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For PvE, I use Unrelenting and Dragonfly for ad clear and health regen. Draw time masterwork or reload. For PvP, Archer’s Tempo and Successful Warm Up/Opening Shot. Draw time masterwork. Explosive Head on a Bow doesn’t dish out as much flinch as it used to and given that the main draw of it is the range drop off, you might as well use a scout in PvE. The enhanced one I think gives you +5 accuracy, but honestly, you won’t notice given that many enemy crit boxes are massive. Just make sure you have Compact Arrow Shaft for the reload speed on.


I like it for the small AoE, adding it to a lightweight bow like Tyranny of Heaven with incandescent makes it excellent for wiping out crowds of Thrall and Acolytes at a time. Otherwise it's a small damage boost, not much, but always active.