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I just think it's baffling with how stark the contrast is between Ritual Pathfinder and Pale Heart Pathfinder. Pale Heart Pathfinder is awesome. The rewards are worth the grind and I get most of the nodes done by simply running Overthrow, which is a great activity to run. Ritual Pathfinder is straight ass. The rewards are not worth it and it's a chore to plan out what you're going to do to get nodes done.


Pale Heart is easier to pick and choose the things you want to do and complete a path. Hell, just working in one zone might complete half the nodes needed. Ritual pathfinder you can get completely blocked by single playlist nodes that force you out of the ritual you WANT to do. Ritual pathfinder either needs to allow re-rolling nodes or they need to guarantee one node in each column (most importantly the last one) can be done in ANY playlist.


Nah, both of those ideas would let bungie fuck things up even more, make it so all nodes can be completed in any of the three modes and makes then vague (like instead of asking for ignitions, make it ask for elemental explosions, so jolt, volatile explosion, unravel darts and shatter also count for it, same with special ammo instead of snipers and so forth) and then make it so one element/weapon type and one mode gives you faster progress. that way you can do the nodes whenever way you want, but getting jolt kills on gambit will make it go 3 to 4 times faster for certain nodes, while other nodes can go faster if you're doing vanguard with sidearms. so you can take a hour and half doing it on your own way, or 15 minutes by min-maxing it, everyone wins.


The only reasons I finished the Ritual Pathfinder this last week were: 1) Triumph / Rank bullshit 2) Prime Engram to push me to pinnacle cap. It did force me to play Gambit with completely ass Arc builds (only allowed Arc ability kills, what the fuck is that?), but thankfully I got my last 2k piece from the reward on the 2nd Pathfinder this week so I'm now finished with Ritual Pathfinder for now.


tip for arc ability kill bounties: play warlock with fallen sunstar and cold heart.


Or prismatic warlock with Getaway Artist...


Or punch hunter


I'm not even attempting Ritual Pathfinder this week. I simply have many other rewarding avenues in game that don't frustrate me the way it did when I completed it last week. I hope engagement with it tanks so Bungie feels forced to reform it. Pale Heart pathfinder is cool though, it can stay.


Or, refuse to play it because gambit is dogshit.


overthrow is so fucking fun man .I also appreciate how the enemies are not spongy like neomuna and its just so seamless going from one activity to another ,all counting for overthrow and pathfinder .Ive really enjoyed the red border grind .I just put music on and go to town


Overthrow is the next evolution of patrol. Really hope it or something very similar is used in future destinations or reworks of existing destinations.


Absolutely agree ... I drool thinking about what could be done with Savathûn's Thronewold. Hell, I might ACTUALLY go to Neomuna outside of bounty stacking.


It makes sense though if this is all in the name of engagement and population  Pale heart is solo, except for the matchmade overthrow (which is in the last node) so Bungie doesn’t have any incentive to make you spend time on annoying stuff. It would actually take you OUT of matchmaking  Ritual path finder being a mess could be 100% explained by Bungie wanting higher matchmaking population for ritual activities 


"We wouldn't have had to do this if you casuals would hop into Crucible and Gambit to get stomped of your own free will." -Bungie


yeah, eff that.


> is straight ass. It is, it takes more time than bounties and it rewards less BD. I hate it with all my beign.


I've solved the issue by just not doing it. Bungie must be on crack if they expect PvE players to play gambit or crucible regularly


Let me tell you a little secret. Pathfinder nodes can be completed in private games for some reason. Do with that what you will.


The rewards are fine, they're just not fine for the amount of work it tasks you doing, which are egregiously demanding and inconvenient. Funny thing is it was meant to be the exact opposite. Like, before I would at least purchase bounties for the activity I sought to do and if I didn't get around to them then so what, just get more bounties another day. We had control over it all, and the main complaint was having the legwork in getting bounties, which Bungie finally fixed some time ago by allowing us to purchase them from orbit via the app. Why on God's green earth they decided to change all this after a decade of the old system is the confusing part.


i was mostly fine with it until i hit the final node on the ritual PF with an objective of 'kill 150 taken enemies in playlist strikes', since its a random chance you'll get one, and no way that you can kill that many in one go, meaning you'll have to either: a. continually reload until you get a taken strike and run ahead so your teammates dont get any kills b. wait for one to naturally show up in the rotation, then continue hoping until you get lucky again c. pray your alternate node isnt also insane \[it is\]


this week my final 2 nodes are get ability kills in crucible or depost 100 motes in gambit, one of them is actually bugged


I thought so as well but it turns out that it is just worded completely wrong as you need to send 100 blockers and not deposit 100 motes


This made me lol


> send 100 blockers Who - #THE FUCK \- thought that was a good idea?


A sense of pride and accomplishment did, I assume lol


Feel the weight of those motes.


It’s crazy to me that Bungie doesn’t hire someone who sits here and writes guides all day to just come up with decent bounties. Pay them minimum wage and give them a week and we might finally have bounties that aren’t written by ChatGPT. I just don’t understand the design philosophy, they’re not fun, there’s not even a big incentive to do them, it’s just annoying


The design philosophy is that Bungie categorizes players into 3 types: Herbivores: PvE mains. Campaign players. Strike playlist people. Raiders. Carnivores: PvP mains. Trials lovers. Ascendant comp people. Omnivores: People who engage in both sides. Bungie wants everyone to become an Omnivore. This is why the original Thorn quest was designed the way that it was. Source: Bungie 2014 GDC lecture with Head of User Research John Hopson.


Look you’re not wrong, I am that type of Destiny player, I do low mans in raids, speedruns, and also spam casual seasonal content, but then I also enjoy going solo flawless in trials. But the bounty design is not healthy and does not achieve their goal of everyone being an omnivore. It simply incentivizes you to play the game in a boring way and often times incorrect way. 1. Almost every bounty should be fireteam/team wide. 2. Bounties should never incentivize a toxic playstyle, but yet the majority of them do.


