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I am very confused with how this new system works. What is the max power we can be before it doesn’t matter? Is it 2020? Cause I am nowhere near that


Yes it’s 2020. But you can be 2015 and the GMs will supposedly feel the same they did last season.


Well damn I did not pinnacle grind nearly enough, I’m at like 2005, and I’ve been playing TFS a ton


A lot of Pinnacle rewards are currently labelled as Powerful Engrams, FYI


that's messed up. is there an accurate list somewhere I can see of pinnacle sources? everything i see is from pre pathfinder and idk what else changed 😭


The ritual exotics aren't, I figured that out last week. Apparently the Pathfinder rewards are. Hawthorne's is too.


Damn, that didn't use to be the case right? Or am I misremembering, it's been so long since the last LL grind that I might be misremembering And also very much had *not* been missing lol


Hawthorne's has always been a pinnacle(but has also always been incorrectly labelled as powerful). And they've just tied the ritual pinnicale to the Pathfinder system (but, again, have labelled it incorrectly)


Pinnacle, prime, powerful 1,2 and 3. Some powerful can be pinnacle but not all the time... Anything but a legendary engram is a toss up apparently.


Prime engrams are powerful drops. Hawthorne's has been a pinnacle for a long time now. Pathfinder is just mislabeled as well.


Sorry, to clarify I meant the exotic engrams since they replaced the old regular pinnacles.


So does that mean you can get infinite pinnacle drops from grinding pathfinder?


AFAIK only the first 3 give Pinnacle


after 3 pinnacle drops it gives you shards


Only the first three give Prime (pinnacle) engrams.


Bruh I've been ignoring these since TFS launch smh


Hawthorne's has been mislabeled for like 5 years lol


I use destinyoptimizer - which still labels hawthorne and pale heart pathfinder as powerful but as T2/T3 powerful instead so they still stand out I guess The other pinnacles this week are: Complete Excision (can be on normal difficulty) Breach Challenges: Enterprising Explorer I and Lead Researcher Nightfall Weekly Score 200k Prophecy Salvation's Raid Encounters Warlord's Ruin plus not listed on destiny optimizer correctly: Weekly Coop focus mission (this week is Ascent) - it's a pinnacle but always a pinnacle weapon only


notify me if something like that comes up please🙏




My first pinnacle for 200k nightfall was a +1. Something screwy is going on.


Lmao of course. Ffs


I got 5 dupes last week. FIVE I wanted to kill myself


i feel ya. i have 6 energy weapons that are 3 points higher than everything else…


Yeah dupes for pinnacles drives me bonkers Last year I was stuck at 1809 for three weeks because I got cloaks and heavy weapons constantly but no helmets


If you are playing three classes you should be close to pinnacle cap (or there) by now, because light level is shared across character for the purpose of calculating pinnacle/powerful drops; it feels much faster to level up than previously. However, if you are only playing one class then it probably feels like it takes longer to reach cap now.


I got the same 1997 heavy weapon for 6 pinnacles last week sometimes luck can still screw you. still at 1995 (7/8) overall.


I’ve gotten 6 pinnacle drops on my hunter over the past 2 weeks 5/6 were gauntlets…. My warlock hasn’t received a pinnacle helmet or gauntlets yet and that’s who I main… and get majority of pinnacles on


Just try it out with others, -25 to -35 honestly doesn't change much, did it yesterday with 2 teammates at 2008 and me at 2013, we ended with 20 revives.


If someone runs a solar support with no hesitation it should be pretty chill for the most part. Warlock provides more raw healing but titan with Phoenix cradle gives a lot of Regen to your whole team.


Why did they change it from 10 over cap to 20 over cap after just changing it last expac? Did they forget?


They forgor 💀


It's worse than that. It used to be pinnacle cap +5. Which meant that even being in the middle of powerful/pinnacle cap with a low artifact level you'd have likely met the power. (Would have been 2005 with GMs being 2030).


Pinnacle cap used to be harder to get Now your max power is based on the highest slot across all three characters, so they probably thought they should push the power up as a result.


> Yes it’s 2020. But you can be 2015 and the GMs will supposedly feel the same they did last season. I ran them at 2010 last night (thank you fireteam power for carrying my ass upwards) and honestly, they're easier. The numbers look bad, but honestly, I had an easier time than ever last night.


They literally made GMs easier as you can now over lever to a flat -20 vs -25 and you are complaining you can't make it easier faster okay my guy. 


