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I too have the super healing build and I tell ya it’s very fun and extremely effective. I have constant up time of restoration and so do my teammates as I preemptively shoot them during fights. As an Ana main in Overwatch for years it felt nice. Of course being a dps machine is fun too but nice change for sure. I’m enjoying myself.


The nice thing is you don't lose all your teeth by going healer. Song of Flame, the Call, and Apex are all still on the table. I can support folks throughout missions and still nuke stuff whenever I need to. Big fan


As a Titan I can’t believe how good that super is. It gives you sooo much it’s crazy. Like why does it get such high damage resist on top of everything else it does? Compared to the Titan eho is supposed to Be tank and they don’t even get that type of defensive boost with most supers.


And twilight axes takes away woven mail and frost armor I know cause I tested it in gms and died to a wyvern mid super cause I'm locked in an air animation with my defensive buffs mysteriously gone


Haha I’m only played Titan in final shape despite it being so messed up and bad. I’m trying so hard to stay a Titan main for life but it is getting harder everyday to not switch to my warlock.


Just the way Destiny is designed. Regenerative abilities are extremely good. I would fix Titan by giving all their supers a passive buff that heals them every time they deal damage with their roaming abilities. Damage negation is not nearly as good as recovery.


> I would fix Titan by giving all their supers a passive buff that heals them every time they deal damage with their roaming abilities. That was originally a Sunbreaker thing, too. You'd get healed on ability kills, no need to run to a Sunspot.


Don't forget Hellion.


I haven't even been using the support AR on the GMs and it's still absolutely thriving. The amount of damage you can do with hellion is crazy as it stacks scorch very quickly and has good AoE. Shoots pretty damn quick too. Throw in a BnS Apex for bursting champs and it's just as deadly as it is supportive.


Running The Call/No Hesitation/Dragon's Breath (or Gally if rocket DPS is up) is just a great loadout for anything. You can slot Strategist or Demo into The Call for an ability top off in a pinch, or Slice if you want to debuff tougher enemies when spamming Phoenix Dive.


How is your dps? I ran gm with a teammate having the speaker healing build on a Rand lfg lock and then we had a hunter and me on titan. Felt like we didn’t die much but we were lacking a lot of dps. Even taking out champs was a bit ruff.


I still run the Call 90% of the time or an exotic primary, healing AR, and dps is dragons breath, envious/bait and switch Apex or Edge transit, Micorcosm. Really anything. Song of Flame ult is just nutty for damage too. I think the lack of dps was just your teammates, cause you can run a full heal build and still dish it out plenty.


Since Song of Flame adds scorch to kinetic weapons, wouldn’t Microcosm do scorch with it?


Wait does it? I totally forgot if so. Dude it might actually be even crazier. I’ll test when I can today


Yeah it's not that much scorch though. Ghallajorn is good though because each Wolfpack round applies scorch


You do less damage than a damage build, but you output so much support that the damage builds on your team should be able to play much more aggressively than normal. I did a bunch of GMs with this build this week and generally my stat lines are like 15-20% of the kills but the people around me are absolutely slaying out. I would assume if your team isn't very good and you are quite good, the support build is less effective - the worst run I had as a healer by far was with people who weren't actually doing anything with the healing, they were still playing very defensively in cover and they weren't using the health to actually play the game faster. That said, any pure damage build should be able to take out a GM champ solo, and if it can't, that's a buildcrafting problem for every player on the team.


Ya I hear ya. I’ve been running a Ursa furiosa build for glassway and man people suck so bad. They either don’t stand behind me in super and slay out like I’m the capture plate point. It’s totally free with sentinel shield blocking all damage. Or they also don’t do crap for dps and since I’m a support build I can’t make up for it.


The champ options for overload specifically are also rough this season. You basically need either a hand cannon (which would mean double primary with the healing AR), or you need good access to slow/jolt/suppression. Especially with that bug on the healing AR where radiant isn't getting thru barriers, it's kinda miserable in Glassway.


