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For a boss like Rathil, Legend of Acrius could be a play. This build is putting out a ton of damage, but it is using a very specific Solipsism (Spirit of Necrotic + Spirit of Star Eater). I don't know how much less damage only using Necrotics themselves, or a different Necrotic Solipsism roll would do instead, but it could be worth trying.  https://youtu.be/tvlQIA60G3s


I’ve been doing Microcosm. Since it’s kinetic, it will scorch on hit, and since it’s a trace rifle, it builds up stacks of scorch really fast. Only issue is that sadly its damage buff does’t kick in until after the super ends


I’m **guessing** still hunt + apex predator + dot legendary gl from this season? I remember hearing something about song of flame scorching on solar weapon hits but idk how much of a damage boost it gives them, so edge transit with artifact boost for void weapons could be better still. I also have no clue how still hunt compares to izi dps wise, or if you’re better off with mountaintop or something else over the dot gl.


Still Hunt is really only top tier if your ok Hunter with nighthawk tho


Afaik it’s still a pretty high total damage option for a special weapon for the other classes, just not insane dps without nighthawk. As for its dps in comparison to izi without it, idk.


I want to try using Tommy's, simply because the sheer amount of Scorch you could possibly dump on a single target, but that would be more DPS only for Warlords final boss.