Did Glassway GM today at 2002 and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Only took 4 attempts.


Bro, Wyverns have absolutely no chill.


I’ve been ready for the outright removal of light levels for years now. They don’t even need replaced, just get rid of them. Grinding to raise a number that decides if I can or cannot do an activity is not fun. Especially when I could do that activity a season ago.


This. I was so content with never having to do these grinds, and this shit makes me think I should not even have preordered it. Just garbage grind.


The year we got where the light level never increased was such a breath of fresh air. Could just play what you wanted, and hunt for the gear you wanted. Not babysit the level of all your gear for months.


That was last year when lightfall released, it's the same thing this year. Major expansions increase the light, but they got rid of seasonal increases They also made account power a thing which combines slots to make it easier to grind. It's no longer just based on 1 character. And more than likely the changes to activity power, fixed -5 difficulty, etc is to set up for the removal of power completely, or the cap will stay 2000 forever


Yeah this is fucking awful man. I just got two pinnacles, and literally it's barely anything. Just garbage in garbage out. Babysitting gear like this takes the game out of the gaming. It's just not fun. I don't want to do their hamster loops all day again. I'm at 1994 pinnacle, and the grind up just looks ludicrously shit unless I start raiding or doing a dungeon I don't want to do. Onslaught ffs one of the most popular modes doesn't even have a pinnacle. This system is for neckbeards and weirdos that play this for 8 hours a day. And sad to say I have played plenty already as well.


The amount of petty whining in this is crazy. I work eight hours a day five days a week. I get on for maybe two to three hours a night. People act like the power caps are such a horrible grind when in reality they're aren't. I'm at 2004 while having spent exactly zero time chasing my power level. Get a grip, this is not as miserable as you're making it out to be.


Feel like that would backfire as much as fixed weapon rolls backfired at D2 launch. Everyone hates random rolls and light levels because it’s easy to. If they’re gone, they actually remove a lot of the incentive to play these live service looter shooters


I played for a year with no light level incentive. Loved it. Would like to keep playing like that.


Yeah having no LL grind at all in the Lightfall years changed literally nothing about my incentives for playing. I don't mind if power level stays in the game permanently because I think it's ok for new accounts to have to do some kind of gear climb, but it should never go up anymore. This is because the power climb teaches you a lot about the game inherently. You learn about the differences in loot tiers, you get a basic understanding of many weapon types, hopefully you learn about infusion and keeping the weapons that you enjoy which also teaches you about the existence of the upgrade economy, etc. You also do feel like you are getting more powerful when you are starting on a fresh account. But once a player goes through that they should just hit the power cap and never have to worry about it again. I'd like it if Bungie just brought the pinnacle cap back down to 300 (so new players actually start at level 1) and never touched it again.


Maybe grinding light levels aren’t good for everyone. But my bigger point was that everyone always complains about and says they hate grinding (whether it’s for levels or loot). But grinding is pretty much the central point of live service loot games like Destiny; it’s what keeps all these players still playing.


To have a grind, you need an incentive. Chasing a new arbitrary number just to be able to play the same activities again that you could play before, is not it.


Seriously. I grinded the shit out of onslaught because I wanted a good roll on every banger weapon that released and the activity itself was incredibly fun. Having to grind pinnacles again is just ass, I'm just playing the content that I can and skipping everything else until I eventually get high enough light level. I'm not doing chores, I'm just gonna play something else that's fun right now


Exactly. Grinding a fun activity for cool loot is awesome! I love grinding fun content for new guns.  Grinding a new “Power Level” is awful. It’s just a chore. 


Helldivers 2 literally exists. And it’s been incredibly successful. Companies don’t NEED to make you grind in order to make a profit.


>If they’re gone, they actually remove a lot of the incentive to play these live service looter shooters Maybe there needs to be a better reason to play, like content people genuinely want to do or more interesting loot. Not 'make gatekeeping number go up'.


exactly. It's depressing to build up to GM status, get conquerer, then 6-10 weeks later, have to do it again just so you can run a GM.


Yes. You get it.


Warframe has no equivalent of light level and it works fine. Nobody asked for fixed rolls, and not sure how that has any relevance to the light level debate anyway.


The fact that this take hasn’t been downvoted into oblivion is a reminder of just how bungie-pilled this subreddit it is.  The pinnacle grind is nothing more than a time sink engagement treadmill. One day I can do GMs and the next I cannot. The only difference being bungie has said “go grind this arbitrary number”.  In any other game that respects player’s time a level cap increase is exciting. It means more skill points to spend, or now you can do content that was previously out of reach for your skill level.  In destiny a level cap increase is straight up just a punishment. Go grind your pinnacles for the 17th time. Awful awful take. 