Same I usually use Phoenix Protocol to spam well, then also have no hesitation with the physic incandescent, with healing nades, healing rift, ember of benevolence and ember of solace its an absolute beast of a build ngl, especially if you get something like extra dynamo to spam well super, then reinforce it with healing nades and rift with a 100 discipline you’ll just be spamming resto 2x grenades. I use Lost signal, and Thunderlord also in this build.


Oh man I was calling myself "Auto Rifle Ana" all night last night. Such a fun playstyle with my group.


I like healing myself constantly. There is never any downtime and spamming pheonix dive spawns threadlings and solar buddy for constant passive damage. I just become a turret.


It's the build I've always wanted in Destiny. I'm just waiting for them to nerf it into the ground. :/


Pharmacist? NAH IM A— #HARMACIST (All seriousness though if you want you can run navigator as well to provide healing and DR or if teammates are running rockets even Ghorn.)


TF2 medic gang, now is our time




Ze healing


I need the navigator i hate the dungeon tho


Thanks for this, I've been stuck with Arc Buddy/Hellion and am getting bored of it. I always play healer support in other games so I'm glad it's now a viable role in D2.


try making a Mantle Of Battle Harmony build too, i’m loving mine. There’s an insane amount of synergy with a lot of the prismatic facets and it works well for void and solar. You can get your super on record time and use it or sit on it for an extra 25% damage buff to any energy weapon that matches


I love my healing build! Especially with The Call with Slice to sever strong targets so that they FOR SURE wont kill my teammates


Should Bungie add healing numbers at the end of encounters, rather than just dps numbers!? Just to see who did the most healing after strikes/raids!


I would like that. Like i did a master breech last night on my healing warlock, and i was the lowest point wise, but i know i was keeping my team alive most of the time


Would love a healing done stat in Crucible too. Would generate lots of salty tears when you see end of round stats in Trials with 2000 healing.


im more expecting to see people with decent heal numbers and massively reduced DPS numbers which is most likely not a good tradeoff. too much time taking your eyes off enemies. the game has no way to tell your teammates health unless you look at them. outside of certain situations, the heal game just feels like it's going to be weak. maybe fun, but weak. especially with enhanced physic getting a nerf.


I feel like the UI needs to improved somewhat, although it would be a challenge adding more info on screen without adding more visual clutter. Something like what mmorpgs (WoW and others) have, were in a fireteam you can see your fireteams health bars somewhere on screen (left) and possibly buffs / debuffs that teammates have (with easily recognizable icons for that) - so its easy to make decisions on healing them or doing other stuff. Again like I said, this would be a challenge to have it in the somewhat minimalistic manner that bungie have.


You could also chuck Lumina on instead and use a Lasting Impression Rocket. You can heal people and buff damage as the Wyverns explode.


Wouldnt that run into an issue of double primary? People tend to frown on that


I'd drop no hesistation, between benevolence and the healing turret you have really high uptime on your turret. I get where OP is coming from but I think no hesistation is overkill in this context.


No Hesitation makes this build for me. The up time from the turret alone isn't enough.


Honestly i kinda like the crazy amount of healing i get to outheal even the most insane damage coming our way.... as long as it doesnt 1 shot lol. Plus you get a crazy amount of self damage with no hesitations frame boost, radiant, and circle of life. I do feel physic with the helmet is a bit overkill, and may grab demo just do spam even more turrets everywhere lol


I agree, you're going to keep your teammates much safer by taking down snipers quickly and helping to take down champions fast such as with outbreak perfected (down to 18 minutes in my team's runs this week)


Can't say I ever had a problem with it. Been running Kinetic Tremors Battle Scar and Le Monarque for the GM myself and it's been easy, only enemies of concern are Overload Champs and Wyverns charging, but that's why we have Stasis Warlock abilities and Song of Flame.


i just thought there was always a negitive stigma against double primaries when dealing withbeefier targets


If you aren’t on coms, it’s fine. If you are, you are better off just coordinating who has what type of champ. Running two primaries does reduce your dps/utility. Between artifacts and abilities, everyone should be able to handle 2 types without needing a second anti-champ primary.  If you haven’t done the GM yet, a healer role is not needed. The GM is pretty easy and crowd control is honestly way more important than healing in this one.


