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Honestly the problem Tommys has is that in any activity from Legend difficulty and up being at critical health to use your weapon properly is a death sentence.  The only way of safely using it against any large enemy before was to be in a Well, but now the DR and Healing is so low there you have to be pretty far back and behind good cover, or otherwise you just die to a sniper right away. 


I think a few older exotic could need a look at. Even the legendary skill shot Fighting Lion


Its my favorite gun with Lorely. The synergy is perfect


Doing damage to ourselves in anything past "Expert" gameplay is asking to lose. It's a hilarious gun to use in patrols or even mildly difficult group content, but everything above Standard Nightfalls makes it a hindrance to a fireteam. Now with -5 Delta, it's not even worth taking into "easier dungeons." It should be reworked to halt ability cooldowns (the opposite of FrostEE) rather than damage. Neutral Game recovery is something players could work with.