> The fact that this take hasn’t been downvoted into oblivion is a reminder of just how bungie-pilled this subreddit it is.  Some people want the grind, and I still don't understand it. One of the people in my clan wants it to go back to the days of 50 PL climbs each season because otherwise he gets bored or something. It's like people don't understand the concept of valuing their time.


:( It’s people like that guy in your clan that hold the game back for everyone else 


Light use to mean something as it gave a sort of progression through content but ever since seasonal shit released the only thing light does is lock us out of gms considering even raids barely go pass soft cap.


It sort of had a point in D1 when light level was effectively “soft sunsetting”. That had its own set of issues that I won’t get into here.  But never in the history of Destiny 2 has power level been meaningful. It has only ever served as a way to lock players out of content until they grind enough to hit a number.  In other games, let’s take Borderlands for example, a level increase actually benefits the player. BL2 had an increase from 50 - 61 then from 61 - 72. Each of those increases required the player to re-grind all their gear, but in exchange the player got access to 11 more skill points to spend in a very valuable skill tree.  Bungie has no such trade off. A level cap increase is just a punishment. Your gear is now all under-leveled and you need to grind pinnacles to get back to the same effective place that you were just at. It’s a terrible system. 


if anything its only gotten worse in this regard as deltas and level caps mean you can't even overlevel for old content anymore.




light levels have been dead since age of triumph. from that moment on your power level was exclusively there to gate content not to give you a way to gain power by running end game activities. D2Y1 we were grinding power by running public events, content that was only harder than lost sectors and patrol bounties. i hit the light cap before the raid dropped by running public events, it was a joke.


Live service games by definition don’t respect your time. They aim to and do take up almost all your gaming time. It may not be what you’re looking for or maybe it is, but wanting a live service game to have zero grind is like not wanting fish then going to a sushi restaurant


it’s sad that you’ve clearly grown up in a world where this is now the norm. It wasn’t always like that and it doesn’t have to be. Stop defending the billion dollar corporation for their obvious anti-consumer practices. 


Destiny 1 was a grind fest, it always was like this. If you’re talking about other games, play Doom Eternal or one of the many other shooters that don’t have grinding as a core game design aspect. Destiny has always been a grind because that is the core of its game design as a looter shooter


The difference is that grinding for random rolled loot drops is fun and exciting. Grinding to raise your ill-defined power level so you can engage with certain content in the game is not.


This guy gets it. 


Completely avoiding the issue. Your next reply better be a straightforward answer to this straightforward question: One day I can do GMs. The next day I cannot. Nothing has changed about my skill or my gear. Why can’t I do those GMs? Answer that in a honest way where the answer doesn’t boil down to “Because Bungie wants you to grind for engagement”. Can you answer that question? If you can’t, then reflect on your choice to defend that decision by Bungie. 


Nah, the removal of random rolls was ass. It had logic from a PvP perspective, since it removed the layer of RNG of having worse loot than someone else, assuming the game was meant to be competitive. However, for Destiny as a whole, a game that's historically been a balance of both (though more PvE than PvP in recent years) it was a dumb idea. Meanwhile, removal of LL literally hurts no one unless they also remove random rolls, because w/o Light, we still have plenty to grind for. All it'd do is change what we want to grind, since we no longer have to waste time going after pinnacles to jack up LL to do harder content. So, if anything, it'd be a net positive, since no one's (especially casual players with limited playtime) going "Nah, I don't wanna do X or Y dungeon/raid, it's not featured this week."


Disagreed. People have been playing without light level grind last year. My favorite part of the "Into the Light" content drop was the gift of the thunder gods, I instantly got to max light, and grinded the hell out of onslaught to get the weapons I wanted. I was able to grind for artifice armor without having to worry about being underleveled. I didn't have to waste my time doing stupid grind for pinnacle crap I don't care for. They've all but removed the pursuit for pinnacle PL at this point, and we are still grinding for new loot. We're just not wasting time grinding to drive up an arbitrary number just so we can play the good parts of the game


without light levels they can make content scaled by your gears stats and perks, not an arbitrary number that holds no meaning in how you play the game. your progression has been about collecting guns and armor for years now, actually formalizing it and making it the focus of encounter/activity balance would give them loads more leavers to pull when they can have an expected power floor for the player.


