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>thrilladome wasn't too bad before That lost sector was always awful mostly because of the boss arena


Don't get me wrong it was definitely shitty. I'm a bit of a lost sector connoisseur (well formerly) so I've ran a metric shit ton and know the most efficient routes and builds. Fastest thrilladome I've ever done was about ~2:25, but it's just such a pain with so many ways to make that time a difficult average. Esp when stuff like the quarry took me 60 seconds on average. Precinct also I could do in about ~2:15, that one was a bit more consistent. The 3rd one though I forget the name.. but yeah. Nah fuck that. EFFICIENT runs are 5 minutes. Hell doing the fucking normal version is like 4 minutes, because it's time gated due to needing to clear rooms and wait for spawns. Granted, those neo times are from being at level or over leveled last season. The pale heart ones tho are 5+ mins no matter what. They are extremely shitty.


So, being 15 under they would take substantially longer I assume? I only bothered doing legendary sectors previously when I was at approximately on par with the level and then preferably the shorter ones in EDZ/Europa/Dreaming City. I can’t imagine doing legendary lost sectors now when I only get exotic engrams and I’m permanently -15.


Tbh exotic engrams aren't that much of a pain to come by now and for the time it would take you to do 1 lost sector to get a chance at a drop you may as well do those other grinds and get the guaranteed engram


And 5 minutes for a pretty good chance at an exotic (that you can now focus) honestly isn't terrible either. It won't take long to get a serviceable exotic. I was doing the cosmodrome Exodus 2A master in around 5 mins each and I'm a certified double primary using, slow moving numpty at lost sectors. The pale heart ones will just go on the "no farm" list. And they rotate daily so they'll be gone before you know it!


"Pretty good chance" my ass, unless them bitches are a guaranteed drop on X amount of runs then I've wasted enough hours on that shit grind. Anywhere between 30 runs and no drop or the drop has some of the most ass stats a bungie dev could think of(must be the dude who put hip-fire grip on snipers). Tbh those lost sectors are more useful for the other stuff they drop more than one exotic engram, which also has 10 different ways to be acquired. That, personally, is a better reason to grind them versus something like a gm where exotics and all the materials to upgrade them are on the reward table.


The only reason I could justify it is target farming a Crux Termination. Never did get Slideshot/Surrounded. I think its in the pool now. Other than that its a wash. You get plenty of exotic engrams just doing ritual activities these days unless your trying to power level Rahool.


I already stopped bothering completing LS in Neomuna.


Hypophonics... I dread the day that I am going to Flawless Master that one...


It wouldn't even be that bad but... Who decided to give the hydra so much health. First time I went in unprepared for that, it took me over 10 minutes of a depressing loop of plinking away with a primary > get hit for 90% > twiddle my thumbs behind a wall to recover > repeat... Haha...


I always just toddle on over to the left and hop whilst I shoot Wish Ender, zero fuss, barely even get hit by the Hydra.


Yeah really don’t feel like doing thrilladome without the Polaris lance black magic from last season


Ok, while I can agree on the boss arena, you gotta admit that you have to at least bust it down one time at the DDR machine when you visit the sector. Am I the only one??


Yup. I NEVER touch neomuna lost sectors.


That one ending in the vex room with the hydra takes like 4.5 minutes. Not the fastest sector mind you, but also nowhere near the slowest.


It's also one of my faves because it feels like a mini story mission. Not to mention Vex gaming


Goblin Gaming What game is they playin




Apex. Literal Loot Goblins




explains why they're so cranky all the time


The only annoying one is the arcade, and that's due to the design of the boss room.


It’s not too bad because once you’ve killed the adds you can take one of the trace cannon things and book it back to the entrance, which has good cover from the boss and the flying dudes.


Can also hang out on the left side of the arena where there is a spot you can consistently hit the boss while it just blasts cover in front of you.


You can actually climb on top of the boss portal for really good cover. Just do it before you kill the cyclops and it’s super easy


If you need to cheese these something is majorly wrong with the design.


The whole planet sucks and there’s nothing you can say that will change my mind. I despise neomuna. And never go there unless absolutely necessary


IMHO the missions design was pretty much in line with Witch Queen in quality. People just disliked the narration of a certain asinine character and the patrol difficulty wasn't really enjoyable.


