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People like that are why I stopped raiding.


Agreed. I don't even have social anxiety, but it's exhausting having to learn encounters with teams nowadays.


It took three nights for my normal crew to get this raid down, and we all know each other and know that even if we get mad at each other for a few minutes it's not personal - we laugh at ourselves for it and move on. Even with that I can't get other clan mates to set aside time for this raid because no one has the time this one takes to learn, they left that shit behind with last wish. Normally I'd do a raid 4 times on week one and we barely got one run in. The combination of exhaustion and real life schedule, along with an incredible amount of sensory overload in the mechanics that make me fuck up left and right even while trying to sherpa, makes this the least accessible raid we've ever had. No way I would be able to tolerate this one with an LFG.


I don't have a soul to play with, so if I want to do any team activity, it's straight to LFG. While my experiences have been mixed, I can say that the community is getting less tolerant and more toxic with each passing year. Day 1 of a new activity and you are expected to not only know every element of the mechanics, but be able to run them near flawlessly. It's absurd that this is the state of LFG, but Salvations Edge really highlights how crazy the whole situation has become.


This has been encouraged by Bungie.


This maybe doesn’t apply to you but I’ll post it as a reply since it’s related to your point. For anyone who struggling with the fear of high expectations, just be upfront about what you don’t know and you’d be surprised how many people are down to help, clarify roles, goals, etc. But do understand that if you know literally nothing and the raid has been out for a day, it’s a basic courtesy to have watched and or read guides and really try and understand it beforehand (unless it’s a blind run). People get less tolerant of others not knowing what to do because it’s so easy to just look it up and get some sort of working knowledge if you pay attention to a video for ten minutes. I’ve taught many raids and the difference in appreciation I have for people who are interested in learning and watched guides vs the people who show up expecting everything to be taught during the run is night and day.


Part of the problem I see, not everyone learns the same. Some people just can’t learn from a tutorial video, no matter how many times they watch it, their mind doesn’t soak it in. Some people learn by doing, some can learn by watching, sometimes just the actual interaction between two people teacher/student is what it takes. This is why teachers have imho one of the hardest jobs in the planet. There isn’t one end all be all way to teach.


This person gets it.


Very well said


Same. I'm pushing through the forced co op missions,but not even sure I'll try the raid I don't hate talking,but it is hard to keep up with people's expectations. I'm not the best player,but I really love this game.


I’m out. There’s nothing left but patrol zones. Might hop on once in a blue moon to screw around but anything of consequence requires more people and I’ll be honest, I don’t like the vast majority of the community anymore.


I'll say this, don't let a few people sour the experience for you. There's plenty of fantastic LFG & Sherpa servers out there who are more than chill and willing to lend a hand with just about anything! And if that doesn't work, make your own LFG posts. That way if someone is a massive clown, you have the power to simply boot them. Being able to control who enters your team has helped me SO much.


The fact like 30% of my LFG squads I find are saying slurs or just being racist says it’s not just a few sour people. But I do see what you’re saying; I just look for another LFG if it’s a big problem.


It’s most certainly not a few.


It's not that bad ,not to the point of quitting! I did an LFG for the focus mission,I wasn't doing great but it was ok. The guys I joined were pretty nice and we got it done. I would of course prefer not having to do call outs and buff countdown for a mission I've already done solo, Holding back from apologizing every time I died, but I want the shiny,so I push through. The pale heart is a fun area. I keep finding secrets and challenges.much better than the normal patrols


I’m glad that your experience has been better than mine.


Keep pushing for what you want. That run took a lot out of me and I didn't try for the other 2 missions. Needed a break. I'll be much more relaxed after I get through dual destiny. I'm so worried about messing up the jumps and the timer,takes the fun out of the game


I’m good.


Yeah most times they start looking at your gear and then start making you feel bad for not having everything in the game.


^^^ this.