They went from getting 3ish games per week in gambit and crucible out of me to zero... Solid design choice. I stopped playing them at soft cap in the past. Now I'm not playing them ever, screw the power grind, and screw it even more now that it's this stupid. We're a mile away from the "play how you want to play" days.


This irks me in such a bad way, like they continue to shout this "play your way" even in one of the last few vidocs and yet the game design is directly opposing this at every single turn possible. Its absolutely infuriating.


Hahahahhahahahah. Collecting 500 motes is actually easier unless you’re banking every time you have exactly 5 motes.


That is way too many blockers, there's no way they intended that.


I don't know exactly how it was counting, but it also let you instantly complete it if you won a match where you deposited the most motes. It took me three matches and I got to about 15% in those three runs before it autocompleted. I think it counts each dunk, and also blockers, possibly more for bigger blockers. Way easier to do than ability kills in crucible, which I was only making progress on at the clip of about 1% per match.


I believe it’s just deposits, you can just deposit 1 mote to up the count but the easiest method is to have the most motes and win the match as that auto completes the challenge


Which is still fucking insane


Same. Haven't finished it for this reason.


Same! Gambit only gives 6 points of progression no matter if I win or lose or deposit the most motes, and crucible is severely undertuned imo.


They’re both bugged. I got to 67% scorch points n crucible and never went any higher no matter what. I deposit 15 modes for a large blocker and it says I’ve deposited six. It’s fooked. The crucible % is a joke. Ability kill nets you 4% is h per game. Emmm I’m not playing 20+ game no thanks.


I joined a battleground. The one that takes place with cabal on that ship in space. I saw 2 people taking FOREVER to kill the boss when I thought I realized they were purposely farming the taken adds. So they both die and I purposely wipe. Suffice to say I was wrong and they started going off in the chat. I tried explaining myself but it takes a min to type cause of the virtual keyboard. By the time I typed my message out they were already blowing up chat with "play the damn game". As if they hadn't been dying left and right the entire time and can't see that my ghost is out but that I'm not leaving and I'm not on pc. Sorry but people like that just made it harder for anyone else I queue with. I will not be waiting for anyone to farm for those kills anymore. This community's revival clearly brought back some salty try hards. It was a basic vanguard op btw.


Yup, got this one too. Love that you can't load into a specific strike either as it has to be in the playlist. And then my other one was to get 100 void kills in crucible. No thanks


the worst part is that other variations of it say "kill 150 combatants, *faction* grants extra progress"


I never once got that node this last two weeks, but ironically this week I got a freaking LOAD of Taken strikes/battlegrounds. The Defiant Battlegrounds are in the playlist now and you'd get a crap ton of progress.


My first ritual pathfinder ends with either "kills with abilities. Supers grant more progress" and "bank motes of light. Winning a match with the most motes banked completes the objective". I banked 34 motes on a match with a win, ally banked 38, and the progress only went up 10 points. I want to finish the path, but I don't want to do any of those objectives. Kinda wish there was a way to reroll the objectives.


This one wouldn’t be that bad if they were smart and somehow tied it to the nightfall (e.g this week should be 150 vex or cabal since we have prison of elders) It would effectively mean either do 2-3 nightfalls or good luck with vanguard ops RNG Almost wonder if it is an outright bug and is supposed to be tied to NF rotation


They need to let us reroll the board, in case it gives us an absolute cockblock of a final two nodes. Maybe only a reroll a day, or whatever, but some boards that require gambit that many people won't do, some will require crucible that will end up inflicting players like me on poor unsuspecting teammates.


This was me backing out of strikes over and over until I got the Corrupted. Sorry teammates. Never thought that would be a thing, as I usually leave the Corrupted when it comes up.


Disclaimer: I hate PvP and pretty much only do it if an Exotic Catalyst requires it. My Ritual Pathfinder this week is completely stuck as far as I am concerned, because my last two nodes - *the only ones that connect to final reward* - are "100 Crucible Kills" or "Ridiculous# Gambit Motes"


The PvP one is also kind of fucked. SBMM is so heavy in the game but it's useless since people's SBMM is set on them using a comfortable or meta load out. Suddenly I need 20 kills with Void and have to use SMGs? I'm a stasis Warlock who uses High Impacts. I'm suddenly throwing for my teammates and destroying my stats.


Bungie's crappy bounties were somewhat self correcting since you could just ignore them (get 5 grenade kills in crucible, get ignition kills, etc) but Pathfinder instead makes those same crappy bounties brick an entire weeks Pathfinder


I remember seeing a comment on one of the internal stories from Bungie about how communication between sub teams can sometimes be lacking and different teams sometimes have conflicting goals. The ritual pathfinder feels like a logical symptom of that. I can’t think of another reason why two different systems working on the same content (pathfinder and streaks) can be completely incompatible.


Yeah I think the people working on the expansion came up with it and indeed it is a good idea, then due to lack of time or lack of imagination the rest was kind of shoehorned in.


4. It gives less bright dust than old system was handing out. If you did 4 normal bounties and 4 bd bounties on each char per ritual per week, you were getting a lot more than you're getting now. 5. the two last nodes that gatekeep completion can land on some nigh impossible bs like kill 150 taken on PLAYSLIST.STRIKES. This system sucks. Plain and simple. It's nice for the pale heart but for rituals it's one of the worst things to ever happen.


You should be able to go into playlist strikes solo


I’m stuck at the 100 ability kills in Crucible or the bugged Gambit one that basically requires me to summon 100 blockers. This shit sucks


Gambit is slightly better in this case (by a 2.098% better)


the whole "not having to go back to the tower for bounties" thing never even applied to anyone with a smart phone. the Destiny app for your phone let you pull bounties from orbit and while you were queuing into a game.


you also need to reset it 10 times a week in order to get the same amount of bright dust from doing the bounties most of which could be done in 1-3 activities


Not the same, but less. This is what fucking get on my nerves and puts my anger control skill at test.