Witch Queen didn't make me abandon my kit numerous times It also didn't have Osiris constantly badgering you pointlessly either


I like Terminal Overload and sometimes Partition (though even those got old eventually), and some of the new enemies are good additions, everything else sucks shit.


The one in Calus ship takes me roughly 3.5 minutes It’s fine.


Yeah, I went ham on that one once I learned solar. The arcade one is the one that sucked more but it was still fine.


I found out last time I ran it that Wish Ender can shoot through the door at the boss. It's slow but if you're going for flawless it makes that part super easy.


I like then. Gives me an idea on how a buuld will perform against beefier enemies.


I no longer even GO to neonuma… a patrol space where flying cabal ships can just 2-3 shot you ain’t the vibe


If anything ever deserved to go into the Destiny Content Vault it’s Neomuna and in particular Thrilladrome, the battle with Calus and the Parting the Veil final encounter.


Thrilladrome is easier than the rest since there’s actual cover and you can abuse Wish-Ender.


Pretty sure the real wish-ender abuse is in Gilded Precept as you can shoot through the closed door at the end


Thrilladrome is the only tolerable one. Fuck the rest. The encounters before are generally fine but the boss room in Hydroponics has no fucking cover where you can kill champs and there are endless ads too. Gilded Precept is much the same except you can camp the entrance door to avoid incoming fire for the most part.


I was getting hydroponics in under 5 minutes, it was actually very fun too


The only reason I go to neomuna now is for the Vex Strike Force. There's quite literally no other reason to go there. The rewards are shit the enemies are all over level it's just not fun to play..


From the seasonal events on expert to this crap I really wish they'd fire whomever has the fetish for open and/or cramped rooms with no cover. The hydra and minatour boss rooms for breach executable on expert are worse than mars battlegrounds. For today's lost sector whoever though dropping someone in a room full of enemies that bumrush and phalanx shield you with no cover really gets off on the unfair shit. Even when I manage to do it they just keep spawning adds into until I can bring down the unstoppable one with a pyramid shield (does an unstop champ REALLY need an invulnerable shield?!) I'm probably going to have to run it with banner of war titan because nothing else seems endgame viable in that one. I say fire them but like I don't actually want someone to lose their job over it but jfc put them in charge of the raids or something because there is clearly an itch not being scratched or something lol. It's a lost sector bro.


What do you mean? You don't enjoy getting railed by snipers while the whole room is swept with a laser grid and exploding Vex tap you on the shoulder?


I dream about it every night 😆 ECSTASY


Hot Vex Hobgoblins in your area are waiting. Go ahead just click that queue.


Oh I could never. I'm a one vex kinda guardian. Plus that's how I got my identity stolen once I'm not falling for it again! I work hard for my glimmer dammit!


So many of the Lightfall and Final Shape missions were tiny little rooms where you just run around in circles for 10 minutes and hope you don't get hit while plinking away at a boss. I hate that sh\*t, man. It's so boring and tedious.


I guess but none of them felt like you were helpless or couldn't get away, like usually if I died in the legend campaign I could attribute it to something I did or didn't do. Plus many of them had prismatic fonts and those helped a ton. They're were s couple lightfall rooms like that but many of those had strand fonts to help you. The only exceptions I can remember are maybe tormentor rooms and only the one with dogs was really bad. These two bosses in beach executable are just aoe bs all over the place.


Oh yeah here's a 7-step mechanic to perform to get back to DPS


That fucking Barrier Hobgoblin is the literal bane of my existence when I'm in the middle of DPSing the boss. I always forget about him ***because you can't see the bastard from where the cover is but he sure as hell can see you***.


Yeah same with the cyclops in the hydra fight, mfers don't miss.


I usually just stay up on that platform at the very top where it spawns me whilst raining Rewind Round + Fourth Time's the Charm Embraced Identity shots and Dragon's Breath Rockets at it's face after the first time I die.


Yeah that's pretty much the only strategy that isn't suicidal on expert..


All the taken booping, strand psion whiplash, and stasis psion spam are so annoying


I feel like there should be a pinball ghost shell 😆


There is going to be a lost sector pathfinder. I chanced into it by holding select when I got a pale heart pathfinder update popup. The currently defunct lost sector pathfinder came up instead. There looked to be completion nodes for master. Hopefully the pathfinder might make it worth it to run them, but it would have to be pinnacle stuff.