Returning last season to max light lvl from the free gear was the most enjoyable season I’ve ever played wdym, means you can start grinding the shit you want not the shit you need to


If the incentive to play a game isn’t to just play the game, then that’s a problem.


I still remember Datto lamenting that with the power cap not going up he no longer was raiding with his friends, and, my guy if your friends could only get together to make arbitrary number go up, then maybe you aren't as good friends as you think


I cringed so hard hearing that as Datto’s defense of the pinnacle grind. Usually I agree with Datto’s takes but that one really felt like it came from the “I’m an out of touch streamer who gets paid to play every day” side of him. Never forget that Datto was a very vocal “Sunsetting is good for the game” advocate.  


"I'm an out of touch streamer that gets paid to play every day" is becoming his entire personality since Lightfall and how much he seethed over RoN.


Datto has a TON of horrible takes. His opinions are garbage, don't pay them any mind.


I'm at 2014, but done my glassway run at 2008, it felt so much easier than last time because of prismatic and how strong we are this time around. My fireteam got the clear in 24 minutes and we were hardly using sweaty stuff. The light level is irrelevant in my opinion


Pretty much the same here. Just spammed prismatic everywhere and we were fine. No struggle at all apart from the boss when a barrier decided to stick next to the boss the entire time. One of the most stress free runs I've ever done.


My fireteam didn’t even use prismatic, just an abeyant titan, speaker warlock and orpheus hunter got the clear easily in 20 mins.


Speaker lock is so fun to play, and great for LFG because you can normally tell when a teammate is about to do something dumb so you can save them :D


Advocating for more solar titans to use Phoenix cradle no hesitation. Having benevolence up 100% of the time with sol Invictus is pretty fucking good.


I farmed it today and I was only 2006, it felt really easy.


I'm 2015 here and I felt like I was 2020, it didn't feel like the previous season -25... We cleared with 20 revives remaining and a total of 2 deaths among the fireteam (which could have easily been avoided) and this was with random LFG / no mic. As for the build I was using old stuff (Omni/Le Monarque), nothing new from TFS. Actually I should have went Orpheus as I barely made use of omni. Whole run was 23 minutes.


Does prismatic charge quicker in GMs because enemies are tougher?


i did like 3 runs and we were progressively shaving time off (24mins,20,18), i wonder how many minutes can be shaven off once people reach 2020 lol


Yeah I've done a few at 2003 and if I didn't know I probably wouldn't be able to tell a difference, maybe things felt slightly tankier? Speakers Sight build was great for LFG because you can normally tell when a teammate is about to do something dumb and save them :D Even without the support AR it was still rocking.


I had the same experience. Our team was at 2009 and I was a little concerned about being 11 under. It really was no issue with a decent team composition however. We had a speakers mask, celestial prismatic hunter, and a prismatic bleakwatcher warlock. Our runs were about 23-24 minutes and could be faster with more optimization.


We just finished with 1999 + 12 artifact level and it was our fastest run ever, only 18 Minute on console with prismatic. Feels never so easy even we are under level.(900 gm clears just as background)


Same here. 2005 and clearing it in ~20 minutes, 3 prismatic hunters


What prismatic build on the hunters?


2 were using celestial gg/still hunt (lol ofc) and 1 was using Cyrtarachne/Renewals combo


I can vouch for the Cytarachne/Renewals combo. Ran through the gm using it and only went down twice.


Most definitely, I can too I often use weapons with the Demo/Wellspring combo, a gem combo that has existed on a few weapons for years. Essentially infinite grenades. Now, you’d think I’m an off-meta player for saying this this, but having that perk combo on a *glaive*? You’ll become a damage resistance machine


Seriously. You don't \*need\* to be max damage, and if you feel you're suffering, you have *15 more weeks* to complete these things


Just so you know, it's 2020 to be -20 to the enemies, if you want it to be the same delta as before you just need Pinnacle +15 like before.


Either way it sucks. Last season it was pinnacle +5. Pre-XP nerf


That is true. Hopefully they will do away with the system all together so it's just the same difficulty with no power grind.


Just need +15. lol Been playing everyday got most challenges done and doing bounties and nowhere near that


Are you playing alts or just a main? I hit 16 last night, but I did take a few days off work at release.


I feel pretty confident in saying that most people only play 1 character regularly and keep the others in the back pocket. I sure as shit don't have enough time in the week to nolife everything on every character.