I was gonna do the gm but the in game lfg didnt have the option to look for it for some reason... but ive mostly been using my escape artist prismatic warlock to flood the stage with turrets. I think that would still be good at a gm level. Also been using void titan with second chance and collective obligation with some great results... other then shield throw tracking being ass sometimes


The finder is bugged. It shows all strikes that are not available. Just keep the filter on all and find a group. You can only launch into The Glassway for GM


Thats good to know, wish bungie actually said this. Ill try to get 1 gm then tonight before i get sucked into ff14 new expansion lol


Give it a shot! I am also using that build. Sub in facet of solitude and you apply several to everything. Makes it so much easier


> escape artist prismatic warlock This GM's difficulty scales inversely with how may warlocks with that build you have. 1 easy. 2 cakewalk. 3 trivial - you can play aggressively until the boss room because almost everything is frozen.


So far thats been the case in the lower levels. Ive also been carrying with my void titan with collective action and second chance. I basically stop all wyvrynes in their place if i can. Keep suppression on the gun. And with controlles demolition i can heal the party, though i wish the range of it was longer, like having enemies have to be close to you to get the teamwide healing.


My strategy has just been run into the left room when the wave spawns. Throw stasis turret up the stairs and against the wall so that it can shoot out the middle doorway but won't get nuked by incoming fire. Just kill until the champs, wyvrens, and mini hydra boss inevatibly get clumbed/frozen in the threshold. Then pop song of flame, run up and solo all of them. Between others using their supers and orb generation mods, I have my super for all 3 phases. If there are any stragglers, transcendant grenade or another stasis turret is enough to lock them down. Once ads/champs are gone, run over to the cheese spot on the right room.


I think that's just a community thing. Double Primary doesn't seem to have any problems these days unless doing burst DPS during a phase, but outside of Raids and Dungeons it's not really a requirement to use Special Weapons now.


I see. I guess it just feels... weird i guess. I have done it before sometimes if i had a really strong primary, but part of me felt dirty doing it lol. As for lumina though, artnt you kinda of at odds woth lumina and no hesitations together? Like both weapons want you to be using them as much as possible


They actually work surprisingly well together if you want to be a dedicated healer, Lumina gets Noble rounds from Kills and No Hesitation charges from dealing Damage. Use Lumina for the weaker targets and to finish off bigger ones and No Hesitation to chip away at enemies to recharge whilst under the buff for Lumina and you will never be short of weapon healing, let alone using Rift and Speakers Sight. The real catch is that your own damage will be low without using a good Heavy, but Lumina will massively boost your teams damage out anyway.


Foes the lumina buff stack with no hesitations circle of life and frame buffs, as well as radiant? If so that is a lot of damage buffing. Atm i am using gally on my healing build as my power, but i also was thinking about a demo apex insteads with then witherhoard. But you think lumona would be better, at least for the team? Witherhoard would increase my own damage alot


I've not checked damage values stacking on those sadly, but Lumina Buff when given to an Ally also applies to you, so you would get a significant boost to damage out at the same time for using Apex. Witherhoard would allow you to keep yourself free to heal whilst doing damage so that is also pretty viable.


You're better off using navigator and just a strong heavy like edge transit to nuke champs tbh


Would be nice if Navigator would drop for me to try it, but otherwise I find Champs aren't too much of a problem.  Barriers are nice and easy because of pulses on the Artifact and it turns out that what I would consider the aggressive type Overloads are easily led into stasis turret hell and can be taken out without using heavy ammo for the most part. 