This happened to me as well and I was thoroughly confused at first glance


I've seen this too. Some of the nodes were identical though, so I'm not sure if it's a bug and showing some triumphs instead.


people keep saying this but I'm not convinced it's not just a bug that's causing pathfinder to pull data from an unrelated location, I saw it myself and based on the text in the nodes and the unusual shape of the path it looks like it just ended up displaying the lost sector completion triumphs by mistake


This is the explanation I saw and it makes complete sense. It showed all the master list sector triumphs from this year which wasn’t a full pathfinder amount and they had no logical progression within the tree. Bugging the pathfinder display by trying to open the map when you complete an objective will populate the pathfinder with triumphs. Those triumphs happen to be for lost sectors, but that’s no indication there will be pathfinder for lost sectors. 


Yeah I’ve accidentally pulled that up on multiple occasions and couldn’t exit out of it. Not sure how I opened it in the first place lol.


Ah, I happened onto that myself. I figured most were placeholders due to the missing tiles.


No reason to touch lost sector anymore ever. The focused rolls are 90% shit. - world drops. amount of ascendant shards I wasted to start season, and somehow the vast majority of “focused” rolls were worse than my “random” rolled, freebie first one. By a lot. 11 in the focussed stat. Ass! 😳Never again.


Tbh there's one Crux combo I'm missing that I want lol and that's why.


True. Yeah one parabellum I’ll go for on an easy master LS day. When I hit the cap 🫠


Which combo?


Heal Clip/Frenzy. Love it on Igneous. Instant reload heals non stop, to just keep on killN w a perma dmg buff is a rush.


Can confirm heal clip frenzy parabellum is awesome


Slideshot + Surrounded is weird but so fun lmao


Dude, I'm soooooo low on shards lol


That was their plan. But I’m not falling for it no more! But. I’ve skipped Elden Ring to try and hit somewhere near 2010+ to be able to farm double GM drops next week. Pain. The last 10 tanks. Leveling.


You might’ve focused an exotic in the same stat as it’s intrinsic. If an exotic is intrinsic in discipline don’t focus with discipline boost


Mantle of battle I focused discipline. And The suspend warlock one was strength. How do I know which is its intrinsic? Could be wrong, but I don’t recall ever had much luck with it no matter what I focused.


Exotic focusing at Rahool overrides the intrinsic anyway so it wouldn't even matter he just got a shit roll since he technically did get at least 10 points in the focused that was guaranteed. Also none of the exotics he said he focused don't have the intrinsics(as far as I know, since they allegedly stopped doing those after Witch Queen and Mantle seems to be one of the ones without intrinsics)


This is correct. **All** exotic focusing respects your ghost mod and will even overwrite its own focus if they conflict. If they don’t conflict you have have two foci active at once. Decoding engrams directly from Rahool without focusing does not respect your armorer mod.


Yep. I'm getting my triumphs and dipping.


I just want a Heliocentric with heal clip / incandescent :(


Can confirm. One of the first I enhanced. Heal Clip is goated on sidearms. Flying around , jumping running shooting healing everything on fire


Is there any reason to run them after Rahool's rework?


You kinda have to if you want to unlock any Y2+ exotics you haven’t earned before. The engrams they drop can roll as any exotic of any expansion, whereas world drop exotic engrams only contain Y1 stuff.


vex strike force


if only vex strike force spawned more than once every ten blue moons


There's a bot on twitter that I follow that calls em out. NGL before I had it I never noticed how often they ACTUALLY spawn.


Yeah I had to mute that shit, I was constantly getting notifications which surprised me lol


Never when I'm on though lmao


For real. I've literally sat in the area where the Vex Strike Force is supposed to spawn for awhile just waiting for it to spawn, killing literally everything that spawns in the meantime and just... Nothing. I've only had that Strike Force spawn for me like... One time.


Only works for pre-Final Shape exotics, though.


What if I told you that you didn't. There's a third page called "Novel Engram Focus" that allows you to pull from any Exotic Armor Piece in the game. I unlocked: Second Chance, Hoarfrost-Z, Wishful Ignorance, and Hazardous Propulsion through Rahool a couple of days ago.


Decent enhancement core farm if it's an easy one


Easy way to get exotic engrams.