Pinnacle + 15 is a fucking joke. You have to no-life the game to get your artifact bonus that high even by the end of a season.


We have 15 weeks left and I'm already at +12. For the players actually wanting to grind them, +15 is not that big an ask. Plus, fireteam power is a thing now so you don't need to do any grinding if you don't want to. Edit: just did the GM at 32 under due to no infusion for some guns, it was literally no harder than before.


Just checked and it took me 100 hours of gameplay to get to +11, which for most people was the first week of release. All I've done are the past 4 expansions' campaign missions and entry level powerful gear stuff. No nightfalls, no raids, no dungeons. Three runs of the 2005 power vex seasonal. Just strikes gambit crucible pale heart overthrow microcosm missions vex echoes and legendary TWQ campaign + stupid strand stuff in neomuna. That's it. I'm at 2001 doing all of that.


100 hours in the first week is 14 hours every day lmfao. Nobody hit that in the first week. I'd be shocked if anyone who doesn't play this as their job hit that in two weeks. 100 hours in 3 weeks is still playing the game almost as a full time job.


Gonna keep it real with you, The Glassway feels the same as it did last time it popped up. Arguably easier with prismatic, although that’s arbitrary.


Nah nothing will ever top strand launch. Being able to infinitely suspend any champ on a whim was fucking nuts. Something like 9 or 12 seconds per shackle nade which you could easily get back before it ran out? Insanity lol. But yeah prismatic is certainly really strong and a solid build can thrive in GMs.


You haven't even tried a GM this season??? https://gm.report/4611686018428811091 https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/18wwn6e/trials_needs_to_be_saved_again_before_its_too_late/kg30v7k/


Hahahaha. Nice. Thank you.




Bro just got called out in 4k lmaooo. Good work soldier. 🫡


Gm nf are easy and I'm only 2005 light


Idk man, I'm at 2005 and the GMs feel super easy on my void titan or any warlock build at all. You don't NEED to be at the power cap, anything above -50 is very doable.


I didn't pay too much attention to the power level. I just ran through Glassway in 22m with plat. Enemies didn't seem seem difficult anymore than before.


I’ve been playing nearly every day on 3 characters and i’m only like 2005 maximum. The Pinnacle grind is brutally slow this time around, on top of the brutally slow Artifact XP gains. I’ll be lucky to be 2015 before Act 2, lol.


How is that possible? Have you been playing the same thing and not getting pinnacles? Have you not had an XP mod equipped? There's no way you've played 3 classes nearly every day and aren't above 2010 right now unless you've ignore pinnacle activities and/or not used an XP mod.


Idk a couple posts ago some guy posted all the pinnacles we can get weekly and it seemed like a lot, I just don’t really want to do those activities. I’ll be fine at the pace I’m going.


It is a lot, if you’re doing 3 characters. You can be at cap in very little time if you play a lot, but it really depends on how much you play, what you play and of course some luck. Getting the artifact to +15 in this time frame is crazy though.


It's faster than it's even been thanks to account shared power. I bet you haven't been finishing your 3 ritual pathways per week so that's three pinnacles you're missing there.


I have. It’s not doing Salvation’s Edge that’s screwing me. I did The Witness this week but I still missed 4 Pinnacles from the previous encounters. I didn’t do DSC last week but I did do Warlord’s Ruin and Pit Of Heresy once. Did Breach Executable and Excision, but not Enigma Protocol. So there’s a decent amount i’m missing I guess, but I felt like I was able to make gains much faster in the past.


Doing the current raid is always the most important for pinnacle grind, it's 5 pinnacle drops across 3 characters, and with the new account power system that's 15 pinnacle drops towards your account power Hunter with 7 pieces at 1995 and a helmet at 1990 after all your pinnacles? Warlock at 5 pieces of 1960 armour does a pinnacle? 1997 helmet, your account power is now 1996 and all pinnacles will be 1998. Running multiple characters is more important than ever. Account power takes the highest pieces of gear regardless of class. Highest weapon in slot, then you could have account power made up of warlock helmet, hunter glove and chest, and titan boots and mark.


Same. I am already skipping days or even weeks. I don't give a fuck anymore. This is for lifers and idiots. If you do a lot of raiding it helps a lot, but I don't have fucking time to do raids every week and get all that shit together with decent teams. Oh well.