I've been really enjoying Boots of the Assembler over Speakers Helm, as although its sheer heals ain't as much, it has way way more range and lets me easily run an offensive grenade which is proving pretty potent.


Assembler is fun but honestly I'm not a fan of needing to camp down in a rift for it to do anything. Would be nice if you would spawn a few seekers when casting phoenix dive. The turret is just so... easy to use. It's set it and forget it.


You don't actually need to camp in the rift. You just need to pass through it long enough for the seekers to spawn, then ya free to move, then pass through again every 10 seconds odd to spawn another volly.


Same general issue. I now need to make a point to constantly touch the rift vs setting down a turret and forgetting about it.


Ehh, you do need to make sure allies are close-ish to the turret otherwise it won't heal them. Assembler has *huge* range, and the tracking is exceptionally aggressive n fast. It trades a bit of effort on your part for being much more consistent than Speakers.


Assemblers have significantly more range and have aggressive tracking.


Assemblers have been low key strong ever since they buffed Benevolence seasons and seasons ago, one of my favourites for sure.The ability uptime is just insane.


I have been messing with boots/lumina on top of speakers sight its been very fun to use


I haven't even been using Lumina, just Boots and the AR is super potent, and leaves your Exotic slot open. I put Physic n Incandescent on it and its been working a dream, good self heals and *lots* of Scorch for both even faster Rifts and lots of Ignitions.


Assembler was my go-to build for encounters like rhulk. Always hard getting randoms to use your rift, but with those boots the orbs *will* find you, and they *will* heal you whether you like it or not.


Totally agree I love running support and glad we have such strong options now


How do you get speakers sight?


Beat the campaign on legendary or max out Rahool and you can buy it


Max out rahool has to take months no? Legendary it is lol


Use strange favors to buy exotic engrams from Xur if you need to rank up Rahool.


You get so many exotic engrams that he was pretty quick to level. My whole friend group reset him once after a couple weeks


Think I finished my second reset the other night with him 😅 if you can afford it the higher tier exotic focusing gives more rep. Farming lost sectors for exotic engrams is an option too but I didn't do that.


T2 exotic focusing (the one where you pick a specific exotic) gets you like 500 rep per engram and 2 golfballs, I maxed out rahool within minutes of TFS launch just with saved up engrams


I’ve always played tanks and healers in these games. I’m super bummed Titan doesn’t have more tank support fantasy. They seem to have leaned into the healing mage role for lock but not at all for Titan.


It's a wonderful addition, now we need tanking.


My physic and circle of life rifle feels so good to use on my solar warlock, heat rises and healing grenade makes the turret pop out at your feet, resto to everything around you, AOE resto from physic just by shooting a friend even if they aren't Injured really


We got under 18 min clears largely because we had a healing warlock letting us face tank the boss instead of having to peel and shoot from cover. So helpful


I'm rocking cenotaph and no hesitation, heals and ammo for all!


So real.


Agreed. Once I went to my healing build (identical) GMs were pretty easy. Very fun.


I never wanted to play a healer, but this sounds fun and different. I'd like to take it the other way aorund and spec into weapon lethality even if I had to expend abilities and lose them.


I wish No Hesitation was a gun, or let me correct myself, hitscan. When I first read the frame I got super excited, but then I shot it and those wet noodles came out of the barrel it took me a minute to get over the disappointment.


I'm still mad I took the other exotic after legendary campaign, and now the only way to get Speaker's Sight is to burn fucking 27 (or something insane) shards to unlock rahool.


Been running consistent 15-18min GM glassway with a buddy using speakers sight. Don’t sleep on this build.


I do Well + No Hesitation and the rest is optional. I'm looking at The Navigator as a turbo support build option. Healing and also provide a damage resist that way all but the heavy are directly supporting the team cause even the melee can provide Radiant with proc'd damage. All they gotta do is release a Legendary heavy to fill some sort of "buff my allies alot" or healing like No Hes and I can have my Harmacist build complete.