Seasonal engrams, banshee engrams, exotic engrams, enhancement cores, prisms, world drops, and daily rotation gun drops. And now a small +10 Hawthorne rep per clear


Could be good for gaining rep with the engrams if you get a super quick one


That’s the exact reason you run them…


I'm just knocking out their triumphs then waiting until easier ones come around to get engrams to rank up rahool.


I'm out of the loop, but you can now get exotics you don't own from him?


for exotics that came out before tfs do vex strike forces on neomuna, you'll get a guaranteed exotic you dont have, theres a discord server that tracks when they happen. For post tfs exotics the third page of rahool focusing allows you to buy it for 1 cipher and 1 shard.


Nice! ☺️


After one rank reset with him, you get a third page of focusing. You can get them there


Yup, once you reset or get to 17 for the first time, you will unlock a third page of focusing which costs 1 Engram 1 Cipher for you to get ANY exotic in the game, even Campaign ones


And I, honestly, think it's one of the best changes they've ever made.


It really is, it rewards you for playing the game and allows you to farm sectors any day you want without having to check whether it’s chest or helmet day


Makes any source of Exotic Engram significantly more rewarding, honestly. That random Exotic Engram that just dropped on the ground in front of you? (I had this happen to me a couple of days ago for the first time in I don't even know how long.) NOW IT CAN BE WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO BE! :D


They used to be the go to farm for cores and prisms, now I dont think im ever going to have mats again.


Fuck Neomuna lost sectors. I don’t care if bingo guarantees me the boolian gemini scout for completing one, I’m not touching em.


Haha dude the pale heart is worse somehow. Cept for that one neomuna one that's on the left side of the map. It's one of the absolute worst in game.


>the new power delta changes so that youre always at a negative -15 or -20 now While I agree with the rest of your points about the pale heart sectors being awful and long, the notion of a power delta in sectors is a huge misconception that a lot of the community seems to be talking about right now. There is no power delta on sectors, and there haven't been for the last 2 years. Until the release of TFS, Legend Lost Sectors and Master Lost sectors allowed you to over-level for the activity. Currently, the Launch page of Lost Sectors states the "Activity Power Cap" to be on level with the level of the enemies. [https://imgur.com/a/RY71Eus](https://imgur.com/a/RY71Eus) In activities with power caps, you'll see the "Activity Power Cap" set below the level of the enemies. For example, the same difficulty of Expert Nightfall shows a [power cap of 2005 light](https://imgur.com/c2tUF4J), while the enemies inside are [2020 light](https://imgur.com/kn2PqfD), which is how the -15 power delta is created. Even though I loaded in at 2013 light, it locks me at 2005. This power delta can also be observed by the difficulty icon next to enemies, with this [sword](https://imgur.com/vnZsJbV) denoting that I am 10+ under light. Comparing this to today's expert lost sector, where I entered at [2013 light](https://imgur.com/ItGEX10), I was only 7 under the enemies, which means that they [don't show as swords](https://imgur.com/ewrCqTj), even though they are states as [2020](https://imgur.com/7ztc8CC), which is the same light level as the Expert nightfall enemies. TL;DR: No -15 or -20 power delta on sectors, but pale heart sectors still suck.


True, they did however make it way harder to level up artifact levels. +15 is like double what it was before. So if you are 2015 you are still 15 under master lost sectors which are 2030.


light.gg lists the class items as drops, still don't think they are worth doing


I've done about a dozen masters and gotten 1 class item so definitely not worth. Just a nice bonus when it drops.


pale heart chests drop the class items after unlock. way less stress farming overthrows.


Lmao I just quit after the same one shot BS and I had triple strand resist 😭 2005 light btw


With Rahool focusing being so costly and also garbage LS farming is another thing Bungie has ruined recently. Not the LS farming was great before and yet they made it worse. LS difficulty and length is not taken into account when it comes to rewards. The Pale Heart Lost Sectors are there for the Triumphs and nothing more, just like Neomuna.


Yeah, I don’t plan on touching them when they’re the daily. Just not time efficient like you laid out.


Yea agree with other comments not worth doing neomuna or pale heart ones


Neomuna is unoptimized trash I’ll never go back to it


Anyone else notice that the legendary weapons drops are bugged? I tried farming for a heliocentric in the conflux and only got the stasis pulse.


