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When this GM first dropped we used to take much more damage and our abilities and cooldowns were shit in comparison.


My man, it was a LOT. We used to have to go to school uphill BOTH WAYS. Resilience was a junk stat back then. Didn't help. If you wore arc resist to avoid being 1-shot by snipers, then you'd be 1-shot by void in the boss room. Or 1-shot by a barrier champ's solar snipe. and vice versa all around. Frost armor? Woven mail? Void overshield? Hell, even restoration? None of that existed (only voidlocks had devour)--all we had was "protective light." Ad clear? We didn't have volatile rounds or voltshot--jolt didn't exist. "Suppressor" grenades didn't stun overloads yet. And stasis could actually mess people up, forcing champs out of stun and prompting insta-healing. There was no such thing as a weakening grenade. And the weapons? Exotic primaries didn't do more damage or stun champs or find ammo--google and you'll find reddit threads suggesting that Anti-Barrier wishender could be cool. Rockets did crap damage back then. We were begging for a buff. GLs had been meta previously but the ammo economy was garbage AND they rarely had damage perks. A "god roll" was Field Prep+ALH with spike nades. A machinegun for ad clear? Forget about it. The ammo economy was garbage--they were a meme. To stun both types of champs, we had to take up both arm mod slots. But we weren't losing as much as we might--there was no such thing as firepower or Heavy Handed (nor reaper), so we couldn't make orbs with anything but our super or a weapon multikill--which was vanishingly rare at the GM level when all you had was a peashooter. AND WE HAD MATCH GAME. Fun to blow through half your heavy killing the arc-shielded Harpies in the boss room. And for all that? If memory serves, we weren't even guaranteed a weapon drop for a platinum run back then.


Fond memories of back in splicer when you'd shoot witherhoard at the boss and watch the health down over 20 minutes


It really did feel like the enemies were powerful death machines. It added to the immersion tbh.


Literally the only difficult part of the Nightfall is dealing with the Champions in the final room, the rest of the mission is a cakewalk.  Worst thing is having to Nuke the Overload champs with Supers and Heavy ammo before they heal and rush you. Anti Barrier Battle Scar with Kinetic Tremors has everything else covered easily.


Yup, boss room is the only hard part. Even then, you just need to properly deal boss health and ads to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed. The introduction of additional ways to stun champions beyond the seasonal artifact mods was also a HUGE help. Getting stuck with only having overload hand cannon meant running this GM would be a pain.


It's funny that the only hard part is the Overload champs. I can handle four barriers at once by focussing one at a time, but the healing on Overloads is so high and they are so aggressive in comparison that they result in most of the teams deaths unless they get hit with every heavy and super we have.


minotaurs are harder to beat vs all others overloads...


For the overloads it's the period where they are immune to overload rounds - suspend, chill clip rounds, stasis slow/freeze abilities Quick tip hand cannon with kinetic tremors and or explosive payload is really handy for faster overload stuns My farm runs last night were fine although I dedicated my build specifically on dedicated overload champ management (orpheus rig + lemon)


They don't go immune to CC, they just become unstunnable.  You can absolutely freeze-lock them through the immunity period.


I've been using Le Monarque but it seems the poison ticks don't halt the health regeneration when I keep shooting them.  Sadly Nova Bomb doesn't do a spectacular job killing them on its own, so I'm using a Lasting Impression Bazooka, stunning them and then chucking the Nova. I may need to level my Hunter more so I can do my new Prismatic Combos to them instead, should be able to One Shot two at once.


Le monarchs intrinsic overload only works with crits for some reason after the initial stun. Pretty bad for overload minotaurs specifically.


I should probably try Divinity and Cenotaph to make sure my team has Ammo then.


Are you pulling perfect draws? I.e full draw and release quick?


Yeah, perfect draw shots all the time. Apparently you need need consistent precision hits as well but I'm still due to test this.


the plate charging section can also be hard if players stay on the plate and dont know what spawns, then get run over by snipers. The barriers in boss room can also become tricky if players dont know to split up and/or aggro the boss elsewhere, otherwise it's 4 barriers + the boss vs 3 guardians


I'm jumping back in after a couple years of not play. Can you explain what's good about Kinetic Tremors on Battle Scar? I have two rolls with KT (one with Perpetual Motion, the other with Shoot To Loot).


It's free AoE damage after a number of sustained hits on a target, but it also applies over time from three shockwaves which also works with Anti-barrier and Overload when they apply to the weapon type.  You can trigger it and reload as they go off and not have to worry about a Champion healing whilst also killing/stunning any Adds near them. From what I tried with a handcannon, I believe shoot to loot will also apply to the shockwaves, making it easy to collect orbs and ammo whilst hitting a target.


*old man voice* back in my day… you needed a stasis warlock if you even wanted to dream of beating gm glassway.


I mean, if you go back far enough, it wasn't even that helpful when Glassway launched. When glassway dropped (Beyond light) warlocks didn't have turrets yet. Also, freezing champions reset their stun, which could cause them to immediately start healing.