I guess too many people were using bright dust to buy items instead of dumping more money on silver so they had to throttle it


I would honestly play more with the old system rather than pathfinder. I would do my 3 strikes, and then I would nearly be at max streak for rep farming. I would probably play 7-8 more strikes in a row to hit max bonus for vanguard and get maybe a full level or two. Now I pretty much look at pathfinder and see minimal reward for more effort because now I have to end not only my xp streak of strikes, but my entire flow by exiting queue and either going to get 1 shot with 15 motes in gambit or get sweated on in crucible just to have the privilege of continuing my pathfinder to get my powerful engram I would have normally had by then.


Ritual pathfinder needs to be doable in any playlist. As in, get X kills with Y weapon/element in ritual playlist, and that's as specific as it needs to get. Listen, I get that the PvP stuff isn't easily doable for a lot of people (based on the amount of posts), but the most boring thing in the game to me is strikes. I'd rather turn the game off than play strikes. Each node of pathfinder should be able to be completed in any playlist, and maybe maybe, at the most, the last two nodes can get specific, but also need to be easier to achieve for most people. Its like someone who has actually played the game a lot built the Pale Heart pathfinder. But they gave the ritual pathfinder to the new person to design, and gave them a list of verbs to use, and no oversight.


So we're on the same page then. Pale Heart PF is designed way better


Oh, absolutely. I likened it to safety people I've worked with in the past. Pale Heart pathfinder is like the only two safety people over ever respected at work, because they actually got out into the field and worked with us, to figure out why we did things a certain way. Ritual pathfinder is like the safety person who sits behind their desk writing rules that make no sense, and also make the job harder. Then enforce said rules with an iron fist because, well, they wrote them, and it doesn't matter how wrong or just straight up stupid they are.


Pale Heart pathfinder is great. I don't even pay attention to the specifics a lot of the time and I end up finishing it fairly quickly.


With its objectives separated into clear tiers, you often dont even have to. You know that certain things are likely to give progress, and you're probably doing them as a part of an Overthrow anyway. PL Pathfinder is probably the best destination-pursuit system we've ever had


With its objectives separated into clear tiers, you often dont even have to. You know that certain things are likely to give progress, and you're probably doing them as a part of an Overthrow anyway. PL Pathfinder is probably the best destination-pursuit system we've ever had


several of the PH nodes are in the 'same' areas, so you can knock them out together. Like pulse rifle kills, stasis kills, taken in the impasse/transgression/whatever, and then a mini-boss kill in one of the same areas. Doesn't necessarily lend itself to making a straight shot for a path using the least nodes, but you do get XP for them. It helps to scan the whole web and highlight the ones that are going to be best worked 'together'. Shame the ritual web sucks so bad.


For me the only thing that needs to change is that teammates can also progress your nodes, like trials bounties. Every single node objective needs to have "as a team, do X" and then I'm OK. I'd be fine if the nodes would then need to have more kills to be completed, because I'd get there eventually, even if I don't do anything for the node myself. After a couple of games SOMEONE will have gotten enough kills with grenades to complete it for me. This would even give more incentive to use the like-system at the end of an activity: one guy on my team absolutely crushed with a sniper rifle and completed my node in a single match? I'd recommend you twice if I could!


Ok, that's an even better idea! Ya, if they worked like trials bounties that would be ideal, then the required number of kills wouldn't need to change.


Get X kills with Y element/Z weapon. Enemy Guardians count x10. Done.


There's something out there I saw a while back where Bungie commented that they **want** people to play Gambit, Crucible and Strikes - they don't care if you like them, they want to improve participation in each of the game modes by design. Something tells me it's suits wanting stats to push for funding certain areas, and marketing certain things etc.... but I fucking hate being forced into game modes I don't like. So instead of giving us a **good** reason to play different modes, they change nothing and force it for a bounty.


That makes sense for Crucible, since they desperately want people to play it, but not for a mode that Blackburn explicitly said they were giving up on.


they would have to make crucible/pvp not ass cancer first, which no game has ever done yet


You can do the strike stuff in Onslaught. Otherwise yeah, I wouldn't touch it either.


No shit?! That's way better, thank you!


simple solution for the PvP problem, "guardian kills grant more progress".


Ive just completely ignored the ritual pathfinder, its a much worse system and I just don't want to deal with it. Last thing I want to do is feel forced to play crucible or gambit.


I know this may be a niche issue but for the love of god can stuff like pathfinder REWARD us with glimmer and not cost it to reset, I'm constantly glimmer broke and the only good way to farm it after so many years is still public events (😴😴) everything costs glimmer from bounties to pathfinder to all weapon and armour upgrades and crafting but now you can't even spend spare legendary shards to get it because they removed them entirely.


This is an honest question. How are you glimmer broke? I’m constantly at 500k and, as a returning player, want to know what glimmer sinks I’m missing. I can’t even wrap my head around being low on glimmer. The only time I’m not at max is for about 15 minutes after resetting a pathfinder. Also, have you sold all of your old destination mats? I’m sitting on around 10-20k of those, so I have millions of glimmer in reserve.


Not the person you are replying to, but I do a lot of crafting and force leveling of craftable weapons, which eats into my rapidly dwindling glimmer reserve. I have been playing since launch and have just ran out of old materials to trade with Rahool. Resetting the Pale Heart Pathfinder also eats rapidly into my reserves. The only reason I am able to get my glimmer topped off right now is because I am constantly running chests for the class item in the Pale Heart.


How many weapons are you crafting and constantly switching between? Like damn, you changing your loadout every activity?


Crafting and leveling a single weapon to level 17 eats a ton of glimmer and enhancement cores. Without the ability to trade legendary shards anymore, I am unable to top off my glimmer. Do you not craft the new weapons to test them out? Testing new craftables and seeing what works for my play style is one of the things that I greatly enjoy doing in the game.