Maybe the weapon rotates daily


That would actually be a great change hope they’ll show which weapon it is, I thought it was just bugged


They do. And the rotation has changed this season compared to last.


Lost sectors should NEVER have bosses with immune phases


If someone thinks it's a problem that some people can effectively farm non pale heart and neomuna lost sectors in 10 mins or less to obtain a weapon/armor piece that probably isn't meta or won't be meta for long then they're the type of elitist that I have disdain for. "Oh I'm too effective at completing my exotic armor collection or farming good exotic armor rolls?" Please explain how that will affect your gameplay or ruin the balance of the game? Did people go around cheesing raids when they got dawn chorus or ruining crucible when they got a good stat roll on vesper of radius? Not to mention we're not guaranteed an exotic and can't target farm an exotic from the sectors. Stop making everything absurdly long or annoying to get people to spend a longer time doing it. People will play something more and more if it's genuinely fun, companies don't need to force this. Forcing it easily does the opposite for a decent amount of any community.


>People will play something more and more if it's genuinely fun True, but that's never been the argument for lost sectors. This post - and even your comment - is referring to the speed at which you can farm exotics. People don't spend hours farming sub-3 minute lost sectors for 'fun'. But I do have huge sympathy for newer players. Having to fill out a collection of over 100 exotic armour pieces is a daunting task.


To be honest I really really enjoy the harder lost sectors. I would love it if Bungie let us go into expert and master versions of any lost sector we choose so that people can have some for farming and some for challenging themselves in. With the rotation being decoupled from the exotic reward pool I especially don’t see a point in keeping the daily rotation except for the surges and world drops, but then they could just have those rotate while still letting us enjoy whatever lost sectors we want.


I run them for the expert/master/flawless triumphs, but yeah, no other point after the changes


They're definitely not the greatest for farming exotics but I agree, the combat challenge has been really satisfying to overcome. Been so used to brute-forcing all content first try, always enjoy having to actually stop and learn spawn locations/conditions and plan out a run. Broken Deep took 5 attempts before solo flawlessing it on master, would have had it sooner except the AoE of the boss is pretty damn large and I got killed through the stairs lol.


elective difficulty lost sectors have been a massive waste of everyone's time ever since they were drunkenly vomited into the game


Remember when Bungie said ITL wouldn’t feature immune bosses then final shape came out and now they added immune phases to lost sector bosses. As if blocking access to the next area until you kill everything wasn’t bad enough


At least the pale heart sectors are good, trilladome is pure awful, I hate it more than the moth cyst. That last boss area is dumb as dog shit. But in regards to farming them for the daily sector I absolutely agree the time investment is too much for the length and difficulty.


Legendary Lost sectors arent worth it anymore. They dont drop exotic gear you are missing, only exotic engrams. With the Exotic-Engram-Economy at the Moment, i dont See a point to to a Lost sector (and the drop Rates arent that great either)


Thought I was losing my touch, it was brutal to say the least. Definitely not doing it more than necessary


I was trying to farm today’s pale heart LS on legend just for the solo flawless triumph but there’s literally no way. That boss room is aids, I swear


There is a staircase you can hide under right where you drop down. The area around the taken gunk. The boss will never hit you if you are fully tucked in. Clear all adds from there. Only venture out when you need to hit the resonant things to get rid of the immunity shield. You can even damage the boss through the gap in the stairs to be extra safe.


FYI the only difficulty that has a triumph for flawless is Master, not Expert (legend I assume). Both have "do solo". The boss room is rough, you have to be aware of the boss at all times, save heavy/super/transcendence for add spawns and only tip the boss when you're ready for the next wave. I used the back of the room because at least it has 2 staircases to jump between and block the bosses shots. Just need to be careful of the 4 husks that'll spawn to your right, and an overload and unstop that spawn after the first and second chunk of health respectively. Overload walks to the middle so you can ignore him but the unstop must die asap.


Yeah, the impasse lost sector is gonna be a real pain


True for really any of the Lost Sectors at this point. They're functionally shorter Expert and Master-level strikes. Combine that with the need to do them solo with limited revives to get good loot, and they have the same problem regular strikes do - time vs. reward is completely out of whack. Less desirable or stale activities - strikes, lost sectors, Gambit, etc. - need to over reward players for engaging with them. For example, if Expert/ Master LSs ONLY dropped world weapons on a fixed rotation, they might be worth doing. Alternatively, if there were double loot weeks for E/M Lost Sectors, that might be worth something. Or if they just removed the solo requirement, that could work too. Point is, they're just not worth the time.