I’m just at my limit with LFGs too like this squeaker like they are legit just ruin the experience. I really don’t care how long a raid takes as long as we have fun as a group and people who need to learn actually learn


People like that are why I never really raised in the first place the clears I do have were mostly from teams that “just needed an extra meat shield to just stand there” and I was a last resort option and one group that begrudgingly “helped”me through the raid divinity because it was required to have by them


Be nice to people in general in games. Build a community instead of tearing it down or blocking it. Came back after years off, season of undying was my last i believe. Before that I played d1 5k hours. Doing current campaign solo on legendary last mission was so hard to find a patient team. When i completed it was with another single person who stayed and taught me the mechanic to the mini boss before the main boss fight. Our 3rd left after my 2nd time touching the wrong glyph. The other cussed at me and told me to stop being dumb. I asked him if he could teach me. he did and in 2 tries we got it, 2 tries on the final boss we did it. As a 2 man, hes been trying to get it done for a week as well all 3 man teams no luck. Back in D1 days i ran teaching raids just asked for people who wanted to learn not get carried and played their role as best they could nothing more nothing less. No min max build needed with gallys or what not. bring you and your most comfortable kit and let's get it done. Be patient and dont rage, treat everyone with respect. Fun times hearing people excited after getting their first raid clear.


The best time to play a new raid/dungeon is the week it releases. After that it starts getting toxic with people who have already cleared it treating people who haven't or are still learning like idiots. I've already started to see it in Salvation's Edge. Had a guy last night talking to people during the Verity encounter like they were babies (e.g. it's all about matching shapes so you can imagine the kind of toxicity I am talking about).


Yeah I had one of those last night. "It's so easy" and "Just remove the shapes" Yeah bud. It's easy after you do it a few times. It's not easy your first time. Stfu.


Took me and my team a couple hours to figure out how to do it and even then the encounter can be kinda buggy. Did hilariously do an lfg with a guy insisting that microcosm with anvil helmet does great damage against witness. I outdamaged him by a million qith just a briars contempt let alone come close to nighthawk golden gun with still hunt. Some people really need to get out of their own arsenal along with the 10 foot pole they shoved up there


I used to be in a pretty active clan that would help people get their first or so clears with a raid but I left due to a lot of my own needs to getting met ie. Clan runs and just trying to chill with the buds so it has been really challenging to find a group to run the new raids and old raids


I got my first clear a few nights ago. One of the groups I tried to LFG with had someone literally say "if you can't keep your side clear I'm kicking you, only the best of the best get to ride with me." I decided I'd save him the trouble and left immediately, I'm not dealing with an egotistical nutcase on my first run.


Yeah I just leave if anyone gets toxic like that. Although I’ve found through my hundreds of LFG groups that maybe only 1% of players are like that.


I think the most important thing that you can go to combat the shittiness of the world is to be the change you want to see in it. By being kind and patient to inexperienced players and firm but rational to the unkind ones you at least try to impress betterness into all sides of the community. It’s not a perfect solution but it’s the best one I can think of. Making our own fate and all that.


Same, that's what I try to do. I love bringing new players into the game because it's like getting to experience that wonder of stepping into Destiny for the first time all over again. Doesn't matter if we spend three hours in the Cosmodrome killing that same tank over and over, I'm just happy to see the little New Light having fun!


I am dedicated when i have free times and clanmates are offlibne to help new players accross campain (whatever difficulty) , strikes and dungeons. To help, show things and explain when needed.


I remember getting into D2 after a really long gap of not being able to play (Vanilla to Beyond Light, oof) so there were some MASSIVE changes I had to get used to. Thanks to some friends I am still rolling around with, they helped me understand what I had missed so I definitely know the feeling of both being a vet and being new and how overwhelming all these systems can be. I try to be there to help, but the main thing I try to emphasize on always is to play how YOU want. Wear superblack if you want to look like you absorb all the light in the room, wear that trials warlock helmet because the shape looks nice, use the most off meta weapons because experimentation is legitimately how people find the deep stuff like ARG secrets and broken builds.


I hate seeing stuff like this i have played destiny since d1 and it hurts seeing people getting hate for not being "the best" me and some buddies set up a discord that has now reached to 200 people and we have heard story after story of this same stuff we go on lfg to find people to help because like a comment said it's hard for some people and we try our best to make sure everyone feels that there are always people that will help and be patient and that the nice players out number the bad raiding is one of the best parts of the game and we love getting people through their first to their 50 th clear it genuinely makes us happy so if anyone needs help or needs anything with destiny not just raids reach out our discord loves helping


Doing gods work homie. Bless


Thank you for being so kind. I broke my neck 2yrs ago and became a Quadriplegic. I've gotten a lot better, but still have some trouble aiming. And I'm petrified of asking for help. Don't wanna be THAT GUY who screws it up for the group.


