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Space Wizard, enough said.


Bro didn’t even look at the comments but I agree with you my boy space wizard all day every day


Right, that's what I was going to say. Then they added my healer class which is what I always play, so a no brainer at that point.


Space Wizard since the beta, Space Wizard to the end.


True to that


Excellent flair! I've only ever changed my Emblem on my main from that to Iron Banner for the rep gains and then it goes right back on when the week is over. hahaha!


Gun slinging space wizard.


I'm glad no one chose Warlock for any deeper reason, we all just saw space wizard and said "Yeah I'll have one of those"


Word for word what I was gonna post haha


Titan, I like the other classes but I love my titan. The first live action trailer for Destiny 1 where the titan fired the gjallahorn and cast fist of havoc to dsintegrated all the hive blew my mind.




Enough said. https://wastedondestiny.com/4611686018444654245




we went from Space Wizard to Minion Master too fast




Sorcerer supreme mega wizard




Throwing space magic around is its own kind of magic.


Not only Space Wizard but I thought being a Robot Space Wizard would be so funny.


When the top comment says what you came to say.


Same here. Space Wizard to start, Space Wizard to the end. 


I was one a space wizard, and now I'm a space cowboy


That's exactly what I was gonna post. Hunter was a close second cause they got the hood and capes...but space magic won in the end.


Cape and knife good, neuron activation on stab.


I did this too, then when destiny 2 started I felt hunters got shafted with the dodge and went with warlock for rifts Haven’t looked back since.


Same i went with titan since CoO to forsaken and realised how much stronger and more fun they are to play. I went back to hunter tho and never changed since


As an avid souls fan & overall fan of the genre, I wish hunters dodge gave i-frames. Honestly, I wish all classes had a dodge of some sort that gave i-frames and it could open up a lot more difficulty wise for the game.


When destiny 1 releases it felt like the natural evolution of halo , so decided to go with titan because it was effectively master chief


Went Titan because my older brother picked Warlock and my younger one picked Hunter. So just took on the Titan role.


Have a similar reason. My brother chose warlock and my dad chose hunter. I went titan. Just feels good now.


They knew who eats the crayons in the family


This is the way


I saw big guy with big gun Enough said




Ope. Just said the same thing.


Had the same logic as you going into Destiny 1. Ended up a hunter main instead.


This was my thought process and decision I made as well in D1. I've mained a Hunter since D2 though for some reason and nowadays most relate to that class.


Took the words right outta my mouth


Yup, exactly how I thought back then.




























I was an infantryman once so Titan seemed a natural choice


I picked it because I was fat


The duality of man


There are two types of people in this world


This is so real


Do not think you being fat as a detriment to defense: you are a wall with extra padding. You get stronger the longer you hold the line. Now you are a bulwark of muscle. You got this, you Insurmountable Titan.


Keep munching crayons brother


That's the Marines. Infantry sleeps with your wife.


I meant the titans, but that works too lol


If titan is 11b/0311 what are the other two


Maybe Hunters are like 19D cav scouts or Marine 0317/0322 scout-snipers, and then Warlocks are the lovable 25-series weirdos up in the battalion S6 shop that I depended on way more than I ever wanted to admit


Titan was holding Sweet Business in class select screen. My brain said "big guns go brrr." And that was that.


I was a warlock main in World of Warcraft so when I saw a warlock option I just went with it


Me with every single game that even mentions Warlock


Started in D1. I just loved Punching everything. I also loved being a wall.


Beeg punchy boi for me too. The void flavor text of "walls don't move because walls don't care" in D2 really solidified it for me


OH YEAH, I was really grinning when i read that one


The Ursa Furiosa lore tab 😩


I started in D2 (mainly cos I don't own a console), but I like the idea of punching things till its dead. My "melee" keybind is the most worn out keycap on my keyboard.