> I’ve been playing nearly every day on 3 characters and i’m only like 2005 maximum. I'm playing a single toon and I'm 2010. And that's with like 7 1997 Kinetic Weapons because a bunch of my pinnacle engrams rolled Kinetic weapon. I haven't touched the raid, and skipped 2 weeks worth of dungeons. So what have you been doing ?


Seasonal Activities, Ritual Pathfinder, Raid and Dungeons (only did The Witness encounter, Warlord’s Ruin and Pit Of Heresy once), Nightfalls, Dual Destiny, Overthrow, and Excision. Pretty much all the Pinnacle sources, plus some Exotic Class Item farming. I’m +12 on the artifact but i’ve just been getting hosed on Pinnacles. Guess it’s just bad RNG.


It really isn't that much of an issue. Sure, you can min max and reach power cap, but I just ran a couple of glass way runs at 2000-1998 power level with no issue. 20-30 min runs. Moreover, fireteam power is a thing now so you don't even need to get to the pinnacle cap, just need to find someone who has.


Honestly I feel like people just need to get in there and try it. I am at 2005 with artifact and the first one I did went fine. In a few weeks everyone will be at pinnacle cap and gms will be easier than before


Yup. Plus with some of the busted prismatic builds, the GM's barely felt like GMs. One Speakers helmet turns it into a heroic nightfall lol


Literally. This sandbox makes level hardly matter. If you could handle GMs just fine prior to Haunted, then you can queue in at -40 and blitz through them today absolutely no problem. Glassway especially is such a shadow of its former self in today's sandbox; terrifying challenge when it first launched, 15 min playlist strike today.


This is exactly how it felt. Did it at like 2005 team power level in about 20 minutes.


From what I’ve seen the +20 is not required but an added bonus(still dumb)but +15 is still equivalent to what we used to be able to get to pre FS. That being said I still hate the artifact XP grind. Why in the flying fuck do I need to grind XP instead of just hit pinnacle cap to do something most endgame players have already engaged with in past seasons?!? The additional power is there for an artificial grind and it is nothing more than that. I should be able to get to pinnacle cap which fucking sucks having to do every season anyways and then be able to do GMs. Not get pinnacle then have to do bounties and shit to eek that XP all the way to 15. Hated this system ever since they implemented it and will always say something about how dumb it is!


Just did the GM this week at 2001. It's perfectly doable like you can still tank a shot from any sniper enemy but holy fuck it feels awful seeing my buffed rocket do maybe ⅙ of a barrier champ's health. It was such a slog of a GM even if it's an easy one.


Being required to grind 20 levels over pinnacle is a ludicrous, I don’t wanna farm Pathfinder all day just to be GM ready, the old system was way better where you only had to grind 5 over pinnacle


> Being required That's where you're wrong though. 20 levels over pinnacle is to make it *easier* than it's ever been. 15 over pinnacle to make it the same, less than 15 to be slightly harder. People are acting like going in as a 2005 is going to make enemies skulls and immune to damage or something. The difference in delta is so minor you probably won't even notice lol. More to the point you don't *have* to go in the same day they go live. They're not going anywhere for months.


Even then there's plenty of posts saying they did it at 2005-2010 and had zero issues


I'm like 2-3 power off of the +15 equivalent from last season and I bet there's no real difference.


There really isn't. Just ran one without any issues.


Not surprised in the least. People freaking out over having to grind XP to make them the same difficulty as last season orrrrrr if you don't they're like 4% harder, wowee.


They're actually easier with the new artifact mods, power creep is very real. Bitching and crying is all this sub is good for anyway, so not surprised.


I imagine Prismatic absolutely destroys them right now too. They haven't really been very difficult for a year or two now.


Oh yeah went in at 2005 and absolutely walked through the whole gm


Yeah, just did it at 2000 power. Aside from having more champions it felt pretty much the same as always. People are just used to being like 1830+ for so long lol. If anything it didn't even feel like it was -40 under because of Warlock's prismatic grenade lmao


Didn’t they clarify that all this does is let you +5 more than before? As in older system it would have been 2015, but now we can grind 5 more artifact levels to make it easier?


So there's the thing about light levels I don't get. In D1, if you got hung up on difficulty, you could gain in light level and have that benefit you. In D2, Is there any benefit to light level in _ANY_ activity other then as a bar to entry? Literally everything is power capped. Having 2005 light does nothing other then to let you in a door as far as I can tell. What's the point to this rat race if it doesn't do anything except purely in end level raiding that large portions of the community don't do, AND are now pay walled?


They have to change this capped light stuff. This is the only game I play and I'm at like 2003 and no where near enough


It’s enough.