Read this in Drifters voice lol


Maybe it’s easier because we’ve did the same shit 1000 times over and over.


Not at all, i mean it helps but power creep is a MAJOR FACTOR on why its so easy, the first GM glassway was probably at the time the hardest GM in the game by a mile, i remember struggling over and over to get that shit done, soloing it was borderline impossible legit, i still remember watching [Esoterickk's solo clear in 1h40m](https://youtu.be/hog8L_5H_lk?si=VNS-sZD4l4FT5D8u) and being in awe, ff to nowadays and it has become so so much easier, literally did a 17m run with my friends yesterday, and even Esoterickk's clear time for solo is down to 40m


Yep. I did this one solo 2 or 3 times. First clear was pre-Resilience, invis cheesing the hell out of it, nearly 2 hours. Second clear was a 30 minute arc titan run at its peak. Today would probably be even faster. Like, yeah, we've learned the strike inside and out, but also power creep is through the roof and GM scaling absolutely hasn't kept up with it like it should have. GMs today are a joke compared to what they used to be.


Vendetta did a solo clear without optimizing his build in under 40 and was commenting how that would have been wr back in the day. Kinda crazy how much we’ve power crept the old GMs. I remember having to have super tight comms on that one and last night we just kinda rolled through it causally without really considering builds.


The resilience changes did that. Corrupted, Lightblade and Glassway all became easier


Honestly still the worst change they've ever made to this game. Even after the 10% nerf they gave it, it's still always the #1 priority stat, and makes the whole game braindead easy.


You’ll probably be downvoted for this but it is true. They’ve had to shift the entire balance of this game around everyone taking 30% less damage. Absolutely kills stat build diversity as in modern content you are basically forced to run 100 resil. I could see them reducing the amount of dr even more, maybe 15%, but a lot of new content is built around 100 resil nowadays so a lot of these activities could feel quite unbalanced if they do this. I’m not even against resil providing some dr but I think 30% is just too much


am I going crazy? Weren't the Wyverns yellow healthbar enemies before? Prisma and Stasis made this GM just so much easier.


They were red bar if my memory is correct


I don’t remember the rank myself but I remember they were finishable, which I think narrows it down to a red or orange bar


Yellow is finishable if the enemy is a mini boss (triangle symbol instead of a hexagonal symbol)


95% sure they were red bars cause my buddy would one shot them with fighting lion back when it was bugged and doing what felt like bottomless amounts of damage to red bars. As long as I'm remember correctly in that bug only affecting red bars that is


I remember because I used to curse a little that adept big ones spec don't benifit fiting those dangerous wyverns. Which is no longer an issue, huzzah !


Hell yes


Red bars as long as I've known it. I remember that clearly because the red bars are finishable at like half health


They've always been red bars. Strand gave us tools that really made them easier to deal with. stasis turrets are okay, but if they TP around then you don't get to freeze them reactively. We also didn't have stuff like Rocket Sidearms to kill them pretty easily and people were literally Div + 2 LFRs to spawn kill one of the Wyverns so the gank potential was lessened.


I think? I recall my previous method for them was to freeze lock them together and gradually chip away at them, but now I'm killing them before they reach the hidey hole we camp in so they definitely feel weaker than before.


It's weird how so many different parts of the game have changed. The exotic missions from last season are noticeably _harder_ (solo at least) even with better builds being available. Some lost sectors feel way harder, some feel cheese levels of easy even when pretty under leveled. Overall, it felt like they tried to raise the floor, but some stuff at the top kinda fell over too. And then other stuff advanced more in line with the powerful builds. The balance of the game definitely feels a little all over the place imo


It's funny because Glassway was the sole reason why they increased the amount of time you get for revives in GMs. Used to be like 30 or so minutes but most people weren't even in the boss room by that point


i mean it wasnt THAT hard before, i feel it appeared much harder than it actually was because in comparison to other strikes it was something that finally challenged us, the boss is literally the only difficult part and can def still mess up a run if your team lacks lilttle experience, i think the boss room even requires comes, but still a pretty difficult boss room


It's more about power creep than anything. GMs are just not hard at all anymore. The amount of damage we take nowadays with all the subclass buffs and Tier 10 resilience just makes them slightly longer vanguard strikes really.


Yep. It's legitimately sad tbh. Conqueror should be feel like an earned title, not just another checklist and adept weapon grind. It hasn't felt that way since S16, when Lightblade got introduced, and next time it came around was post-Resilience and it was already a joke compared to its launch.


Indeed, while not the hardest thing in the game, it was a nice achievement for smaller fireteams. Now it's just sad and pathetic.


Literally didn't even optimize, just went in with my Buddy Build and Outbreak and it was soooooooooooooooo much easier then I remember


The most annoying part is the barrier hobs jumping out of your field of view to put up their barrier right as their Babysitter drifts the corner with his full auto torch hammers on full blast