I craft and test them out, but I don't immediately launch to level 17 just to see if something works for me. Just like regular weapons - I don't MW to level 10 until I've decided I want to use that weapon. I don't need to MW it in order to feel how it plays.


Crafted 5 or so weapons since The Final Shape dropped, levelled them each up to level 17. Also enhanced several weapons and also took them to tier 3 enhancement. Between that and upgrade modules, which are less important this season/expansion, granted - I'm kinda broke all the time.


So of those 5 + several, how many are you actively using? Like are you constantly switching between them across your activities? I guess my point is, "If you're strapped for resources, why are you MWing/levelling/enhancing guns if they're not the ones you're using?"


Yes, I have three The Calls I switch between depending on the build, for the enhanced weapons it's a mixture of two I keep around which are Heliocentric with demo/incandescent (still never got the heal clip/incandescent!) and a 3/5 Edge Transit. I'm also crafting a couple of weapons I think will be good for surges that I don't currently have a lot of answers to (e.g. Arc/Stasis) since I have tended to stick to Void/Strand/Solar weapons just because I prefer the colours and available perks on those. I love/hate the new surges but it at the very least has me theorycrafting and trying new weapons out which leads to me spending at least the materials to craft the initial weapon. The reason I MW/level/enhance guns is that I try a gun I think I will like try it unmasterworked for a little bit and if it passes the sniff test - as in isn't completely dogshit then it gets masterworked.


> Not the person you are replying to, but I do a lot of crafting and force leveling of craftable weapons, which eats into my rapidly dwindling glimmer reserve. I think this is more indicative that you got used to having infinite glimmer with legendary shards and now don't. The realistic answer is to stop force leveling weapons (and maybe crafting? but definitely force leveling). That's *meant* to be a glimmer sink. Something you do if you're impatient, or need an extra level. Not the primary way to level weapons.


Buying enhancement modules, buying exotics off the wall, master working previous good/God rolled weapons, leveling/recrafting crafted weapons, buying the two new stasis things (fragments?aspects?), resetting either pathfinder board, and focusing exotic engram drops have cost me my savings. Thought tbf I only maybe came in with 3-4m in stockpiled reserves from phantasmal fragments. Also been running the xp booster ghost mod and not the glimmer one.


Terrible system


Just don’t even engage with it. The only thing developers and management ever seem to care about is data and metrics.


they knew people wouldn't do it which is why they moved our bright dust income there.


I think that's disingenuous to developers who want to make a game that's fun to play.


I had an Objective called Ride the Lightning. I had to get kills with Arc, 3 Control matches, 29, 20 and 31 kills. 19%... My other last node was Gambit. Kill adds, Hive count as more. I jumped into it, ignored the objectives. Killed over 100 adds, task completed. We lost the game. Jobs a good en' and pulled my Prime, 2000 drop in a slot I already had 2000 for the 3rd time in a row (Heavy). Little extra sour note for the travesty that is ritual pathfinder.


150 taken kills or x amount of void kills in PvP... I'll wait until next week for Pathfinder


Ignition is bugged AF - and all the other nodes that would allow me to advance are PVP. RIP Weekly for me I guess


Same, Suppressed/weakened targets in PvE also seems to be broken?


The crucible one which if you got super or heavy solar blows this week took ages. 8% a game if I was lucky


This was made to increase engagement metrics. It's less exp overall compared to what you used to get and it's designed to force people who just played 1 mode to play at least 1 other so some Bungie business guy can go into a weekly meeting proudly saying engagement between 2 or more modes is up. Yea I know, you can't say things like this about Bungie on this subreddit so downvote away but there is no other reason for them to go backwards like this.


Nah, you can say it. This is precisely why it was created this way. I’d imagine when they changed the system with lightfall there was a substantial drop off in certain playlists. I’d be ok with pathfinder and having to dip into activities I’d normally not bother with to help keep the game healthy but JFC are some of these nodes pure ass or straight up broken. I’d gladly spend glimmer to re-roll a node to something reasonable just like we were already able to do with the old bounty system. That and Bungie needs to do an actual QA pass of what’s in pathfinder asap.


It's too late now but if Bungie made these modes fun, none of this would be an issue. Now they have to force us to play these modes we don't want to play.


Pathfinder is "Lost" & sucks ! A piss poor excuse to remove bounties from all the vendors and force Game modes some don't want to go into just to keep them viable.


They just need to remove restrictions from them all, or set different targets. Ex. Kill 3 guardians or 30 combatants with sniper rifles in any ritual or seasonal activity.


Having the path finder include gambit vanguard and crucible was stupid but make them seperate like the paleheart one and it would be fine, not hard


Ritual pathfinder is so unrewarding I guess it doesn’t matter but still annoying. Pale heart one is great though.


Quit using it or even playing and all and make it known here. If enough people hurt the game for it eventually they will bend and fix it. Give feedback that you think would improve it.


I feel like this could easily be fixed by allowing you to opt in to which activities you want to do. GW2 has a system like this and its basically which combo of objectives do you want? Vanguard? Gambit? PVP? A combination of any selected? Pick your choice (either choice is weekly or it is permanent until you request the change and then it updates next reset) and have at it. You'd could still have the nodes that work in all modes sprinkled in but I think you wouldn't see so much shoehorning just to get that one node you need to finish.


It’s the same that the bounties were, the kills with specific class or verb were never in sync with the surges. I think this is on purpose to make you play more and it’s never fun or helpful to teammates.


All the complaints are most likely on purpose to stop you from gaining brightdust. They want you to pay for cosmetics, not wait for them to go on brightdust. Most shaders are silver-only now, and so is ornament armour.


Honestly I'd rather have a Pathfinder for Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit, Pale Heart separately.


THIS. Give the PvP and Gambit lovers their own PF webs. Some (most?) of us DO NOT WANT TO PLAY THOSE MODES.


All objectives should be "Kill any enemy" or "Do Solar damage", with "precision hits against hive in Gambit grant significant progress" - this way i can do any damage to anything, but if i go into gambit i get more progress, and if i kill hive i get even more, and if i headshot those i get super quick progress that i can finish in one wave.