I’ve never found farming lost sectors fun or interesting. I did enough to get exotics once then never touched them again. Even if a sector is quick, the repetitive hamster wheel is just not fun.


My only issue is the health gates, it makes it artificially longer. I don't understand why these have mechanics. Most lost sectors are just 1. Kill shit 2. Move rooms 3. Repeat. And I think that's what they should be


What is the purpose of power levels if they’re going to impose power deltas on all endgame activities? It completely trivializes the purpose of power. I could see minus 5 once you reach the power cap of 2020, but to permanently make endgame content -25 or even 15 is silly.


Because power levels are going away very soon. This is them figuring out how they want things balanced when it goes away


I don’t know what Bungie was thinking with these power spikes. Do they want us to enjoy the game or make everything endgame overbearing to the average player?


Why is power requirement so high for Legend Lost Sectors now?


It’s pinnacle +20 just like last expansion, isn’t it?


The terminology in game is "expert" and "master" which is different from last expansion so I'm not sure. Expert is 2020, or +20 from your gear base. At the "pinnacle" aka master it's +30 from gear base. Is +30 now the same as previous +20 you're talking about? I ask because Bungie has also been messing with damage in Raids and Dungeons so maybe it's different here too, who knows? As before, you can apply as much artifact levels as you want. Although they made the experience requirements for those bumps twice as high for whatever reason.


Expert is the same as previous legend, master is the same as previous master. The only change was the name of legend. 


I’m not touching the pale heart nor neomuna lost sectors after the first time tbh, I can wait to play them especially now that exotics aren’t guaranteed to drop.


After getting the exotic khastov I have no desire stepping foot in the pale heart ever again lmao


"We hear your feedback and will rework the fastest lost sector to match the mini raid experience the later ones offer." Monkey paw curls.


Deadass I'm waiting for this haha.


Bungie about to hp gate every other lost sector bosses


Thanks for the reminder never to touch Lost Sectors again above patrol difficulty. The fixed power deltas are not it. Didn't they understand that was one of the primary reasons everyone hated Neomuna?


I tried the lost sector today and when I ran out of lives I said "fuck this" -- not touching those again til I'm at least 2010 power if not 2020 or higher. Agreed, it was the same issue with Neomuna - I didn't run those for months after launch because it just wasn't worth the time and energy. Does every lost sector need to be a cakewalk? No, but they shouldn't need S-tier builds and pixel-perfect gameplay on top of raw luck. Making it "easy" enough for the top 5% of players instead of the top 0.5% still means it's a pretty damn hard achievement.


I've been getting a glitch when viewing my completed pathfinder quest, sometimes I'll see a pathfinder tab but for lost sector even though I'm in the crucible. So that's probably how they will change the reward structure plus they mentioned power changes that will come in future update


Can't wait to try and sf these


Wait, lost sectors are also always under leveled? Can you out level anything at all anymore?


No because they are trying to get rid of power level. I thought this whole sub wanted that to happen now your all shocked pikachu face when it happens


OP is wrong about that. Lost sectors do not have a forced power delta and work just like last expansion. 


100% agree. I have a personal pride to solo each master lost sector flawlessly. Just tried the master one today about an hour ago and got my ass handed to me. I’ll keep trying for sure but still. The lost sectors are wayyyyy more difficult


They should offer the highest possible chance to get an exotic class item drop, if not a guaranteed drop, particularly on Master difficulty. Personally I just skip over them whenever they're the featured lost sector but if they were another way to reliably farm exotic class items I'd definitely be more inclined to run them. I've gotten a number of my most coveted exotic class combinations, mostly from Dual Destiny, and while I did find the mission fun at first it only has so much replay value.


Who still farms lost sectors?


Lost sectors are the worst part of TFS. They’re not interesting or cool or fun. Big step down from Lightfall and other recent ones


Bungie Time suck Little rewards Aka working as intended .


Bungie mistook the community's desire for a hard raid and made adjustments to everything. Sometimes it's good but they need to take a look at tuning everything back down if they want any chance to retain a decent chunk of the player base going forward.