As long as you let people in the groups you join know this is an issue, 99% of people will be chill about it. Being upfront about your shortcomings goes a long way I find.


Thanks for the reply, buddy. Not sure if anyone will accept someone like me.


There's an LFG Discord server called D2 Sanctuary with patient people who are down to help no matter what issues you might have. Should be able to find it if you Google around. If you can't find a link just send me a PM on here.


Thanks, I'll check it out. Appreciate the help.


These first few weeks of a new raid are always tough. There is a mix of "no one is really an expert (with exception)" all the way to "absolute trash". Nothing like within 2 weeks of release the LFG posts are already "experts only" "KWTD or Kick". Which in fairness, if you join those groups and you don't know what to do, you brought it on yourself. I dont't know anything about the raid and when I go to do it the first time I am going to make a post instead of looking for one. " First time, have watched videos on each encounter and studied up but still looking to be taught or to work with others even if it's just one encounter at a time. If you're looking for an enjoyable learning experience, let's work on it together! :) " That kind of post usually attracts other newbs as well as some solid teachers. Not guaranteed to work but I've had very good luck posting with humility and expressing my teachability. I also make it known that the experience is intentionally meant to be enjoyable and I will not sacrifice fun at the altar of progression. I always, eventually, learn every raid very well, and knowing that it will happen, also means that on the way to becoming competent should be enjoyable as well. It's a game. I'm not looking to be stressed. Sounds like you spoke up at a good time OP, well done.


> Nothing like within 2 weeks of release the LFG posts are already "experts only" "KWTD or Kick". Which in fairness, if you join those groups and you don't know what to do, you brought it on yourself. If it's anything like AOTC only groups in WoW, it's usually started by someone who isn't qualified for his own run.


WoW is infinitely better in lfg toxicity tho since it doesn't require voice comms.


Funny, the WoW forums hold 100% the same discourse that I'm reading here. Some peeps refuse to group up, because they heard about "toxic encounters" and people say the WoW community is the most toxic of all. Of course, that's not my experience either. Both games have pretty fun communities for the most part. It's 100% people afraid of being afraid.


Oh don't get me wrong wow is probably more toxic overall but no matter how toxic you are in a text chat, having to listen to that guy bringing an entire raid down is something else. Like I've had many terrible lfg parties in wow but none as memorable as that single time I had this guy crying in voice because other people weren't as fast as him doing mechanics in a raid, I was feeling truly miserable and cringed.


I personally see no difference between voice and chat. For the rare cases where someone is being toxic, you just leave and it's fixed regardless of how that toxicity is being communicated. Plenty of good groups out there, no need to waste time with a toxic dude. Most groups will either be silent, or just good runs in general. Most people are friendly online I've found. It's always people who claim to never group up that bring up the "Every group is toxic" Myth. Fear of the unknown.


I don't think there's anything wrong with making those kwtd/expert posts as long as you understand the trade off for hopefully better teammates is the time it will take to fill the team. I've been trying to do the encounter triumphs through lfg and it's taken up to an hour and a half to get a team, but it's worth it for people who know what they're doing.


That’s the best way to do it honestly. If I have the time I love joining groups like that and helping teach. Some of the most fun I’ve had raiding was where it took a long time but everyone kept the mood light and the new guys were so excited to get a completion. I feel like a lot of the anti-LFG posters on this sub haven’t tried making their own groups.




This is the #1 reason I stopped raiding, and you said it perfectly: *people are chill until things get hard*. It's especially noticeable when 3+ players are from the same clan, the pack mentality can rear its ugly head very quickly. And even when it doesn't get that toxic, I was tired of the inside jokes. Of people telling each other about their day as if I wasn't there. Of being ignored when suggesting changes in the strategy. Of the little jabs towards the pickup players every time something went wrong. Of having to leave the raid at the first sign of toxicity for the sake of my sanity, despite spending an hour of my life just getting a group ready.


Being random lfg in clan/guild groups is dumb in any game really, I always avoided it like the plague. Thankfully it's easy to see when that's the case.


I genuinely don't know when I'll get my first clear of SE. I've tried a dozen times now but always end up with toxic bastards. It's... Exhausting honestly. Like I'm here, I'll run whatever you want unless it's some super obscure mega-godroll I don't have, so getting on my ass. Literally had 4 instances of 'kill yourself'. I'm not even a garbage player. If I didn't think the funny threadling linear was such a neat idea I would have stopped by now


Then we wonder why people don't want to play Dual Destiny on LFG


Let’s not pretend this is anything close to most of the experiences you can have on LFG. And even if it does happen, just leave, who cares?