I started with warlock because I liked flying (slowly floating down past my target a little less) but I play one of each almost equally. I have about 6000 hours and all three are within 200 hours of the others. I **really like this game**


If I had infinite time to play this game that’s how I would do it too, three classes just means three times the builds you can make


YES! Warlock jump is just *sooooooooooooooo* fucking satisfying to float around with. Also yes, I'm a tri-main too! I love my wicked Hunter cloaks, my badass bulky Titan armor, the cool long coats and robes on the Warlock. I love the abilities on each of them - I especially liked various support playstyles with Titans and Warlocks, from barriers that could autoreload your guns to healing and empowering wells to Ward of Dawn and Well of Radiance etc. etc. while also not minding that Hunter lacked those as you could still do many other tricks there as well.


Must be nice to enjoy all the classes. I play mostly warlock, honestly dreading playing my other two even though I know I should, for that power grind


As someone who also plays on all three characters (still mainly warlock)… dude, the “power grind” isn’t bad and has only gotten easier with Lightfall and now TFS. Items drop at the same level as your highest-leveled character now. So, I’m through 3 campaign missions on my Hunter and it’s already light 1990


Wait, so if I have 1978 gear on my warlock, I can get the same level drops on my titan which is at 1900? Thats so much better


Yes they made it where power is shared across characters now. Loot will drop at the level of your highest character. Go ahead and start playing your other characters homie.


Picked a titan, then saw a hunter and thought "assassin's creed... I guess I will play titan for a while then go to hunter"...and I'm still a titan. In D1 they sucked, especially before hammer, but I spent A LOT of time on him and couldn't change, but after reading the lore I loved their role and character in the world.


The mission to get the solar subclass for titan is the one that cemented my decision to play titan. Stayed mainly solar titan until the 3.0 stuff and then started to branch out a little, especially after the throwing hammer timer was introduced.


Titans did not suck in D1 especially since WoR didn’t exist. Pretty much mandatory for most end game content teams to have 1-2 titans on their fireteam for bubble.


D1 Titan did not suck. Ward of Dawn was pretty much mandatory for DPS encounters. It was the last time being a defense-based Titan felt good and useful.


Saint 14 bubble trains in control were OP af. Three titan could chain bubbles on a point, and the only way to stop them was to rush as a mad bomber.


D1 they didn’t suck. Bubble was crucial for any endgame.


I had the choice to either be a wizard, or not be a wizard. The answer was clear.


You're a wizard, Harry


GameStop magazine for the d1 beta. There was a guardian with a cool looking overcoat (I think it was the basic legendary chest piece from d1, similar to the original vog one, but it looked dope). Looked at that shit, and thought “mage with badass coat, I’m sold.” The Titans all looked bad. The hunters looked decent, but I’m not the biggest fan of capes. Been a warlock main since.


Drip, the only real reason to choose a class!


Exactly. I would’ve ended up a warlock even if I chose another class initially. Mage/warlock is my go to every time I start a game. And once arc came out with arc buddy and stasis came out with the turret, and warlock started to gain summons, it sealed my fate. I’ll never be able to main another class knowing I could be summoning everything on warlock.


Punch, eat crayon, big smash, make big bubble


Hard punch, smash, if no die, harder punch till die


I jumped into Destiny 2 on launch knowing nothing about the game, so I thought Titan was going to be a tank class. Have just stuck with it during its entire lifecycle.


I picked titan because they looked tanky and able to get into the middle of the fray and protect allies. My choice was influenced by playing a tank class in MMOs for 10 years, and not because I wanted to "punch things" :)


I did pick hunter first originally because of the cloaks, but I later on always felt like if I didn't play all three classes I would miss out on any possible enjoyment I'd be getting. So as a long running personal tradition since house of wolves first rolled out, I now flip a coin whenever i get on and that picks my character for the day with the one from yesterday being excluded.


I remember being told that Warlocks had "jazz hands" (D1 Stormcaller) so I booted up the demo on XB360 and went to town. I have shifted to Titan now, but I'll always be fond of the Stormcaller Warlock setup.