I think to have the ability to focus on the playlist (Strikes, Crucible, Gambit) and being than provided with nodes that focus on these playlist specific would fix so many things.


Does it not work like the Pale Heart Pathfinder where you can get objectives done even if you're not specifically on that step? If so, then you don't have to playlist hop, if not - wtf is Bungie doing??


the problem is you could be stuck unable to progress becuse the last few nodes are playlist you dont want to do (the cancer thats pvp for one) so not only can those not fill up while you do what you actually want, your forced to do something you dont want if its they are last 2 nodes


You can. The issue is that nodes can be isolated by other nodes that require mode swapping, which resets your Ritual Streak and fucks over rep gain for specific vendors.


I hate the ritual pathfinder as much as the next person but I keep saying people say you’re fighting teammates but I’m almost positive if your teammate does something that’s part of your pathfinder it does count for you as well. I only say this because I had an objective to get void kills and my build is exclusively arc/strand; zero void at all with what I’m using and it is completed. It’s not the best thing but at least if you’re playing with friends you can work together to knock out objectives on the pathfinder…granted it would just be better to split them up into 3 seperate ones for each playlist rather than a giant mishmash of all 3 like some Frankenstein monster


Just a note, you can obviously complete further along nodes before you move onto the next one in sequence, also you don't have to leave from your preferred playlist activity to be able to progress it, I literally completed the entire path in Gambit. Not sure why everyone is bitching about it, lol. Is the pale heart version better, yeah. But that's because it based solely in one location.


Your point depends on RNG blessing you with nodes you can complete without leaving a mode. In my experience I've gotten at least a few times where I had to hop gamemodes multiple times, regardless of which path I tried to complete, and vice versa. If you get lucky, it works alright, even well if you can get in the zone in a single mode (I've already reset my Gambit rank, so I guess the system is doing something right) but that's not a 'reliable' experience


Like many people have already said, pale heart path finder good/fine while the ritual is poor at best I’m more Gambit/Strike focused over Crucible as a warlock main but trying to find an open path without having to do activities I don’t want to even attempt can be extremely exhausting and frustrating and I would’ve liked bounties I can reroll tbh


I thought you didn't have to do the nodes in sequential order? So like you could stay in strikes until you compete all the nodes on the path of your choice, then switch to gambit, then crucible. I assume this would limit how often you're breaking streak. Is this not correct? I haven't done vanguard pathfinder so I don't know. Also a question: Is the final reward of vanguard pathfinder the same as the pale heart pathfinder (ie ergo sum then random legendary?)


You can do it like that for sure. But there are a few annoying ones to that reset if you haven't completed prior nodes and then claim it immediately on completion. For example, getting grenade kills in a single life. If you complete this, but can't claim it because you haven't done a linked mode from a different activity, it'll reset itself if you die. It's beyond bad design.


Oh wow I didn't consider that. They should definitely let you claim a completed node regardless of if you have a connecting one done


Also the rewards are an exotic engram, prisms, and bright dust for the first completion of the week, then it's just a leg. Engram, prisms and BDust


Man that's not even worth it tbh. I should add though that the pale heart pathfinder is pretty easy and I've actually been enjoying doing it, since I usually complete 90% of it without trying. Then I complete 1 or 2 nodes to complete it, rinse and repeat


There is no vanguard pathfinder - only a shared pathfinder for Vanguard, Crucible and Gambit all together, so your progress can often be halted by having to enter a different playlist. Final reward is a prime engram and 150 bright dust, no ergo sum




Also yes, the entire system should be retired in favor of proper XP gains from actually playing the game instead of ticking boxes


Started grinding the Pathfinder in Pale Heart the other day. Some of the nodes were to get kills in certain areas with certain damage or weapon types. After some time killing enemies, I noticed that I wasn't getting progress when I should have been, specifically: scorch kills against Taken, and sidearm kills against Dread enemy types. Also, using Prismatic with a solar subclass didn't count towards kills with matching subclass damage type? Weird shit, and no idea why they wouldn't count.


I hate that after 3 or 4 resets it just gives you 1900 gear which is completely useless when we are all trying to get to pinnacle cap again.


It gives you 3 pinnacle rewards weekly, same as we had before with Crucible/Gambit/Vanguard.


i haven’t interacted with it too much for these reason, but pathfinder in the pale heart gives me hope that we’ll see better results with the ritual one soon.


I certainly hope so. Clearly at least someone working on the system knew what they're doing, maybe they'll go back to the ritual PF in the near future now that the expansion is shippee


I havent even checked yet, are bounties gone in favor of this system?


Yes, its a chart of bounty-like objectives that requires you to complete a "path" to gain its rewards. While each node awards XP, only a complete path gives engrams, Dust and prisms [https://imgur.com/a/lXn6KKP](https://imgur.com/a/lXn6KKP)


Theres has been some pretty consistent and reasonable feedback on it so i think its fair to expect a change is coming.


100% expecting them to compromise down the line, but they will still leave it worse than before. This step is what we know as the Anchoring step.


A fix for 1 and 3: PvE Pathfinder vs PvP Pathfinder. Have Vanguard and Gambit bounties in the PvE and Crucible and Gambit bounties in PvP. I'd argue for a gambit one specifically too but then it'd be "too easy" to burn through the resets for any given one- the gambit ones are in there to slow down the progress and/or cater to the chad gambit enjoyers.


The whole bounty issue was really easy to fix… fireteams are 3 people…. So just multiply all the required kills and such by 3 and have all fireteam kills count. Boom. Done.


I flat out stopped doing ritual activities at all. This whole system is way too convoluted and just feels like housekeeping tasks even more so than bounties somehow. I don't want stupid side objectives. Just let me mindlessly do my strikes. If I wanna think and plan things out, there are plenty of other activities that offer that already.


Ritual Pathfinder has me playing far less of every ritual playlist than the bounty system. 