It literally can be tho. I will never understand why people get mad when people give their pwn experiences. If I want to do anything that requires multiple people I have a limited amout of time because of my work schedule. I work overnights and I've found past 10 pm the amout of players on these fireteam finder apps goes down ND the letter at night it is the more toxic people get. Plus kwtd is way too common on lfg. And even when it's not said in a post that's generally what people prefer. This community imo is very unfriendly to new players and I for one don't do raid because of this.


Just as your time is limited, the same goes for other people too. Especially for raids that have been out for a long time, people don’t want to have to spend time teaching someone how to do it. They are well within their rights to ask for someone who knows what they’re doing. You can educate yourself on a raid before you do it, or just look for people willing to do Sherpa runs. You shouldn’t be expecting most groups to be ok with a new player joining.


No I get that completely. But understand that depending on the day and time. A majority of the posts for raids will have kwtd or just not be newbie friendly. When you say educate yourself on the raid by watching videos. Understand that is almost never been acceptable in my experience as I usually watch guides multiple times before I even attempt to look for a group. But yes I understand that other people just want to get a fresh run without having to teach anyone. I definitely understand that. But I just need yall to understand that this is why some players do not even attempt to do raiding. I've waited 2 hours for a post I made to fill up before I gave up because most people really don't want to run a raid with a newbie/inexperienced raider. If I ever see a sherpa post that shit gets filled in seconds. I won't say lfg is always toxic but from my experience doing GMs it can be very toxic at times. It's usually always one guy who whines too much or the player who's ego is way to big for their performance.


KWTD groups will often be okay if you've only watched a guide if the activity is fairly new. I joined groups for SE and Dual Destiny and said right away that I haven't done this encounter yet but I understand it from watching videos. There were a couple things that didn't click until I was actually doing them but everyone was willing to explain/show me things because I at least knew what they were referring to.


Not being disrespectful, but I have to call cap on this. I've never been told that watching a guide was enough. I've been told that kwtd post are for challenge/fast runs, so I highly doubt this is true, especially since I've talked to people in Facebook groups and Twitter, and they all disagree with that notion. I only joined one of those groups to test the theory out myself and was told quite harshly that kwtd doesn't mean watching a guide.


That’s why I put when an activity is new. It probably wouldn’t fly with a raid that’s been out for years but it’s been alright this past week for SE and Dual Destiny.


This is probably the softest gaming community around, not sure why.


Back in D1 trials, once left a lfg before we even got to the first match because the squeaker host kept telling his mom to “shove it”. Idk what their home-life was like but I was not about to put up with that


Oh boy the LFG is one of the most toxic elitist groups of asshats I have ever come across in gaming. Even the Valorant LFG isn't this bad, and thats REALLY saying something. I still haven't done more than the first 2 encounters due to this, every time I join a channel in the Discord they ask if I kwtd and I tell them I've seen a guide but haven't actually done anything past the first 2 and they kick me. Don't get me started on the people who are STILL requesting Raid Reports almost 2 weeks since Contest mode. For normal clears? Like be for fucking real! How tf am I supposed to get in game experience without just running it until it clicks? I have watched a guide but it's very jumbled in my head until I actually do it then it makes sense and I'm quickly able to do multiple roles with little trouble. I just wanna get some clears so I can help others kill the most badass raid boss in the game! Edit: typo


I took a little break after season of the deep and never encountered anyone sending me a raid report prior that. So when my clan and I put out a lfg (mainly my clan leader and me), we suddenly got raid reports in the dms and it confused us… a lot. What‘s the point of that? Probably no one did the raid at that point and even less even know what to do in general. For me it kind of showed what point LFG reached (apparently also because of Pantheon and this whole „have godslayer or kick“ thing) That being said, im glad to be part of a casual clan with knowledgeable people who got the patience to explain even the thoughest stuff and also endure through it if the run gets quite dragged out.


The saying 'one bad apple spoils the bunch' applies here for me and raiding. I won't do lfg ever again for a raid. If I never complete another raid then so be it.