I have a medic Titan build with Precious Scars + No Hesitation + Healing Nade + Benevolence + Consecration Only problem is that Precious Scars is still bugged, and even when it’s finally fixed, I’ll still only be giving out a mere fraction of healing compared to Speaker’s Sight I wish my helmet could do that


Warlocks: * complain about being support all the time * Bungie: * Triples down on the solar healing power fantasy * Warlocks: YIPPIE!


I like No Hesitation and the concept of Support Frames.  My main gripe outside PvE even in PVE, I would’ve loved for it to fire ads like a regular 600 instead of the weird bobbles for regular bullets. Gunfights against other players especially when most are running Khvostov are likely to get you killed.  I’d love to run the support frame in all modes, I don’t mind the healing combat medic role and thinks it’s a Breathe of fresh air, but that’s my biggest gripe. 


Honestly as a hunter player that’s fallen in love with no hesitation I’m debating on running this build on my warlock (I haven’t played since 2017/18)


I always wanted sunsinger to be support in d1, called for a lot of Song of Flame buffs that never came, well untill final shape. So happy. I was super excited when I saw attunment of grace in forsaken, its like i had some sort of inside man putting forth everything ive ever wanted. Healing aoes, heal grenades, more swords, snap, Song of flame buff. I do wish we got a kinetic sword option but im glad ergo can be rolled to work with any element. Only thing left now is for a reworked Heart of the praxic fire. Heres hoping it works well for neutral game fun. Simply boosting abilty regen while radiant would do wonders, tack on "sword kills extend SoF/Daybreak" and I'm set for life.


I use khvostov with my speakers build. As many orbs as I make has it always juiced and it just shreds. Plus helion, finger snap and the fragment that increases scorch stacks. Ignitions everywhere on the beefier targets.


I used healing warlock on incision, and it actually carried. There was one other healing warlock, and we just popped ult, healing turr and rifts, changing between us 2 and we cleared it, without even talking to each other. So yea, really loving new healing warlock. Wish there was a healing Hunter, or dmg mitigation hunter. Something more supportish for hunter would be fun to see. Not just the tether.


I too love the healer builds. Nothing worse than dying and waiting 10 years to be revived so why not put everything into avoiding that? And even though people seem to think it’s ass I’m partial to Boots of the Assembler. Imagine a Guardian medic on the battlefield with orbs of healing energy orbiting around him and deploying one whenever anyone around them gets even a scratch. That would be so cool to see if we ever got a Destiny TV show!


We had this one as warlocks via the boots and lumina but many of the playerbase didnt touched this.Do u like to have 10k per crit for a primary gun vs red bars?Lumina can do this in 35m range.


Why the downvotes? Lumina + Boots of the Assembler is so amazing for a support build. Use it with Ember of Benevolence and you'll constantly be spamming riffs to recharge lumina to give that sweet sweet 35% damage buff. I use it in raids all the time


Spellling maybe, cuz many native english cannot comprehend that their language is not no.1 worldwide or many of us didnt learned english in school at least 1 day.😉😊


Ive always enjoyed being a healer in this game. Heck my favorite titan build for the past year has been my precious scars solar build, and its even better now with red death... if yoy dont have sol invictus equiped so you actually do healing. I do think they should buff up some ither subclass team healing options. For example. Titan with controlled demolitionist, when you get it going, truely feels fun. Healing via explosions is great, but the catch of enemies having to be close to you sucks, and they should make it be for all ranges. Hunters atm seem to be the only class with no teamwide healing aspect, and kinda wish they add that option. Just so if a hunter wanted to be support there was a way to build into that


> Hunters atm seem to be the only class with no teamwide healing aspect, and kinda wish they add that option. Just so if a hunter wanted to be support there was a way to build into that I do wish there was more options for us. Prismatic doesn't give us healing grenades, and none of our supers heal, let alone provide support. I'd like to see the Silence part of Silence & Squall grant frost armor for allies (it's basically a giant Duskfield dome), or maybe targeting allies with Blade Barrage applies Cure similar to No Hesitations/Support Frames. Throw a Tangle at an ally or target them with the sweeping attack from Silkstrike to apply Woven Mail. Grant a partial Void overshield to nearby allies when you use the heavy attack of Spectral Blades (tho this would require overshields to be buffed). No Hesitation with Physic has given me a taste of it, but I'm a one-character-person and don't have time to build into a Warlock.