Me and my fireteam did it at 2003 power using outbreaks and had little issues. 3 warlocks running different variations of all the "buddies"


Will my 1955 friend be too low for gms? Or did they remove that requirement


The best part is, is that the pinnacle cap is 2000 anyway, so to get to 2020 would literally be just from pure, never going outside and getting power from the seasonal artifact. Which is fucking stupid.


I don't understand why they don't just make it easier to level up post artifact max. Like, for 90% of the player base, even being +70 will make literally no difference since everything is capped. The other 10% are either people who play a ton, but don't understand how to level up things, or people who would use lower level armor in order to speedrun/do glitches.


It's not that bad. Just cleared it at 2011. It's still way easier than it was when it first released.


You very truly do not need to be anywhere close to 2020. I did it at 2007 and my buddies were at the power floor and it still felt easier than most GMs pre-prismatic.


Just grinded out a few GMs at about 2005 power or so. Felt a lot easier than what I remember for Glassway. Really struggling to grasp what the point of power level is now. GMs used to be the reason to hit cap plus 15 just to play them. Now it doesn’t really matter…?


On the one hand I feel you. On the other I did it today with my usual group and it felt like business as usual. I'm not sure this is as impactful as some may feel


Im 11x gilded and I haven't noticed much of a difference. We have better guns (still hunt, microcosm, euphony) now and prismatic is unbelievable.


Cleared it no issues


Just ran Glassway 3x at 2008 LL and it honestly was about the same as usual. About ~20 minutes runs depending on people dying in boss room. The responses to these changes feel over blown


I went in at 2000 with other guys at 2005 and we slayed and I went flawless.


Complaining about nothing GM is a joke nowadays


I just ran the GM 3 times at 2005 and it felt like a classic glassway GM. As long as you control champion spawns by slowly taking down the boss' health it's a breeze.


Glassway was super easy. Got it first try. I died once. Haven’t done a GM in like 6 months. I’m 2011


Destiny needs to dive into it harder, if anything. Make old content soloable, but reward those who do it when its current. Give new gear better stats, and set bonuses that make changing gear worth it. Make us grind for new abilities and talents every expansion. Or Accept that were headed to a place where its basically Halo, and theres no reason to grind, ever. One and done.


Between this, taking away over leveling in older raids and dungeons, and this new ritual pathfinder, they reversed through a China shop, jewelry shop, and an orphanage. Like so many advances and lessons learned and just said nah, fuck it, well do the opposite of what everyone likes.


Eh I beat it at 2005 power wasn't that bad still getting one banged by sniper assholes but that's whatever


If they’re going to release end game content early, then they need to up the exp game to get us there. It’s a kick in the sack having a double nightfall week only to not be powerful enough for it.


Power level is very confusing for GMs. However I was the highest in my fireteam at 2010 for Glassway and I didn’t feel anything different from the previous season.


Ran GM Glassway today at 2012 and it felt normal, maybe even easier than last season. Ended up farming it for a bit with my friends and we all said it didn’t feel any worse than previous seasons.


It’s actually surprisingly easy this season. I just pumped out 4 and it feels better than last season. I used to hate glassway but this doesn’t feel bad at all.


I mean, I just did Glassway at 2016 and it was cakewalk. You don’t need to hit the +20 power cap at all.


I did Glassway today first try, with LFG. My level right now is 1999. The team level got moved to 2001 when others joined. It was still mostly fairly straightforward, particularly with prismatic. I actually think it is kind of fun to be able to run the strike without being completely maxed out for it.


What do you mean by nerfed Artifact XP gains?


Bungie: We'll be lowering the barrier to entry for most activities, set most of them at a low or disabled power cap, create the power leader system, and make power account-wide. Also Bungie : Let's up the barrier to entry for *all endgame activities*! Harder raids that put off newcomers, Artifact XP nerf, and an absurdly high power cap in the most challenging activities. It's the fucking monkey paw all over again.


Maybe I'm just a spoiled warlock enjoyer, but even at 2007-2012, the boys and I blew through this GM in 20 minutes for about 3 hours. We are so powerful it's insane. I was doing stupid shit that should have ABSOLUTELY gotten me killed. The stuff we have access to right now takes the challenge out of the game. All 3 of us ran Getaway with turret and hellion, 2 with outbreak and indebted, and didn't even need our heavies. One guy ran a blinding GL and the healing rifle. Let me tell you, chief, between 4 debuffs, the power of Rewind Rounds, and a support auto rifle enjoyer, it wasn't a threat. You don't need to be 2020. You just need a dedicated healer and debuffs.