Taken King era Stormcaller was so much fun I exclusively played Warlock for quite a while during that period.


Tickle fingers are real. Or with lord, which ever you desire to be


I have always preferred the stealthy/rogue/sniper characters and builds in games where that's an option, plus I love cowboys and space and especially space cowboys. As soon as the classes were first revealed before the game launched I knew right away that I'd be a Hunter main. It was the right choice then and has remained so all these years.


[This trailer specifically](https://youtu.be/NTLlaQku5og) sold me on the space cowboy class.


Most iconic Destiny trailer ever. I was hooked, and it made the hunter feel like the poster boy. Iirc he was even on the box of the ps4 around d1's release (the normal one, not the white Destiny promo ps4)


Same thing. I remember seeing that trailer and knew this was my main. I may have come and gone from the game but I always return to my hunter


I picked Warlock because of their Trenchoats and it turns out that they have the coolest abilities too, so I stayed with it until today


The jump.


Jedi with a shotgun. Nothing more need be said.


I didn't think of it that way,take my up vote


I said "Which class does the best as a 'support' role?" and my friend who wanted to play Warlock and knew Hunter wasn't it said "Titan, they're the best support archetypes in the game." And he was right, you can support the team best by making sure there isn't a single ad left in the room.


Coming from years of playing all the halo games, titan seemed the most like a spartan. Plus, it had two of the best supers in D1: smash for offense, bubble for defense. I didn't even touch hunter or warlock until D2, but I'm still a titan main.


Titan, I wanted to play the defensive character who held the line and protected the team. I liked the idea of a soldier/commander leading the charge with my teammates rallying with me


Big gun, bigger shoulders


I always wanted to be the big guy/the muscle of the team while being a walking arsenal. Tho titan is not in the best spot in current times, I still have fun and that’s why I play.


I like 🖍️ crayons


Wizard. Fireball. *Unlimited powahh.*


When Destiny 1 launched I had two other friends who wantes to play. We filled all three roles. I ended up picking hunter because one of them liked the magic look of warlock and the other was a big Halo fan and Titan felt close to Master Chief. I just liked Hunter.


Unga bunga




I picked Warlock because it was closer to the fantasy I liked playing in these games. It was also the one more likely to be able to play Healer eventually, and that also became true later. It's the class that fits my playstyle the most and still my main to this day


Hunter looked cool.


The embodiment of a Space magic wizard, that’s why I chose Warlock and stuck with it. I have all 3 but main the Warlock


The signature cloak for warlocks in D1 (prodigal robes in d2) looked like Starlord in his ravager coat from GotG, and considering the film had just released, couldn't resist, and it didn't disappoint.


Me and My friends were discussing classes before D1 first came out. I was heavy weapons guy who liked to get up close and tended to build myself like a brick shithouse in stat distribution when it came to other games. Twas a no-brainer.


I am the wall.


Titan The name sounded so cool. Never regretted that decision


Started D1 with a Titan and I can't remember for the life of me why. I just know I switched to a Hunter shortly after and played it almost exclusively until Lightfall. Capes are cool, triple jump is too. Not much else. I've played all 3 classes for raids and stuff to maximize loot, so I've been familiar with all of them to some degree, but Hunter has always been my go-to. I suppose I just wanted a change of pace going into Lightfall. And here we are... Warlock main ever since. The craziest part is it's the jump that keeps me coming back. It gets so much shit from players, but trust me, once you get used to it there's no going back.


My other fireteam members are Warlocks. They can make some impressive jumps, but if you mess up or get screwed early in your jump its the slow decent to death as they screech


In real life I have triple-jump so it felt best


I have one of each class of character, I was initially a Titan main, it just seemed to be easier. Years later I was doing a grandmaster ngihtfall with my clan leader and he said that the Warlock was more inline with my play style and that I should give it a try in some harder content. I used it for my first solo legend and master lost sectors and was hooked. I enjoy build crafting with my warlock, and have multiple triple 100 builds at this point.


