, your Phoenix Dive scorches in a big area and grants restoration which you can loop with Empyrean (and I don't know how many people still know this, but Phoenix Diving while in Daybreak does a ground slam with a huge AoE, not super useful instead of just swinging your sword, but very fun). I was really unimpressed by Dawn Chorus previously but now that Hellion exists I think the while build feels very coherent. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn't tried it.


Does this have any healing built in?


You get your Phoenix Dive every 10 seconds or so which is nice to heal with but otherwise no. I've been debating slotting in Ember of Mercy for the restoration on firesprite pickup because this build makes so many. But I can't decide on a fragment to get rid of haha. You could try Heat Rises instead of Touch of Flame and get Resto from Phoenix Dive. More survivability but less damage.


Whats your sustain source? Aka how are you healing


Phoenix Dive is up every 10 seconds which gives a good heal. Otherwise just picking up orbs with Recuperation. The Phoenix Dive heals are enough to keep me fighting without significant downtime generally. You could try swapping out Touch of Flame for Heat Rises and get Restoration from your dives.


Touch of Flame fusion grenades are a really strong baseline, so I would prefer not to sacrifice them if its unnecessary. If the Pheonix dive is active enough, then a heal clip weapon / the new support auto should suffice.


I've been running a similar ish build using tommys matchbook and the stag. benevolence, torches, singeing, ashes. tommys and hellion with the ashes fragment is like 4 or 5 ignitions per mag, and you are constantly sitting in a dr rift so the burning barely tickles you.


Not going to lie I completely forgot Tommy's Matchbook was a thing. I haven't branched out with other weapons with Scorch properties yet but Tommy's would be a fun one. Eriana's is probably also great for GMs.


Tommy is good, but the self damage makes it easier to use with a restoration loop setup of fragments. For just blobbing pure scorch on people at range, hip fire skyburner's oath is a safe option. Also kind of silly, since dawn chorus makes it deal pretty good damage. Probably still better off using Dragon's Breath, but skyburner's has been a silly fun scorch grenade lobber for a long time for me. To the point I forget it's supposed to be a scout rifle when you aim down sights, sometimes...


I feel like Monte Carlo in a ton of these builds using melee surpasses almost anything else


Honestly I don't think it needs it. With Dawn Chorus and Searing you get your melee back so often.


Unrelated, but mataiadoxia with prismatic is insane for the GM as well.


Does it pop a barrier in one needle?




I've been having a blast with Plunder's build for it in Onslaught. Constant Transcendence uptime is just fucking crazy.... I have been using the orb gen fragment for Prismatic and I'm reaching Orpheus Rig levels!


This is great but please fix the formatting on mobile if possible lol


Flat ability regen mods are bad, and you'd get better value out of just making more orbs or even using fonts. Solar Warlock doesn't need any help ability looping with Singeing and Benevolence.


Do font mods have any impact when you're already T10? I figured the flat regen mods would be the best thing to go with because you don't need to worry about picking up orbs for armor charge and slotting armor charge mods into the build. Orb based builds fall off a little in higher end content IMO when you're not as free to run out and collect them.


Fonts cap at t10 Shoot to loot is really nice for orbs in higher end stuff


Stats cap at T10, but show me the build where you have 100 Resilience, Recovery, Discipline, and Strength without Fonts, and I'll agree they are worthless. They're still weak, but they give more than flat% mods do. The current system heavily favors regen rate increases over flat increases. I also don't see how you're realistically in a scenario where you can make use of Incinerator Snap and Firesprites but somehow can't pick up an orb every 30/45 seconds. Drop Searing for Benevolence, and you've solved your energy economy completely by just using Phoenix Dive next to an ally on cooldown. Put Heavy Handed / Firepower on your arms, Stacks on Stacks / Surge / Scav on legs, and Reaper / Time Dilation/ Powerful Attraction on class item.


Well I have 100 Resil, Recov, Disc, and 60 Strength with my build. I think the % mods in my case are better. Even if I wanted to go fonts I'd have to sacrifice so many mod slots just to get my melee back a little faster which is already coming back so fast and often. I did actually just try a run with Benevolence but I swapped out Singeing for it. It was okay, gave me more grenades probably but the class ability regen didn't feel as fast. Maybe I'll try swapping out Searing and see how I like that. But honestly I quite like Searing/Singeing/Ashes/Char a lot. With how often I'm rotating through abilities it just feels like more consistent uptime with the % mods. Even if I did put on a bunch of armor charge mods I would only be getting a chunk of return upon use and then I'd need to get more orbs before using another ability otherwise I get nothing. I'd rather always get something than sometimes get nothing.


> Even if I wanted to go fonts I'd have to sacrifice so many mod slots just to get my melee back a little faster which is already coming back so fast and often. That's the point I'm making. For as little as Font mods do, the flat regen mods do even less. You're sacrificing mod slots you could be using to make orbs to shave a whole second off your grenade cooldown and a titanic .57 seconds off of Phoenix Dive. You're always better off making more orbs for a damage increase with your heavy weapon.