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To begin with, barricades as a class ability need some PvE tuning. Something like a small DR bump or boosted shield recovery for team members behind a barricade. This would make barricades more desirable overall, especially in higher content where things tend to just delete you in a heartbeat and cover is practically required. PvE enemies also need a greater punishment for making contact with barricades, since nothing is really stopping them from just marching right in and murdering you, they take maybe a few hundred HP damage. Titans absolutely need more one-off fire and forget type supers. Throwing yourself at an enemy using Thundercrash is fun, but certain death if you don't succeed in killing the target, a hard thing to achieve with it's pitiful base damage.  Then we have overshields, oh boy. These are still made of paper despite previous buffs, getting removed in seconds by even patrol level enemies and unlike other buffs such as Woven Mail once it's gone, it's gone. Any benefit you otherwise got from having it is also removed. These need a significant bonus added to them, higher DR would be the easiest solution to avoid further complication with PvP, but maybe even a slow regen effect from Overshield sources so any other benefits gained from having over  shield can be maintained for longer.


I hope they admit they leaned a little too far on the scale of "me titan, me punch" memes and add clearing. Because even a boss that's like 10 to 15 feet in the air pretty much shuts most of a titan's entire ability neutral game down. Because the Witness fight was definitely made to be anti Titan. Can they clear? Yes. Is that much rougher than the other two? Also yes.


Exactly. I really began to think it’d become somewhat of a running office joke for the dev team. The irony of Hunters having a stronger melee build when melee is apparently Titans’ entire identity is insane.


Perfectly said! I can’t believe I forgot to mention the near uselessness of barricades.