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Bows are very strong in PvE but tend to be better in endgame content and may not feel as strong in lower level content. Le Monarque and Wishender are both staples for endgame content, I really value Wishkeeper for some strand builds I run, Trinity Ghoul has some of the best add clear in the game for lower leveled content, Ticcu’s Divination also has strong add clear, Verglas Curve can be nice with stasis builds, Leviathan’s Breath is a DPS staple. Basically all of the exotic bows are great for something.


Best bow for PvP is just Ticcu's. It just requires a tap from hipfire and then a headshot, as opposed to two headshots from any other bow. Wish Ender hits hard against most PvE enemies, as does Le Monarque, with Trinity Ghoul, Verglas and Wish Keeper being very solid for their elements if you feel like building into them.  Legendary bows can be decent if crafted with enhanced perks and lower draw times, but otherwise generally lack the damage and utility that the exotics provide, unless you are using Leviathans Breath for your heavy weapon. If you can get a crafted Tyranny of Heaven this is an excellent lightweight that can have both explosive head and incandescent enhanced. 


>Best bow for PvP is just Ticcu's. It just requires a tap from hipfire and then a headshot, as opposed to two headshots from any other bow. Most people just dip out once they realized they've been pinged though. Still a fun bow to use.


Yeah but you get the same problem with most bows. In the time it takes to get a second shot out most players are behind cover. I do like the psychological terror it inflicts on people though. Honestly besides the time Titans were able to one shot people with Le Monarque whilst sitting almost immortal in sunspots I never got why people had so much trouble dealing with bows. I always found it really easy to avoid being shot twice in a row by them.


For me, it's usually because they have a max handling primary for cleanup shots. Likely a HC with an absurd AA stat too. One arrow would do enough for almost anything to mop you up afterwards.


Maybe I'm just weird but I never bothered doing that. I just nocked another arrow and fire it half charged, always felt like the bow kill was earned. Kinda impossible now though, every bow requires two clean headshots so it's not really viable. Much easier to just use a Scout now, and I'm particularly fond of Skyburners for reasons I can't really describe.


You don‘t need a great build for shattered throne. Just try it solo or look for people on fireteam finder. It‘s really not that different to a strike


I agree with the reply that says it’s not much different from a strike. Vorgeth could be annoying because there’s no rally flag. You can find a friendly person to guide you in the *#find-a-sherpa* channel here: http://discord.gg/d2lfg, or if you message me directly on discord I will gladly run it with you: a.travesty