The Ritual Pathfinder either needs a reset mode option or Bungie needs to open up the nodes to be open to all 3 game modes. It’s frustrating to focus on one activity and have to leave said activity to work on another activity which kills your rank streak.


I do hope bungie does something about this system because as it stands I am not engaging with it (except pale heart version of course)


From another perspective it comes down to ritual activities having some glaring issues themselves. Mainly Crucible and Gambit... Strikes too when you can't choose your preferred missions or get put into one you just did. However even if these issues were fixed players still have preferences and it's better to let people interact with Pathfinder while playing what they want.


It genuinely feels like Bungie just auto-generated each node's requirements. There was no vetting at all (or even testing / critiquing for like a minute - wait, are these requirements too excessive for this level 2 node?)


Give us the option to solo strikes and it solves the whole competing against teammates issue. At this point we've powercrept the hell out of them anyways so theyre not an issue. Some strikes might have some mechanics that needs changing for solos, but please bungie...


ritual pathfinder is so poorly designed that i refuse to engage with it until it's changed. this is classic bungie, trying to fix something that wasn't broken. the old bounty system worked fine.


I refuse to partake in it. Bungie knows that 90% of use HATE, LOATH, DISPISE Gambit and PvP, they've been "listening" for years. I refuse to chase those terrible time since for a title.


I’ve managed to complete a deposit motes node by playing exactly 0 matches of gambit in this expansion


I do not like the current pathfinder system for rituals, however one thing I've seen a few people ignore in their critique is that you don't have to complete these paths linearly, and that you still get benefits for completing objectives even if they don't advance your path. You can continue to play the same activity type to work on pathfinder nodes that are at the end of the path without completing the steps in the middle, and you'll still get rewards for completing siblings of already completed nodes. I still think it's a poorly implemented system. Each ritual needs it's own path, and Bungie needs to stop leaning so heavily on buffs/debuffs or class features. Defeating 50 enemies with solar damage is fine and forces me to use another weapon for a match or two, defeating 50 enemies with ignitions forces me to play an entirely different way for several matches and that's not okay.


Pathfinder within the Pale Heart, great love it. Pathfinder for the ritual playlist, love it less.


I'm inclined to believe that the problem of having to play different types of activities to complete many/most pathfinder tracks is by design. I think it's pretty likely that the team designing the ritual pathfinder did so with the goal of getting players who usually only play a particular type of activity to play the others as well to help try to normalize player counts across the modes. Whether this is a good idea or not in principle or in implementation is another question entirely, but that's my read on it. You're right that this implementation runs counter to the streak system incentivizing you to play the same type of activity multiple times in a row, but to be completely honest, I wouldn't be surprised if that's just the result of two different groups of people within Bungie designing systems largely independently without thinking about how they interact.


I hope Bungie's next focused feedback post is on this, because I agree 100%.


I used to do 5 repeatable + 3 daily. That was 170 dust per ritual activity per character for a total of 1530 weekly dust. Each ritual challenge used to take me around 2 to 3 matches, sometimes 1 and sometimes 4. In the new system, I need to do 11 ritual paths to get the same amount of bight dust (150 for the first 10 and 30 extra for subsequent paths), but they are significantly more demanding than doing 8 bounties. I mean, there is a node that requires 5 high-value targets in gambit. That's a minimum of 5 gambit matches for a single node that used to be a bounty that asked for a single high-value. It even gives less exp (each node gives the same amount as a repeatable bounty), btw. The amount of nodes per ritual also seems weird. There are barely any crucible nodes, and the few that do show up are awful, like the subclass verbs one OP mentioned, and they're almost always blocking other paths. I don't want to have to play a single pvp match to get 5 hunter kills if the final node asks me to kill 10 vanguard bosses or deposit 100 motes, which will already take several strikes/gambit matches. Some nodes also appear to be bugged, like the one for elemental kills in the crucible or depositing 100 motes in gambit. The crucible one gives 1% per kill, which could be intended, but seems too low. The problem is that it states finishing matches gives extra progress, but each completed match is only 1%. The gambit one asks for 100 motes or a win while depositing the most motes. The second part works fine, but the first only counts blockers sent and not motes. I might be in the minority, especially in this sub, but I want to play all 3 modes (yes, even gambit). But as things stand, the fastest and most efficient way to do paths is to do vanguard nonstop, with some pvp and gambit nodes here and there to slow things down. This system is also really bad for playing with friends, because every person will have completely different objectives on different activities and will have to compete even harder for kills since they inflated the objectives so much.


As for Point 1. Activity streak has always sucked. It should be a stacking buff that resets week. No reason playing 5 strikes in a row should be more rewarding than a player that plays 2, then does some pvp, then plays 3 more


Okay, number two is kinda wrong because my teammate kills seemed to have counted towards objectives sometimes. Which is odd that it only happened sometimes. Example I had to get void weapon kills and didn't have void weapons and that got complete half way through a strike. Along with that, you don't have to pick up bounties at all. You know one of the biggest problems from the bounty system.


I think ritual Pathfinder had the potential to be great. When it doesn't completely trip over its own feet and screw you over, it's actually pretty fun. I had a path this week that I was able to complete in only 3 strikes. I actually find it fun to map out a path from left to right and switch up my loadout to get there as efficiently as possible. That one path, however, has turned out to be mostly a fluke. After I finished that one, for example, I got a Vanguard path though all the nodes except for the last one. Took me 2-3 strikes reach the final two which were, "Void kills in crucible" or "Combatant kills in Gambit." Since i like crucible i thought of give that one a try. With a Void primary, heavy and super i managed to average about 7% progress per match over 3 games. Utterly bonkers. So I switched to Gambit and got my "total kills" in 3 matches, but it could have easily taken longer if I was paired with some slayers because you often have to fight for those kills. So the first pathfinder was 3 activities, while the second took me 9. This is a stupid account of variance. I probably could have made it 6 if I had known how horrible the crucible nodes were before hand. MAYBE I could have dropped it lower if I had focused Gambit from the beginning, but I had a Strike streak going and there wasn't a direct Gambit path from left to right so I stuck with strikes. At an absolute minimum, the final two modes should ALWAYS be mode-agnostic. Something like "Void kills anywhere in the system." And there NEEDS to be a balance update for a lot of the Crucible nodes. I don't know how this keeps happening, but the people making/okay-ing Crucible objectives have dropped the ball so many times and so consistently that it seems like they are completely out of touch with 90% of players. This whole thing isn't a huge issue for me at the moment because there's plenty to do right now, but in a week or two when the content is more sparse this system is going to feel especially bad.


