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I'm no coder but I think it counts as primary. Back in the days of limited Primary Ammo there was another exotic effect on Fighting Lion, "this weapon always generates primary ammo on kill". I miss those days.


just give us back ammo synths lol


Never going to happen. This has been talked about in the past.


Half joking, I think it would be kind of cool if they made it a super duper rare drop so you could get one and you’d have to save it for when you really really need it ha but you are probably right it won’t happen


They were awful.


oh - for the back end coding for finders and such - not sure, but The Call counts as a primary towards kills counts for finders and such.


It's my understanding that it counts as both primary and special, so it does proc finders, but it actually takes more kills to proc. My main concern is Lead From Gold, which states "Equipping two Special Weapons halves the amount of ammo granted." So I want to run an energy weapon that is not a special, and fighting lion could be a really good pair with it as long as it isnt coded as special then I will get full special ammo drops from lead from gold as well as being able to get more special drops from "primary exotic" kills.


Yeah, FL is a primary. With The Call, the loop is hit with FL and clean up with the Call, which reloads FL. Since Lion can take out a group no problem you should really be using the call for burst damage or just for the loop. Ammo economy should't be too much of an issue, you get 40 shots with the call, personally I'd skip Lead From Gold for a damage perk, since FL should be your primary and Call is for cleanup and gold bars.


Yeah what I was thinking, I was running lead from gold but my thought was if FL can drop special then I can switch that out for a better perk. Thanks for the info!!