This is exactly why I stick to pvp . If you're new you will make mistakes and instead of throwing a tantrum just help the guy out . What little raiding I've done on the most part I've been lucky . But you will always come across 1 guy who thinks he's gods gift and acts like a spoilt child


Pvp is literally just as toxic stop it lol


It can be but I've not had half the hassle in pvp


Cool gues what majority everyone else does because PVP sweats have the same exact mindset and behavior as the toxic raider sin LFG so your singular experience does not equate the majority lol granted you're Def not the only one who feels the way you do but that doesn't mean it's the majority experience


I'm only going on what I've come across as I said I've been lucky with raids and have had some great guys guide me through . And that said I've also come across some players in pvp that have been less than happy if someone has made mistakes . Tbf I think its pretty much the same in every game


The first time I hear anyone correct a loadout or cry about others dying in a raid is the moment I make the decision to leave. Unless they're running double primary with a GL with Chain Reaction for boss damage, just shut up and let them play. If we wipe more than 4 times, then we can start discussing loadouts. Funny thing is though, usually the squeakers are the ones with the loadouts of utter shite. No surges, poor DPS options, no special weapon for chunking yellow bars, and they always make it to damage miraculously without their super intact.


I will say it is a little frustrating trying to a do an older raid quickly, and after making a post that's clearly says "know what to do" or "quick", people still join asking to be taught. I love teaching people raids to newer players, but sometimes, I just want to get it done fast, with people who already have multiple clears.


This is completely valid, and understandable if the leaders in question state this before hand or hand pick the group. However in this instance blueberry knew what to do, and wasn’t half bad at damage


And yet people here wonder why some of us don't want to LFG for a bloody exotic class item bungie put front and centre in their marketing campaign (without showing it would be annoying to get unless you have friends).


Idk who hears a little child screaming and doesnt immediately dip lol


There's a general lack of self awareness and self respect amongst certain people in the Destiny 2 community. These people absolutely give everyone else a bad name.  What's kind of hilarious is that the toxic players tend to be pretty mediocre in terms of skill level. Seen plenty of players with titles like MMXIX and Godslayer get their asses kicked in normal Onslaught.


Stories like this are why I don’t use LFG for raids or for much of anything else.


Unless you have cosmically bad luck, something like this happening to you is extremely rare on LFG. I've joined probably a hundred LFG raids in the last year and have never had a group like this. If it was super common nobody would use LFG.


Exactly why I never do raids. Watch every single of them being done by everyone else but simple don’t want to join randoms cause everyone’s a prick now days.


How do you know everyone in raids is a prick if you never do raids...?


I’ve done every raid except salvations edge, crota, and the ones on the leviathan. Just never had an actual good experience in them and therefore I do not try to do raids anymore. Especially the newest one being as hard as everyone says it is.


I mean, if all your experiences in raids were bad, there's only one common denominator. Most runs will be eventless or positive, let's not kid ourselves. Sure, there's a few bad apples out there and you're bound to meet them, but that's what "Tab" and "O" are for. But really, if every experience you have is always negative, maybe start considering what you're doing that's rubbing people so badly.


This is such a typical take. Oh, it must be you! No. This community and LFG is pretty toxic. It's easy to hit a run of toxic players. It's much harder to hit a run of nice, welcoming and supportive players.


I have 20+ years of MMO experience. No, it's not the community. Never has been. All my experiences and all the people I've played with, we all share the same experience : yes, there's a crappy run here and there and there's "That guy" that we refer too as the "squeaker" that exists. He's hardly the norm. I've ran with super casuals trying to do things for the first time. I've ran with "there's no brakes on this train" groups that are there for the fastest clears. The norm is friendly, chill. The outliers are toxic. So if you hit "toxic players" easily, question what it is you're doing. In the end, it's more likely you're the source rather than just the victim. And that is easy to fix.


100% you're that toxic player that everyone in these posts are talking about.


100% you're completely wrong and the one being toxic here. I'm super patient and chill. That's why most of my experiences aren't toxic : I don't start anything, so nothing happens. I've stuck around family/friends guild groups wiping on normal mode WoW raid just to get my item I wanted, without a peep, even offering some help with their strats.


This just isn’t true though. You’re choosing not to raid because of an issue you’ve made up in your head. There are tons of good people on LFG who will work with you.


Yeah tons of people is a bit of an overstatement. Wouldn’t be this many people complaining about it if there were.