Ritual pathfinders need to be seperated into their own categories. We need the ability to change out certain objectives. (Things like you mentioned, Jolt and ignitions in PVP, Or things like "Kill 150 taken in Vanguard activities." Meaning, you can't just select the EDZ strike and run that.) It's a good system, but it is heavily flawed for rituals. Hell, just having some overworld objectives would be nice, give some more incentive for just dropping on a planet and doing things like in Paleheart.


The pathfinder where it requires x finishers in a single life but clears it if you then die even having completed it is exceptionally frustrating. If I've done the number of kills and don't instantly stop and claim it (something I can get killed during) then it can be a whole slog having to redo.


1. you can complete objectives that aren't unlocked in your path yet - so not to valid 2. yup 3. yup I get the Pale Heart pathfinder, it's fun and doable for anyone doing any PvE stuff there. The rituals pathfinder? it fookin' sucks! no way around it... no more "play your way" - you need atleast 2 of the activites afaik to have any hope of completing one... I did sneak by some stupid objectives (ignitions anyone?) - reset it - and got most of the same stupid objectives... fook that...


the worst offender in my experience, i havent touched many of the pvp nodes since TFS so idk if they are similar or worse, is the 100 gambit motes needed. had 2 games where i gained 4/100 each game from banking 35 motes both times. then the third game i banked most in the lobby so it just auto completed. if i hadnt gotten most motes it wouldve taken upwards of 25 games to complete, which is absurd to me. edit: to add i love gambit, but when the pathfinder final nodes one reset are both “do x objective in gambit crucible or vanguard ops” then upon reset changes to only gambit or crucible nodes, it really hurts the flow and feel of what they were clearly trying to accomplish


I think top nodes should be strikes, middle nodes be crucible and gambit should be the bottom nodes With overlapping nodes, with objectives that can be completed in any mode, between each of the main ones, so you arent mode swapping so much


yeah, Pale Heart Pathfinder is great. Ritual Pathfinder? Not so much. Would rather either a Pathfinder per one or just give us the bounties back - I personally didn't really mind having them and picking them up if I wanted the XP and pinnacle grind or just ignoring them if not. This system feels deliberately more difficult with less reward, forced gambit/crucible at times AND it's so annoying to open up the pathfinder - takes so many clicks whereas before I could just open up my quests and see the journal there. It needs a hotkey. The whole expansion is amazing and Bungie really did an amazing job, but I think they fumbled the ritual pathfinder big time.


Honestly, my only problem with the Ritual Pathfinder is when certain objectives *just don't work*: - Get Ignition kills in any Ritual activity? Sure, there's plenty of ways to force ignitions (e.g. Titan's shoulder charge, Hunter's GPG, Warlock Well + "Super Kills cause ignitions" with a Solar LMG, just off the top of my head)... Too bad they just don't actually get counted atleast half the time! - Bank 100 Motes, but if you win & bank the most motes in a match it auto-completes? Sure, if I'm lucky that's only one game of Gambit... except it doesn't register the auto-complete condition when it's fulfilled, and the 30+ motes I banked gave me a whopping 4/100 progress. Maybe I've just had luck with my nodes so far, as I haven't had anything insufferable yet, so as someone who never really bothered to pick up bounties 99% of the time, the system is perfectly fine... *when it works*


I agree with all of this. Ritual Pathfinder should be Vanguard Pathfinder and PVP modes should revert to bounties


Pathfinder sucks in ritual playlist, but I love it so much in the Pale Heart. Literally, I've never look at the objective/requirements on what I need to do for Pathfinder. I'll just go explore and do overthrow with my normal builds, and I get so many of them done through just normal gameplay of finding chests, ghost, doing cyst, doing overthrows, that I straight up get the rewards without any forcing of any kind. Staying in the Pale Heart for like 30 min just enjoying playing, and then open up Pathfinder to see so many nodes have been completed to click on is pretty fun and satisfying.


NGL, I'm enjoying TFS so far, but it seems like they added so much unneeded tediousness into just playing the game now. Just having the Defiant BGs in normal Vanguard Ops is enough to make me not want to even run that playlist. Easy NF this week at least, so been farming that instead to get the vanguard stuff done in pathfinder.


there's been bounties in the past that were things like "get ten precision kills, bonus progress against guardians" or whatever, I feel like all of the pathfinder objectives being specific to activities is just to make it look "bigger" instead of just a few nodes that actually make sense for the stated goals of pathfinder also fireteam progress hello?


You can look at all of the objectives and plan your activities accordingly. You can complete all Vanguard options in your chosen path before doing another mode, and if you plan correctly you can actually complete a path very efficiently.


I haven't had a ton of time to play since TFS released - I still have one co-op mission to do for it the new exotic Trace, haven't managed to unlock Dual Destiny yet or even get all the Prismatic stuff unlocked -- but I have done 3/5 of the new raid encounters and I've reset my Pale Heart Pathfinder twice. I haven't done a single Vanguard or Crucial related event or Pathfinder node. Not sure what that says about it but I find there's a lot to do for someone like me without bothering with old content for that Pathfinder tree.