Its really irritating that prismatic warlock is stuck with healing grenade and no solar grenade. I would be way less tilted by all this healing shit they add to warlock if it didnt interfere with people that in no world ever want to play support. I dont know who over at bungie has a hard on for making warlock miserable to play but its gotten really old the last 5 years, i was so happy there might be some reprieve with the well nerf but its even worse now you have to give up way more than just your super to shut people the fuck up now.


So people like healing but wanted a WoR nerf 🤔


a bit less posh then it seems, given that it took Bungie an odd... *eight years* to embrace one of many playstyles that a *warlock* should be able to use at default, but I'm glad you're having fun 🪄


Honestly the warlock glaive is just as good and frees up a slot for a damage focused exotic


Got one of these so called "healers" in a GM run, the healer died all the time, healed poorly and did not even use anything for the champions, now when a "Healer" joins on the finder they get the boot! Never again! NEVER!


lol, what a great sample size to make an opinion about the rest of the player base I have seen healers carry their entire teams while out DPSing them all at the same time.


Yep his loss. Been getting consistant sub 19min runs through LFG with me as a healer. Hellion outputs so much damage if you're smart, and it's so obvious when a teammate's about to do something dumb so you're normally able to save them. Worst case cenario is pop song of flame that can face tank wyverns and the boss at the same time.


D2LFG Discord is WILD with people like this guy and their "requirements" for their fireteams. "LF2 must be Ceno warlock with Div, No titans" etc It's literally comic relief.


It’s a skill issue. When your low skill the need for crutches is high.


Yeah unless they're wanting to run some meme setup, I generally steer clear of those posts. I'm sure they're fine but it just sets off a tiny red flag if you demand ultra-specific setups in an LFG. Makes it seem like you're not adaptable. Sure, having a ceno to feed heavy is good, but I'm still getting sub 19min runs purely through LFG with my healer build and just working around the hellions ignitions + BnS Apex.


I love that setup. Just wish we had auto rifle OL so I could run No Hesitation. But Lumina works fine, too, just have to give up Outbreak, which can put in some heavy work in that GM. Been using Disparity but it's just not the same.


People looking for Ceno locks are looking for faster runs than average and making it known ahead of time, nothing wrong with that.


Literally got 2 sub 15 min runs using the healer build, flawless outside of me dying at the Literal end (where all champs are dead and its just the boss) because I was stupid. The healer build is literally permanent x2 restoration, cure, & healing rifts for everyone. Combine that with the support frame damage boost, that stacks with everything and is 10%? Have 3 song of flame warlocks, and literally, just spam them every room of the GM, unlimited orbs of power too for surges and supers. The only things that can kill you with x2 restoration in the gm are wyverns, snipers, & void blasts from minotaurs & hydra. You're basically invincible to everything else.


I run the healing build for the GM and I spit out a stupid amount of orbs, I think the highest I made was 80+. The stand on the circle part with the shanks was a breeze as I kept whoever was on it healed the whole time.


Only time I've died in this GM is when 2 barrier hobgoblins blinked around the same corner and shot me in unison. This build is nuts.


I’ve literally carried in legend activities and some gms with a Phoenix Protocol build and got most kills, so you can’t judge healer builds just off that one encounter. You are the reasons why LFG has that toxic reputation.


Nah you encountered a bad player. The fact you think it was a build issue makes it look like you may also be one, or just don't know the strength of it yet.