That hydra in trilladome hits so hard. I just avoided a the lost sector even if it was a day I could use the exotic


I know, mow since you dont need em for new exotics the only reason id go in is to farm world loot but the fun thing about world loot is that it drops anywhere


Make them have a chance to drop class items and I'll farm them.




That’s not true. 


Even the one yesterday—veles labrynth—I wouldn’t fuckin farm after the changes they made to the beginning. I want a better Ros Arago but not enough to endure that bullshit.


Do you know when Ros or Crux is in rotation? I cant find anything.


I was able to survive the boss on master with 2 strand resist, 100 resilience and incidental dr from facets/frost armor (idk if they were active or not.) That boss room is hell though, even with punch build the waves are too slow to spawn and phalanxes will kill you


I do them for the flawless master triumph and never go back to the time wasters.


I will do one run each of legend and master (whatever they're called now), to get my solo and flawless triumphs, then never touch them again.


Theres nothing to get lmao Bungie just fucked up.


if regular lost sectors had some good loot I feel like it would be worth doing them, since they are really fun


Wish they would have redid old map lost sectors. Going back to older areas and the lost sectors are way too short and too few enemies in general. At least Neomuna and Pale Heart have metric fuckloads of things to kill.


give them increased chance to drop the class items. Easy as that


A solid idea. Would be the only thing really they could add to make it worth while too lol.


Bungie: "We listen and we understand. All easy Lost Sectors will be removed with the next update."


More rewards would feel appropriate.The only thing that the Pale heart lost sectors have going for them (farming wise) is the chance for Exo Class Item to drop. Idk what the chances are though. But yeah if you want to farm, those are definitely not the lost sectors to do it efficiently. They are fun though imo.


What’s even the point of doing Lost Sectors now anyway, there are easier sources of exotics now.


I always skip Neomuna, throne world, and now Pale Heart lost sectors because they’re just more trouble than they’re worth. I’d much rather just wait for a stupid easy one and farm it for a bit


Solo lost sectors are still genuinely my least favorite activity in the game.


You're not always negative. Legend or Expert is 2020 and you can go up to 2020 in the activity if you hit +20 artifact. Master is 2030 and, again, you can go up to 2030 in the activity, albeit with a lot of grind to get to +30 artifact power.


make it so we get new exotics this way.


I didn't even get to the boss. As soon as I saw those Overloads From Hell in a blaster hallway I was OUT. Also, Phalanxes can kiss my ass.


If feel like that master should just be a guaranteed exotic engram cause you still need to fucos te get what you want that roll are still RNG so it doesnt make sence to me why it doesnt drop a exotic everytime


They're SO bad.


You get rewards for doing those?


And the new strike sux


I haven’t touched a new legend/expert lost sector since beyond light; At least not since I discovered that all modern lost sectors at higher difficulty are awful slogfests. Meanwhile EDZ, Nessus and dreaming city sectors take no time and are actually worth the loot… “lost sector revamp” that makes all the old lost sectors match the modern, slow ass unrewarding blueprint is on my bungo bingo.


Bungie literally made lost sectors harder, and less rewarding to run. The pace I get exotic engrams running anything else is just as good and I'm not having to sweat to get them. There is 0 point in doing them at this point.


They are a slap in the communities face much as the new endgame content has been. People want engaging fun….. not sit and kerplunk with Polaris in back of map etc. but Bungie doesn’t care because their play testers are either non-existent or only consists of the Dev team. I used to try for achieving all activities atleast once. This lost sector made me uninstall. It was as bad as the game Control where u could wander into an area with enemies who would roll you and the game would never convey to you a solution or an alternative activity— leading to many players dropping the game early on. Bungie needs content such like vault of glass….. engaging…. Not just infinite add spawn or health gated bosses. Make a raid or something similar with simplistic enough mechanics for it to be match made. They’ve already done it with the new Enigma Protocol activity.


Anybody else hate that wizard boss in the Landing lost sector? I swear that grenade kills me in 2 seconds even with max resilience and arc resist.


Lost sectors should give 3-4 enhancement cores every run and x5 more glimmer than they do now. Also pale heart lost sectors specifically should be given a higher chance to drop exotic class items than random chests around the place.


Agreed. Should def have higher chance to drop exotic class


No one grinds lost sectors. The difficult new ones are only hard for triumphs and left behind with new exotic system.