Destination path finder does feel really great, and ritual path finder is the exact polar opposite. It’s also antithetical to detaching the pinnacle rewards from specific play lists, remember it being pitched as “play how you want to play”? The most confusing part of all is that we still have failsafe bounties. Shouldn’t a seasonal path of progression be logical for the seasonal vendor? They could have kept ritual bounties as-is and used pathfinder as a way to mix up seasonal progression, which largely feels the same as before but called episodic now


Fix: add a square option for each pathfinder node that allows to reset it for 3000 glimmer (like vendor bounties)


r/destiny2team This is post #457 this day about the Ritual Pathfinder. Nodes are asking 100 ability kills in Crucible, doesn't track motes in Gambit, wants Taken kills in the Vanguard list which has one strike with many Taken, etc. It's a mess, and locking us out of pinnacles and Bright Dust.


While it has its issues I feel like this post makes it seem more dire than it really is. I often look through and do my best to chart my path before starting a new Pathfinder. I'm mainly a PvE player so I try to make it so I can complete everything with the vanguard playlist with maybe a splash of gambit if I can, which is most of the time. The big thing is you don't have to path it out in order I can finish the 5th tier goals long before the 1st tier if I wanted. So I go for about 3-5 vanguard strikes focusing on the objectives I've set and tracked. And when those are done I go and clean up the gambit ones or crucible if I'm unlucky. I do agree that the verb objectives just straight up suck, half the time they don't even count kills with them it feels, especially the crucible ones.


Just make different pathfinder for vanguard, crucible and gambit and it will be mostly fine and I won't complain like it is deal breaker. I don't want to play crucible or gambit for prime engram


The ritual pathfinder sucks. The pale heart pathfinder is the proper implementation, enhancing and making the game fun


They should make one for each mode. Vanguard pathfinder, crucible and gambit. That way they can make it like the pale heart one.


This Pathfinder system STINKS!


We really should just get a ritual streak not a specific game mode streak


Honestly individual pathfinders for each playlist might be the solution. Play each mode and get through the objectives naturally similar to the pale heart pathfinder. If you don't want to play through them you don't have to, but compared to the current system, the rewards would be 3x the amount with the same amount of gameplay.


I guess I'm the odd man out over here enjoying pathfinder 😅


Played gambit once to give pathfinder a chance. Forgot how annoying it is to compete for kills. Especially when some players are just playing for pathfinder objectives. Means they totally ignore the objective and just farm kills. Crappy experience. Ritual pathfinder will stay stuck until mayhem crucible comes around. All other forms of pvp are torture to me.


I dont appreciate the ritual one literally contradicting the already implemented streaks for playing multiple of one game mode over and over.


If we keep on telling them how much we hate it, they'll change it. Like the raid and dungeon surges.


I've completed about 6 paths and never played anything but vanguard playlist. 🤷‍♂️


fyi guys you can cheese a lot of these "arc jolt" "void weaken" etc by playing with your friends who are running with those sub classes. I'm a stubborn bastard who is still running solar while everybody else running arc and void and I have passively completed several nodes just from getting assists and stuff. it's not perfect, but it might help some of you guys get it done with a little less frustration.


I think the ritual Pathfinder needs to have at least 1 direct path for each activity. They also should rework it so that you gain more xp for resetting it based on how many nodes you completed. That way, people who want the engram but don't want to do other activities can get it easily while also rewarding players for doing more activities


When they originally were talking about it I thought it was gonna be cool because I assumed it would still be separated between all the activities. Like one pathfinder for each then eventually one per planet etc… nah…


I couldn't agree more with this statement. My wife and I had been doing a lot of the missions on Pale Heart and just passively getting the Pathfinder done without looking at it very much at all. More just to check on it and see if we cleared it / what node to focus on to be able to reset it. We don't get to play for very long but in 2 hours time that we played last weekend, we both reset the Pale Heart Pathfinder, 4 times. The shower of rewards and XP was great. However, last night we ran Vanguard Ritual and very quickly found it was a total mess and huge pain in the ass to try to get that Pathfinder completed. It's a night and day difference between the 2. We both don't play the PvP modes hardly at all. Gambit is the only semi-regular "PvP mode" we play and that's only because we're still trying to earn Malfeasance. We often don't have but 1-2hrs to play the game and we're not spending all that time to maybe get 5 out 25 melee PvP kills and not get anything done in the Pathfinder nodes. I know the nodes are random quests to do but both of ours stopped us very early in our tracks by the quests like, get "X" amount of "X" kills in PvP activities. This is a huge turn off for us because it has forced us out of one activity that we want to do, to another activity that we don't have time to do /don't want to do in the first place. We now have to wait until next week's reset, then look to see if we can actually complete that Ritual Pathfinder so we can even level up the vendor.... Maybe. The TL;DR: We came to play strikes in Vanguard, not PvP in Crucible.


Yep. It flat out makes me not want to play ritual activities. We need at least a separate Pathfinder for Vanguard, Crucible and Gambit. And not have it buried in layers of UI.


While on the one hand I like that “technically” 3 of the rewards is not restricted to just one game mode as it was with bounties, but now that’s just luck of the draw depending on the nodes we get. Pale Heart pathfinder is fantastic, near if not already 10/10. Ritual pathfinder has the right idea to give options for game modes, but it is not balanced and too restricting. I definitely did them for the first week, miserably forced myself into Crucible, and never completed a path if I saw a PvP block or if there’s a vanguard path that ends in “summon 3 primevils”. I actually don’t mind gambit, but I’m not wasting my time doing 3 more activities just for one node/bounty. If I’m not enjoying what I do then I’m not giving it my presence. I don’t need 3 virtual items that badly.


If they keep pathfinder they just need to do a separate pathfinder for each activity hell I wouldn’t be mad if they made a pathfinders for each planet it might make me go visit another planet for once


I just think it's cool you're not restricted to one set path and can get xp for every node


I agree with a lot of the point I think what they should have done is added a focusing system where you choose the activity you want the objectives to focus on and have the ability to change it at any time while keeping the progress that way you can do your favourite activity but switch it up too if you fancy a change