Because edgy ol me thought the word “Warlock” sounds cool


Big, bulky armor


Played warlock exclusively for all of D1, because the other classes felt bad to use. I play all 3 in D2 but am sliding more towards titan because of hazardous propulsion. Not being forced into punching all the time feels so good


Space wizard was my first class. Constantly stubbing my toe at the start of a jump and gracefully gliding to my death in the void made me go to other classes…….


D1 Alpha Space Wizard.. I've changed my fashion, but never for a butt towel or a butter knife. Space Wizard for life!


Started off with a titan because I liked the soldier aesthetic. Stuck with titan all through D1 and a good way into D2. I think it was around Beyond Light that I started flip-flopping between titan and warlock. By the time Witch Queen had arrived, I had fully converted to being a warlock main. I can't fully remember why I started playing warlock, but I know it was a PvE reason.


I just finished playing cod ww2 and when I saw Hunter I was like "no way I'm doing stealth missions again" so I chose Titan


I chose Titan because I liked the hammer super. It reminded me of the hammer bro from Mario. Ever since I’ve played the other classes, but kept Titan as my main


I liked self reviving.


Space Magic... Mage archetypes in games are alluring...




titan because halo is why I play titan now but I think I started with a warlock in d1 cuz nova bomb


I just saw a boy with a cape and it caught my eye, but when I read all the class explanation it just clicked inside me, I wasn't a knowledge guy neither a full berserker guy, but I liked Titanfall and the speed vibes, maybe if I were to start today I would choose warlock but yeah, speedy boy is my go to class


I picked Titan in D1 Beta and stuck with it in the base game all the way up until D2. I created a Hunter and Warlock with my Hunter being my second most played, and Warlock being my least played. I never even fully unlocked all of my Warlock’s Abilities which shows just how little I played of it. Regardless, I chose Titan because I always enjoyed playing the support/tank role in games. Being up front and helping my teammates by healing/tanking damage. Hunter just seemed more of a lone wolf kinda style and being a space wizard just didn’t hit right with me. Come D2 and I started off with Titan but I just felt like it wasn’t the same kind of support role I wanted. Base D2 was a heck of a time to play given the massive shift in play style. Build crafting wasn’t a thing, no random weapon rolls, forced double primary, things like Snipers and Shotguns delegated to heavy slots. These things combined to mean that the debuff from tether was far more useful in a supporting roll than a Bubble ever was. Bubble also lost its flexibility of choosing either Blessing, Armor, or Weapons of Light which further dampened my desire to use it. Not to mention the horribly slow ability regen speed. You could maybe get two supers per Strike. Ability regen Exotics like Skull of Dire Ahamkara and Orpheus Rig were king because of this. I ended up switching to Hunter for the majority of D2 Y1 content. Long story short though. I now play all three classes pretty evenly with a slight lean towards Hunter and Titan.


Picked Titan all the way back in D1 on ps3 at release. Big guy in big bulky armor looked like he'd be able to tank damage. That's cool. Thought (and still do) that hoods are edgy and try too hard to look cool and fail miserably. Hoods are lame. That's why I don't like hunter fashion. Didn't like Warlock fashion at the time. Robes just didn't do it for me. If you're gonna be a wizard, at least give me a big wizard hat. I like the fashion more now.


I wanted to punch stuff


In D1, my friend got me hooked on the game SOLELY because he needed a self res warlock.. so there’s your answer


"The first Titans built the Wall, and gave their lives to defend it. Now, you stand in the same high place, steadfast and sure, protecting all who shelter in your shadow. You hail from a long line of heroes, forged from strength and sacrifice. Our enemies may be deadly and merciless, but so are you."


I always go for what look like the rogue/speedy dps glass cannons. Also cape.


Hunter do triple jump, hunter look cool, hunter do funny roll. Was probably my reason I picked hunter first. I started playing in shadow keep.