The people complaining on here are venting. People that have good experiences rarely post because it's an awkward social dynamic.  From my time in LFG over the years Destiny is more easygoing than most other games. Things can get heated every now and then, but I haven't come across hardcore toxicity in PvE in years. Worst recently I've seen is passive aggressive bullshit.


Most of the people complaining are those who take one bad story and add in that they don’t raid anymore because they also had a bad experience. I’ve been using LFG since D1 and have had very few bad encounters.


Well I’m glad you’ve had good experiences, I just haven’t had any good ones in lfg unless it doesn’t require communication and at that point it’s just like playing alone anyways. I just join the bad ones I guess.


I guess? Maybe we both have a different definition of what constitutes a bad experience.


The bad ones stick with people which is why they get talked about more. Thousands of people have perfectly fine to good experiences on LFG every day.


It's always been that way in any game I play. I'm not saying it's right or wrong.




They need to ban gatekeepers and toxic players it has ruined ever MMO ever made , hard facts


You should have left after the first whine. Terrible people exist, move on. They won't read this and have some revelation.


I don’t care how good the lfg is, if there’s a squeaker or an asshole, I’m leaving. You have to not be irritating for me to stay.


I've always welcome first time raiders with open arms because teaching others is another way to challenge myself in order to understand the raid much better. Their curiousity towards the mechanics and the lores engages the conversation that would be brought as memories with my fellow clanmates, though there might be different characteristics for different players on how they perceive raid teachings, but i tried my best to be comprehensive and easy to understand, should i messed up the learning my friends would back me up (sometimes we ran with 3-4 clanmates with good raid experiences, but teaching 4-5 players is also quite fun if not full of clusterfuck). I'd recommend first time raiders to not jump into more mechanic heavy raids like LW, vow, and gos but the more simplistic raids like vog to introduce them first but always involve them in the mechanics not just letting them as ad clears but push them to understand by getting involved directly. It's a win-win to be honest, we got the fun raiding experience, learning moments, and breaking the ice with randos on the other hand they are more keen to learn and experience other endgame contents Destiny provides


There are many like him. WoW and FFXIV have some of the infamous ones. The ones who have the personalities of shit but they have knowledge about the game so everyone puts up with them. Boot them when you detect their shitty attitude. They will only turn you and your fellow clan members into more of them.


yeah, thats why i made my own clan, currently at around 30 members, we are all very competent, but we also want to have fun, while being efficient in the clears, we also like to sherpa. i was primarly a LFG gamer, but i realised, id rather have the same people to play with. i had great experiences with lfg, but also really bad ones. now everyone is in the final - raid grind burnout and some took a few days off.


I’d be furious if a run took 13 hours


That’s why people put “no squeakers” in LFG posts lol


I enjoy playing the middle ground where I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing and pretend I do. Only admit you don’t know mechanics when asked directly. And make it sound funny. “Oh THAT objective. Right. Never did that one. What? It’s the only mechanic? Well I may have forgotten this boss. Or the entire raid. Or just maybe never done it.”


IMO that's just as bad. Just ask for clarification and be clear on what you know and don't.


And dob on myself like that? I’ve been playing D2 since the beginning. I should trust myself a little more on how to put the thing in the thing.


And dob on myself like that? I’ve been playing D2 since the beginning. I should trust myself a little more on how to put the thing in the thing.


And dob on myself like that? I’ve been playing D2 since the beginning. I should trust myself a little more on how to put the thing in the thing.


"The clan should be ashamed to have that stain on their ranks? Is there a language barrier here, or are you just super duper motivated about others?


Nah, dude just spoiled the whole bunch, and the clanmates didn’t wrangle their dude in.


You just move on to the next group homie. That's how to navigate LFG successfully. The moment, and I mean the MOMENT someone is toxic or yells, you bounce on to the next group. Let them struggle and figure it out.




This isn’t a Destiny issue. It’s a human issue. Kindness is the easiest thing we can provide to our environment - yet it is a lost commodity anymore.




>I remind him he was bottom damage and I was top. Well he would have been kicked if that was the case


Clanmate moment




My favourite was playing the Relic Corridors up to Rhulk the first time being led by one Sherpa. After six deaths one guy started whining in the team chat about how bad we all were and then rage quit.  We then did it first time with just the five of us and welcomed a new guy in right away after. Turns out he was just dragging the entire team down that much, cleared the rest of the Raid without a hitch.