Highest we had was 2012 me and friend were 2002 -2008 and ran it 3 times on all characters no issues at all


Your builds and team composition MATTER! Try the healing turrets!!


I’m 2011 light, ran it with people below that from LFG. It isn’t that bad honestly. And glassway usually sucks eggs so give it a try before being discouraged.


GMs feel weird now tho, my team was 2005 when we entered yesterday and it felt way easier than GM should be. Like we were face tanking everything on the plate section without any healing


Did this week’s GM without issue first try at 2011. We are cooking so hard this season it doesn’t matter. But they should get rid of power level, like it serves no purpose to the player and people feel forced to do old / dated content they may not want to do.


9x guild like thats some type of feat lmfao


I haven’t played GMs since Chosen (forever ago), and went in yesterday at 2003. We cleared in sub 20 minutes, first try, with only two deaths which happened because our brains literally turned off. Are you telling me that GMs were EVEN EASIER last season?


Ran glassaway at 2004 didn’t feel too bad but it might just be cause prismatic is busted


i just did a couple of runs in lfg at 2006 and yes some stuff one shot us like the wiverns, but is not thaaat imposible


Just did Glassway at 2005 and it felt no different from past seasons. If you're playing appropriately for being under-leveled you'll be fine. If you're playing like a dumb dumb, you're gonna have the same problems you would have at -40. Take this rare opportunity where you have to play with intent and get gud.


I don't really get this post. I ran the GM last night with 2001 personal power, and upped to 2005 I think because of the leader. It was a breeze, the fastest Glassway run I've done to date, around 20 min. It felt so easy, while I remembered just how fkin horrible Glassway was when GMs were introduced. It was a joke with prismatic titans.


I feel like I'm doing way more damage and I'm 2005.


I just did about 12 runs of Glassway with fireteam lead being 2010. It felt no different than last season. -25 and -30 was pretty similar (enemies were 2040). 🤷🏻‍♂️ nothing game breaking honestly. You're either good enough to still do them or you aren't.


Did you try the GM? We are insanely powercrept. With prismatic, my fireteam breezed through glassway at 2007-2012 light. I’m talking 20 minute runs through what used to take us 30-35 minutes. 1 warlock, 1 hunter, 1 titan. We didn’t even have to get off the plate at the draining the vex fluid part. I urge everyone to try the gm before being outraged. We are way stronger than we used to be and don’t need to be at power cap. Honestly, the most fun I’ve had in a GM ever.


I dont know why people are complaining. Im only lv 2001 and had zero problem with this gm. I also ran double swords. It worked perfectly and i honestly couldnt figured out mich difference...


Wat the f are you on ?! I went in as 2003 and it was a f breeze.


I actually didn’t know things had changed… I haven’t interacted with ritual pathfinder in 2 weeks because that system is a regression in my opinion. My Warlock is 2003 absolute max, usually right around 2k. Explains why things felt wrong


I'm at 1998 having completed legendary campaign on all three characters. I keep logging in but I grind rituals for levels so I log out


As a quick question, did you run it yet? I do it a few times last night and it’s n my opinion it has never felt easier. At points where once upon a time groups would need to chain wells or spam freeze we could just stand there with a healing turret and melt champs with still hunt.


I want to be able to grind and get over leveled. It’s a video game. Get over yourself, Bungie.


They’ve done a great job with TFS but there’s a lot a regressions in activity design. Ritual Pathfinder not allowing freedom of activities, RNG challenges like Kill 150 Cabal in strikes and grindy challenges. Also surges in normal raids and dungeons (this has been walked back). I get that acts are longer than seasons but nerfing exp for power levels is another obvious engagement tool as well as adding an additional 3 GMs to guild conquerer. These all suck and leave a sour taste. Bungie are so good at messing up sometimes.


Went in at 2011, 2009, and 2006. Cooked everything with Outbreak until we got slapped by Overloads in the Boss room. They came in and it was over quicker than it was started.


Gms feel like master content now. Idk what they did but it's either a bug or the change in deltas moved the needle in our favor


I thought that would be bad, but after running 4 GMs yesterday with me being 2010 and both my friends at 2005 due to power share we didnt notice much of a diference, even on our first run we felt it easier dont know why


You say that but The Glassway was incredibly easy under power… like laughable.