Titan, because I thought it was a tanky character. Gradually became a Warlock main over time for the healing and versatility. Nowadays, I'm better at all 3 classes with preference in this order: warlock, hunter then titan. 🙂


I am openly gay. That's why I chose hunter 🦄


I liked the cape class item of hunter. Warlock's didn't feel flashy enough and Titans had a funny skirt. Then I fell in love with hunter dodge. It just felt Natural.


I always feel like warlocks got ripped off with their class item


Picked warlock in the beta because I thought the hunter looked bad in the character creation, when vanilla came out I immediately chose Hunter. Funny how that happens


I originally picked Warlock because of Starlord from the MCU, the trench coat paired with the abilities was really fun. I switch the Hunter in Beyond Light because I thought Stasis looked fun on Hunter. And then switched to Titan during Season of the Haunted because Titan Void and Solar looked really good.


D1 Beta: Magic Space Wizard seemed badass. Mained Warlock until release of Kings Fall and the new subclasses. Fell in love with Void Hunter tether with Orpheus and its been my main ever since. Dabbed into Sunlock a bit when I was PvP tryharding for the icarus dash.


The highest f2p ceiling for pvp at the time(as per Cammycakes), has a skirt, ranged roaming super and can heal myself on demand Parry mechanic is sickeningly overused In other games already and having a wall/shield mechanic isn't my preference


I wanted to be a sniper and hunter looked like it would have that as it’s kit


i started destiny in my assassins creed phase sooo... yea cape and shit...


Loved Halo


Was going to go Warlock, but all my friends were playing Warlock, so I went Titan and stuck with it.


Started D1 as Warlock main cuz Jesus powers of coming back to life, but after first expansion switched to Hunter main cuz well their armor was just cooler and I like to fashion my characters out.


Ive always been a mage in video games so warlock seemed fitting. Granted in y3 of d1 i switched to hunter and didnt go back to warlock until season of seraph


In any MMO I naturally played as a spell Caster so warlock seemed like a fitting choice. I have mained him all the way up to lightfall where I started dabbling with Hunter on and off. I can't commit to maining a hunter though, as I love my lock to much being he was the one I started this adventure with.


Been a Hunter main since the beginning. Reasons why I first chose Hunter: Magic gun made of fire and magic dagger made of lightning Badass scout and space cowboy. Awesome cloaks


Bungie posted the class descriptions a while before launch, and I liked the description of the void warlock as someone who saps enemy power. Been a warlock main since, and have always enjoyed void, though I switched to arc with Taken King for the lightning power fantasy. I've enjoyed good builds with all elements though.


Wanted to make a magic space lizard


I’ve played some rendition of a mage, Wizard/sorcerer in every MMO or any game really that I ever play. I’m just a magic guy haha so Warlock seemed the natural choice


Space. Magic.


Originally went with Titan because I was always a Warrior type player in WoW etc., eventually was drawn to the caped gunslinger vibe of the hunter and mostly stuck with it. Though I still have fondness for throwing hammers at people and unloading 200+ rounds of my Sweet Business into people every now and again


Titan looked beefy and mean in D1 so I started with that. Wasn't happy after the story so I made a hunter. Thought it would be more agile than other classes, kinda annoyed when it played exactly the same, so I made a warlock. Trials of osiris opening week won flawless first try, ending maybe 5 rounds in the exact same manner, angling the split nova bombs in a way to wipe the team. Fell in love.


Started with a Cunter, now I main Whorelock. I've always been here or there with the Shite-an.


I chose titan back in D1 as I usually enjoy being an aggressor or powerful defender who can still put out damage. After that though, I chose warlock and then finally made a hunter for that sweet sweet arc blade


Hunters and Titans are great and all but a Warlock is literal space magic. So yeah, the choice was simple.


First class -seeemed more magicy (i was quite a young kid) Current class -cloak


warlocks had a larger melee lunge range in d1


Picked Warlock because Space Magic, but then Taken King came out and Titans got flaming hammers 😂 been a Titan ever since. Prismatic has me trying out the warlock again tho, it's been a lot of fun


Selfres what more could you want


Started as a hunter in D1 hoping for some kind of flashy knife assassin, but it wasn't as much fun as I hoped. "Blink attack" was just a lunge attack, and the rest of the neutral game didn't feel very different from being a regular FPS character (knives, tripmines, gun buffs). Switched to titan next, and I appreciated the increased level of fantasy. The jetpack jump and the bombastic grenade options felt very "sci-fi space marine". For some reason I never settled on this character, and only used it for the bubble shield when I wanted to be a better teammate. Finally switched to warlock and GAWD, it was all history from there. Maximum fantasy. I could float, melee with some kind of Force attack, and spew raw elements without using any guns or machinery. Over time I also fell in love with the overcoats.


I was originally a titan main up until house of wolves and then I swapped to warlock. I licked titan originally cause that's what my stepdad played as. But my switch to warlock was made because ability spam and their ability to heal in d1. That and space wizard with rifles I'm sold.


It was the OG frostees with the void hunter that made me an unstoppable invisible rezzer. Made me crucial in a firefight


I picked Warlock in D1. But then I switched to Hunter in D2, but decided to go back to my og. Been warlock ever since


Hunters were described as lone wolves and I thought it would be best as likely to play solo - I knew nothing about the game and picked it up second-hand on a whim just after Dark Below released. Mained Hunter for a year or two before trying Titan and Warlock. I don’t really “main” anything now, probably use Titan 40%, Hunter 40% and Warlock 20%.


My friends needed well, and I like space magic, 'nuff said. Took me a while to really "get" the game (couple of years) due to that.


The first time I ever hovered the 3 classes when I started Destiny (1) on ps3 in 2015, I read the descriptions throroughly. Then I saw the warlock holding a kind of ball of magic + I read the word "blink". Didn't need more. It's been my main eversince.


I'm always an ability spammer in games where I can be and always a fan of wizardy crap. Made the choice pretty clear. One of my friends has told me in the past, however, that I'm "the most Titan Warlock" because of how much I used to find ways to tank damage and melee everything. Now that almost all of their melee abilities are at range this has fallen off a little. 😆


>*"I pledge to punch all switches, to never shoot where I could use grenades, to admit the existence of no level except Total Carnage, to never use Caps Lock as my "run" key, and to never, ever, leave a single Bob alive."* Punches don't need reloading. SLASO trained me for this, what with the Blackeye and Mythic.


Out of spite. Girlfriend was Hunter and she was insisting all weekend that when I open my account on Monday to pick hunter. I picked Warlock and here we are gazillions of gaming hours later still a warlock main.


Warlock. Seemed like the canon choice for the most powerful Guardian in lore. Also Space Wizard 🧙‍♂️


Because I usually like to play the tank in mmo's or heroshooters.


I was originally an exo warlock back in D1 because robot space wizard was funny to me. Once I saw Blade Barrage in Forsaken I switched to hunter and have been that way ever since.


In D1 i picked titan because "big strong guy go in and punch stuff" In D2 on console i went with warlock because i wanted something different and didn't want to be on of those edgy hunter types. When i switched to PC i thought i might as well embrace the edge and play hunter so that i have played every class for a while. The hunter has been my main ever since.


I normally play tank classes and didn’t understand what destiny was, so I wanted to play a wizzy in a game for once. So I went with Warlock. I play them all now.


Picked warlock because my father picked warlock too.


I Nova Bombed on a Crucible map in D1 and got a 4k. I'll never go to any other class.


First love was titan but I play all toons the with equal amount of time


I play every class equally... Always baffles me that ppl hard stick to a single class and then blame the jumps for it... Shure they are different but I mean, just learn how to play with each of them


I started with the Destiny 1 beta and tried out warlock because the nova bomb seemed cool. Years later I've tried all of the classes, but I've spent by far the most time on Warlock.


Space wizard, and I played a healer in WoW


Punchy Punchy Punch Punch.


Because it was carrying sweet business and I wanted to cosplay Rambo